Up from the Jungle Seventieth Year -.. , EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN M Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ruth Wil Prevail STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 iWtorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NIXON-KENNEDY DEBATE: Candidates Demonstratel CampaignA ppro aches... By JAMES SEDER Daily Staff Writer VICE-PRESIDENT Richard M. Nixon and Sen. John F. Kennedy are apparently basing their campaign on the same theory: that Ken- nedy's chief appeal lies in the area of domestic policy and that Nixon must win on the issue of experience in dealing with foreign policy questions. This view was reinforced by last night's radio-TV debate by the two candidates. For example, on the first question thrown out to the candidates-a question about experience for leadership-the candidates Y, SEPTEMBER 27, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS 4 Rising Faculty Mobility Creates New Tensions F ACULTY MOBILITY is a strange phenome-. non-its causes are vague and the frustra- tions and tensions which increase or diminish it change, continually and inconsistantly. There has been a steady increase in faculty trover at the University for the past few years. Some of the problems which have pro- duced this are relatively clear-but they are becoming rapidly less so. The pervasive pessimism of last year's finan- cial crisis has not quite vanished, but it has been diminished and transformed into a kind Of guarded optimism, a sense that things may, at last, be on the way up. Part of this has come from simply living through two years of a sense of crisis-even hanging by your nails on the brink of a cliff loses its terror eventually. In this case the nail- hold has gotten gradually firmer, through monetary driblets from the Legislature, and somewhat firmer support from the Regents in the form of a strategic salary raise in the tace of the serious financial situation. But if the worry over insufficient equipment, or lack of money to pay assistants has waned; If the innocent questions at parties-"Oh, are you people getting paid this year?"-have lost their sting, new tensions and frustrations have taken their place. FACUTY MOBILITY - the coming and going of teachers within the various colleges and universities-is way up this year. This decade has brought a huge demand for the highly trained college teacher. The aca- demic marketplace has become a seller's mar- ket. And talent is more in demand than ever before. All over the country colleges and univer- sities set up programs to attract the brilliant men. Inter-disciplinary programs which suit the talents of one type of man are expressly developed for him: departments out-bid each other in an attempt to get the best possible people In this constant competition for the most shining lights, the University both gets and loses its share. Three of the top men in math left during the last two years, and under- graduates moan that the department has dropped from third to fifteenth in the country In Defense of Ea P OBABLY one of the most highly coveted privileges around campus during the week before classes is the early registration pass. This semester almost 950 students legitimately participated in this semi-annual ritual and an unknown number through illicit channels. Upon closer consideration, however, early registration is a necessary institution, and the work of its administrators, the Early Registra- tion Committee of the Student Government Council, is highly underrated. Many outraged cries arise about the disad- vantage taken of early registration as the numbers of privileged recipients of these passes seem to increase every semester. E Early Registration Committee performs an inglorious Job which should rightfully be performed by the administration were it not for the expense of employees and the time con- simed in investigation. This committee simply idministers University policy on Early Regis- tration which states that students employed 15 htours a week or more, or who spend that much time in campus activities including orientation, may register and make out their class sched- early. The Committee requires a letter rrmthe employer of persons wishing to -reg- later early and checks carefully into the rec- ords of students on athletic teams and other campus activities to verify these claims. Whether students participating in campus activities should be denied the convenience of going through the registration process and making out their programs with an eye to- ward their extra-curricular activities should iot be a topic for controversy. curricular and extra-curricular aspects of education at a large University such as this cannot be separated. Both are integral components of a liberal education. The requirements of admission and the standards of competition hardly make this University a mecca for full-time amateur foot-. ball players or professional student govern- ment leaders. Yet the broadening and stimulat- ing activities that this University provides can be invaluable experiences. The University bene- fits from these people as well, for those stu- dents have the desire and ability to contribute to the functioning of some of its varied as- pects. They, along with students who have the responsibility of outside employment added to their studies, should be aided in planning a program which will permit these activities. THIS year's early registration committee has been more successful than most in eliminat- ing the abuse of early registration passes. Poase were zanter1 nnly o tnudernts who rea- because of it. But it has gained men like Chicago's Savage in return, showing that, for whatever reason, the University retains its power to draw top men from everywhere. BUT THIS ERA of constant lures creates a kind of tension in the University. A man is more likely to move on now, to other schools which boast better departments in his field, to an appointment which will allow him more time for research and fewer class hours, or to a department which is more research than teaching-oriented. On the other hand, there are other stresses which make a man stay. The University evokes a great deal of loyalty both to itself as an institution, and, especially in the stronger departments, to the departments within the discipline. The five top men in the philosophy department, Dean Heyns reports, have received substantial offers from other institutions during the period of financial crisis. Not one man has left. This kind of general loyalty can make a teacher withstand general frustrations -the Legislature, the size, even the lack of equipment. But there are frustrations peculiar to the University that make men go elsewhere. Vice- President Niehuss said very carefully that "there may be some men who feel that the University isn't moving." A professor added that the University seemed to lack the moral leadership required to give it a sense of total community, that the institution is simply a conglomeration of colleges and schools banded together by a name. It is this feeling that tends to further the association of a professor with his discipline rather than his university, a stratification which is taking place already too fast for the good of the institution as a whole. lfH E UNIVERSITY is living with itself this year, with a kind of uneasy peace, a sense of tension and indefiniteness that needs to be resolved by some kind of unifying purpose if the colleges are not to fragment into tightly knit departments, the departments into in- dividuals working for their disciplines and the University as an institution, cease to exist. -FAITH WEINSTEIN irly Registration Unfortunately, this disadvantage cannot be easily halted. The craftiness of our student population who fill out double sets of registra- tion forms or sneak into the registration tables with freshman orientation groups is hard to keep track of. Changes in the administration of this pro- gram must constantly be made in order to check and control these abuses. However, the intent of early registration passes is not to confer an honor reward or privilege, but is to provide a necessary and worthy convenience. It should not be condemn- ed simply because it has been abused. -IJNDA REISTMAN on T oda's Page fI EEDITORIAL PAGE you read today looks more familiar than Sunday's theme page. The two forms of editorial page have much in common and some differences. Each item on today's page purports to cover its particular subect thoroughly, though the writers have limited their topics appropriately. The writer of the series, for instance, has divided a broad subject-distribution require- ments-into several component aspects of it to avoid an unwieldy, hard-to-organize single article. This coverage is different from that of the pro-con editorial or topical page, where the breaking down of an issue results in views that may contradict each other directly. On today's page you may expect to read each item as distinct from the one running next to it or above it. Sunday's discussion of the desegregation issue, I think, is most effective and informative taken as a whole, although each item was deemed worthy of sampling. Items on the theme page are generally meant to be examined in that con- text as well as on their own merits. LIKE THE separate articles on this page, any article on a topical page and either side of a pro-con editorial debate must be judged separately by the Editorial Director's standards of logic, responsibility and good taste. These criteria are general and subject to interpreta- tion. Readers are more likely to question the Editorial Director's judgment in treatment of hotly disputed issues. Accepting fair presentation of controversy as a responsibility of the press, the Editorial Director must realize the danger of subjective judgment and act accordingly. Knowing that my judgment is fallible, I-still must face the obligation to deal with controversy. I do not wish to avoid issues where conflicting opinions exist - such issues demand explication and Pa.,nl,,+nn hit Mi lpf *nlr,+nm mvnhf A f 1 WALTER LIPPMAN: The U.S. Double Role at the UN took significantly different tacks. Kennedy mentioned his experi- ence on the Senate committee on labor. But he significantly did not mention at this time that he was also a member of the Senate Com- mittee on Foreign Relations and chairman of that committee's sub- committee on Africa. Many political observers believe that Kennedy could build a plaus- ible case for his experience on the Foreign Relations Committee be- ingĀ° comparable to Nixon's ex- perience within the Administra- tion. He has not done so, because he wants to focus as little atten- tion as possible.on the question of experience in foreign policy. IT IS ALSO significant that -Nixon's appraisal of his own qual- ifications listed two experiences in foreign affairs and only one con- cerning domestic affairs. This was his anti-inflation study committee. This reference could have been designed to keep Republicans happy without alienating Demo- crats or independents- inflation is something everyone is against. Kennedy's approach followed the trail laid down by former Presi- dent Harry Truman in his 1948 election fight with Thomas Dewey. Truman presented a clear, dy- namic picture of a progressive, liberal and active national gov- ernment. He sought to rally people to him on the basis of what he and his party would do for people. Kennedy, like Truman, is attempt- ing to create a picture of a dy- namic federal government. "One party is ready to move on these programs (various social welfare legislation)-the other is not," the senator said at one point. "If you feel that everything being done now is satisfactory . . . I think you should vote for Mr. Nixon," he said later. . . . ESSENTIALLY, Nixon is taking the Dewpy approach. He is trying not to alienate anyone by his domestic program. He favors most of what Kennedy favors, but less of it. Nixon, of course, differs from the Dewey approach in one highly significant respect. Dewey carried his approach over into the foreign policy areas. It is in this area where Nixon is actively trying to build his image of vigorous leader- ship. One question by a reporter probably hurt Nixon. This was in reference to President Eisen- hower's comment at a press con- ference a few weeks ago that he could not recall any specific sug- gestions of Nixon's which were adopted. Nixon managed to eke out a plausible answer, but it sounded somewhat lame. And, more important, mere repetition of this incident hurt the vice- president by tarnishing his image of experienced leadership. This debate will probably help Kennedy more than Nixon, since it was designed to cover domestic issues. But the two candidates probably expected this. Nixon's chance will come when they de- bate foreign affairs. AT THE CAMPUS: 'Jazz' SAY that "Jazz on a Summer Day" is an unusual and re- freshing documentary is like say- ing that Charlie Chaplin was a good comedian. He was, of course, a very good comedian indeed. But he was so much more. He re- defined nearly everything he did. "Jazz on a Summer Day" is' not a standard documentary. It does not begin, for instance, with the voice of a narrator explaining something to the effect that every summer for so many years the customarily quiet town of New- port, Rhode Island, has been the scene of an increasingly popular, and profitable, jazz festival. (The film was shot in 1959.) Nothing like that. It never ex- plains. It does begin, on the other hand, with shots of wiggling shadows reflected in the water, and the music of Jimmy Giuffre and Bob Brookmeyer in the back- ground; a visual impression of fluid sounds. The film then cuts to a profile shot of. Giuffre and Brookmeyer, Giuffre playing In the foreground and bobbing in and out of the shot while Brook- meyer's trombone glistens in the background. THE CAMERA occasionally moves, of course, but the general impression is that it is stationary. Shot with a telephoto lens, the effect is of two musicians, both on the same plane, moving in and out of the picture. This is one of the film's more enchanting tech- niques. It is, then, a candid, impression- istic film, done with taste, humor, and a technical facility that only occasionally intrudes - as when the focus of a particular shot is too drastically changed. It records with innocence the successive groups and the audience's reac- tion. Although a complete cata- logue would be impossible and un- necessary, there are many "human interest" shots, such as that of a girl oblivious to the music and reading a paperback copy of "Ca- mille." IT IS,, FRANKLY, difficult to review such a film. Its best quali- ties involve an uncanny juxtaposi- tion of sight and sound and vol- ume. Unearthly effects are occa- sionaly achieved, for example, with intense close-ups of certain musicians-notably Chico Hamil- ton - while the volume of the music would seem to place them a block away, like sitting in the back row with binoculars. All in all, a memorable film. The short is also a cut above the average-a short story reminiscent of Poe, and filmed in Ireland. The Cartoon comes from Hollywood. --.L.F. ', THIS country has a double role in its relations with the United Nations and during the past few hectic days we have acted in both roles. In the one we are one of the members, in our legal rights like all the others except that we are one of the five great powers with a permanent seat and the right of veto in the Security Coun- cil. In our other role we are the host of the United Nations or- ganization in New York. a role in which we have special duties and responsibilities, some of them written and some of them unwrit- ten. In the second and special role we are committed to something more than the defense and pro- motion of our own national inter- ests-to something more than the defense of our own alliance. We are committed to the defense and promotion of the United Nations as a world institution. We are committed to the protection, not only of the physical presence of its buildings and its members on Manhattan Island, but also to the protection of its dignity and its authority. The United Nations is a universal society and all the world has access to it. Its dignity and authority require that all shall have access who have a legitimate right to come to its headquarters, and that includes even non-members seeking re- dress against what they regard as their grievances. *** IT IS A COMPLETE misunder- standing of the special character of our relations with the UN to speak of Khrushchev, Castro, Ka- dar, and the others, as "unwel- come and uninvited guests." They are not in New York as the guests of the United States or of anyone else. They received no invitations from anyone and they needed none. The fact that they are not wel- come to Americans has nothing to do with anything. They are here because, whatever we may think of them, their governments are members in good standing of the United Nations, and we are com- mitted to defend their right to be here. We are under no obligation, of course, to grant them the right to do more than to have free access to the United Nations. They are not visitors to the United States, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 General Notices and they have no unrestricted right of travel. Whether the re- strictions imposed on Khrushchev and Castro were smart is another question. Mr. K. was able to make a bigger show in Harlem, which is open to him, than he could have made by spending his nights on Long Island. The official who designed the restrictions on Mr. K. and Castro seems not to have been told that the main and open- ing theme of the Assembly turned on the admission of thirteen Ne- gro republics. . . .* OUR COMMITMENT to the UN is deeper and is older than the lo- cation of its headquarters in New York. Indeed the headquarters were located in New York because we pleaded for this and persuaded our allies, including at the time the Soviet Union, to vote for New York. The argument, which for my own part I never agreed with, was that instead of placing the UN in a small* and neutral country, it should be placed in the United States. Why? Because this was the only way to make sure that, unlike 1919 when we repudi- ateddthe League of Nations, we would stay in the United Nations. In any event, the United Na- tions is in New York, and its presence there is a monument to the fact that twice in this cen- tury, after each of the world wars we have been the principal chain- pions of a universal society to maintain the peace. This is what confers upon us the privileges and the duties, and the vexations of our second and special role. * 4 * AVE SHOULD PLAY this role proudly. We should realize that the defense of the UN, as the Con- go is demonstrating, is the de- fense of our true interest in Afri- ca-which is to remain in contact and in collaboration with the new African states. What is more, it may yet come to pass that the UN, if it lives through its great ordeal in Africa, will provide the means for an accommodation in Berlin. There are many things that are harder to imagine than that. In the second and special role we have more at stake, and there is more to be won or lost, then there is in the lesser role of giv- ing tit-for-tat with the Soviet Un- ion. The two candidates might well think about that and they might lift their sights from the scuffle with Mr. K. to the nobler role which, inherited from our history, is now confirmed and made tangible by the building on the East River. The place for the American na- tion is above the scuffle, not in the midst of it. For we have greater things to do than to rattle around throwing adjectives at Mr. K. (c) 1960 New York Herald Tribune, Inc. DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS: 13ackg round For Suggested Changes. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Last Thurs- day, literary college officials re- vealed that the college's curricu- lum committee has prepared a re- port for the rest of the faculty recommending major changes in certain areas of the distribution reqiuirements. This is the first in a series of articles on these ree- ommendations and on the distribu- tion requirements in general.) By ROBERT FARRELL A LIBERAL arts college is intended to give a broad ed- ucation to its students, but it must also see that each graduate has a depth of knowledge in one area of academic study. To insure that all its graduates fulfill these de- mands, an institution must have some sort of regulations as to the courses students must take. The form these take in the Uni- versity's literary college is one of the more common types in Ameri- can institutions, the "distribution requirements-concentration" type. This type is one in which each stu- dent is required to have, before he is granted his degree, a certain number of credits in several (if- ferent specified fields of study, as well as a large number of credits within his one "maJor" field. According to the announce- ment of the literary college, the distribution requirements are formulated in order "to provide all students with a broad intellectual P.vnP'Cinna in the mon fie1d nf In the Middle Ages, it was thought that an education con- sisted of studies in the classics, in Latin and Greek, in history and in the accepted theology and phi- losophy of the day. The universi- ties were conceived of as recep- tacles of learning, the faculties as its keepers. Then the emphasis changed, first in Germany, then elsewhere; the previous idea that the univer- sities were merely receptacles of learning became a belief that they were only centers in the search for it, and that the faculties were not only learned, but also leaders in this search. Professors were no longer teachers in factual or dog- matic learning, but instructors in the ability to think, to reason, and to hunt down knowledge and verity. DISCIPLINES CHANGED, grew and multiplied. The study of the nature of the world became natural philosophy, and then science. The study of man evolved and became psychology, anthro- pology, sociology and political science. As this occured, the breadth of an education became a worri- some point. Before, "educated man" had meant something specific. Now, it had to be decided whethev knnwledgeo nf on field foreign language, the social sciences, the natural sciences (the physical and biological sciences both being included), the humanities (including literature and the fine arts) and either mathematics or philosophy, in ad- dition to the departmental con- centration requirements. (This statement of their form is only general-a. detailed listing of the courses which will fulfill each part of the requirements has been made by the college.) * * * HOW WELL does the present program succeed in doing what it was set up to do? This . question has' been re- peatedly answered by faculty and students-it fails in many ways. In 1958, a faculty committee prepared a report calling for a major revamping of the natural science distribution requirements, They said three departments watered down their distribution courses to attract a large number of students to subsidize graduate students through their teaching fellow programs. * * * LAST YEAR, the literary college curriculum committee issued re- commendations to the faculty calling for major reforms in the social science distribution pro- gram. trouble in this course-it's the first real mathematics course I've had." The basic courses in this are tied too much to specific calcula- tion techniques and seemingly ar- bitrary collections of facts rather than the closely reasoned study of some general area that advanc- ed courses contain. This same complaint that the basic courses used for distribution credit should, but do not, belong to their fields has also been level- ed at other areas, and is perhaps true of all of them to some extent. * *' * THIS IS THE general back- ground for last week's announce-- ment that the curriculum commit- tee has prepare'd recommendations for the faculty of the literary college urging a major overhaul of the mathematics-philosophy, requirement, together with the placement of philosophy in the humanities area and a rise in the humanities requirement from a two-semester sequence to 12 credits. It also asks for the splitting of the natural science area into two parts-one containing astronomy, chemistry and physics and the other containing the remaining sciences-with work required in each of these areas. The final report of the commit-