THE MICHIGAN DAILY ritish Labor Party o Adopt Neutral Asks olicy T I?>_ "I KNOW I AM RIGHT": Benson Backs Present Farm Policy By OVID A. MARTIN Associated Press Farm Reporter Politicians may be shooting at him from all directions, but Ezra Taft Benson refuses to retreat from government farm policies that have made him a controver- sial figure. The Eisenhower administration's Secretary of Agriculture maintains an air of calmness even though he is being isolated from agricultural affairs of his own party in its ef- forts to hold on to the White House. "I intend to fight for these poli-" cies as long as I am in office and after I return to private life," Ben- son said in an interview. Avoids Relation Vice-President Richard M. Nix- on, the Republican presidential nominee, has pointedly avoided di- rect relationship during the cam- paign with Benson and Benson's close associates. Nixon has made TOMORROW Carlos M ODya It plain he wishes to be disassoci- ated from Benson and Benson's policies designed to get the gov- ernment out of farming as quickly as possible. Nixon has endorsed some of the longer range objectives of the Ben- son program, but would use strong- er government measures in the short run to bolster the farmer's economic position. How does Benson feel about this Nixon attitude and the sharp criti- cism of him and his policies by the Democrats? Gives Answer Here's the answer in his own words:! "I accept the criticisms and the attacks with calmness because I know I am right. I am as con- vinced now as I was when I be- came secretary nearly eight years ago that our policies are right for the farmer and the nation." Sustaining him, he added, is the support given him by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. "The President has told me from time to time that he, to, is firmly convinced of the correctness of our program," Benson said. He said he is convinced that a big majority of the citizens back him, and this includes farmers as well as urban folk. Recalls Storm The secretary recalled the first storm that broke around his head, back in 1953, only a few weeks after he took his cabinet post. In a speech made in the Midwest, he called for lower government farm price supports. "When I got back to Washing- ton, I found myself under attack by members of Congress from both parties," Benson said. Ike Backs Him Benson said Eisenhower dug deeply into the farm problem and as a consequence has a thorough; understanding of it. Few presidents in history have stood more firmly behind a criti- cized member of their administra- tions. Repeatedly, Eisenhower has rejected pleas of members of his party that he get rid of the secre- tary. Benson said he will leave office next January with a feeling of great accomplishment. Petitioning for SPRING WEEKEND Central Committee Positions Will be extended until Friday, October 7 Left Wing Asks Atomic Ards Ban Advocates Break With NATO, U.S. SCARBOROUGH, England R)- The Labor Party demanded last night that Britain abandon nu- clear arms, ease out of the At- lantic alliance and break close as- sociations with the United States. Aimed at making Britain a neutralist power in the East-West struggle, the far-reaching policy was adopted at Labor's annual conference in defiance of Party Leader Hugh Gaitskell. Sweat pouring down his face, Gaitskell went down fighting. In an emotional speech, he declared he would try to keep the party leadership to prevent the Socialist movement from falling apart. Little Influence The Laborites, who have been out of the government since 1951, have little influence on Britain's official policy. They can not dic- tate to Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's Conservative govern- ment. And even within their own ranks bitter disagreement flared over the wisdom of nuclear dis- armament. The vote was a victory of the party left wing over Gaitskell's more conservative faction, which believes in strong ties with the West. Party leftists had the sup- port of some big trade unions. The party decision means Brit- ain's nuclear policies, participation in the North Atlantic Treaty Or- ganization and United States bases on British soil will be at- tacked with new vigor by Labor- ites in Parliament. And Gaits- kell's position as party leader is jeopardized. Gaitskell Speaks But the Laborites gave Gaits- kell their attention and frequent- ly their applause. He lashed at the neutralist policy of the party left wing as an erosion of Western solidarity. He said it could only comfort "pacifists, neutralists and fellow travelers.' Gaitskell knew before the votes were cast that he would be de- feated. But he forced an ovation from the conference by declaring he would go on fighting to keep the leadership, hold the party to- gether and "bring sanity to the movement's defense policies." Delegates Cheer The delegates cheered him until the hall shook and sang "for he's a jolly good fellow." The 54-year-old party leader reminded the conference that it has no power to unseat him. He pointed out this could only be done by the Labor delegation in Parliament, which is scheduled to caucus later this month. But his troubles were by no means over. Tomorrow he faces an even more crushing defeat on the issue of nationalization of industry. Gaitskell wants to modify this orthodox socialist doctrine, but leftwingers in the party are in- sisting on a program of more state ownership. Graham Asks Voter Prayer NEW YORK P) -- Evangelist Billy Graham suggested yester- day that President Dwight D. Ei- sensower proclaim a day of pray- er on the eve of the presidential election to the end that "God's will be done" in the outcome. He told a news conference that the nation faced "the most cru- cial election in American history," and added: "I think that we should choose our next President on our knees and after prayers. I think that people, whatever their religious persuasion, should pray that God's will be done." I I October 7 8:30 P.M. Ann Arbor High Tickets $3.50 - $2.75 $2.25 - $1.75 (tax incl) On Sale of THE DISC SHOP 1210 S. University THE MUSIC CENTER 300 S. Thayer Meet Carlos Montoya, Thursday 2-3 P.M. Cafe Promethean r , Delicious Hamburgers 15c Hot Tasty French Fries...10c Triple Thick Shakes...20c 2000 W.Stadium Blvd. -A S.G.C. Ciema ~uid Tonight and Friday at 7 and 9 Saturday and Sunday at 7 and9:15 PICI THEPASSION OF JOAN OF ARC directed by CARL DREYER (color) MARIA CAVALCANTI \A/illinm 4rnl, n R n Pne 1 i nA D,.icolI "No. 4 of the Best 12 Films of All Time"--rucsel " "i'! T ., FW... de