THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Z I i_ Speech Department To Produce Eight (ConUnued from Page 1) - .1 ner of Hoover and State Streets. The playwright lived in ancient Greece from about 448 to about 380 B.C. He wrote forty comedies, "The Frogs" in 405 B.C. Only eity- en of his forty comedies are extant. The November 3-5 production will feature Michigan's Varsity Swimming Team as the chorus, moving and responding (in the water in this case) to the lines and actions of the principal char- acters. The first of Aristophanes' come- dies were virtually plotless, de- pendent mainly on political satire and personal linvective and the element of the fantastic. In "The Frogs" these two elements are present, but reduced iin favor of a more elaborate, though still simple, plot. Dionysus, the god of theatre (al- so god ow wine and fertility) be- comes dissatisfied with the quality of tragedy in Greek theatre, and decides he must bring back to life one of the famous Greek traged- ians. He disguises himself as his half-brother, Hercules, and makes tragedy. Dr. William P. Halstead a journey to Hades. will dires. The story of his descent is the initial part of the satire, during which ht meet's many characters who had been unfavorably im- pressed by Hercules, who had made the Hadeshtrip earlier.hAmong these are the frogs of the River' Stix. Competition In Hades, both Euripedes and Aeschylus (both famous Greek tragedians in actual fact) compete for the privilege of returning to Earth to again serve Dionysus by writing tragedies. The poetic con- test is won by Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.), and he is taken back to Earth. Taken in its totality, the play s a satire on Greek theatre and The third production of the sea- son will be a laboratory opera in cooperation with the School of Music, to be presented in the True- blood Auditorium, Frieze Bldg. Di- rected by Prof. Josef Blatt (music school) and Jack E. Bender (spetch department), the labora- tory opera is another bonus to sea- season ticket buyers. The title of the opera to be done will be an- nounced later. "Purple Dust", which Sean O'- Casey has called his "wayward comedy," will be presented at Lydia Mendelssohn Wednesday through Saturday, December 8-11, directed by Dr. Hugh Z. Norton of the speech department. The play was penned in 1940. Because O'Casey professes to be Excellent locations for students, nurses, hos- pital and University personnel in Ann Arbor's most modern buildings. Available furnished or unfurnished. LOCATIONS: Tappan near Hill Oakland near Hill Observatory at N. Univ. Huron at Ingalls Catherine near Ingalls Kingsley near Ingalls For Information Call: NO 2-7787 Days NO 2-4351 Eye's. . or stop by 302 E. 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Here, two young girls in love wit year, the department will present another of Moliere's plays, young man attempt to win him-so long as he will wait for th "School for Husbands." to grow up; W1cone to 7ch iGan! LET'S DEFINE OUR TERMS 111 N or's tie a4nd 4fe4ike -eaquarterE- -EAGER BEAVER SERVICE- SENSIBLE PRICES: One look at J. B. Towne'price tags is One bike is not enough for 23,000 students but we have one bike for each of the 23,000 students. USED BIKES as low as 1995 NEW BIkES as low as 4195 HUMBER (a Raleigh product, the aristocrat of all bicycles. ..- ,., rte; fris4. .. the best definition of "sensible prices" we can think of. We could call them "Discount," "Cut-rate," or "Sale Priced," but we're just not that type of shop-much too tweedy, you know! QUALITY MERCHANDISE: What good are sensible prices I', 6700 BEAVER BIKE if you haven't got high style, high quality merchandise? 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