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October 02, 1960 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-02

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Rushing Begins
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Colts' Game Tops NFL Bill



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The Chicago Bears, unbeaten
in eight straight games, and the
Baltimore Colts, led by Johnny'
Unitas, clash today in the most
significant game of the second,
week of National Football League{
After winning their last seven
games last season and defeating'
Green Bay in their season opener
last week, the Bears have chalk-
ed up their longest victory streak
in 13 years.
The Chicago club will still have
to reckon with Unitas, the strong-
armed quarterback of the Colts.
Unitas has now thrown a touch-
down pass in 38 straight games
for a league record he keeps'
He kept his string alive in last
week's victory over the Washing-
ton Redskins.
The Colts are picked as seven-
point favorites when they meet
the Bears today before a sellout
crowd of 58,000 at the Baltimore
Memorial Stadium.
In other action today, the Green
Bay Packers host the underdog
Detroit Lions. After whipping De-
troit twice last year, the Packers
are 9/2 point favorites. The Lions
were idle last week while the
Packers fell to the Bears.
On the West Coast, Los Angeles
and San Francisco clash in the
49ers home stadium. Both teams
are hurting defensively, but Y. A.
Tittle should give the 49ers a
seven point edge. Neither team
has broken into the win column.
Two undefeated clubs, Pitts-
burgh and Cleveland, play in
Cleveland, with the Browns a
touchdown favorite. The Steelers,
who are somewhat weak defensive-
ly, will have to contain Bobby
Mitchell, Cleveland halfback, if
they want to stay in the game.
Rounding out today's games,
the New York Giants travel to
St. Louis to tackle the Cardinals.
This is the first NFL game play-
ed in St. Louis since 1934 When
the club was named the Gunners.
The Giant's strong defense makes
them a very slight favorite. The
Cardinals have a new pass com-
bination to watch, John Roach to
Sonny Randle.
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U.S. Takes
World Gol
WTeam Title
ARDMORE, Pa. WP) -- The
United States, with amazing Jack
Nicklaus contributing his fourth
straight sub par round, won the
World Amateur Golf team cham-
pionship yesterday by a whopping
42 strokes.
Nicklaus, disdaining the fear-
some reputation of the Merion
Golf Club course in today's windyI
cool weather just as he had on
the first three days, finished with
a 2-under-par 68 for an almost
unbelievable 72-hole total of 269.
His score yesterday with ordin-
ary 75s by National Amateur
Champion Deane Beman and
Philadelphia's 44-year-old Bill
Hyndman, put together a three-
man aggregate of 218 for the final
round and a four-day total of
834. Only the best three scores of
each four-man team each day
are counted in the team scoring.
Australia, the defending cham-
pion, finished second with an 876
aggregate while Great Britain-
Ireland was third with 881. Aus-
tralia won the inaugural World
Team title at St. Andrews, Scot-
land, two years ago, beating the
U.S. In a playoff after they had
tied at 918.
Nicklaus, a powerful, 20-year-
old shotmaker from Columbus,
Ohio, who won the U.S. Amateur
championship in 1959, was the
only player to better today's tough
par of 36-34-70 at Merion. Clear,
cool, weather and a north wind
blowing at up to 20 miles an hour
through most of the day made
the 6,694-yard course a different
and somewhat tougher layout
than it was for the first three
days. In addition tee markers were
moved back and pins were placed
in more troublesome positions,
This was reflected in the scores,
which generally ran high. The
fourth American player, 39-year-
old Bob Gardner, skied to a 79
and his score didn't count in the
team totals.
The US total was the highest
the team had posted on its way
to the runaway team victory. In
the fourth round yesterday, all
four players were under par and
the three low scores totaled 208.
The battle for second place was
entirely among British Common-
wealth Natioons. Australia won it
when Eric Routley shot a 72, the
day's second best; Bruce Devlin
"had a 74 and Ted Ball a 76 for a
day's total of 222. Joe Carr, the
British Open Champion, was high
man on his team with 81 as Doug
Sewell led with 74, Guy Wolsten-
holme had 75 and'Michael Bonal-
lack had 78.
South Africa took fourth place
with an 893 aggregate, followed
by New Zealand 895, Canada 906,
Mexico 909, Rhodesia-Nyasaland
914 and Argentina 917. All were
under the winning total of two
years ago.

BIG THREAT-Bobby Mitchell, former Illinois great halfback,
will be in that position today as the Cleveland Browns face the
Pittsburgh Steelers in the battle of the unbeaten at Cleveland.
Pirates Top Spahn, 7-3
Groat, Runnels Up Lead

By The Assocated Press
Shortstop Dick Groat singled
twice and fielded flawlessly yes-
terday as the Pittsburgh Pirates
warmed up for the World Series
with a 7-3 victory over Milwau-
kee and Warren Spahn
Groat's showing in his first start
since he suffered a wrist injury
Sept 6, buoyed the Pirates' World
Championship hopes in the series
with the New York Yankees open-
ing Wednesday at Pittsburgh
But the Yankees. too, continued
to look sharp, winning their 14th
straight behind fine pitching by
rookie Bill Stafford, Jim Coates
and Bob Turley The Yanks beat
the Boston Red Sox 3-1 with Tur-
ley giving up the run in the ninth.

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ST. LOUIS (M-The St. Louis
Cardinals and the Baltimgre Ori-
oles yesterday switched baseball
affiliates in the the triple-A In-
ternational League.
The Cardinals announced the
Rochester, N.Y., players will be
transferred to Miami and that
Miami players will be moved to
The Cardinals had been affili-
ated with Rochester for 32 years,
first as owner of the club and
for the past four years under a
working agreement. The Orioles
had been affiliated with Miami
under aworking agreement for
four years.
Art Routzong, general manager
of the Cardinals, would not go
into reasons for the switch ex-
cept to say all foru clubs felt it
would be beneficial.

Groat, who batted five times.
raised his National League-lead-
ing batting average to .325, two
points better than Los Angeles'
Norm Larker in second place.
Boston's Pete Runnels went 1-
for2 against the strong Yankee
pitching to reach .320, five points
better than injured second-place
American Leaguer Al Smith of.
Chicago at .315.
The Chicago White Sox blew an
8-1 lead against the Cleveland In-
dians and all hope of a solo sec-
ond-place finish in the AL when
the Indians won 9-8 on John Ro-
mano's sacrifice fly and dropped
the defending champion White
Sox to third.
The Baltimore Orioles, mean-
while, defeated Washington 3-2
on rookie Chuck Estrada's three-
hitter. It was Estrada's 18th vic-
tory for the Orioles who can
clinch second today by winning
the season's final game. The
White Sox must win and the Ori-
oles lose for a second-place tie.
In National League day games,
Robin Roberts of the Philadelphia
Phillies won his 12th game, a 7-
hit 7-3 decision over the Cincin-
nati Reds, and rookie Juan Mari-
chale (6-2) beat the St. Louis
Cardinals 7-2 with an 8-hitter.
St. Louis was doomed to third
place in the National, even though
Milwaukee lost. Two games now
separate the clubs with only one
to play. An upset stomach kept
the Giants' Willie Mays (.319)
from a chance to go after the NL
bat leaders.
Groat had five assists, two put.
outs and figured in two double
plays. One of his singles drove
in two runs in a six-run sixth thai
chased Spahn (21-10) and made
a winner of Bob Friend (18-12).
Friend worked seven innings ir
his World Series warmup.

EAST LANSING-Exactly halfway through the third period of
yesterday's titanic Michigan-Michigan State battle MSU halfback,
Larry Hudas fielded Reid Bushong's short punt on his own 36 yard
line and took off down the West sideline towards the Wolverine goal.
Crossing midfield Hudas, met head on by two Michigan tacklers,
dropped the ball. As it bounced through the wildly clutching arms
of Michigan lineman Joe O'Donnell and John Houtman and then
into the grasp of Spartain cocaptain Fred Arbanas it seemed as if
the Michigan hopes for victory went with it.
Ten plays and 39 yards later the Spartans, halted by the Wol-
verine defense, settled for a field goal to tie the game, 117-17. And
though the score had just been tied it was becoming obvious that-
Michigan was slowly crumbling under the relentless pressure of the
The rest of the afternoon was one of complete frustration for the
spirited Michigan squad that had operated with machine like effi-
ciency in the first half.
Breakdown ..
AFTER the field goal which erased Michigan's lead once and
for all the Wolverines could gain only 59 yards compared with
the 122 the Spartans were yet to make and the 221 which the visi-
tors had made up to that point. Dave Glinka and Bob Chandler, who
had completed ' of 14 passes, hit only one of the last seven.
The injury list, which had been non-existent till then, quickly
added the names of Ken Tureaud, Bill Stine, Paul Polous, Dick
Syring, Tom Jobson, Bennie McRae and Chandler. Penalties, thank-
fully absent, twice halted the Wolverines when it appeared they
might be goalward bound in the game's waning minutes.
The Michigan team which fought so desperatedw in the third
quarter and later when it tried to get back into the game at the
end, was a much different squad than it had been in the first thirty
minutes of play.
It has been many years since a Michigan team has put together a
sustained drive like it did yesterday the first time it had the ball.
Never has a Michigan runner returned a kickoff as far as Denny
Fitzgerald, who rambled 99-yards for a score yesterday. The balanced
Michigan attack had the hosts groping for defensive measures to
stop them before half time.
Why did this smooth, well-coordinated attack slowly sputter and
give way to the tireless and methodical Spartans?
More Than One..
CERTAINLY if Hudas' fumble had settled in either O'Donnell's' or
Houtman's arms the outcome might have been changed, but this
one incident hardly seems to be the crucial difference between vic-
tory and defeat.
It was a combination of factors rather than any one particular
incident which changed the complexion of the game and determined
the eventual outcome.
The energetic but undermanned Michigan forward wall, so much'
an integral part of the Wolverine's first half success, slowly tired
as Michigan State continued to run fresh men into the fray and as
injuries reduced its own ranks. All in all the Spartans used 27 line-
men; Michigan 17. In the fourth quarter State used 25 of these
men, the Wolverines 13.
Injuries also took their toll. Eight of the twenty-nine Wolverines
who saw action were not physically able to take part in the final
moments of play. This attrition continually weakened the Maize and
Blue, who were somewhat vulnerable to Michigan State's surprise
"belly series" offense all afternoon.
With defenses prepared for the' characteristic Michigan State
multiple offense Michigan had difficulty adjusting to the "belly se-
ries" attack, which features hit off rather hit'out, and sweep block-
ing. And these problems mounted as man power dwindled.
Experience was also a factor which worked against the Wol-
verines in the last agonizing 20 minutes of play. Unquestionably
Michigan would not have been in the game at all without the contri-
butions of the seven sophomores who saw action, but their relative
inexperience also worked against them.
Two backfield in motion penalties, which cost the Wolverines
two completed passes in its last ditch drive, were the result of over-
anxious sophomores jumping the signal.
A missed tackle, which a more experienced lineman would prob-
I ably have made, gave the Spartans a key first down on its victory
The bubble burst suddenly for the Wolverines, after six and one-
half quarters of near perfect football they were beaten. However,
they were not beaten badly as they had been a year ago. They had
met a strong, favored team on foreign soil and had almost won an
upset victory.
High school coaches, sportswriters, visitingscouts and broad-
casters were high in their praise for the Wolverines. The wild vi-
sions of Michigan in the Rose Bowl conjured up by some campus
dreamers was rudely shattered, but all was not lost. In this defeat
it was obvious that Michigan is on its way up. And there are seven
games left on the Wolverines' schedule.



NHL Stars
Wp Habs
By The Associated Press
MONTREAL - The National
Hodkey League's All-Stars, living
up to their fancy billing, turned
back the Stanley Cup Champion
Montreal Canadiens 2-1 tonight
in the League's 14th annual All-
Star game.
Frank Mahovlich of the Toronto
Maple Leafs and Andy Hebenton
of the New York Rangers supplied
the Stars' goals, while Claude
Provost counted for the Canadiens
All the goals came in the second
The game drew a crowd of 14,-
030, more than 600 short of the
record set in Montreal in the 1953
all-star game.
Behind the outstanding goal-
tending of Glen Hall of the Chi-
cago Black Hawks, the Stars cut
a dashing pace most of the way
The Canadiens struck back in the
last period with everything they
had but were balked by the bril-
liant work of Hall.



Major League Standings



W L Pct.


Pittsburgh 94 59 .614
Milwaukee 88 65 .575
St. Louis 86 67 .562
x-Los Angeles 82 71 .536
San Francisco 78 75 .510
Cincinnati 67 86 .438
x-Chicago 59 94 .386
Philadelphia 58 95 .379
x-Plays night game.
San Francisco 7, St. Louis 2
Pittsburgh 7, Milwaukee 3
Philadelphia 7, Cincinnati 3



New York
Kansas City

W L Pct. GB
96 57 .627 --
88 65 .575 8
87 66 .569 9
75 78 .490 21
73 80 .477 23
70 82 .461 25
65 88 .425 31
57 95 .375 39


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The Michigan Daily

Detroit 6, Kansas City 4
Baltimore 3, Washington 2
New York 3, Boston 1
Cleveland 8.tChicago 8

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