Syracuse . . . 14 Navy .. ... 15 Ohio State ... 20 Minnesota
Kansas.... 7 Washington . . 14 USC. ...... 0 Indiana
. . . 42 Iowa . . . . . 42 Purdue . . . . . 51 Illinois . . . 33 Wisconsin .. .35
... 0 Northwestern . 0 Notre Dame .. 19 West Virginia . 0 Marquette... 6
See Page 4
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
:43 a t I
Scattered showers,
fair and cooler by night.
Premier's Behavior
Rebuked in Assembly
U.S. Speech Assails Khrushchev
For 'Intemperate Outbursts' at UN
UNITED NATIONS (A'--The United States delivered a rebuke to
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's behavior in the United Nations As-
sembly yesterday.
It assailed the Soviet leader for a speech hitting at the United
States, its way of life and its friendship with Franco's Spain.
United States Ambassador James J. Wadsworth called Khrush-
chev's performance a "spectacle," and said the Soviet leader's "in-
temperate outbursts" cast grave doubt on the possibility of serious
negotiation on disarmament or other major world issues.
Chances Lessened
The effect of the United States response was to lessen chances
Border Pact
With China
Called Fair
TOKYO (A-Prime Minister U
Nu of Burma yesterday hailed the
new boundary treaty between
Burma and Red China as one
based on absolute equality.
"It would be ridiculous for any-
one to suggest that this treaty
was imposed by Burma on an un-
willing China or was imposed by
China on Burma," he declared.
The Burmese leader spoke in
Peiping where earlier he signed
the treaty with Red Chinese
Premier Chou En-lai.
The remarks were carried by
Peiping Radio which quoted Chou
as saying the signing had "open-
ed a new chapter in the history
of Chinese and Burmese friend-
ship and set a good example of
peaceful coexistence among Asian
The border agreement erases
trouble spots dating back to when
the British ruled Burma and the
Nationalists ran China.
Action Group
Pickets Local
Chain Stores
Members of the Ann Arbor Di-
rect Action Committee continued
picketing the local branches of
F. W. Woolworth and S. S. Kresge
stores yesterday.
A sign displayed in Kresge's
window states, "All students wel-
come, regardless of race, creed,
religion or picketing activities."
Another sign in the Kresge
window tells passers - by "where
the money goes," and lists dona-
tions made to the University by
the Kresge Foundation.
AADAC has decided to begin cir-
culating a petition objecting to
the alleged discriminatory adver-
tising policy of the Ann Arbor
The petition reads, "We the
undersigned protest the policy of
the Ann Arbor News in accepting
restrictive, discriminatory classi-
fied advertising.
"Since words like white, colored,
Protestant, etc.-used in employ-
ment and housing ads-tend to
perpetuate the second class status
of the Negro and other minority
agroups,, and since these qualifiers
are an insult to all members of
the community, we strongly urge
the Ann Arbor News to follow the
lead of enlightened newspapers
elsewhere and refuse to accept this
kind of advertising."
Katanga Force
MaKes Flight
ga's infant air force flew in anger
for the first time yesterday dur-
ing a clash between rebel Baluba
tribesmen and the Katanga gen-
darmerie which left 20 reported
of a new face-to-face meeting be-
tween Khrushchev and Eisenhow-
Khrushchev unloaded his major
blasts in a rambling off-the-cuff
continuation of a prepared ad-
address, as the Assembly shifted
its attention from the neutralists'
campaign for a new Eisenhower-
Khrushchev meeting to the ques-
tion of Red China's claim to Unit-'
ed Nations membership.
Blasts United States
Khrushchev blasted the United
States as a country permitting le-
gal lynchings of Negroes. He sug-
gested that barring Red China
conceivably could spur the Com-
munist countries to form a Unit-
ed Nations of their own. But in
the next breath he said nobody
would want that.
If such a thing should come to
pass, Khrushchev said: "That
would be the burying ground of
the United Nations."
The Assembly's extra Saturday
session began with a statement by
Wadsworth opposing a bid for
general debate on Red China's
claim to membership. Khrushchev
followed him to the stage, and
after reading his text, launched
into an attack on the United
States and its allies. Wadsworth
then made a second appearance
under the United Nations "right
of reply" rule.
Cites Performance
The United States ambassador,
citing Khrushchev's performance,,
said the delegates "must once
again feel a sense of deep dis-
turbance in behalf of the United
Nations itself.
"I do not speak merely from the
standpoint of being regularly sur-
prised and not a little bit shocked'
at the spectacle presented by the
representative of the Soviet Un-
ion in this chamber-whether he
be on the rostrum or in his seat--
but I must say that it casts a good1
deal of doubt upon the possibility'
of serious, constructive, calm ne-
gotiations for disarmament or for
any of the larger aspects of peaceI
in our time.
"I am deeply sorry in behalf4
of the United Nations that weE
have been subjected to this doubt
and I can only hope that the in-1
temperate outbursts which we
heard this morning will not be
repeated and that the oft-reiter-
ated position of the United States1
that we are ready to negotiate
whenever there is sincerity in ne-
gotiation and possibly of success1
will again prevail."9
Ike Meets
With Ally
On Policy
WASHINGTON () - British
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
flew in yesterday for a talk with
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
on strategy for meeting swelling
neutralist pressure at the United
Nations for an Eisenhower-
Khrushchev meeting.
United States officials heavily
discounted the possibility of any
such conference between the Pres-
ident and the Soviet Premier de-
spite the demand from leaders of
cold war neutrals such as Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of In-
Refuses Comment
Macmillan, arriving from New
York, wouldn't comment to news-
men on his scheduled talk with
Eisenhower at the White House
this morning. Also sitting In will
be Prime Minister Robert G. Men-
zies of Australia.
It seemed likely that the Presi-
dent would hold in abeyance any
final decisions on strategy until
he has talked with Macmillan and
Menzies today,
The three men will be joined
by Secretary of State Christian
A. Herter, British Foreign Secre-
tary Lord Home and Ambassador
Howard Beale of Australia,
Should Khrushchev agree to
Eisenhower's conditions for a par-
ley it might be speedily arranged,
United States officials said. But
they saw no prospect of that de-
velopment in view of the Soviet
leader's persistent hostility to-
ward the United States and the
Western powers in general.
Set Conditions
The chief specific condition
Eisenhower has laid down is that
two American airmen held by the
Soviet Union should be released.
In addition Eisenhower wants
some evidence that a talk between
himself and Khrushchev might ac-
tually ease world tensions.
The United States yesterday
found itself caught in something
of a diplomatic trap on the Eisen-
hower-Khrushchev issue, officials
acknowledged. The problem of
how to meet the pressure for a
conference without appearing to
close the door on worldwide hopes'
for improving Soviet - U.S. rela-
tions is recognized as a delicate
and embarrassing one.
Resolution Sponsored
United States officials say the
men who sponsored the resolution,
undoubtedly believe that renewala
of such personal diplomacy would
be a contribution to world peace.
But this view is not generally ac-]
cepted in the United States gov-
A face-to-face confrontation of
Khrushchev and Eisenhower could
actually result in increasing ten-
sions, as officials here see the situ-
ation. They say failure of Eisen-]
hower and Khrushchev to come to]
any kind of better understandingi
could increase the world's troubles
by wrecking hopes built upon such1
a meeting.1
Wilson, Adderley
Star in Victory
Fitzgerald Sprints To 99-Yard TD;
Raimey Scores Other Touchdown
Sports Editor
EAST LANSING-Michigan's fighting Wolverines put up
a tremendous battle before a record crowd of 76,490 in Spar-
tan Stadium yesterday but finally succumbed to a powerful
Michigan State squad, 24-17.
Following an amazing first half offensive display that in-
cluded an electrifying 99-yard kickoff return by Michigan
halfback Dennis Fitzgerald, the game took on a defensive
flavor until late in the fourth quarter when the Spartans
broke a 17-17 deadlock with an awesome show of power.
Drove Deep
Led by the quarterbacking of Tom Wilson and the running
of fullback Carl Charon, the Spar-
-David Giltrow
GO BLUE!-Bennie McRae is off on another Jaunt as he sprints past a flock of Spartan would-
be tacklers. McRae was the leading ground-gainer for the Wolverines as he frequently exhibited his
speed and sheer determination against the larger, stronger Michigan State linemen.
Kennedy, Nixon Speak in Midwest
By The Assolated Press
T h e presidential campaign,
thundered back into the Midwest
yesterday w th Sen. John F. Ken-
nedy criticizing GOP farm poli-
cies and Vice President Richard
M. Nixon accusing his opponent?
of a "reckless and irresponsible"
attack on President Dwight D.
Kennedy also called for Ameri-
can economic aid to help Poland
Stop Four
From MSU
Two Michigan State University'
students, Gary Utriainen and:
Thomas De Rosa, were fined $10
and $5 court costs for painting of
"MSU" in white on a University
stadium area street, on ticket
booths and on a concession stand.
A University student, George
Anderson, '61, wandered into the
area allegedly intoxicated and
was picked up by the police. He
was cleared of any participation
in the painting, but was charged
with the possession of intoxicating
Two other members of the
group, William Kestly and Charles
Rinkevich, also MSU students,
were picked up attempting to
hitchhike back to East Lansing.
Both were booked on disorderly
charges, and Kestly was also
charged with having a false iden-
tification. They will be arraigned
Monday at 1:30 p.m.
restore its independence from the
Soviet system.
The Democratic nominee fired
his criticism at Republican farm
pledges during a Minneapolis
speech, His call for aidto Poland
was made during a Chicago ad-
dress to the Polish American Con-
Nixon, campaigning through
Ohio and into Indiana, kept hit-
ting at a foreign policy speech
Kennedy made Thursday at Syra-
cuse, N.Y.
"I am tired of reading every
morning what Mr. Khrushchev is
doing or what Mr. Castro is do-
ing," Kennedy said in Syracuse.
"I want to read what the Presi-
dent of the United States is do-
ing. . .we have been hyptonized by
the glare of the headlights from
the oncoming car instead of look-
ing at the road ahead....I think
we can do better...."
Nixon Replies
Nixon said yesterday, "I cannot
allow this attack on the Presi-
dent's leadership and his prestige
to go unanswered when it carries
with it the hopes of the entire
world at this crucial moment.
"The senator owes it to his
party and to his country to cease
these irresponsible attacks on the
President of the United States...
"If he (Kennedy) would talk
less and read more, he would have
learned that the President has
been giving dynamic leadership
in this situation to the cause of
peace and freedom. He has been
applauded by the entire world..."
Kennedy said there has been a
"performance gap in agriculture"
under the Republican administra-
tion and that if Nixon is elected
"it is a gap which will continue
to grow."
He said "we will not raise farm
incomes and reduce farm sur-
pluses until we accept the hard
fact that we must sell less to
earn more."
In his Chicago speech earlier in
the day, Kennedy offered a sev-
en-point plan for helping to re-
store Polish independence by
"evolution, not revolution."
Rift Marks
End of Talks
VIENNA ()-The International
Atomic Energy Agency last night
concluded its two-week conference
after a flareup over two Com-
munist proposals.
The conference went into over-
time to discuss and finally reject
a Czechoslovak proposal to give
consultative status to the Com-
munist-tinged World Federation
of Trade Unions.
Earlier yesterday, the confer-
ence voted down a Polish resolu-
tion to appeal to the Geneva Nu-
clear Test-Ban Meeting to con-
clude an early agreement.
The conference closed in an
East-West split over nuclear in-
spection and with a warning from
some African-Asian member coun-
tries that they would seek nuclear
help from Moscow.
tans drove down deep into Michi-
gan territory twice in the clos-
ing minutes of the fourth quarter.
The first time a 55 yard march
was stopped on the Michigan 25
when Wolverine Captain Gerry
Smith made the day's top defen-
sive play by stealing a pass from
the arms of a Spartan receiver.
Defense Rises
The Spartans, however, were
not to be denied. Their defense
rose up and stopped Michigan with
no gain on the next two plays.
With third down Michigan
quarterback Dave Glinka dropped
back to pass and for the first
time in the game the Spartans
broke through the Michigan block-
ing, throwing Glinka for a 16
yard loss back on the three yard
Reid Bushong's punt carried
out to the Michigan 42, but Mich-
igan State halfback Don Stewart
brought it back to the 30. It was
then, with just three minutes re-
maining, t h a t the Spartans
launched a grinding ground at-
tack that resulted in the decid-
ing touchdown. Calling a time out
after each play, Wilson handed
the ball to Charon four times and
carried it once himself in the five
plays it took to score.
Charon Scores
Carrying the ball over from the
three was Charon, who piled up
124 yards in 14 attempts in the
course of the afternoon. It was a
remarkable performance for a
player who has been regarded as
a "defensice specialist" by Michi-
gan State Coach Duffy Daugher-
Michigan made a valiant come-
back in the two minutes that re-
mained in the game. Soph quar-
terback Bob Chandler came off
the bench and moved the Wol-
verines from their own 35 to the
midfield stripe. It was on the play
that gave Michigan a first down
on the 50 that Chandler seriously
injured his knee and had to be
taken from the field on a stretch-
Desperate Drive
Glinka re-entered the game and
the Wolverines sustained their
desperate drive to the Michigan
State 35 where they were finally
halted after having two complet-
ed passes called back because of
illegal motion penalties.
After the Wolverines reluctant-
ly relinquished the ball, it took the
Spartans Just one play to run out
the clock and give them their
eighth victory in the last 11 years
over the Wolverines.
Michigan had gotten off to an
early lead when it had taken the
ball on the opening kickoff and
See LATE, Page 7
Three Added
To Petitioners
Marilyn Frank, '62, Gerald Ed-
son, '63, and Marshall Smith, '62,
have added their names to those
taking out petitions for Student
Laos Rightist
Rebel Force,
VIENTIANE, Laos (IP)-Right-
wing rebel forces who fled from
Sam Neua when that northern
Laotian stronghold fell to pro-
Communist Pathet Lao guerril-
las have surrendered and declared
their loyalty to Premier Souvan-
na Phouma's neutralist govern-
A Souvanna spokesman here
said yesterday the rebel soldiers,
who made up the Sam Neua garri-
son, number about 1,000 men. The
spokesman said they fled to the
southwest when a supporting
force of 2,000 nimilitiamen laid
down their arms as Pathet Lao
units moved on the city.
Province Cleared
The rebels' surrender at the vil-
lage of Muon Peun, 20 miles south-
west of Sam Neu, clears the
northern provinces of forces loyal
to Gen. Phoumi Nosavan and fur-
ther weakens his position in talks
aimed at settling Laos' three-cor-
nered civil war.
Souvanna sent two ministers to
Sam Neua earlier yesterday to ne-
gotiate with the Pathet Lao for
establishment of his government's
authority there.
Still Disagree
Souvanna appeared still to be
having troubles with paratrooper
Capt. Kong Le, who overthrew a
pro-American regime last August
and replaced it with Souvanna's
The Premier insisted a cease-
fire order issued by King Savang
Vathana Thursday is being ob-
served. Kong Le declared, how-
ever, that his men would continue
fighting until Phoumi surrender-
"I will keep on pushing south,"
said Kong Le, whose battalion of
800 paratroopers is the best train-
ed in the royal army. "We must
capture all of Laos."
New Country
Backs Peace
For Africans
LAGOS, Nigeria ()-Nigeria-.
Africa's most populous nation -
attained independence yesterday
and proclaimed itself at once as
a power for peace on the troubled
Federal Premier Abubakar Taf-
awa Balewa said Nigeria must "at
once be ready to deal with grave
international issues."
"This fact has of recent months
been unhappily emphasized by
the startling events which have
occurred in this continent," he
said. "We are called upon immedi-
ately to show that our claims to
responsible government are well
founded. Having been accepted as
an independent state, we must at
once play an active part in main-
Band Called Winner as Griddersq Lose
"I'm sick of just winning the
band contests; this time we've got
to win the football game."
This Michigan fan along with
several thousand others left Spar-
tan Stadium a little disappointed
yesterday, but most of them still
found a lot to be happy about.
Roars of glee were heard, in
the Michigan stands as the MSU
band put down its instruments to
dance in a chorus line. "We dance
with our instruments," an MSU
fan was told when she objected to
certain comments and sounds be-
SMIMM.w lms