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October 07, 1960 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-07

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Hawks Whip Red Wings, 4-2

McRae Becoming Versatile Ballplayei
s~ ' ~:~iu~ - _____


Associate Sports Editor
Special to The Daily
DETROIT-The Chicago Black
Hawks scored twice in each of the
first two periods to spoil Detroit's
NHL home opener, defeating the
Red Wings 4-2 at Olympia last
Goals by forwards Ron Murphy
and Bobby Hull in the middle of
the opening period gave the
Hawks a 2-0 lead which they
stretched to 3-0 on Eric Nesteren-
ko's goal in the second minute
of the second stanza.
The Wings then rallied, scoring

twice in four minutes, but the
visitors settled the issue and ended
the game's scoring when Ed Lit-
zenberger tallied 15 seconds before
the middle period eonded.
Mistakes Hurt
The Red Wings pressed the
issue from the outset but were
frustrated by their own mistakes
and the brilliant goal keeping of
Glenn Hall while the Hawks took
advantage of every break that
came their way.
First Score
'With Detroit defense men War-
ren Godfrey in the penalty box
for hooking the Hawks moved into
a 1-0 lead when Murphy fired
home Nesterenko's corner pass
from ten feet at 9:07 of period
Three minutes later Chicago
center Stan Mikita stole a Detroit
pass near the Wtings' blue line,
fired the puck across the ice to
Ken Wharram, whose point-blank
shot was blocked by goalie Terry
Sawchuck. However the prostrate
Sawchuck was' unable" to stop
Hull's weak rebound fiom trick-
ling over the line and into the
Quick Score
The Chicagoans quickly added
another goal to their margin at
the outset of the second period
when Nesterenko converted Mur-
phy's perfect lead pass to com-
plete a breakaway play at 1:07.
Wings Rally
The Wings rallied to score their
first goal, at 8:12, when Murphy
was off hooking. Wing center Len
Lunde scored the goal from close
in as three Detroit forwards con-
verged on Hall.
Exactly four minutes later Len
Haley brought the Wings within
one goal as he fired a blueliner
off of Hall's shoulder and into the
Detroit pressed on but Litzen-
berger ended the issue when he
took Nesterenko's pass from be-

hind the net and rifled it past
Sawchuck from 15 feet.
Chicago took to the defense in
the final period as the game ended
4-2. Both goalies ended the game
with 22 saves.
Montreal Wins
MONTREAL WP)-The Montreal
Canadiens rolled up a 5-0 shutout
last night over the Toronto Maple
Leafs in the opening game of the
National Hockey League Season
for the two teams, with Henri
(Pocket Rocket) Richard scoring
two of the goals.
The Canadiens outskated the
Leafs and capitalized on a five-
minute. major penalty to George
Armstrong by running in two
Bernie (Bom Boom) Goeffrion,
Marcel Bonin and Billy Hicke also
scored for Montreal and Dickie
Moore contributed three assists.
The Leafs were shaky on de-
fense and Goalie Johnny Bower
faced 28 shots, many at closel
range, against only 21 the Leafs
fired at MontrealyGoalieJacques
NHL Standings
Chicago 1 9 1 3 S 3
MIntreal 1 0 04 2 5
New York 1 9 9 2 2 1
Detroit 0 1 1 1 3 5
Toronto " 1 1 0 0 5
Boston* 1 0 0 1 2
Olhieago 4, Detroit 2
Montreal 5, Toronto 0
H1ore Evens
on IM Slate
The I-M program begins expan-
sion for the year today with the
first co-recreational night from
7-10 p.m.
Earl Riskey, director of the
mammoth I-M project, said that
the doors will be open to anyone
on campus. All the building facili-
ties will be in use, including such
exercising events as volleyball,
paddleball, squash, badminton, and
Also starting today is the Fac-
ulty touch football. league with
five games at 5:05. This addition:;
expands the football competition
even more, and the new loop is!
still looking for one more team to
make a total of 12. The games
are always Friday afternoon at 5.
The faculty has still another
tourney, golf, underway right now,!
with three men constituting a
team. Members of the squads can
play their 18-hole round anytime
until the University Course closes
for the season.

Many a high school football
flash comes to college with a big
reputation only to see it crumble
beneath the big arms and legs
of opposing linemen.
A speedster from Newport News,'
Va., McRae was known purely as
a runner, who supposedly scored,
touchdowns at will as the state's
top ground gainer in high school.
Wolverine fans could hardly wait
until "Bennie" would become
eligible as a sophomore and 'run'
for Michigan.
He 'ran' well, averaging 3.2
yards per play on 76 carries last
year, but the fans were disappoint-
ed as McRae failed to break away
all year.
Michigan has played twice this
season and McRae has not been a
standout. However, as Coach
Bump Elliott said, "Bennie is
doing his job." Against Michigan
State, Saturday, he averaged 4
yards per try, a respectable figure,
considering that State's highly
touted Herb Adderly could only
manage eight yards in five at
As backfield Coacn Hank Fonde
pointed out, McRae's average was
meaningless. The swift halfback is
running harder, and right through
the line. As one observant fan
noted last week, "Bennie even ran
right over someone." This was a
noticable change from the first
contest against Oregon when Mc-
Rae appeared to be using his track

"hurdling" more than his running
"Bennie jumps for these extra
yards when he's stopped," said
Fonde, defending the halfback's
'over the top' leaps.
Although known, and feared for
his running, McRae will be es-
pecially remembered for the block
he threw for Dennis Fitzgerald on
the latter's 99-yard runback of a
kickoff against State Saturday.
The contact could even be heard
via the TV screen, as McRae ran
the length of the field with "Fitz"
and was "Johnny on the Spot" as
he eliminated the last barrier to
his running mate's TD dash.
Not only did McRae throw the
noticed block, but he also "... .
did his job" blocking in the back-
field, helping the other backs
chalk up yardage. In addition,
"Bennie's defensive play is also
greatly improved," said Elliott,
"His spee and quick reactions are

helping him do a fine job for
us in the secondary."
After two games this year, it
appears that McRae's former
weaknesses have now become -his
strengths, overshadowing his run-
ning ability. However, Fonde voic-
ed the sentiments of the coaches
as well as all Wolverine fans when
he said, "We're still trying to
spring him on that quick opener,"
which, if and when it happens,
will bring forth the cry of ",..
there goes Bennie," an not the
old one of" ... Go Bennie, Go."
0 * *
Coach Bump Elliott was still
unecided about the status of half-
back Bennie McRae and fullback
Ken Tureaud, leading ground
gainer against State, concerning
tomorrow's intersectional clash
with Duke.

142 East Hoover

-Daily-Len Lofstrom
THERE HE GOES-Bennie McRae shows his speed as he takes
off against Oregon with quarterback Dave Glinka watching in the
background. However, Michigan fans are still waiting for the
speedster to break away, which thus far he has failed to do.





Big Ten Grid Teams Scoff
At Pre-Season Forecasts

CHESTERFIELD, L&M an d OASIS invite you toth
I. Io-t
nq est.

Striking swiftly and without
warning, the Big Ten has taken'
over the dominant role in the
national college football picture
again this fall bringing back
memories of the great teams of
the past.
Silenced last fall and in the
previous few years by the stinging
intersectional losses of its top
teams, the Big Ten has rebounded
with a balanced show of power
unmatched by any Conference in
a long time. Twelve times Confer-
ence teams have taken the field
against non-Conference teams this
fall, and the final results show 10
victories and two ties against
some of the best competition in
the nation.
Present Poll
In the present Associated Press
poll, four teams are ranked in the
top ten with two more in the
second ten. Only Michigan, Indi-
ana, and Northwestern were ig-
nored in the top 25.
Back in August when the ex-
perts were making their rounds of
the campuses, only Illinois and
Michigan State were given much
chance at national honors. Of the
Conference on a whole, Sports
Illustrated stated in their football'
preview, "The Big Ten lacks stars
or supporting players."
Someone was wrong. Already
there have been a string of play-
ers as long as your arm to hit the
national headlines; Ray Mauren
of Iowa, Herb Adderly and Gary
Ballman of Michigan State, Dick
Thornton of Northwestern, Sandy
Stephens of Minnesota, Maury
Guttman of Purdue, Ron Miller
of Wisconsin, and Johnny Easter-
brook of Illinois to name a tfew.
Amazing Change
The change from just last year'
has been amazing. Overall last
season Big Ten teams posted a
14-8-1 record, which, if looked at
on the surface appears commend-
able. However, lowly Marquette
was a victim twice and Notre
Dame, who had a bad year, for
three times. Toss in Vanderbilt
and Kansas State, who certainly
can't be classed as Big Ten caliber
teams, and the overall record
doesn't look so good.
The crowning touch to the year
was applied by Washington on
New Year's Day as the Huskies
rolled over Wisconsin, supposedly
the best in the Conference, 44-8,
before the whole nation in the
Rose Bowl.
Reporters bawled all summer
that the Big Ten had been hurt
by the recruiting regulations in-
novated in the Conference, and
predicted another bad year. The
Big Eight and the smaller teams
were getting all the talent, and no
more would the Big Ten be the
football power it once had been.
Monsters Back
Yet scarcely three-auarters of a

sota, the dormat of the league for
many a year, has finally come up
with a backfield to go along with
its traditionally montrous line.
Maybe it's just one of these
years and next year the Confer-
ence will drop to a. spot among
I the mediocre, but for the present,
the midwest has taken charge of
collegiate football again.

This is the last day to get your grid picks in, so hurry! The
deadline is midnight tonight. There are lots of tough games on this
week's list, but nobody gets them all, so get your entries in to the
Daily right now, and you might be the winner of two free tickets to
the Michigan Theater, now showing "The Dark at the Top of the
Entry blanks may be picked up at the Daily office and can be
returned by hand to the main office on the second floor or mailed to
Grid Picks, Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor.
This week's guest selector is the voice of the Detroit Lions. Van
Patrick. Director of Sports, Mutual Broadcasting Company.


Consensus picks in caps
OHIO STATE at Illinois
IOWA at Michigan State
PURDUE at Wisconsin
Oregon State at INDIANA
Northwestern at MINN.
KANSAS at Iowa State
Kansas State at NEBRASKA
Penn State at ARMY
HARVARD at Cornell

(consensus, 27-13-.675)
11. YALE at Columbia
12. Miami (Fla.) at PITTS.
14. NOTRE DAME at N. Carolina
15. SMU at NAVY
17. Baylor at ARKANSAS
18. Oklahoma at TEXAS
19. Missouri at AIR FORCE
20. Washington State at CALIF.

FRED STEINHARDT (28-12-.700)-Michigan, Ohio State, Mich-
igan State, Purdue, Indiana, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Army.
Harvard, Yale, Pittsburgh, Georgia Tech. Notre Dame, Navy, Wake
Forest, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, California.
VAN PATRICK (Guest Selector, 28-12-.700)--Michigan, Illinois,
Iowa, Purdue, Indiana, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Penn State,
Harvard, Yale, Pittsburgh, LSU, Notre Dame, Navy, Wake Forest,
Arkansas, Texas, Air Force, California.
* *
DAVE ANDREWS (27-13-.675)-Michigan, Ohio State, Iowa.
Purdue, Oregon State, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Army, Harvard,
Yale, Pittsburgh, Georgia Tech, Notre Dame, Navy, Wake Forest,
Baylor, Texas, Missouri, California.
MIKE GILLMAN (Associate sports editor, 27-13--.675)-Michi-
gan, Illinois, Iowa, Purdue, Oregon State, Minnesota, Kansas, Ne-
braska, Army, Harvard, Yale, Pittsburgh, Georgia Tech, Notre Dame,
Navy, Wake Forest; Baylor, Texas, Missouri, Washington State.
BOB ROMANOFF (27-13-.675)--Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Pur-
due, Indiana, Northwestern, Kansas, Nebraska, Army, Harvard, Yale,
Pittsburgh, Georgia Tech, Notre Dame, Navy, Wake Forest, Arkansas,
Texas, Air Force, California.
* * * *
TOM WITECKI (Sports Editor, 26-14-.650)---Michigan, Ohio
State, Iowa, Wisconsin, Oregon State, Northwestern, Kansas, Ne-
braska, Army, Harvard, Yale, Pittsburgh, Georgia Tech, Notre Dame,
Navy, VPI, Baylor, Texas, Air Force, California.
GARY GUSSIN (25-15-.625)-Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Purdue,
Indiana, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Army, Harvard, Yale, Pitts-
burgh, Georgia Tech, Notre Dame, Navy, VPI, Arkansas, Oklahoma,
Air Force, Washington State.
* * * *
HAL APPLEBAUM (Associate sports editor, 23-17--.575)-Michi-

Pick up a pack and take a crack at experting the big game. If you are the only one to come up with the correct half-time and fina
scores, the first prize jackpot is all yours. If there are ties, you share the money. The same applies to-winners of the second and third
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1. On the coupon below or on the back of an empty wrapper or on a plain sheet
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empty wrapper from L&M, Chesterfield or Oasis cigarettes (or a single hand drawn
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2. Mail entries to Liggett'& Myers, at the address appearing in coupon below. All
entries must be postmarked by midnight five days prior to date of game and
received by midnight the day prior to date of game. Enter as often as you want,
but be sure to enclose an empty wrapper (or acceptable substitute) with each
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THIRD PRIZE JACKPOT-$% Winning entries will be selected according to
the accuracy of the entry against the following In the order listed: (a) the winning

team; (b) the final score, and, as a tie-bresker, lf necessary d)4tte accuracy Is
determining the leading half-time team and the half-time score.In the event
of ties among contestants, the prize money for each-cf the three prize categories
will be divided equally among contestants tied for the respective prizes.
4.This contest is under the supervision of the Bruce. Richards Corporation, an
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5. This contest is open to the college students and college faculty members of
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