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August 10, 1960 - Image 76

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-08-10

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Seventieth Year
als printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Students Aware of University


r u

, AUGUST 10, 1960


The Daily and the University:
Autonomous, Interassociated

K THIS ISSUE, The Michigan Daily
nmences its seventy-first year of publi-
ae early times both The Daily and the
sity it served were considerably smaller,
adoubtedly less complex. But through
irs both have evolved, sometimes in dis-
ed fashion, until today they stand on or
the summits of their respective realms:
iversity among American colleges, The
among American college newspapers. In
urse of their parallel development, The
and the University have found them-
reatly interdependent.
University must depend on The Daily to
a a number of interrelated functions
collectively, have considerable impact
. NEWSJOURNAL, The Daily is, the
,test single source of information for
rs of the community. People have tradi-
' used the word "mirror" to describe The
operation. The Daily reflects, to the
At degree it can, the diversity of a ka-
>pic University-in coverage of both the
ate, fast-breaking news and examina-
long-range, perhaps theoretic, problems
ues. Working in basically a "one-news-
locale, The Daily concentrates its
e on the three chief inhabitants of the
nity-the student, the teacher, the ad-
n influential and creative force. The'
penly evaluates the news and is capable
>lying either direction or coordination
the community. What the Daily edi-
vriter may sometimes lack in historical
he often compensates for in freshness
lion. Through his opinions, he may
ute demonstrably to University activity.
,mple, The Daily was highly influential
original development of Student Gov-
t Council, and the Regental adoption
latest Council plan.
UNIFYING instrument, The Daily is
University's one common property (be-
erhaps, the football team), and thus
s the unique opportunity to be not only
point but an open forum within an
se fragmented population.*
i organic unit of the University dedi-
o its educational ends, The Daily at-
to promote the development of a
intellectual community.
hese services, the University depends
Daily. But in the process, several re-
lities to the University accrue to The
as the community's only common
al of opinion, The Daily must take
sponsibility for seeing no reasonable
view is denied publication. The dec-

laration of the editorial page, as borrowed
from Mill-"where opinions are free, truth
will prevail"-symbolizes The Daily's essentia
liberalism. It is committed to the articulation
of divergent views rather than to expression of
completely arbitrary opinion.
Second, The Daily's news judgment should
generally conform to the standards of its ex-
traordinary readership - an intellectual one
Hence The Daily's emphasis will be on those
events having serious implications for the Uni-
versity, the nation, or for the world rather
than on a so-called "senational" item, such as
a quiz-show winner or a divorce case.
Third, it is important to realize the Uni-
versity community has granted The Daily its
freedom to exist as an independent journal.
In turn, it is The Daily's overarching obliga-
tion to the community to exercise its journal-
istic freedom with maturity and in good taste.
IN EXERCISING its independence, The Daily
will inevitably criticize the policy or practice
of either the University or one of its various
elements. The intent of such criticism is not
simply to complain or decry, but to improve.
As an organ of the community, The Daily is
dedicated to increasing the greatness of the
University of Michigan. Towards this end, it
must sometimes criticize, and attempt to
change, various aspects of the University en-
vironment. The greatness of an institution
emerges not from uniformity of thought but
from ipteracting tensions and critical discus-
sions about its goals and purposes. If The
Daily contributes to such interaction, it will
not only be functioning as a strong, free and
responsible newspaper, but it will also be ful-
filling a major duty of any member of this
community-serious evaluation.
Such, then, is the nature of the relationship
between The Daily and the University. At the
base of that relationship is something of a
paradox-as much as the two institutions are
interdependent, they are at the same time quite
autonomous, The Daily being traditionally free
of censorship or any other inhibiting relation-
ship with the University. Besides their mutual
dependence and autonomy, both institutions
'share a broad goal-to disseminate knowledge
and analyze its implications.
THE GOALS of The Daily, finally, are ideal-
istic and perhaps not wholly achievable.
The Daily must work earnestly toward such
goals, however, and its quality as a newspaper
should be measured by what progress it makes.
Seen in this way, The Daily is more than
simply a "mirror" of the University; a mirror
only passively reflects the scene before it, while
The Daily must both reflect and actively in-
terpret. Further, The Daily should be more
than simply a student newspaper; it can be a
vigorously participating member of the Uni-
versity community.'

IE ISSUES that will provide
the Daily's editorial and news
S columns witi matter relevant and
important to students and the
University in the coming year will
probably arise from a few broad
problem areas. These areas of con-
troversy are largely inevitable _
in a community as diverse and
special in nature as the University.
conflict and controversy are
bound to arise.
The University's first and im-
mediate problem is its rapidly in-
creasing size and complexity. En-
rollment for fall will probably
top 25,000. University President
Harlan H. Hatcher has not ex-
pressed alarm at the University's
precipitate growth; he rather
tends to look favorably on it. But
other factors in the community
1 point out alarming aspects of fur-
ther expansion: facilities will be-
S come inadequate more quickly,
housing and parking problems will
be critical, education will tend to-
ward mass production, The state
*is attempting to get back on its
feet after a serious financial buf-
feting; as education costs rise and
enrollment increases, the Univer-
sity will find it more difficult to
meet its budget and faculty losses
will be sustained. The serious
problem of fragmentation - lack
of communication among the vari-
ous parts of the loose framework
of the University's schools and
colleges - will be more acute.
* *. *
partially explained by the first
wave of war babies hitting Ameri-
ca's compuses will have serious
effects also. Officials recently
have discussed cutting the propor-
tion of out-of-state enrollment.
This measure raises several ques-
tions. Will the University really
be best living up to its responsibil-
ity to state students by cutting the
outside ratio? Won't the Universi-
ty lose some high quality ma-
terial (out-of-state admissions
exams apply more selective pres-
sure) and endanger what some
writers term its "cosmopolitan na-
ture" which sets it above other
state-supported schools?
The ratio cut plus the tuition
raise - the brunt of which will
be borne by out-of-staters - are
perhaps necessary, perhaps un-
necessarily expedient: time will
From time to time the Universi-
ty's hardworking and largely con-
scientious administrators are open
to criticism because their plans fit
day-to-day problems with piece-
meal solutions and neglect long-
range programs and objectives.
Expedience and patchwork admin-
istration will necessarily result
from any significant increase in
size and complexity of the Un-
versity, however.
..STUDENT Government Council
reflected national student trends
in passing a regulation banning
discriminatory membership selec-
tion practices in student organiza-
tions, including sororities and
The Council also implemented
a University Regents' Bylaw pass-
ed last November, pledging the
University to work to eliminate
bias in all areas.
The new ruling replaces a 1949
rule outlawing such bias in or-
ganizations seeking recognition
but not touching on already rec-
ognized groups. The new regula-
tion will establish a student-
faculty-administration committee
of seven to arbitrate cases of al-
leged discrimination. This group
will hear evidence and present a
recommendation to the Council,
which will then vote whether to
maintain or withdraw recognition
and- its privileges.
* * ,
THE ABORTIVE history of ac-
tion regarding the case of Sigma

Kappa sorority originally arous-
ed the Council's concern with
finding a new ruling.
Student .Government,.Council
twice decided that Sigma Kappa
stood in violation of University
recognition standards. The sorori-
ty was given time to work on its
problem, but eventually the Coun-
cil was forced to vote to with-
draw recognition. The Board in
Review - a student-faculty-ad-
ministration committee empower-
ed to reconsider Council actions -
was called and reversed the de-
All kinds of controversy broke
forth. Was the Council within its
rights in making the decision?

--David Giltrow

Reawakening Interest in Issues

Was the. Board in Review acting
within its rights in reversing it,
or was its grounds for the reversal
* * *
THE MATTER was glossed over.
A committee was set up to iron
out difficulties, vagueness and
ambiguity in the SGC plan, and
a new plan was arrived at which

included one more ground for re-
versal or review: "unreasonable
action", as well as jurisdictional,
or procedural irregularity. The
Board in Review was replaced by
a Committee On Referral with a
more even balance of interests-
student, faculty and administra-
The new ground for reviewing

SGC actions - substantive - was
claimed by the administration to
have been implicit in the old plan;
now it is explicit.
Should Sigma Kappa come up
again under the new plan and the
new ruling - which was not re-
viewed - there is strong likeli-
hood the Council would decide the
same way. None of the evidence

New Frontier
U ~', CA?~T -L
-s c~ '' 9

has changed. What would be the
fate of the sorority then?:
the policy of discriminatory nem-
bership selection is increasing with
their antipathy toward bias in
general. Student rights and human
rights are more and more cloaely
linked, and students sense their
enough to make a national and
even international trend of pro-
test against violations of their
At the University this student
movement is manifested in sever-
al forms. University students and
Ann Arbor citizens have formed
a picketing group against cer-
tain local stores and brances of
national dime store chains whlch
practice discrimination. Their
hours are regular and the sight of
a picket line on State Street is no
longer novel.
Student Government Council
has endorsed the local prt ,
demonstrations and national sit-
in protests by communicating
with chain store national offices
and governors of Southern states
where police intervention in
peaceful protests was condoned.
ence on Race Relations n the
North last spring, sponsored by
the Students for Democratic So-
ciety, a local group affiliated with
the national organization.
The national awakening of stu-
dent awareness and the Universi-
ty's reflection of this movement
would seem to counteract the
trend popularized as "student
apathy". Students show apathy in
some areas -their passionate dis-
interest in SGC has brought elec-
tion totals to record lows In the
past three elections.
But the awakening of student
concern in areas of national rath-
er than local interest may stimu-
late student involvement in other
timely and traditionally student
oriented problems,
The question of compulsory
ROTC (is it justifiable in direct
connection with a University cur-
riculum?) was brought violently
to the fore in Michigan State's
struggle which so far has failed,
* * *
IT TIES IN with the move-
ment for disarmament which as
given birth to peace deonstra-
tions like the one this sumnmier on
Hiroshima Day and like the half-
joking Anti-Military Ball held last
spring on the same night as the
traditional ROTC ball.
Sponsored by the Friends, the
Peacemaker's Prance encountered
opposition from t+)1e military, who
felt unjustly persecuted. SOC let
them have the dance on the same
night with the Military Ball, but
changed the place from the same
building. The wisdom of this SCt'
action aroused some question.
Academic freedom -ne of the-
widest areas of student concern--
was revived in connection with
the firing of H. Chandler Davis in
1954 because of' alleged commu-
nist activity which many felt was
never proved, under irregular cir-
cumstances according to Universi'
ty standard procedure, Davis re-
fused to answer in 1954 questions
by a House Un-American Activi-
ties subcommittee; he never 4n-
voked the fifth amendmepat. He
was fired without severance pay,
without a hearing and without an
appeal possibility, and expressed
some bitterness toward President
Hatcher for a "professional black-
Davis was sentenced last year to
serve six months and pay a $250
fine for contempt of Congress,
other campus issues include:
dating, women's hours, drinking
and driving regulations, student
voting rights in Ann Arbor, the
city Human Relations Commis-
sion and its membership appoint-
ments, and curriculum require-

When Opinions are Free

* 0*

N' OPINIONS are free, truth will pre-
il." John Stuart Mill's assertion is not
itorial policy; it is the guiding policy
3aily must interpret and comment on
's if it would gain depth. It cannot
to dictate what the community should
f its editorials present only one view
dministration, the Presidential election
'pity rushing, The Daily may rightly be
Lased. Such coverage implies there is
opinion on these subjects.
3HTFUL involvement in the interests
ie community shown in the editorial
will make The Daily a forceful, free
'nt for that community. Self-interest
place in The Daily's operation. As the
pice for many readers, The Daily is
tle competitive pressure. It is under
of University censorship and respects
ing pressures, Unexamined from with-
lust be self-critical.
aily's most important ideal is objective
n from within. self-criticism without
IENTLY applied, this ideal can pre-
the free play of opinion which enables
y to avoid arbiting truth to the com-
Editorial Staff
ty Editor Editorial Director
iONNER . ..,.,.. Personnel Director
KABAKER Uf.,,,,.. agazine Editor
WITECKI.................... Sports Editor
MCELDOWNEY ..... Associate City Editor
, B .OORE. Associate Editorial Director
PPLEBAUM ,.,...,, Associate Sports Editor

munity. Principles of selection, which must
obviously be exercised over expressions of opin-
ion submitted to The Daily, may in inferred
from it. And since this necessary selectivity is
the greatest threat to freedom of opinion in
The Daily, the criteria assume vital importance.
. There are several philosophies of handling
the editorial columns of a newspaper. One has,
interpretation of news as its prime object.
Another is independent, random choice among
editorial offerings.
The Daly's approach takes a greater meas-
ure of responsibility than either.
HE DAILY feels an involvement in the
community rare among newspapers. It is a
student newspaper and a University organ, and
as such identifies its interests with those of
both the University and its students. Since
these interests at once overlap and conflict,
The Daily's responsibility is the greater.
This interpretation of the Mill statement is
a broad and demanding one. It is frequently
misread and whittled to mean that The Daily
has .promised to cover all views equally. This
would be impossible, unfeasible and irrespon-
sible. It is axiomatic that a balance of opinions
in no way implies representative or even cover-
The Daily must be able to assert itself against
those who would claim equal time for conflict-
ing views in all situations, for this kind of
improper influence is more dangerous than
lobbying. Lobbies press for one-sided coverage
with one direction, but those who advocate
balance of interests would rob editorial cover-
age of any direction. As The Daily's freedom
implies responsibility, so does its responsibility
demand freedom.
NOR IS IT ENOUGH to act responsibly from
day to day. It is not enough that selection
of editorials be true and impartial and in good
taste. In some cases-notably those involving


Ann A rborites May

Taste Cultural Fare

The cultural life of Ann Arbor,
if you don't count the flicks, fails
into three main catagories: music,
drama, and museums. Taken to-
gether they offer the student and
local gentry a fairly d i v e r s e
sample of the current artistic
With so much going on, even
the most avid art-taster can sand-
wich a tremendous amount of

musical, dramatic, and visual ex.
perience between studying in the
Union and socializing at the
On the musical front, The
Choral Union Series and the Extra
Concert Series take the lead in
sheer number and fill Hill Audi-
torium to capacity for a strange
and wonderful array of first-and
second-rate orchestras and solo-
ists. The coming year will feature
such attractions as the Boston

Symphony, Rubenstein, Hilde Gue-
den, and Van Cliburn (twice!).
* * *
THE ANNUAL Messiah Concerts
in December bring this well
known work again before the
public eye, while a Spring Cham-
ber Music Festival presents me-
morable reading of smaller works.
But the real marathon comes
in May with the May Festival, a
yearly event that bring the com-
bined forces of the Philadelphia'
Orchestra and distinguished solo-
ists to Ann Arbor in a two-con-
cert-a-day four-day event that
leaves even the most compulsive
music lovers satisfied in quantity
if not in quality.
Bridging the gap between music
and drama are the Speech Depart-
ment productions of v a r i o u s
operas. The latest have been Das
Rheingold and Don Giovanni, as
well as several evenings of scenes.
The productions are of high
quality and are the high point of
the opera lovers season.
* * *
THERE IS also Musket, a stu-
dent group that does their own
versions of old Broadway favorites
such as Kiss Me Kate and Carou-
sel. And the Gilbert and Sulllivan

actors for the purpose, and is as
yet a state secret. Charleton Hes-
ton was here once in a "Macbeth"
that is better forgotten, and some-
body did "Waiting for Godot."
* * *
TURNING TO the ineloquent
arts, we go into jhe museums (not
the one with stuffed birds) to find
what is on the whole a bright pic-
ture. The centre is in Alumni Hall
which owns over 7,000 objects and
shows a changing selection of
them in their galleries. There
promise to be new and interesting
additions, as the director recent-
ly spent time in Europe adding
to the collections. In addition, the
permanent collections are supple-
mented with traveling exhibitions
of varying quality.
They also have a kind of annex
in the UGLI lobby where a small
but excellent selection of art is
fed to those too lazy or stupid to
take advantage of the main col-
The Kelsey Museum could prob-
ably lay claim to being the most
obscure building in the Univer-
sity. It has a fine collection of
Egyptology and it is probably that
99 per cent of the students have
never or will never pass its thres-

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