UNESDA , OCTOBER 5, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY )NESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG. 1Canaveral Base Launches Magnetic Brain Satellite SLTI-SANVRAY SPUTNIK'S ANNIVERSARY: U.S. Air Force Tests Versatile Scout Rocket WASHINGTON (P)-The United States yesterday described as a complete success the test flight of a Scout rocket designed to serve as a relatively inexpensive yet ver- satile vehicle for a variety of space-exploring missions. The 72-foot tall rocket soared 3,500 miles high and 5,800 miles out over the Atlantic on a '79- minute arching flight that ended in the ocean or in fiery destruc- tion in the atmosphere between South America and Africa, It was launched from the Wallops Island, Va. station of the National Aero- nautics and Space Administration. Although the test was designed primarily to test the performance and structural strength of the rocket itself, the vehicle carried special Air Force experimental ra- diation measuring equipment. - The 36,600-pound Scout was de- scribed by NASA officials as the world's first known example of a four-stage, all-solid fuel rocket to be launched successfully. Several hours after the launch- ing, Vincent L. Johnson of NASA told reporters the significance of yesterday's shot is that: 1) It opens the way to using Scout vericles for certain orbital or space-probe jobs which would otherwise necessitate the use of larger more expensive rockets. 2) Because the Scout is a solid fuel rocket, it can be launched from a variety of launching sites -instead of being restricted to Cape Canaveral and Vandenberg Air Force Base as are the larger rockets employing liquid fuel in some stages. Candidates Argue Cost Of Program By The Associated Press Vice President Richard M. Nix- on and Sen. John F. Kennedy ar- gued yesterday at long range about which of the two, if elected Pres- ident, would cost the voters more money.. Nixon, the Republican nominee, charged that the farm proposals of Kennedy, the Democratic can- didate, would raise the country's grocery bills by 25 per cent. Kennedy said that under the last eight years of Republican rule the Federal government has oper- ated at an .18 billion deficit. This, he said, shows the GOP is the party of waste and not the Dem- ocrats. The Democratic nominee assail- ed the GOP in a fund-raising speech in Indianapolis, opening his campaign invasion of Indiana, where aides say they believe he has an uphill fight. Kennedy took things easy during most of yes- terday but he jumps back on the trail today through Indiana- Muncie, Terre Haute, Evansville and Anderson. To New Jersey Nixon campaigned yesterday in populous, industrial New Jersey. Today he goes to New York City and Philadelphia. In West Orange, Nixon raised questions about Kennedy's farm. proposal. He said this is what would happen if his Democratic opponent's "farm program for planned scarcity" were adopted: "For every quart of milk you would pay almost 6 cents more. For a dozen eggs you would pay 28 cents more. For chicken you would pay about 22 cents a pound more. For pork you would pay about 23 cents a pound more. For choice beef you would pay about 15 cents a pound more. For every loaf of bread you would pay about HAVANA P)--Roman Catholic opposition to the leftward lunge of Prime Minister Fidel Castro's gov- ernment mounted yesterday with the appearance of another pas- toral letter accusing the nation's Communists of trying to destroy Catholic influence by leaps and bounds. The letter, ordered read Sep- tember 24 in all the churches of Oriente Province, was signed by Assay Mood syOf Africans By ENDRE MARTON Associated Press Staff Writer UNITED NATIONS - The United States is carefully watching the attitude - and also the mood - of delegates representing the 15 new, African members at the United Nations. Their number will be 16 soon. Nigeria, the most populous country of the coitinent, achieved full sovereignty Oct. 1 and is expected to become a UN member this week. All 16 nations represent sub- Saharan Africa. The chairs in the General As- sembly assigned to one of the 15 - The Congo - are still empty -- and will probably remain so for some time. United States observers are maintaining informal contacts with all new delegations to sound out their thinking on world prob- lems. The Americans are assisted in their efforts by Commonwealth representatives, many of them having great experience in affairs of-the black continent. The two groups more or less agree on these main points: 1. The sub-Saharan nations do not form a solid group and the chances of setting up such a mon- lithic formation in the foreseeable future are almost nonexistent, 2. No present African political figure can claim to have an un- disputed leading role in the non- Arab part of the continent. 3. There is no immediate reason to be alarmed by the possibility that the Soviets will succeed in herding these nations into their orbit. 4. A surprisingly large number of African leaders now attending the General Assembly frankly admit that they are not yet familiar with the great issues on the agenda. CUBAN ARCHBISHOP: Demands Rights for Catholics the Rev. Msgr. Enrique Ferez Ser- antes, Archbishop of Santiago, who demanded that Catholics and non-Communists be guaranteed their full rights. It accused Com- munists of defiling phurches by pretending to defend interests never violated by Catholics. While fighting for the revolu- tion, the letter said, "the Cuban people never thought the iron hand of communism would hang threat- eningly over our heads nor that a few devotees of Marx and Lenin would pretend to take away the well won laurel of victory nor set the standard of conduct for the heroic volunteers of our na- tion going as far as ordering us to confine ourselves to temples." Leaps and Bounds The letter said it is clear that Communists propose to destroy Catholic influence in Cuba not step by step, but by leaps and bounds. Bishop Ferez Serantes said his demand for full rights for Cath- -AP Wirephoto TALKING SATELLITE-This 500-lb. Courier Satellite, success- fully orbited yesterday, can transmit and receive 340,000 words in a five-minute pass over a tracking station. Call 'Courier I' Forerunner Of Communications Setup 2 cents more." Total Not only that, Cost Nonad but Ji 71 11 later the Defense Department re- ported the new space messenger was zipping about the earth every 105 minutes in an orbit ranging from 500 to 750 miles above the surface. Packed into the satellite were 300 pounds of electronic gear de- signed primarily to receive and record high speed teletypewriter messages and transmit them on command to ground stations. The satellite also is capable of voice transmission and instantane- ous relay of messages between stations. A recorded voice message from Secretary of the Army Wilber M. Brucker went up in the sphere. This congratulatory message was to be beamed to the ground on one of the satellite's early passes. Five magnetic tape recorders in the space package are geared simultaneously to send and receive 68,000 words a minute. The United States success came on the third anniversary of the day Russia ushered in the space age by launching Sputnik I into orbit. Siuplus Funds Lessen, Says Administration WASHINGTON Ti-The Eisen- hower Administration lowered its sights yesterday on the prospect of a treasury surplus. But it kept them up on the business outlook for at least the next nine months. In a report bound to set off election campaign repercussions, the administration cut its estimate on how much government income will exceed outgo in the current fiscal year by nearly 75 per cent. Budget director Maurice H. Stans said receipts will be $2.5 billion less and spending $600 mil- lion greater than anticipated. the total cost of living would go up 6 per cent, meat would be scarce, a million people serving farmers and their products would be thrown out of work, and farm- ers "would be driven off farms in shocking numbers." The GOP nominee said his an- alysis of Kennedy's farm program Backs Ike INDIANAPOLIS UP) - Sen. John F. Kennedy yesterday en- dorsed President Eisenhower's refusal to meet with Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev at the United Nations General Assembly session. The Democratic presidential nominee said on a television quiz show that he believes Eisenhower "showed his judge- ment" in taking this position. was prepared by "career farm and food experts." He did not further identify them in his prepared re- marks. In earlier speeches during the day Nixon said wage earners have had\ a 15 per cent increase in in- come under the Republicans as against a 2 per cent gain under the Democrats. Accuses Administration Kennedy, in accusing the Re- publican administration of being the party of waste, said most deficit spending has gone for for- eign aid, agriculture and defense. Yet, he said, the foreign aid budg- et has been managed in such a way that "our prestige has rapid- ly declined," the income of the farmer is the lowest in 20 years, and "our defenses are in danger of becoming second-rate. CARLOS MONTOYA Ann Arbor High Fri., Oct. 7 8:30 P.M. F 41 l Tickets $3.50 - $2.75 $2.25 - $1.75 (tax mcl.) T I. WELCOME MICHIGAN COEDS !2! Our easy-do, casual hairstyles are flattering! NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED Ask upperclassmen about us DASCOLA BARBERS Near Michigan Theatre J' L J NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK WE SALUTE BUSINESS WOMEN WITH CareeP Ci'e4 WITH A GREAT FASHION FUTURE To the business woman has fallen the honor of upholding America's fine Fashion Tradition. Millions look to her to see what the world should be wearing. Therefore, it is with pride that we are displaying her proven preferences-in smart coats, suits, dresses, and accessories-that fit her busy life and budget. 9 -, , ~ Illustrated Left- Perfect for office or for the career J bound college gal, this slender plaid sheath of Zefran and wool. Brown and gray. Junior Sizes at 14.95 by Mindy Ross from our Second Floor Dept. The bandstand skirt ...newest fashion rage we've seen in many a. campus season! The knee-skimming skirt in a wool/nylon multi- color plaid, with its own cotton roll sleeve shirt. Sizes 8 to 14. 14.98 the set I Tiny 7's to 15 Average 8-20 Tall 10-18 Shorter 101/2-241/2 at..', ' %f,;' f/f > 1 "6,, f *, /' .7/ l\X X V, fIff I Business women for years have known the feeling of good grooming by shopping I II E C4 :