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October 04, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-04

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%eAir tga wBatt
Seventy-First Year

Great Debate

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth WIl ePmal

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, OCTOBER 4, 1960


1 1
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Bonus Pictures Cut
Hollywood rodiwion
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two articles on the effects of the
roadshow engagement on the economic stability of the motion picture medium.
Tomorrow the article will question the legitimacy of some of the current en-
tries to reserved seat engagements.).
Daily Reviewer
-HARD ticket" motion picture engagements where all seats 'are re-
served in advance for abnormally high prices are currently jeop.
ardizing the already severely maligned climate of the local film houses
throughout the country.
Motion pictures given the roaidshow pattern of. release such as

Detroiters Pass Petition


To Replace Speakers' Ban
If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary
pinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had
he power, would be justified in silencing mankind. -John Stuart Mill

THE lifting of a ban against Communist
speakers at Wayne State University two
weeks ago has triggered a protest petition cam-
paign by two fanatical Detroiters who aim to
collect 25,000 signatures opposing the Board of
Governors decision.
The sadly ironic part of this militantly fas-
cistic attempt is that the signatures are com-
ing in so fast the organizers cannot even esti-
mate their number, Throughout Michigan, the
name of Senator McCarthy is being sounded
again, and too frequently it is in tones of
The leaders of this new movement are Anne
Byerlein and Donald Lobsinger who believe
"that to grant Communists or pro-Communists
permission to speak on the Wayne State Uni-
versity campus is to openly cooperate in the
latest Communist campaign, laid bare by FBI
chief J. Edgar Hoover, to capture and use stu-
dents and youth groups and' that the Commu-
nist Party is a conspiracy which insidiously
plots the violent overthrow of our government."
What these two have failed to understand is
the nature of the Board of Governors ruling.
More importantly, however, they are attempt-
ing to stifle the educational process and deny
free speech to a minority.
FOR the first time in a decade, it is possible
for a Communist or a pro-Communist to
speak before a public group in university fa-
cilities at Wayne State. It is still very unlikely
that one will, however. To do so, he would need
the permission of President Clarence B. Hil-
berry. Permission would probably be easily
granted in the case of a Russian scientist
lecturing on nuclear physics or biochemistry.
Here the subject area is restricted, the audi-
ence small, and educational value of his talk
If a political science professor wanted his
class to gain a first hand statement of Com-r
munist doctrine, he would probably give ap-
proval to have a Communist speak before the
group. With the sareguards of a forewarned
(hence forearmed) class, and the limitation of
his speech to the advantages bf communism,
this might be possible.
ANYONE legally qualified to speak as a be-
liever in a communal state would have to
exclude the "violent" displacement of the poli-
tical structure. He might retain every other be-
lief of the Soviet Union, even as Mr. Lobsinger
claims, that "the state should control man and
his environment completely," but he could not
hold this one view.
Thus anyone who believed in communism

would have to restrict his words to stay within
the law. Thus, there must be some other ra-
tional reason to support the reestablishment of
the ban.
Mr. Lobsinger, again, charges that the "Com-
munist Party in America is stronger thin ever
before, thus I can see no logic in lifting the ban
against Red speakers. Communism is a ter-
rible evil. It is godless."
NOW, whether or not communism is a godless
evil, people have the right to express it, and
not be condemned for their beliefs. As Mill
wrote, "We can never be sure that the opinion
we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion;
and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil
Miss Byerlein is a registered nurse who drew
upon her medical experiences to liken commu-
nism to bubonic plague. "The more contact
you have with it," she said. "the more your
immunity wears down. Your body builds up no
antibodies against it."
A statement such as this one denies any
strength or truth to the American concept of
a democratic team. Although as a nurse, Miss
Byerlein must stand ready to evaluate the
potency of an attack upon her patient, she
must also be aware of the patient's strength.
Her concern here is the American state and
the proponents of its democracy.
THOSE who fail to credit democracy with the
ability to debate openly with communism
and succeed in the debate have no real faith
in the American political system. They are so
susceptible to an ideological attack upon their
weak intellects that they will do anything to
aooid hearing an offer of the advantages of a
rival way of life. Their trust in the faith of
others is likewise so feeble as to lead them to
protect everyone else from the mysterious shad-
ings of Russian propaganda.
Our system of a representative democracy
was not formed in quiet seclusion away from
the rest of the world. The principles of the
Constitution which guide our nation were weld-
ed during a long and bloody revolution. We
like to believe that our democracy has met
opponents and defeated them because of the
rightness of our systen.
People who originate and sign petitions lim-
iting the rights of- free speech do not know
what they are defending when they describe
themselves as noble patriots engaged in a holy
struggle. What they are really doing is fight-
ing in a war to make the world safe for ig-


"Ben Hur" and "Around The World
ing joined by a slew of new produ
Bello," "Spartacus," "The Alamo,"
"Exodus" and "Pepe." The result
is causing a serious shortage of
new films for the local screens.
Although the bulk of the press
was unanimous in its lavish praise
of Metro. Goldwyn Mayer's "Ben
Hur"-an opinion incidentally
completely contrary to that of the
gentleman in this corner-the fact
still remains that Metro sank most
of its assets into one motion pic-
ture. And such a substantial gam-
ble as this naturally caused a sub-
stantial suspension of production
in other areas when the local
theatres have needed fresh prod-
uct most.
that "Ben Hur" was a darfng move
of brilliant financial strategy and
will return a fantastic profit for
its distributor, with an overall
gross estimated to exceed $100
million. Nevertheless, the $25 mil-
lion the company initially sank
into 'the production for filming
and production costs, money which
has not come near its return two
to three years after the initial
investment--is still disastrously
upsetting healthful release pat-
terns for the average exhibitor.
* * 0
BUT WHEN THESE powerhouse
entries finally reach the home-
town screens about a year after
their original release, the box of-
fice interest and potential for the
offering has usually been com-
pletely saturated in the initial
roadshow engagement in a near-
by large city.
While such release patterns may
be giving the distributor the great-
est possible return on his money
at the present moment, such a
policy does not have economic jus-
tification for the future. Surely
all productions cannot be on as
grand a scale as "Ben Hur" or
"South Pacific." Unless the dis-
tributors make available their
sensational product to the smaller
hometown theatre at the moment
most desirable for greatest public
response, these same gentlemen
may soon find themselves with
sturdy products but an insuffi-
cient number of houses to show-
case them for the necessary prof-

d in Eighty Days" are currently be.
acts including "Sunrise At Campo.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Noties
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts, and schools of Business Adminis-
tration, Education, Music, Natural Re-
sources, Nursing, and Public Health:
Students who received marks of I, X,
or 'no report' at " the end of their last
semester or summer session of attend-
ance will receive a grade of "E" in
the course or courses unless this work
is made up. In the College of Litera-
ture( Science, and the Arts and the
Schools of Music and Nursing this date
is, by October 17. In the Schools of
Business, Administration, Education,
Natural Resources, and Public Health ,
this date is by October 19. Students
wishing an extension of time beyond
these dates should file a petition with
the appropriate official of their school.
In the School of Nursing the above
information refers to non-Nursing
courses only.
Make-up Final Examinations: Philiso-
phy 63, Prof. C. Cohen, Tues.. Oct. 10,
1-4 p.m., Philosophy =Department Of-
fice, 2208 Angell Hall.
Applications for Phoenix Project Re-
search Grants: Faculty members who
wish to apply for grants from the
Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project
Research Funds to support research
in peacetime applications and impliea
tions of nuclear energy should, file
applications in the Phoenix Memorial
Lab, North Campus, by Mon., Oct. 10
Application forms will be mailed on
request or can be. obtained at the
Phoenix Memorial Lab, Ext. 86-407.
History Make-up Exam for all courses
Swill be given Sat.. Oct. 8, 9-12 a m.
in Room 429 Mason Hall. You must
see your instructor and sign list in
History Office, 3601 Haven Hall.
The last try-outs for Michifish and
Michifins, the women's synchronized
swimmingpgroups, will be held at the
Women's Pool on Wed., Oct. 5 at 7:00
Blue Cross-Blue Shield Open Enroll-
ment Period, Oct. 3-14. Third Floor
Lobby, Admin. Bldg.
(Continued on Page 5)

Represents All Girls' Living Units

Daily staff Writer
PERMITTING women students
to stay out until midnight on
week nights was the last important
issue in which Women's Senate
took action..
Many persons feel that the or-
ganization has been falling asleep
ever since. Founded in 1953 as the
legislatice branch of the League,
Senate serves as a meeting place
for all women in the University.
Both affiliates and independents
convene there to discuss issues
which concern women and to take
le<gislative action upon them,
Senate may serve as a pressure
group by expressing its opinion
on all-campus matters. Because it
is the only body representing all
women, it can also be a useful
center for disseminating informa-
tion and generating interest in
many areas.
in a state of flux since its inception
in 1953, when it replaced the old
League Board of Representatives.
As it was organized then, one
voting Senator was elected for
every 60 girls in a housing unit
Houses with 60 girls or less elected
one representative. Because the
job w'as newti, it tended to be the
last on election lists;becaalse
larger houses elected several re-
presentatives, the importance of
the position was diminished,

Consequently, the position lack-r
ed prestige and Senators were not
the enthusiastic, campus-oriented
leaders they should have been.
PROCEDURES were revised so
that the regular delegates to Pan-
hellenic and Assembly Associations
would also serve as the represen-
tatives of Senate. This automati-
cally changed the representation
from proportional to one delegate
per housing unit.
At that time the group met
weekly. However, since its mem-
bership was now the leaders of
the various housing units, with
many other obligations and time-
consuming meetings, they decided
that Senate should only convene
when issues arose. The issue of
the day was to change women's
hours. Senate considered the prob-
lem, took it to the housing units
for a referendum, and finally sent
their solution to Women's Judi-
ciary Council, which acted upon
IN THE TWO YEARS since, no
major issue of concern to all wo-
men students has arisen. A few
efforts have been made to dis-
cover, or create such issues, but
they have appeared artificial and
unsuccessful. Without problems to
consider, Senate has become less
and less significant. The danger
now is that when an issue arises

Senate may have lost its effective-
ness as a policy-determiner; if it
takes a stand, perhaps no one will
The organization has reached
the point where it must either
shape itself into a powerful force
in the University or it must dis-
band. If it has lost its utility,
Senate should not be the funnel
for women's legislation. If it can-
not act effectively, Senate should
not waste the time of busy stu-
dent leaders,
equivalent body within the struc-
ture of the Union. There is jno
voice for the male portion of the
student body alone. However,
since men have fewer University
restrictions, there has been no
demonstrated need for such an
organization. While there have
been no "men's" issues which were
not all-campus problems, there
have been "women's" issues in the
recent past.
Senate thus has an obligation to
exist as the voice of the female
portion of the student body. As-
sembly and Panhellenic separately
cannot fulfill the need for an
all-women's policy-making body.
Hence the problem is that Sen-
ate's unique position of total fie-
male representationj ustifies its
existence, yet this alone does not
make it powerful enough to carry
out its potential.



A dve nture Ingredients
Fail. To Save 'Ang'el'
THE ALL-TIME, standard ingredients of an adventure film run
something like this; it must have a colorful background. This
"The Angel Wore Red" has. It is set in Barcelona at the beginning of
the Spanish Civil War.
The good adventure film has also by definition at least one
bizarre character, whose function is to view the plot with such
outlandish ennui as to make it seem continuously. plausible. "Angel"

Nixon TheModerate


j. TREMBLE to think of what will happen to
our little store of political wisdom if Richard
Nixon fails of the Presidency.
There he is, illustrating tactics, all the aphor-
isms of practical politics we have ever learned.
At the time of the "revolt of the moderates" he
sits like moderation on a monument, smiling
at the barbs aimed at him. He is gunning hard
for the independent vote, and knowing about
the suburban revolution he is a very parfit
gentle, suburban knight - grave, responsible,
He embraces both the Democrats and the
Republicans, the former for their ends, the
latter for their means, as if we had not learned
from Gandhi and Aldous Huxley that ends and
means are inseparably interwoven. He anxiously
keeps stressing his "sincerity" making politics
into a science of sincereology. He is young
enough to forebore vigor, yet "experienced"
enough to promise a mellowness in its exercise.
He speaks well, uses pre-tested passages from
earlier speeches, is quick in his responses,
knows the facts, knows the angles, and does his
Finally he tries constantly to reconcile the
three men in his own party whose names hap-
pen to end in -er, but who otherwise inhabit
wholly different universes-Eisenhower, Rocke-
feller, and Goldwater. To weave the views of all
three into a single coat of many colors requires
a razor-edge delicacy of nuance, in which
Nixon has thus far almost succeeded.
YET NIXON is having troubles these days,
and his political show is slipping. Not be-
:ause of any lessening of affection for him,
which was never great, but simply because
more people now recognize Kennedy as having'
an identity. A large part of Nixon's support
came from nDenlewho rdidn't brim nver with

would bring him strength, the defection of the
South, the lukewarmness of the Negroes, the
plague-on-both-their-houses indifferentism of
the Stevenson liberals.
As an underdog Kennedy took quite a beat-
ing. To add to his troubles the heads of state
descended upon the UN, and Kennedy was told
by his friends and advisers that their anti-
American speeches would make his position
harder by sharpening the narrow nationalist
feeling in the U.S.
THEN CURIOUSLY and unexpectedly the.
turn came. Kennedy appeared with Nixon on
TV, spoke with passion about civil liberties and
minority rights, spoke with authority about
social welfare legislation and defended it stur-
dily, carried himself with an assurance that
left no further doubts about the question of
maturity and experience as between the two
Overnight he found he had become some-
thing of a hero. He went to Ohio and was
almost mobbed, and to upstate New York where
he got an unprecedented reception.
The bandwagon is rolling. Senator Lausche
of Ohio has boarded it, and even the Southern
governors in conference have given Kennedy
their blessing-all but an archaic Mississippian
who is like something out of Gone with the
WHAT IS the moral? I see a couple. One is
that there is no substitute, in politics as
in love, for the direct confrontation in a
moment of meaning. It isn't enough to say
virtuous things in a party platform. You must
see your man in action, bringing the figures
and arguments to life under dramatic stress.
The UN meetings have underlined this, since
most of the characters appearing on the ros-

NAACP Not Organizing Test Cases

To the Editor:
W E FOUND Jean Spencer's ar-
ticle on "SGC Regulation
Tests Good Faith" in Sunday's
Daily to be an excellent one. We
are concerned that our letter may
create a false impression. We
would like to quote from an earlier
portion of the letter:
"We have no desire to or-
ganize a massive test case
against the fraternity system
in order to get groups which
supposedly violate the new
regulation thrown off campus.
Our concern is that groups
choose members because of
the merit of the individual,
and that individuals in turn
select groups which they feel
have merit. We seek a time
when race and religion will
not be considered as criteria
for membership in our frater-
nities and sororities."
WE HOPE ALL parties will work
in good faith, and we stand ready
to work with any student or group
and the Student Government
Council committee on discrimina-
tory membership practices. We
may state unequivocally that we
are not running "test cases," nor
to our knowledge is any one else.
-Campus Board NAACP
apital Idea . .

my money with the primary ob-
jective of getting a return on my
investment. I own an automobile
-- as do millions of others. I own
property. I buy life insurance as
an investment, not only for the
present but for the future as
well - my family's future - to
make it secure for them. Security
- that's what we all work and
strive for. I run my business for
the purpose of making a profit.
* * *
"I PAY TAXES FOR the privi-
lege of living in these United
States. I, along with all the rest
of you, enjoy and benefit from
many things which are nothing
but dreams to people in other
lands. I am free to worship in any
church I wish. I am free to send
my children to any school I desire.
I am free to live and work any
place I want. I am free to vote
for the people I believe are best
suited to represent me in our
democratic form of government.
I am free to speak my mind or to
put my thoughts in writing. I am
free to go and come as I please.
Yes, I am a free man. I am a
capitalist. I am an American. They
are synonymous, They mean the
same thing.
"99 and 44/100% of all Ameri-
cans are capitalists. You notice I
said "Americans" - that doesn't
include the small minority of

Encore.. .
To the Editor:
In brief reply to Mr. Roach's
Sunday rebuttal and to the Daily's
ill-conceived article, "Band Called
Winner as Gridders Lose," I must
say that I am not impressed by
one band's out-prancing the other.
Is half-time a circus? It is a
Radio City Music Hall revue? If
so, then let's bring out the girls
and do it up right! Show tunes,
et al may do as a diversion, but
should not be the band's bread
and butter, Marches were com-
posed for just such musical groups
and for just such occasions. And,
Mr. Roach, marches are not the
crude kind of music you suggest.
Although their appeal to emotions
may be less subtle than that of
most symphonic works, they none-
theless require an artistic perfor-
mance by a good band.
* * *
BY THE WAY, if tradition pre-
vails, we will have our most gen-
erous dose of marches this week-
end. As usual on Band Day,
several thousand musicians will
drown the stands with a deranged
"Stars & Stripes Forever," or some
other much-abused march.I
Quantity is not the same as
quality. Nor is dancing the same
as marching. And a marching
band does not earn that title if
its working repertory contains only

atheistic doctrine like Commun-
ism is a peril recognized even by
the University administration. As
a matter of fact, the danger is
felt so keenly that presently not
even one Communist speaker has
been, is, or will be allowed to
spew his venom on our youth. I
commend this.
But' the lack of consistency of
the "band-decision" appalls me.
If one person will defile our
younger generation simply sby
speaking here, what will the
band-members do when they are
forced to wallow ip the baseness,
yes, the degeneracy of the beasts
in Russia? An experience like
that could easily taint a student
for life( and an unpleasant shade
of red at that).
Gentlemen of the administra-
tion, wake up before it's too late!
Rescind this hideous error before
we lose some more of our young-
sters to the demagogues of this
God-less menace! Don't fall prey
to Communist propaganda pleas
for "freedom of speech" as has
our sister university in Detroit.
Under the guise of liberty, we are
Russianizing even our system of
higher education!
-Meyer B. Fival
Slippery SCore .. .
To The Editor:
rfl Universit nf Michizn is

has the minimum of one in Joseph
Cotten, who functions perfectly.
The true thriller must also have
a moderately interesting hero, an
antagonist of inhuman qualities,
and lots of blood-and-thunder
action. All of this "Angel" has,
plus Ava Gardner.
* * *
is it such a bad film?
The answer is that though the
Tilmhcontains all tlhese things, it
neglects the more fundamental
laws of all good pictures.
'For instance, there is no build-
up in this movie, there is no
motion; all the action is staccato
and actually tends to slow down
any impetus that the film might
be gaining. This applies not alone
to the pure action scenes but for
the emotional scenes between Dirk
. Bogarde and Ava Gardner.
Neither these two nor anyone in
the audience has the slightest
preparation for what is asked of
them, and the strange feeling that
he is watching previews of a coin-
ing attraction never leaves the
viewer during these sequences,
IT IS A STOP-GO picture. No
sooner does ;Joseph Cotton take
complete control of a line and
absorb all attention than the
Iviewer's intelligence is' betrayed
by Ava Gardner whispering things
that, in terms obf the setting and
a propos of what had just been
said, she had no right to whisper.
There is more than one reason
why this should not have hap-
pened to this particular film. First
the plot is really interesting and
offers highly dramatic possibili-
Dirk Bogarde is ,A young priest
whn reipets hi sclinr when ha

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