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October 06, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-06

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"How Can We Trust a Man Who Is Prejudiced
Against Crime?"




Smirlitgan Bally
Seventy-First Year
Truth Wil Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. a ANN ARBOR, MICH. *"Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


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Kautner Illuminates
'Sky Without Stars'
rprHE PRIZE-WINNING German film, "Sky Without Stars," is prime
evidence that several elements are not prerequisites for a good
movie: wide screens, color, lush music, million-dollar budgets, two-


DAY. OCTOBER 6, 1960


Assembly Representation
Needs Re-Evaluation

THERE are approximately 3,600 undergrad-
uate women living in residence halls on
the campus; the only group authorized to rep-
resent them specifically is Assembly Associa-
The organization functions in two main
capacities: as the Assembly Executive Board
and as the Assembly Dormitory Council. Each
week every independent women's house sends
a representative to a meeting of ADC where
she spends approximately a half hour listening
to announcements and reports. The Assembly
representative is expected to act as a liaison
between the major campus organizations, such
as SGC and the League, and the girls living
in her dorm.
IN HOUSES where weekly corridor or house
meetings are held the representative is re-
quired to inform the women of the ADC
proceedings; in others the information may
appear in the form of a john-door notice or a
similar announcement. Occasionally the girls
are given a chance to vote upon an issue of
Campus-wide consequence. Last spring a vote
taken into the dorms entailed the proposal
of the 1960 Yellow Team for Frosh Weekend
to stage a publicity stunt in the dining halls.
In fact, the establishment of Circle Honorary
Society is one of the few major accomplish-
ments which Assembly can point to as a
specific ADC project,
WHO THEN takes up the critical issues which
fall to Assembly? They are acted upon for
the most part by the Assembly Executive
Board. The board consists of nine women at
present with the position of public relations
chairman yet to be filled. Of these nine
women, seven of them live in Martha Cook.
Summit Pla

Upperclass housing is a crucial issue on this
campus. Assembly Association is the only or-
ganization with the authority to make resolu-
tions and act on this problem. Should the
decision be left to a group of nine women, who
themselves do not represent all women's living
units? Last year the only sizeable action taken
on this issue was by the board alone.
W HY DO such critical problems remain un-
touched by ADC? Perhaps, the problem
lies in definition of function. If ADC is to
continue to act as a sounding board for other
campus groups, might not its business be
carried on just as well by a mimeographed
According to its constitution the Assembly
Dormitory Council is supposed to act as a two-
way channel. Issues arising in individual houses
may be brought up by the representatives at
its weekly meetings. So far this year no such
actions have been taken. Last year they rarely
Perhaps the fault lies in the executive whose
agenda, often hastily prepared an hour before
the meeting, does not include a time for
suggestions from the body.
AT MEETINGS of ADC there is rarely dis-
cission among the representatives. After
the treasurer's presentation of the annual bud-
get no motions were made either in agreement
or disagreement, and the president had to
prompt the women into moving that the budget
be accepted.
If ADC is to continue, or perhaps begin, to
function as a representative body on crucial
campus issues, it is time for a revamping of
policy and organization. Only then will 3,600
women on this campus be fairly represented.

dollar plots. H ollywood, take note.
Director Helmut Kautner artfull
love frustrated by artificial barrier
- no mean task behind any
camera. The artificial barrier in
this case is also ,a very real one,
the closely-guarded bordler that
"divides Germany from Germany."
The story of its effect on a
factory working girl from the
East and a policeman from
the West is excellent sym-
bolism for the political and social
troubles that that same border has
thrust upon modern Germany.
. *,-* *
the filin would find all its appeal
in the quiet, sympathetic and
simple portrayal of human tragedy
that the Europeans have developed
so well. But soon- good old-
fashioned chases and intrigue
provide moments that round out
the appeal of this film. These
are sensationalisms, but not the
kind that are blindly strewn
through a. movie, seemingly divor-
ced from plot and theme.
Director Kautner's hand can
be seen in clever photography
that tells' much with little. Scenes
that might otherwise translate as
melodramatic are generally held
within bounds even though they
may slip over the edge a bit at
* * *
single asset is in the characteriza-
tion. Not limited, however, to the
principals. indeed, perhaps the
greater credit belongs to the sup-
porting actors. Each is a full per-
sonality, not merely a one-facet
We have the 6arents of the
heroine's former (and dead)
sweetheart, now jealously guard-
ing their new-found, post-war
security in West Germany; the
girl's own kind, but aging grand-
parents whom she must support
by working in a "people's" factory
in the East; a sanguine, jovial
truck driver who risks his own
safety to aid the policeman and
There is also a precocious child
who speaks excellent German for
a boy of six.
The subtitles are well done. A
good deal of humor pokes through
the necessarily terse translation.
It is surprising what plain old
plot, theme and direction will do
for a movie.
-William Giovan

y combines a touching theme of
s with sit-up-straight excitement
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices. should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN' form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
International Student and Family Ex-
change open Thursday morning from
9:30-11:00 a.m. every week at the Made
ion Pound House, 1024 Hill St. (base-
ment). Topcoats and sweaters for men
and women. Infants equipment and
clothing and children's clothing. These
are available for all foreign students
and families needing the above items.
The Office of Veterans' Affairs will
be open this month on Sat., Oct. 8,
from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for the
convenience of veterans who are en-
rolled for classes on Saturday, only,~
The TBM certifications for September
should be signed at .this time.
Make-up Final Examinations: Philiso-
phy 63, Prof. C. Cohen, Tues., Oct. 11,
1-4 p.m., Philosophy Department Of-
fice, 2208 Angell Hall. This i~s a cor-
rected notice.
Applications for grants in support of
research projects:rFaculty members who
wish to apply for grants from Faculty
Research Funds to support research
projects should file their applications
in Rm. 118, Rackham Bldg. not later
than Mon., Oct. 10.
Marshall Scholarships: Applications
for the Marshall Scholarships for study
at British universities are now avail-
able at the Scholarship Office, 2011
Student Activities Building. Applicants-
must be under the age of 28 and
seniors or graduates of American uni-
versities. The scholarships are tenable
for two years and each has an annual
value of 550 pounds plus tuition fees
with an additional- 200 poundsfor
married men. To be insured considera-
tion, completed applications must be
returned to the Scholarship Office by
October 12.
Events Thursday
Lecture: Marc Pincherel will present
a guest lecture on "The Diversity of
Vivaldi" on Thurs., Oct. & at 4.:15
p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Events Friday
Graduate Social Hour: Fri., Oct. 7
from 5 to 7 p.m. at the VFW Club,
314 E. Liberty.
Public Lecture: S. N. Eisenstadt, Prof.
of, Sociology, Hebrew University~ and
.currently visiting professor, University
of Chicago, will discuss "The Social
(Continued on Page 5)

Must Define Overlapping Spheres

I Slips


. t ,r . ' r ... n ... .. ....

THE FIVE neutral nations whose leaders at
the UN tried to arrange a §ummit meeting
again between the Russians and Americans
were pursuing a forlorn hope. As long as Pre-
mier Khrushchev behaves like an adult delin-
quent in the UN and as long as President Eisen-
hower still nurses his bruised feelings and
worries about the impact of American foreign
policy decisions on the Nixon election chances,
the outcome of the effort was foredoomed.
Yet while I regard Khrushchev's conduct as
mischievous and irresponsible, I regard Eisen-
hower's negative response as mistaken both in
substance and as tactics. For the basis for both
these judgments one must ask what lies in
Khrushchev's calculations, behind his recent
erratic behavior, and ask also what accounts for
the American refusal.
BY ACTING like a political street demonstra-
tor, Khrushchev is dribbling away much of
the prestige capital he accumulated over the
years since Stalin's death, Why then does he
multiply the antics and forensics which may
earlier have seemed refreshingly dramatic but
are rapidly becoming a sheer bore?
I don't go along with those who think it is a
gesture aimed at the new African leaders in the
UN. The most rudimentary insight into the
minds of these leaders would have told Khrush-
chev that he was playing it wrong in such a
case. For most of them this is their first en-
trance on the world stage after achieving their
nationhood. They carry their new role with re-
markable dignity and pride. When Khrushchev
drags the UN through the mud of his invective,
it is their UN that he is bedraggling and their
image of themselves that he is diminishing.
How strange a way this is to woo the proud
young men who are getting their first taste of
the conduct of affairs under such remarkable
NOR DO I believe that Khrushchev is the least
bit serious in his threat to lead a mass se-
cession of Communist nations from the UN and
set up a rebel "Socialist UN" outside. Such an
organization would only be another Communist
International, and Khrushchev must remember
how disastrous a failure the Comintern was,
and even the',Cominform after it
The Communists are better off without any
formal world organization of their own. They
tion or bloc but to humanity itself. Nkrumah
interests, behind the scenes, in the twilight
murkiness of secrecy. They don't benefit when
the splits that occur between them are revealed
Editorial Staff,
City Editor Editorial Director
JUDITH DONER ......,... Personnel Director

nakedly to the world and the inevitable pre-
tense of harmony and unanimity shows its skel-
etal falseness. Their aim is not to form a sepa-
rate Communist UN but to convert more
members of the existing UN into Communist
This threat of Khrushchev's is only a way of
underlining his desire for a split UN secretariat,
in which each power bloc will have its own Sec-
retary, and all together will paralyze the UN.
The proposal of President Kwame Nkrumah, of
Ghana, for three deputy secretaries to repre-
sent the Communist, democratic, and neutralist
blocs, is almost equally faulty, and would turn
the UN into an arena of warring blocs rather
than move it toward a sturdy independence of
any and all blocs, with a Secretariat committed
only to the UN and no one else, not to any na-
operate better, in their common and mutual
should know this, since in his own country he
fights off all moves toward regional and tribal
autonomy and insists on a strong government
at the center.
WHAT THEN is the meaning behind Khrush-
chev's actions? The closest key to them
seems to me to lie in China. Khrushchev has
to reckon with Chinese rivalry for mastery of
the world Communist bloc. The Chinese cast
so formidable a shadow on the future that
Khrushchev, probably in all genuineness, would
like some world agreement on arms control
before the Chinese get the nuclear weapons.
Hence his yearning for another summit
But the Chinese are also putting on a strong
campaign now --not five years from now -
to oust Khrushchev from leadership of the
world Communist bloc, and he must meet that
challenge. Hence the show he is putting on in
the UN.
Partly it is intended for Chinese consumption,
to show them that he champions their cause
so violently that he is willing to break up the
UN in their behalf. Mostly it is intended for
the consumption of the other Communist
nations and parties whom the Chinese are
trying to woo away from Russian leadership,
by charging the Russians with being lily-
livered, capitalist - loving namby pambies.
Khrushchev shouts his expletives and flexes
his muscles largely for their benefit to show
them what a very tough Communist leader
this tough Communist leader can be.
cept the resolution of the five neutrals for
an American-Russian summit seems equally
meant for domestic consumption. Otherwise
everything would seem to favor it. To be sure,
it might yield little or no results. But it would
serve as proof of the American will-to-peace
at a time when it is questioned. It would
stabilize the UN by strengthening the role of
the uncommitted members. And it would serve
as an important UN precedent, since it would
show that summit meetings of the Great

Daily Staff Writer
positions as closely related as
Senator and Assembly or Panhel-
lenic representative automatically
creates a conflict of loyalties.
Since Panhel and Assembly
represent interest groups with
specific problems, girls naturally
feel more loyalty to these organi-
zations than to a group represent-
ing all women. The tendency to-
ward parochialism is promoted be-
cause it increases enthusiasm and
cooperation. On the other hand, it
makes the task of identification
with the larger body more diffi-
If Senate is to be effective, its
relationship to Asembly and Pan-
hel must be clarified; if delegates
are to function inbothbodies,
they must understand their obli-
gations lie on every question.
* * *
THERE ARE TWO feasible ways
to regard the relationship.between
Senate and Assembly-Panhel. The
firstis to place Senate directly
above Assembly-Panhel in a
hierarchy which reaches from in-
dividual to house to Assembly or
Panhel and then through Senate
to the final legislative body, which
might be either Women's Judici-
ary Council or SGC, depending
upon the issue.
At present, Senate is regarded
as the weakest link in this direct
hirearchy. Both Assembly and
Panhel tend to avoid using it to
settle issues if they can possibly
send them directly to the author-
ity one step higher.
* * *
ed, the two groups may in effect
decide on their respective stands
before bringing up the issue for
joint discussion. This makes Sen-
ate discussion merely a repetition
of pre-established positions rath-
er than an opportunity for crea-
tive problem-solving. Ultimately,
the vote taken in Senate becomes
a farce, since the issue has al-
ready been settled within the
Assembly and Panhel meetings.
Part of this difficulty stems
from the dual representation sys-
tem. The old plan of different
delegates to Assembly-Panhel and
Senate (which has other serious
drawbacks previously discussed)
only partially alleviates this sit-
uation. It has the rather dubious
merit of guaranteeing that on
major issues each issue is dis-
cussed twice, and increases the
Assembly - Panhel tendency to
avoid taking issues to Senate
whenever possible.
* * *
A SECOND WAY to visualize
the relationship of the bodies is
as equally authoritative agencies
in different spheres. Hence issues
would go either to Assembly or
Panhel or to Senate, but seldom to
two of the three.
Unfortunately, issues usually
originate in either Panhel or As-
sembly, not in Senate. Whichever
group unearths a question is
usually reluctant to part with it.
The girls tend to feel that dis-
cussing an issue in Assembly or
Panhel is like a normal family

lems of independents, Panhel
considers problems of affiliates,
and Senate considers issues of
concern to all women; however, a
specific issue is not so easy to
* * *
FOR INSTANCE, rush is ob-
viously the province of affiliates.
Yet the people who rush are in-
dependents. Should the issue thus
be discussed in Senate? Perhaps,
but regardless of the outside par-
ticipation, it is Panhel which
sponsors and carries out rush.
Furthermore, the problem does
not concern all women because
the majority of the women on

campus is neither affiliated nor
Assembly and Panhel will be
forced to relinquish some of their
authority if Senate is to become
an effective decisioning-making
body. Both groups must be willing
to have Senate consider major is-
sues if the all-women's organiza-
tion is to survive. They may eith-
er relinquish the right to final de-
cision on most important issues
by regarding Senate as directly
above them, or they may relin-
quish control over certain areas
completely, by visualizing Senate
as an equally authoritative agency
in its own sphere.

Cultural Currents and Russian Youth

(EDITOR'S NOTE: While study-
ing and traveling in Europe last
year, Harvey Molotch spent several
weeks inside the Soviet Union. Fol-
lowing is an account of some of
his experiences with and impres-
sions of the progressive Russian
Daily Staff Writer
THE most startling aspect of
dissension within the Soviet
Union is not its lack or presence
of strength, but in the nature of
the dissenters.
Clearly, to the American visi-
tor and/or spy in Moscow, it is
the Russian youth who carries
the banner of contempt for the
Communist system.
A Westerner cannot walk for
more than five minutes down a

Moscow or Leningrad street With-
out being besieged by English-
speaking youths wanting to "do
some business" (capitalist style).
The best kind of business for
both parties is money exchange.
A dollar bill will buy ten rubles
on the official exchange, but
draws 50 rubles on the boulevards.
The inflation-plagued Communist
currency usually causes the first
contact between East and West.
the American suffices to break the
ice and assures the Soviet capi-
talist that all is safe, so he con-
tinues to speak. He'll offer exorbi-
tant amounts for American-made
clothing or such miscellaneous ob-
jects as pens, pencils, sunglasses

The Bum's Rush

(standard or prescription), cig-
arette lighters, shoes, and leather
goods of all sorts. x
One young man, dressed com-
pletely in western clothing, unob-
trusively joined an uneasy Ameri-
can pedestrian. Whispering in the
American's ear, he murmured,
"Trust in God?"
"Do you want to buy an ikon
cheap?" was the disappointing re-
* * *
talistic activity is against the
laws of the land. But the students
are not overly cautious. They ap-
proach Americans on the busiest
as well as the most deserted
streets, they obtrusively lie in wait
in Russia's most "elegant" restau-
rants, night spots and hotels.
They reply to an American con-
cerned for their safety that they
"would not dream of doing such a
thing five years ago, but now the
government is much less strict.
"We have manynew freedoms.
We can travel as far as we wish
within the country and the po-,
lice are not hidden in street dress
everywhere, as they used to be.,
"Khrushchev has given many
freedoms and so he is very pop-
ular with the people, but not with
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to general-
ize and state that the Russian
youth is against communism. But
it can be said that there obvious-
ly exists a significant group of
active malcontents among the big
city students.
Yet these young people are the
products of a completely socialist-
ic .environment (Soviet variety)
who have never known anything
but party-line training and post-
revolution edutation.
A philosophy student studying
at the University of Moscow, liv-
ing in modern, comfortable hous-
ing, ' and. receiving an ample
amount of spending money freely
admitted that he needed Ameri-
can dollars to facilitate an es-
cape via Finland in the near fu-
ture. Although the state was pay-
ing his entire education and gro-
cery bill, he claimed he could no
longer stand the Communist sys-

speaking Leningrader said in ef
fect. "I knew that in America,
people can listen to Tschaikovsky
or Strauss, or Brubeck. The gov-
ernment tells us not to listen to
Brubeck. You have freedom and
we do not."
Another student's enlighten-
ment was touched off by the So-
viet restrictions on modern art.
Most Western works after Van
Gogh are stored away from the
public's eye, although a sizeable
collection of modern art is im-
prisoned within Russian boundar-
"Art is my life, yet I'm cut off
from it," the student lamented.
"This started me questioning
Such forms of self-expression
as jazz and modern painting, re-
quiring individualism, experimen-
tation, and imagination clearly
are inconsistent with Soviet ide-
ologies and must thus be dis-
couraged by the State. But in
being forced into this course of
action, the Soviets alienate a core
of inquisitive intellectuals whose
natural leanings have erupted in
the more relaxed era of Khrush-
* * *
sold on the West, but in some
cases its members attach a misty
idealism' to America. They believe
that they hear only lies from their
own government and truth from
Many are left to believe that
American racial problems either
do not exist at all or are greatly
exaggerated by the Soviet papers.
One Moscovite delivered the prob-
lematic but sincerely-meant com-
pliment, "You have race inequal-
ity in America, precisely because
you have freedom. Our govern-
ment will not allow such free-
Obviously, Radio Free Europe,
Modigliani, and Dave Brubeck are
doing a job for America. Perhaps
their Soviet patrons will someday
make their presence strongly felt.
SOMEWHERE - I am not sure
whe..- Jnhn Tnneth Gal-

1 : I\V

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