Sev~enty-first Year FfRW-,I .W.1 AIt W VTU~'#~'UWTT~v~u~'' ~ A an.a MAIAa iRa,. s. ,./ s'a nip., .. S S a ..rvn,..n., =srr =OP MICHIAN, Educational Dream Realized "When OpinIons Ate P UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Thlth WU MW STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. 0 Phone No 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN Question Twining's Power Stress on Foreign Policy GEN.Nathan Twining, retired chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made some rather unfortunate remarks in a "farewell address" delivered shortly before his exit from public life. The remarks are unfortunate because in tone they are at least 50 years out of date: One might think he was hearing for reading) a message by Field Marshal Rt. Hon. Sir Nathan Twining, K.C.B., retiring Chief of the Imperial General Staff. The spirit of the general's remarks are per- haps well summed up in this quote: "Being loved is an unreliable alternative for a foreign policy. It is enough to be respected. .." "Our national objective must remain clear. It is to develop and hold power sufficient to win in all aspects of military struggle, all-out or limited." EN. Twining's basic difficulty seems to be a feeling that what is is what ought to be. The United States has been concentrating on winning the military power race, but, un- fortunately, winning this race is almost ir- relevant to the ultimate national interest. Cer- tainly, an effective deterrent must be main- tained, but if winning the military struggle means gaining power to destroy Russia some day in an effort to reduce international ten- sions, then winning becomes inimical to Amer- ican ideals. The only real significance of the military race is that success in it enables a nation to employ other and effective strate- gies in the international game of chess. But, according to Gen. Twining's assump- tion, these other factors seem as irrevelant as the military factor seems to this writer. Love Freedom With TRUSTEES at the University of Illinois re- cently unanimously defended their firing of Leo F. Koch, former Illinois biology profes- sor, in a letter to some 229 faculty members who protested the way the Koch case had been handled. Koch was suspended last April by Illinois President David Henry after the professor wrote a letter to the student newspaper, The Daily Illini, condoning premarital sexual rela- tions between "mature" students. The Board of Trustees acted upon Henry's recommenda- tion and terminated Koch's contract June 14. The trustees denied that the basic charge against Koch was that he expressed views "of- fensive and repugnant" and "contrary to the commonly accepted standards of morality," but rather it was that "his actions in writing it (the letter) and securing its publication constituted a decided and serious breach of the academic responsibility inherent in his employment." T'HEboard continued that it recognized the right of the faculty members to "responsi- ble" expression of their views, regardless of whether they were unpopular or untenable. But whether an expression is "responsible," the re- port said, would be guided by criteria in the is an unreliable alternative to a foreign poli- cy? Hardly: It is a very reliable alternative. The barrenness of the Twining point of view derives from the fact that creation of inter- national amity-or love-is impossible when a nation must arm to the teeth solely to com- mand respect of other nations. Like the pro- verbial bully, the "little kids on the block" are afraid of him, and hate him at the same time. PRACTICALLY speaking, the barrenness of the Twining point of view is shown by the marked ineffectiveness American policy has sometimes evidenced. What is the alternative? Simply to stop talking about deterrents and to start talking about helping other people--and the talk has to start before a local crisis in some out-of- the-way place provokes an American aid pro- gram. It also may mean, as Gen. Twining said, moments of firmness with Mour allies, and pres- ervation of our international independence to act. But his should be the firmness of the Dutch uncle, not Jack Dempsey. That this strategy will work also for the United States' own interests is evidenced by the success of our policy in the United Nations and the Congo; and in the increasing Latin American agreement about the problem of Cuba. The upshot is simply this: As a nation, the United States would do better as a member of the world community by taking a tack op- posite to the Twining course. It would do better morally, and it would do better in cur- rent power politics. The former consideration is the most important. --PHILIP SHERMAN A Safety Valve university statutes. Koch's expression of his views, according to the report, was not a responsible one. So, what does all this boil down to? Un- doubtedly that the good professor can think whatever thoughts he likes as long as he doesn't tell anybody about them; which, after all, is a pretty open-minded way for the trus- tees to look at it. That way the university does not have to blushingly admit that there's a radical on the faculty. Koch's philosophical opinions are not, of course, the really relevant issues. What is rele- vant are those trite, hackneyed concepts- academic freedom, freedom of speech. Academ- ic responsibility is at best a pretty nebulous thing, and its whole worthwhileness can well be called into question. But where it is used merely as an out to relieve the embarrassment of a delicate situation, it's being used care- lessly and thoughtlessly. When academic freedom has limits, it has been said, so does education. In the universi- ties, of all places, should there be full oppor- tunity for free intellectual growth and develop- ment, unhampered by the personal prejudices of any administrative body. -JEROME WEINSTEIN. By FAITH WEINSTEIN Daily Staff Writer IN CALIFORNIA, a country known for its wild and esoteric experiments, two young men have started a school devoted to a wild and esoteric principle - that edu- cation is a form of group therapy. Emerson College is based on a synthesis of ideas, principles, goals of many of the major educational experiments of the past half- century. "The end of higher edu- cation is wisdom, which pre- supposes knowledge," Mark Goldes, the youthful director of the college quoted Robert Hutchins. "All colleges depend on know- ledge - Emerson will teach wis- dom through personal inter- action." *« * * BUT THE GOALS of Emerson are far higher. Goldes sees the ideal of Emerson as a kind of total interaction between teacher and student, interaction which will transcend mere learning and start the student towards the final goal -- the establishment of a basic world community. "World com- munity does not necessarily mean world government," Godes was quick to point out, but more a feeling of the essential community of aims for all men, in a world which has grown too small for aims to differ from group to group, This goal is a highly improbable one, as Goldes freely admits. But it is a possible one, and Emerson aims at making its curriculum and its students fit as closely as possible to this ultimate dream. The courses, for example, are slanting towards what Goldes would perhaps call wisdom - that is, a kind of creative effort built on knowledge. Emerson offers a course in Utopias, which examines many of the great past utopian schemes from Plato to Marx, and ends with the students devising their own plans for a Utopian culture. * * * TO ADD TO THE feeling of community, Emerson allows its students the maximum possible freedom. Students are freely al- lowed and even encouraged to take off for any other school, at practi- cally any time - to Harvard if there is a man there to study with in a special field, or to Oxford for a change of viewpoint. Alongside the cosmological view- point, Emerson has a strong tran- cendentalist - Walden caste. Its original catalogue rather affected- ly called it "Walden West," and Goldes says that "one or another of us (on the faculty) goes on a Thoreau kick periodically." The name has its obvious antecedent, and the locale, the wild and mag- nificent Monterrey peninsula ap- pealed to the founder's instincts towards nature. At this point, Emerson has little but imagination and love with which to fullfill its dream. It is housed in a huge old, Charles Addams mansion in one of the over-quaint small communities which dot the peninsula. At pre- sent, college consists of twelve students and seven completely un- salaried faculty members, who teach from sheer devotion, and find some other way to live. * * THE COMMUNITY of Pacific Grove is quite hostile to Emerson -- the local newspaper is trying to get their building use permit revoked "more out of the editor's boredom than anything else" ac- cording to Goldes, although he attributed part of the hostility to the fact that four out of twelve students were involved in the student House Un-American Ac- tivities Committee riots last year. Emerson is largely the result of Mark Goldes' dissatisfaction with American colleges. Goldes spent a good part of his college years drifting from school to school, and finding flaws as well as merits in most of them. In 1954, when he was a graduate student in education at San Fran- cisco State College, he suddenly realized "that everything worth while that had happened to me since high school had happened outside the classroom." "TO GET MY MASTER'S de- gree, I convinced them to let me go on a junket across the country to study American colleges and then match them against the ideal college I had designed for myself, rather than writing a formal mas- ter's thesis."~ He visited colleges across the country -Sarah Lawrence, Benn- ington, Goddard, Reed, and others -and none of them quite matched. "Small colleges become rather pre- cious because they are so small - they begin to radiate a kind of atmosphere." After that, Goldes decided that the only thing to do was start a college of his own. He made up a college, composed of his ideal image of college, plus all of the elements he had liked in the pro- progressive schools across the. country. JUST AS HIS PRELIMINARY plans were taking form, Goldes got an irate phone call from a man who identified himself as Al Des- kin. "What the hell do you mean, stealing my college," the stranger thoroughly disgusted with what goes on in 'education' " and by March 1960, began their first, "experimental" quarter. "People kept saying 'you can't do it, you can't do it,' so we did." * * * THE FIRST QUARTER was suf- ficiently successful, in spite of the HUAC incident and the local hos- tility, that Emerson will open its doors for its first full-scale pro- gram this fall, if on a rather shaky financial basis. Applications have begun to trickle in slowly from the area a radio interview with Goldes on San Francisco's far-out KPFA resulted in a few faculty applica- tions - Goldes said "we've been getting a faculty application a day since the broadcast, but most of them disappear when they find out we have no money to pay them." The present faculty is a strange group, made up of those who got though the rather rigorous test of being able to support them- selves outside the college - in- cluding a research physicist who teaches part time, and one of San Francisco's farther-out beat poet- painters, whose wild escapades (last year he did a mural with a spraygun on the inside of a res- taurant) hit the San Francisco papers occasionally. Goldes didn't seem quite sure how he got on the Emerson bandwagon - but as long as he was there he was welcome aboard. The cata- logue refers to his position with Emerson as "recruiting guest poets and painters to bring to the col- lege less, as wll as equally, con- troversial points of view" as his. * * * THE FACULTY, among other things, has contributed all of the Emerson College library to the .old mansion. Goldes estimated that the library contains $20,000 worth of books, and Is still grow- ing, whenever anybody has any money to spend on books. Right now, Emerson is looking for students, for students who have had enough university train- ing to be thoroughly disgusted with what Goldes calls "the grind.", Emerson looks for intelligence enough to profit from this kind of experiment, self-reliance sufficent to withstand the temptations of freedom, and "enough emotional stability to be able to deal with our kind of loose structuring." Right now it also looks for bravery, since Emerson gives neither credits nor degrees, and charges $300 per quarter tuition. "Sooner or later, facing the hard, cruel facts of the world, we will probably have to give degrees," Goldes said, but in line with the progressive tradition, grades and credits are considered irrelevant. . . . THE EMERSON program is de- signed by the student to suit his own needs and desires. Within the general quarter system, the stu- dent takes courses with no pre- requisites needed, works closely with a tutor, and studies on his own. "There is a kind of structure, but it is an individually tailored kind," Goldes said, "we need students who will be able to handle this kind of structure intelli- gently," With this kind of struc- turing, the student will stop being an "academic commodity," and become a person and a student. They expect the student to be a little older than average, a per- son who knows what he wants to do, and who has had other experiences which have shown him at least the way he doesn't want to do it. Like the psychothera- peutic patient, a little experience in the wrong direction is basically required. In a situation like the Emerson one, Goldes thinks that a form of group therapy is inevitable. A small group of scholars, working closely with each other, in an environment which "allows the student to unfold," where all the, screens between faculty and stu- dent are down, will "ultimately become a form of group therapy." "We won't plan it that way -- it will just happen," Goldes said. * * * A PLAN LIKE EMERSON has its intrigue and its faults. It is highly imaginative, and burns with the kind of reforming fire that Calvin probably brought to Geneva. Goldes has a grand vision, of a world community of scholars -- with a few monster universi- ties, like this one, set up primarily as research and resource centers, with a few alcoves for timid scholars, and a wider, freer aca- demic world of small colleges like Emerson, which will be insecure, vibrant and vital to imaginative learning and teaching. This is a grand dream--a dream as improbable as it is dramatic. But its. flaws lie in the very things which make it exciting. The loose structuring of Emer- son will not work in the tightly- bound world of today. The day of the wandering scholar who tasted the arts across Europe is definitely over; there are too many facts to know, before you can concentrate on the wisdom which will sup- posedly come from them. * * * EMERSON AS A unique institu- tion is commendable, as educa- tional experiments always are. It offers something that probably no other single school can offer - an aura of its own, which could change the lives of its students as the University never could. But Mark Goldes' dream of a world of colleges like Emerson is an outdated dream, and one dreamt only for a few, however exciting it may be to those it reaches. 60 girls in the housing unit after all women students have voted on the question. THE PROVISION can only be used when a specific issue is taken to the whole female student body. The rest of the time housing units per se, not individuals in equal- sized groups, are represented In Senate. Because each delegate has one vote which theoretically rep- resents the opinion of her hous- ing unit, there is a tendency for delegates to revert to their Assem- bly and Panhellenic ties and form blocs, This causes, the Senators to con- sider issues in terms of their out- side commitments and not as they affect women students in general. Often the real points of debate have nothing to do with differ- ences between affiliates and in- dependents. An even more crucial problem, which will be discussed more fully in a later article, is that the two pre-formed factions may tend to enter Senate with pre - formulated opinions and weaken the utility of the meetings as creative problem-solving ses- sions. Also, when votes represent hpus- ing units of varying populations small factions tend to carry un- equal weight. This situation also exists within Panhellenic and Assembly, however, and does not seem to be a great obstacle to either. *'-* * THE SENATE MISSES its prime objective of all-women's represen- tation if it degenerates into merely a joint meeting of Assembly and Panhellenic., A related problem is that not all women on the campus are offered even an unequal represeh- tation under the existing arrange- ments. Women who live in League Houses are entitled to a voice in Assembly, but most have ignored the privilege. A small number of undergraduate women do not live in any type of University-spon- sored housing; students in apart- mnents have no provision for re- presentation on any women's legislative body. - * . IN SPITE OF THE need for some sort of equal representation in Senate, the value of conven- ience must not be overlooked. The organization cannot function ef- fectively if it is too large for every delegate to personally par- ticipate in the discussion sessions and thus feel committed to help solve the problem. Proportional representation alone has proved unsuccessful; straight housing unit representa- tion alone does not give a clear or fair picture of the issue; the present dual system gives some- times fair, sometimes unfair re- presentation. The conflict between convenience and equal representa- tion is one of many which must be resolved if Women's Senate is to become an effective organiza- tion, 7" ROAD SHOW: Overrate Moviese By MARC ALAN ZAGOREN Daiy Reviewer OT only is the roadshow trend in motion picture release pat- terns encouraging hazardous set- backs to the local motion picture exhibitors, but it is also causing an unnecessary disappointment to be generated among a good per- centage of the motion picture pa- trons themselves. Very few highly publicized films can measure up to their advance ballyhoos. And this raises another serious question concerning the advisabil- ity of mass roadshow marketing principles-how much of the cur- rent fare available now being given this special type of market- ing actually warrants such spe- cialized selling? * *. * THE ROADSHOW engagement, it must be remembered; came about almost wholly as a neces- sity for dealing with films of excessive length that would not sufficiently benefit from a policy of continuous performance.." The audiences that came to such films were composed of a special mettle with sufficient enthusiasm and stamina to reap the most of the motion picture experience ahead of them. And on the basis of length there is legitimacy for such entries as "Ben Hur," "Around The World In Eighty Days" and "Spartacus" being given the roadshow treat- ment. * * * WOMEN' S SENATE: Dual Votng Systems Weaken Effectiveness By PAT GOLDEN Daily Staff Writer WOMEN'S SENATE operates under two different voting procedures to facilitate both fair representation and convenience. Originally, one delegate was elected for every 60 girls in a housing unit. This made the body unwieldy and also tended to make the position of Senator less important. When members of Panhellenie and Assembly became the regular Senate delegates, each girl was given one vote, but a provision was retained whereby a women's referendum is called for major issues and one ballot is cast for every LETTERS to the EDITOR I Jarring Note .. . To the Editor: HAVE A GREAT faith in my government and in its system of operation. For this reason, I found Mr. Fival's naive discourse of Tuesday a disgrace to my coun- try. It is his opinion that the University of Michigan band would be led to communistic syth- pathy if allowed to tour the USSR. The communist government had no apparent fear in sending us Mr. Chalenko as an exchange stu- dent last year, but we are to believe that the band would "wal- low in the baseness, yes, the de- generacy of the beasts in Rus- sia," which would "taint a student for life." * * * It is my opinion that these stu- dents could not experience a more valuable education in the fallacies of the communist system, than by comparison with our own. I don't expect that they would find "beasts" spewing "venom" upon them, but rather, unfortunate people, victim to the very forces of limitation which Mr. Fival would promote. --William M. Colby, '63 TODAY AND TOMORROW 'A T7 I .Y . Neutrali. By WA 3 E INTERVENTION of the five neutrals, which was made last Friday, has for its object the renewal of diplomatic contact, now broken, between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. As a means of accomplishing this, the neutrals ask "as a first urgent step" the renewal of con- tact between Mr. Eisenhower and Mr. Khrush- chev. This has been interpreted as meaning per- sonal contact, a face-to-face reconciliation be- tween the two men, and some remarks of Mr. Nkrumah support this interpretation, But the draft resolution offered by the five neutrals is carefully worded. It does not spe- cifically call for personal contact. Its purpose would be realized if official diplomatic contact were restored, and to this the President in his statement on Sunday agreed. The door is, therefore, open unless Mr. K. slams it shut and locks and bolts it, IN EMPHASIZING the distinction between personal contact and diplomatic contact, we shall, I believe, be thinking realistically. Since the U-2 and the aftermath at Paris in May, Mr. K. has conducted a violent feud against Mr. Ei- senhower personally, The crucial question is whether this irreconcilable personal feud is separate from or is part of an irreconcilable and lasting feud between the Soviet Union and the United States. The neutrals assume, or at least they hope, that the personal feud is transitory, and that underneath it there still exists the possibility of and the need for negotiations. For my own part, T am .,.n c a is. tat hw r i t'fix t a v st Intervention ALTER LIPPMANN accept the defeatist view that diplomatic nego- tiation cannot be renewed. 1JHE NEUTRALS will be wiser, it seems to me, not to emphasize, not to press too hard for, a personal meeting. Both men have been humiliated, Khrushchev by the avowal that we had some kind of right to fly over his territory, Mr. Eisenhower by the insults heaped upon him. Both men are angry. They cannot forgive and forget. They cannot be expected to meet and talk away their quarrel and shake hands. Nothing can be done with this quarrel except to outlive it. What can be done, however, is to restore dip- lomatic contact at lower levels. Even this can- not be done quickly because Mr. Gromyko and Mr. Herter dare not forget or forgive the quarrel of their chiefs. rpl E UN is faced with the question of whether the Eisenhower-Khrushchev quarrel will be prolonged into the next Administration. It may be. We cannot be sure that Mr. K. is not on a new line---one of intransigent cold war. It is also possible that the candidates may talk themselves into a box where they are in honor bound to continue the feud to show how bril- liantly they can stand up to Mr. K. by making it impossible to sit down with him. If so, the prospect is dark. An irreparable break which split the world, which broke the United Nations, might not lead to war, but it would surely lead to widespread disorder and violence in all the continents and to a condition of profound and universal uneasiness. It is Exporting Country AA y . 4 '-- BUT WHAT OF THE OTHER attractions more conventional in length and not boasting any par- ticular outstanding qualities de- manding specialized audiences? How successfully are they able to fare with the roadshow policy? Consider the current tenant at the Detroit Madison, the most re- cent of the Detroit first-run houses to refurbish its decor and modernize its projecting facilities (the others being the United Artists, The Music Hall and the Mercury). Currently it is show- casting "Can Can." "Can Can," based loosely on the Broadway musical of a few sea- sons back and tailored more or less in the genre of the once very popular but now quickly disap- pearing super-spectacular Holly- wood musical, is at its best mo- ment only an occasionally divert- ing confection. But "Can Can" becomes an even greater disappointment to its audience when given the high expectation the road show en- gagement most naturally arouses and priced at an exorbitant three dollars per head ceiling admis- sion. AVERAGE ENTRIES SUCH AS "Can Can" have neither the suf- ficient box office stamina to sat- isfy their exhibitors fully nor the super spectacular element pres- ent to fully satisfy their specializ- ed audiences and have no justifi- cation to special handling. Now "Can Can" is certainly not the isolated example of the road show film that failed. Practically all of. the special engagements have yielded disappointing re- turns, and only a handful have actually handsomely succeeded- the cinerama group, "The Ten Commandments," "Around The World In 80 Days" and the cur- rent smash "Ben Hur." Certainly special engagaments have their place in a Sound eco- nomic releasing patterns. But let's save only very special films for special engagaments-the indus- try and the exhibitors will be much healthier for it. DAILY OFFICIAL The Daily Official Bulletin is as official publication f The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN foram to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 GeneaPl Nate I