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October 09, 1960 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-09

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Ohio State... 4 Iowa . .... . 27 Minnesota . . .7 Wisconsin
Illinois .. ... 7 Michigan State 15 Northwestern .. 0 Purdue ..

... 24 Oregon State
.. .13 Indiana .. .

. 20 North Carolind 12 Missouri .... 34 Slippery Rock
. 6 Notre Dame .. 7 Air Force ... 8 Waynesburg.


See Page 4




Little temperature change today,
turning colder tomorrow.

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXI, No. 18





General Assembly Votes
To Shelve China Debate

10th straight year, but by the
closest margin yet, the United
Nations General Assembly voted
yesterday to bypass the issue of
Red China's claim to membership.
Only 56 per cent of the mem-
bers voting supported the United
States demand that the issue be
shelved. This compared with 85
per cent at the peak of support
for the United States position in
Question Raised
The progressive decline in the
United States' margin raised a
serious question last night of how
long American officials could fend
off membership of a Peiping re-
gime ruling 650 million Chinese.
The vote was 42-34 to uphold
the Assembly's steering committee,
F x
..nears Ruth's record
r card so
Slam Leads
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK -- Little Bobby
Richardson, the unlikeliest Yankee
of them all, drove in a record six
runs and bombed the Pittsburgh
Pirates into quick submission yes-
terday as New York's American
League champs walloped away for
a 10-0 victory and a 2-1 lIead in
the World Series.
With stubby southpaw Whitey
Ford allowing just four hits for
his first shutout and sixth triumph
in a record 13 series starts, the
Yanks picked up where they left
off in Pittsburgh as the best-of-
seven playoff switched to Yankee
After rolling up a near-record
rout, 16-3, in the second game
at Forbes Field, the Yankees
stuk for six run in the firs
Counted Four Times
Then they counted four in the
fourth to put It away. Two of
those came in on Mickey Mantle's
third home run in two games, a
430-foot shot icto the lower left
field stands that put him one
back of Babe Ruth's record series
total of 15
If further proof was needed that
the heart of Pittsburgh pitching
hope lies in Vein Law, Bob Friend
and Elroy Face, the proof was
to be had. The National League
champs used six pitchers - just
as they had in the second game
- and none was particularly effec-
ive from the time losing left
Wn ierds(Vinegars Bend-ilm
gave up a leadoff single to Bob
Law, the first game winner with
Face's relief help will come back
to start today. Even so, the odds-

which had voted to shelve the is-
sue for the duration of this ses-
sion. There were 22 abstentions.
One member nation, the Congo
(Leopoldville) is not yet seated.
The vote had been tensely
awaited as a new barometer of the
relative strength of the Soviet
and Western blocs. Attention was
riveted to the newly independent'
African states, just admitted to
the UN.
Vote Independently
Most of them-there are 16 new
African members at this session--
clung to independent positions and
abstained from voting. Ghana and
Guinea, as usual, supported the
Soviet proposal. And the newest'
member, Nigeria, voted in favor
of Red China.
In 1959, when there were 82
members in the Assembly, the vote
was 44 by bypass, 29 against and
9 abstentions.
This year, with 22 abstentions,
it was evident the result could
have been a Communist victory if
some of these had decided to vote
for Red China.
See Consolation
The Communist bloc evidently
had little expectation in advance
that its fight to get the issue to
the Assembly floor for full debate
would succeed, but the Russians
could claim a victory in the low-
ered margin.
The United States, however,
hailed the vote as a vindication
of American policy.
United States Ambassador James
J. Wadsworth said the vote "shows
that the United States policy to
keep Red China out of the UN, in
light of Red China's aggressive
and warlike behavior, continues to
have the support of the majority
of the world community."
He added:
Notes Pressures
"This is true despite the heavy
pressures put on many states to
vote the other way. We welcome
the fact that the UN, which is
now composed of 99 members in-
cluding the new African states,
has rebuffed Communist China's,
continued campaign to shoot its
way into the UN."

India, a leading nation among
the so-called neutralists, led a
last-ditch fight to keep the As-
sembly from brushing aside the
Red China issue. But Indiana
delegate V. K. Krishna Menon
was overruled in an attempt to
persuade the Assembly to require
a two-thirds vote on the issue,
rather than a simple majority. A
two-thirds vote requirement would
have defeated the United States
on the issue even before yester-
day's vote.
I ."
Makes Visit
To Detroit
By The Associated Press
Missouri Democratic Sen. Stu-
art Symington said yesterday at
Detroit that a "working partner-
ship of business, labor and gov-;
ernment" would enable America
to win the economic struggle with
the Communist world.
Symington was in Detroit to
praise Michigan Democratic Sen.
Patrck V. McNamara and criti-
cize Republican national defense
At the same time, Republican
senatorial candidate Alvin M.
Bentley -- McNamara's opponent
-went on a whistle-stop cam-
paign that took him through more
than 250 miles in four thumb
Traveling in an automobile cav-
alcade made up of Bentley sup-
porters, the GOP candidate plan-
ned to stop no more than a half
hour in each town, shaking hands
and making short speeches.
Bentley will complete his tour
tomorrow, traveling 350 miles in
five counties in the northern tip
of the lower peninsula.
Symington, speaking at McNa-
mara's $100-a-plate 66th birthday
party, told newsmen, "The eco-
nomic war is with os right now-
we're in it."

'M' Ends Streak
Of Southern Foe
Glinka Directs Powerful Offense;
Raimey, Fitzgerald Score Twice
Daily Sports Editor
Rebounding from last week's narrow defeat at Michigan State,
Michigan's football team handed the previously unbeaten Duke Blue
Devils a 31-6 licking yesterday before a Band Day crowd of 77,183.
Led by fast-moving and hard-hitting sophomore scatback Dave
Raimey, the Wolverines Wing-T offense scored at least once in each
quarter and rolled up a total of 363 yards on total offense.
Playing his first full varsity game, the Dayton speedster rolled
up 114 yards on 17 rushing attempts and scored two of Michigan's
five touchdowns, bringing his season total to~ four.
Finest Effort
His finest effort came midway in the second period with the
score knotted at six apiece and the ball on Michigan's 30. He took

--Daily-David Giltrow
RAIMEY BREAKS AWAY-Dave Raimey (19), fleet Michigan halfback, eludes a Duke tackler and
outruns a few others as he stars his long 47-yard broken field jaunt in the second quarter. Raimey was
accustomed to being in front of the would-be tacklers yesterday as he led Michigan's strong ground
attack in addition to catching a pass and scoring touchdowns.
GrOu Backs Demonstrations

Associate City Editor
Special to The Daily
Seminar on Human Relations last
night supported the planned elec-
tion - day demonstrations against
the suppression of Negro voters in
the South.
The seminar held at Antioch
College, which was attended by
more than 200 students from 25
colleges and universities in Indi-
ana, Ohio and Michigan, endorsed
the planned actions of the student
non - violent coordination com-
To Set Details
The actual details of the plan
to be used in the demonstrations
will be determined by the com-
mittee at an Atlanta, Ga., meeting
Oct. 14, 15 and 16. They will con-
sider the types of demonstrations
which will best emphasize the
denial of the constitutional rights
to register and vote.
The motion for the demonstra-
tion approved by the seminar also
deplored the restrictions placed on
minority voting in the South.
The one-day seminar, first of its
kind in the northern Midwest, also
supported the philosophy and

method of non-violent direct ac-
It "recognized the moral signi-
ficance of the right of the indi-
vidual to peaceably assemble and
protest the denial of the basic
rights of any human being."
In the keynote speech of the
seminar, Paul DuBrul, former edi-
tor of the Hunter College Arrow,
said that the student movement
in the South was beginning to
fade due to lack of support in the
DuBrul, who last year spent
four months traveling through the
South for the National Students
Association, called for more action
by those in the North.
Workshops Meet
Following the speech the semi-
nar broke into six workshops to
make suggestions and, possible
proposals in the field of human
Topics discussed included the
election-day demonstrations; dis-
crimination in public accommoda-
tions, education and churches; the
transmission of information in the
human relations field; picketing;
and selective buying.
One of the final acts of the

seminar was to set up a body to
coordinate demonstrations and the
transferral of information in the
Northern Midwest area.
Three University students are
among those participating in the
civil rights conference.
A n t i-Ca%,S t ro
Band Flees
HAVANA (P) - The skillfully
plotted escape of 15 political pri-
soners from ancient Morro Castle
here Friday has released i group
of former army officers sworn to
battle Communist infiltration in
Cuba's armed forces.
A comparison of the names of
the escapees with those sentenced
by a military tribunal last Dec. 15
shows at least 14 of the 15 are
associates of Maj. Hubert Matos,
formerly one of Prime Minister
Fidel Castro's top aides.
Matos, Castro's former military
commandant in Camaguey Pro-
vince and one of the revolution's
leaders, is serving a 20-year sen-
tence for treason.

Cuban Plane Buzzes Sub;
State Department Protests
WASHINGTON (-The United States said yesterday a Navy
submarine was buzzed in an aggressive manner by a Cuban fighter
plane Just 28 miles from Key West Friday'
The State Department formally protested to the Cuban embassy.
It asked the government of Fidel Castro, who has been following a
bitterly anti-United States line, to take immediate steps to prevent
such incidents in the future. The buzzing was said to have occurred

a handoff from quarterback Dave
Glinka, swept his own left end,
and behind fine down-field block-
ing, put on the finest display of
open field runnihg Michigan fans
have seen since Jim Pace graduat-
ed three years ago.
Eluding tackler after tackler,
Raimey was finally downed on the
Duke 23. Then, after Denny Fitz-
gerald cracked right tackle for
one and Bob Johnson made a
spectacular catch of a perfectly
thrown Glinka aerial, it was
Raimey once again who brought
the fans to their feet.
Scores T
Taking a handoff from Glinka
he was stopped cold at the line
of scrimmage (the Duke five) but
he kept on driving, and to the
amazement of all bulled his way
over three Duke defenders and
dove into the end zone to give
Michigan a lead it never relin-
Receiving the second half kick-
off, Raimey gave the crowd still
another thrill when he nearly ran
it all the way back, finally being
halted on the Duke 49 after a 37
yard jaunt. From there soph
signalcaller Glinka guided the
Wolverines in for their third TD.
Key play in the drive was a
34 yard pass from Glinka to left
end Scott Maentz, who made a
fantastic catch on the Duke 12.
Seemingly blanketed by two Duke
defenders, Maentz leaped high in
the air, grasped the perfectly aim-
ed Glinka toss, turned a complete
somersault and held onto the
Temporary Halt
Temporarily halted by a holding
inalty, the Wolverines finally
scored when Glinka hit Fitzgerald
with a five yard pass. Hit just as
he reached the goal line, the hard-
fighting Ann Arbor halfback spun
around, circled to th sideline and
went to make the score 19-6.
The Wolverines added to their
lead on the first play of the fourth
quarter when Raimey broke loose
once again.
With the ball on the Duke 18,
he sped around the left side of
the line and was met by a host
of Duke defenders, but driving
hard he broke loose once and then
a second time, finally racing into
the end zone to make the score
Just minutes later, after Paul
Raeder had intercepted a way-
ward Duke aerial, the Wolverines
drove for their final score of the
afternoon. This time it was John
Stamos directing a 56 yard drive
that was climaxed with soph half-
back Jack Strobel's two yard
plunge. Top ground gainer in the
drive was a 26 yard pass from
Stamos to end Bob Brown.
Michigan had opened the scor-I
ing late in the first period when
Fitzgerald climaxed a 42 yard
drive with a one yard plunge over
right tackle. John Halstead's
point-after attempt was wide.
Duke tied the score in the se-
expert Visits
Southeast Asia

Woo Votes
By The Associated Press
The two presidential candidates.
bore down on the farm issue yes.
terday as they went back to meet-
ing the voters after the second
round of their face-to-face debate.
Vice-President Richard M.Nixo
flew into Wisconsin. Before a,
standing-room-only crowd of -5,000
in a La Crosse auditorium, he said
Sen. John F. Kennedy's program
of planned scarcity, as he put it,
would mean black markets farm
slaughtering "and all the evils of
OPA days."
Wants Parity Extensions
Democratic standard bearer
Kennedy made another trip into
Kentucky. At Bowling Green, he
said the tobacco program, with its
90 per cent support price and
tight production controls, Is the
type he would like to see extended
to other farm commodities.
Kennedy said Republican can-
didate Nixon is a recent convert
to the tobacco program.
The Democratic nominee talked
on leadership and world questions
when he stood before a cheering,
chanting crowd of students at the
University of Kentucky at Lexing-
ton. Police estimated the crowd
at 10,500. In Kentucky, the mini-
mum voting age is 18.
Cites Peril
Here, Kennedy said the Republ -
can leader of the nation has "not
only brought us to the present
Peril but doesn't recognize the
Both Nixon and Kennedy hoped
for the best from Friday night's
second encounter on nationwide
television and radio. Both their
camps reported receiving prepon-
derantly congratulatory messages.
Nixon was in good spirts, de-
spite a slight cold he said he got
as a result of perspiring during
the debate.
Kennedy reportedly felt the
match was about a draw.
An Associated Press spot check
of 100 persons widely scattered
around the country turned up no
clear decision either way,
Pickets March
Against Local
Chain Stores
Approximately 25 or 30 members
of the Ann Arbor Direct Action
Committee picketed three- local
chain store branches before the
football game yesterday in the
eighth consecutive month of anti-
discrimination demonstrations.
The group demonstrated from
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. before the cam-
pus branch of S. S. Kresge Co.
a nt dAn hr.n a n rof ,.mait

about midday Friday and to have"
persisted for 37 minutes. William
Blair, a State Department press
officer, said it involved the United
States submarine Balao and an
unarmed S2F plane engaged in
peaceful maneuvers.
Aggressive Dive
Suddenly, Blair said, a Cuban
Sea Fury fighter, a British-made
propellor type plane, dived on
them and "made repeated low
passes in an aggressive manner."
He termed the plane's actions
unwarranted and provocative.
Blair said the incident took place
28 miles southwest of Key West
in an area regularly used by the
Navy for training exercises. The
spot was said to be more than 60
miles from the nearest Cuban
The Balao reported to the Navy
that the weather was clear at the
spot where the incident occurred,
although it said there were scat-
tered rain squalls in the area. It,
said the plane disappeared intoI
one such squall.
Sonar Duty

Band Day Draws Iandsmen, Majorettes


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