Russians-How Much Do They Believe Education at Bei Continued from Page Three many within the next ten years, a civilan with_ the U.S. Armed Forces told me. "I personally believe if it can be postponed that long," he con- tinued, "the Soviet Union will de- stroy itself." THIS,AS contrasted with the opinion of a Yugoslavian news- paper editor: "Conditions in the U.S. now, such as mass unemploy- ment and concentration of pro- duction power in armament, are building up to an unavoidable de- pression. "But this, time, the masses will not recover. They will rise and turn against their masters. "I will not be alive in 50 years to witness it, my child, but you will live to see the United States flourish and grow under Com- munism."l Both the Army official and the editor could not be right. Large1 PAPER-BOUND BOOKS 50 Publishers Represented PROMPT SERVICE On Special Orders OVERBECK'S BOOKSTORE - - i 3 world Communism. But Inside the ,. Kremlin, the stronghold of first Study of a People and Their W ants; the Russian and now the munist state, are five churches, The irlwerst- nite Staes Marx, Enge ls and Lenin dictated - Their in h United the system to which citizens of the "classless society" of the s numbers of drunk, evidently dis- itself under perfected communism satisfied men wh~o are carried off - "the withering away of the trains in Poland, start fights in state:' streetcars in Leningrad, and clus- ter on Moscow's Red Square each THIS LACK of trust is mani- night might seem to give support fested just inside the triple- to the former's theory. barbed-wire "iron" curtain, where trains are stopped on their way LIFE FOR THE Russians in jos-into and out of the Soviet Union. cow and Leningrad is an il . Border guards spend a minimum nite series of paradoxes. hour sehrching under, over, and A true socialist state is one in inside each car for Russians with1 which the government controls a sudden whim to travel. the means of production, distri- But the people are trusted in bution, and exchange. And since such minute problems as payment1 the government of the Soviet for public transportation, a plant Union is the people ("dictatorship that would undoubtedly end up in of the proletariat"), everything is the red in major American cities. supposedly owned and controlled Travelers in Moscow's and Len- by the people. ingrad's streetcars and buses are But store "signs simply read free to deposit their own money "Books" or "Drugs" or "Depart- and take a ticket. They are equally ment Store No. 78." Never, as in free not to. the West, "Smith's Hardware" or The Soviet state has developed "Jones' Restaurant." since the glorious revolution into Despite the "dictatorship of the the number one power in Europe.! proletariat," however, appointed Within a matter of years, it will Soviet officials have amounted to be the first in the world, the! 'a "dictatorship over the proletar- people are told. iat" until the time when the work- Surely, though, the Russians ing class can be trusted to rule Wonder at still having to line up outside milk stores or waiting a Soviet Union are subjected. Whe- ther the people do or will continue half-hour before they can- be Ito believe in living as -re nTd served in a five-and-ten kopek is another qu:ston. store. I The people are subtly encour- A VISIT to the Soviet Union aged to renounce GRod and to be- .leaves one unforgettable mem- lieve in the heavenly glory of I Continued on Page FWve Continued from Page Eight through teaching can the fellow finance himself. The professor, a unit of the same cycle, often has as his goal the publieation of his research (if he wishes to survive at Berkeley). Students, in his case, are also a means to financial stability, or to phrase it more accurately, students are a neces- 'sary impediment. Administrators are caught up in the self-aggrandizement struggle which adsorbs administrators everywhere, but to perhaps a more intensive degree at Berkeley. since the university's vast re- sources must be preserved and since graduate and research pro- igrams are particularly expensive to finance. The Board of Trustees, finally, are elected for nearly life terms and are greatly detached from University experience since Cal's nine campuses sprawl all over the state. And the student? He is not only a necessary impediment to many a scholar, not only a cipher in the lecture hall, but his capacities as a human being are seriously un- dermined bya restrictive adminis- tration. And thein there are those of us who were not meant to become President. OXFORD CLOTH in white, light blue, linen, gold, wine, navy.. Sizes 10to 16 5,95 11 P M I I I i i 1 .a I r + . t " r ., V - there's nothing like the Wool Sheath Libe al duca ion I. DETAILED history o student affairs at Berkeley since 1957 would pros ide many complex 'questions. In simple, impressionis- tic form, it runs this way: SLATE was founded three years ago as a liberal student party c nt ued from Pa e Seten ' contradict one another in almost dedicated to improving the cam- all of their assertions nevertheless pus and increasing student in- problem by alt ring the ature of 1justify their vocation b, holding volvement. After a year, SLATE man, Although there is 1 Oge before them the spotted fabric of candidate David Armor was elected hand that is attempting this huge "human nature." "Inhumanity" is student body president. ioect, it is nevertheles pro- a term often used by humanists Within several months, SLATE ceeding, impelled by all the forma- to describe efforts made to lessen became involved in protests tive powers of the nation, the chaos that their teaching has against capitol punishment and HE MA media do not appeal wrought. the House Committee on Un- to MAwo man. Wh oul What they have failed to per- American Activities. i ceive is that man is a domesticated The Berkeley administration too little for the student. Those they? Never in history has a animal; just as all bull heifers are soon rescinded the right of gradu- who do care, or those paid speci- society been run for whole men; gelded save for a few whose seed ate students to vote in campus fically to care, base their opera- never have governments addressed is needed to perpetuate the pro- elections, thus furthering the tions on the assumption that stu- their efforts toward this creature's cess of cattle-raising, so most men alienation of SLATE and impair- dents should only be granted their must be carefully groomed in ing the party's on - campus freedoms if responsibility is first advantage. What is needed, now their education if the process of strength. demonstrated.- But they generally more than before, is the part- people-raising can endure. The administration, through do not admit the converse-that man, the man who can do his part President Clark Kerr and Vice- student responsibilities might de- cheerfully and reliably, who can HE AIM of the humanists is Chancellor for Student Affairs velop best if students were both be happy without regarding him- sound; they want to see every Alex Sheriffs, finally handed down appreciated and given large meas- man a king-even if his sovereign- the "Kerr Directives" which limits ures of freedom. However, at an of his country. and so as a person ty covers only his own mind. But, the student government's jurisdic- institution of the size and scope who must carefully debate within whenever they achieve this, their tion to those issues which the of Berkeley, it becomes tremen- himself the future course of product desires to extend that administration will define as "on- dously difficult for the administra- world, The average man is not sovereignty over areas which al- campus" and legitimate. tor to meet the student on a one- capable of being President-why ready have masters-mechanical to-one basis, which is perhaps the torture him by demanding of him masters that need no sympathy, FINALLY, The Daily Californian, finest way for both appreciation that he think as if he held his fate but only an occasional winding the student newspaper, has and responsibility to be developed. in his own hands? Whytrequire ofup. been placed under the general a man tired from the tensions ofupjben ladudrth gnrl a day's work that he turn his The modern people, who are at authority of a "consultative" A PROBLEM rises at this point thoughts to the novels of Kafka peace with their society, who are board-Sheriffs says the paper, for ' for Michigan, as well as Berke- or the plays of Pirandello. The at peace even with atomic war one thing, has been devoting too ley. Surely, there is more empha- whole man cannot be happy doing (should it prove necessary)-these much attention to events which sis on the student here-both in a part-man's work, nor can the have substituted "Queen for a occur off the Berkeley campus. the classroom and in extra-curric- part-man ever feel what it means Day" for an ephemeral kingship. Obviously a crisis stage has been ular activities-than at Berkeley. to be otherwise than he is; at On afternoon television programs, reached, partly engendered by But certainly Michigan is tending most he will feel a resentment, expensive and symbolic appliances students who do not always at- in the same academic directions and a rightful one, towards those are given away to those who can tempt conciliation or understand- at the California school--graduate who tell him there is something guess their prices. Charcoal broil- ing with their opponents, but and professional enrollment is evil about being content to mark ers and electric ovens go to hun- mostly by administrators who take pushing to 40 per cent of the total off one's life with autos, or, in the dreds of happy folk who utter either bored or paranoid attitudes enrollment, and research and sci- phrase of T. S. Eliot, "with coffee- oohs of animal pleasure, while towards students. ence are the most financially im- spoons.',Continued on Page Twelve In short, many at Berkeley care portant activities. 1; i ; T igan seve clai den to and unc or t Isi pac ano awa one bet to t try voti: uat it u reso can nele ing B gin len: abc Hop con now to a I Dressy enough for those inform- al dances and dress-up campus occasions. We show them in a wide selection of colors - of wool jersey and sheer wool crepes . . priced from 14.95 to 39.95J You'll be lovely to look at in this dress at right designed fort feminine flattery and charm--- of finely traced brocade, two- tone wool and acetate-sizes from 10 at 29.95 You can't resist this clever 2- tone velvet pixie at 8.95 nort those good-looking, wear-right, long, suede-look cotton gloves at 3.95 nor "Phoenix" sheer seamless hose-1.35 pr.. . and for that chic look wear un- derneath Lewella's "rock 'n' roll" long leg pantie girdle at 5.00. ' , f . l .. : i {. ' , ; ' Junior sizes from 9-15 Average girls 8-20 Shorter, 101/Z it 000 . NO ONE could argue that study' in the humanities is fruitless. The fables of Jeremiah and those of Nietsche offer us interesting views of bygone times. The history of the downfall of the Roman republic is absorbing in its ac-: count of that ancient rage. The gradual gap that arose between Issues and their representation, the restriction of the governors to members of a power elite, and the apathy of the mass of Roman voters are undeniably interesting, because of their superficial re- semblance to events nearer at hand. It is ironic that scholars who PAPER-BOUND BOOKS 50 Publishers Represented PROMPT SERVICE On Special Orders OVERBECK'S BOOKSTORE If KNITTING is- your hobby, we think you will like YARkNC RkAFT SHC YARNS in all weights, domt estic and iunported, in all the neu as well as a wide selection of sweater, sock and afghan kits. 1 books. 529-531 East Liberty -Michigan Theatre Bldg. You are welcome to browse at will. ON FOREST off Corner of S. University Ave. opposite Compus Theatre, CUSTOMER PARKING AT REAR OF STORE 10 Nickels Arcade Te .. Mir CDAILY E. r% ' TU E SEPT 1 3, 1960