Minnesota . . 26 Purdue
Nebraska... 14 UCLA'.
. . * * 27
. . . . 27
Ohio State . , 24 Iowa
SMU . . ... 0 Oregi
on State
22 Northwestern 19 Wisconsin . . 24 Illinois
12 Oklahoma .. 3 Stanford ... 7 Indiana
See Page 4
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXI, No. 6
Sees GOP
As Aiding
In Rights
Progress Cited
By Rockefeller
Special to The Daily
Administrators Chart
Outside Influences
Analyze Social, Economic Changes
Affecting State Higher Education
"The future of the University in the next decade hinges on the
remarkable fact that - 20 per cent of the children born in this
country since the Revolution were born after World War II,"
Administrative Dean Robert Williams said yesterday.
Hosting the Development Council's panel on "Michigan in the
Sixties," Williams called on three other top University administrators
to chart the possible effects of economic and social changes on
>higher education in the state.
Director of Admissions Clyde
Vroman, Associate Dean of the
Rackham School of Graduate
Studies Robert Ford and Assistant
to the Vice-President In charge
of Business and Finance John
McKevitt each-commented on the
areas of special interest to them.
The pressures on freshmen ad-
missions will be met by three safe-
guards, Vroman said, "a sensitive
and alert administration, capable
faculty members, and as admis-
sions staff I feel is second to
DETROIT-"More progress o
civil rights has been made in th
last eight years than in the pre
ceding 80 years," New York's Gov
ernor Nelson Rockefeller told a
nationalities rally here last night
Praising the Administration fo
its progress in civil rights an
world leadership, Rockefeller als
engaged in partisan politics a
the Republican sponsored meetin
at Cobo Hall, calling the Richar
Nixon-Henry Cabot Lodge tean
Othe best assurance" of continue
national and world progsess.
(At a press conference later
the GOP liberal said that althoug
the national race was close a
present, he could see "the seeds o
trends" developing into a substan-
tia tmargin for the Republicar
Soviet Premier Khrushchev and
Cuba's Fidel Castro received the
governor's bitter condemnation
Rockefeller called Khrushchev "a
ruthless, godless, dictatorial bully'
and said the meeting of Castro
and the Russian this week dem-
onstrated the severity of the
world of conflict today.
'On the March'
"America is on the march," he
uaid, and the country must rec-
ognize its responsibilities and op-
portunities "to strengthen the
forces of freedom everywhere.",
This country must show its be-
lief in human freedom by increas-
ing its human contact with the
enslaved peoples; sending eco-
nomic assistance to Soviet satel-
lites when it is certain the aid
will go to the people; refusing
to sacrifice human rights for
agreements with the enemy. "We
must never yield the faith that all
captives shall finally be free."
The United States needs "fear-
less leadership," Rockefeller said,
and the Republican candidates
have "the experience in human
understanding" to meet the strug-
gle for human rights.
Blasts Democrats
He blasted the Democrats for
their failure to pass vital legis-
lation such as minimum wage
and ciil rights proposals, at the
post - convention Congressional
session. "It was a miserable rec-
ord," the governor said.
Rockefeller said he was "tre-
mendously impressed" as a result
of his recent trips through the
country with the Republican ef-
dort that was better organized,
obtaining more volunteers and at-
tracting more people to rallies and
meetings, especially younger citi-
Rockefeller was joined on the
platform by the Republican state
nominees, including GOP guber-
natorial candidate Paul Bagwell
who introduced him. Jackie Rob-
inson, the. former baseball star,
and Rep. Alvin Bentley, candi-
date for senator, also addressed
the group calling for support of
Nixon as the champion of civil
Alleged Local
Child Killer
Seriously Hurt
The Ann Arbor mother who
allegedly killed her young son and
then wounded herself with a knife
Friday, rested last night in serious
condition under sedation in St.
Joseph Mercy Hospital, a police-
woman at her side.
The daughters of Mrs. Thomas
Craig, wife of a staff psychiatrist
at the University Medical Center,
...three safeguards
By The Associated Press
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on told voters in the Deep South
yesterday that Americans strike a
blow against Communists when-
ever they act to wipe out preju-
dice and discrimination.
In a speech at Lafayette in
race-conscious southwestern Lou-
isiana, Nixon coupled a plea for
equality of opportunity with digs
at his Democratic opponent for
the presidency, Sen. John F. Ken-
Kennedy was in Chicago, taking
a brief respite from his rigorous
campaign. He combined rest with
some boning up for the big televi-
sion-radio debate with Nixon.
fDoes Homework
Part of his homework for the
big TV show with Nixon was a
six-inch thick compilation of the
Vice - President's statements,
speeches and votes dating back to
his first successful campaign for
the House in 1946.
The two candidates will face
one another then in an hour-long
program, the first of its kind in
political campaign history. Four
radio-TV men will ask the candi-
dates questions; each nominee al-
so will have an opening and clos-
ing statement.
(All Ietroit stations-channels
two, four and seven-plan to carry
this program.)
Three similar broadcasts will
follow next month.
Alludes to Speeches
Nixon alluded to some of Ken-
nedy's campaign speeches when,
starting his foray into Louisiana
and Mississippi, he said President
Dwight D. Eisenhower had set a
"sober and confident example...
forte ndiae in* thi cm
paign" in his speech to the United
Nations Thursday.
"Let us contrast and compare
rival plans and programs that
concern America's tomorrow,"
Nixon said. "But let us do this
without misrepresenting Ameri-
ca's today."
The Vice-President has taken
frequent issue with Kennedy's
campaign theme that the nation's
prestige has slipped badly during
the Eisenhower Administration.
Critical Year
The year 1965 will be critical
for thefreshman applicant in
Michigan, Vroman predicted. The
increase that year in the number
of Michigan youngsters turning
18 will be 37 per cent higher than
the previous year's.
"The direction the admission
policies will go depends on a re-
sult of a series of other develop-
ments within the University,"
Prof. Vroman said. "The question
of our place in higher education
will have to be answered first.
This In turn depends upon the
need of society" for educated men.
This pressure of a greater stu-
dent population will also have
important ramifications for the
graduate school, Prof. Ford said.
"Our faculty members are very
much concerned with maintain-
ing a personal touch with their
Lists Problems
"Our problems are space, facili--
ties, and personnel. We need to
speed up the turning out of doc-
tor's degrees. We ought to have
more University fellowships which
aren't restricted to certain depart-
ments or fields. Unfortunately,
these needs translate into money
which we don't have."
Increasing enrollments in the
Rackham graduate school, one of
the top seven or eight in size in
the nation, have already resulted
in a 34 per cent application denial
figure. 'This may have to go even
higher," Ford said.
McKevitt viewed the building
expansion of the University in
terms of a shift of emphasis. "Our
stress has been on the laboratory
type of experience," he said, "to
the neglect somewhat of the social
sciences and the humanities."
Plans for new construction in-
clude a school of music, engineer-
ing college, and student housing
all to be erected on North Campus.
Some of the basic science units
will be transferred to the Medical
Center and central campus will
also grow, he predicted.
Red Liks Disarmament
To Reorganization of UN
GLEN COVE, N.Y. (JP)-Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev,
keeping up his drum fire assault on the United Nations, last night
tied any hope for disarmament agreement to his proposals for re-
vamping the structure of the world organization.
Unless his plan for modifying the framework of the UN is adopt-
ed, the Kremlin leader said solemnly, "we will likewise be unable to
solve the disarmament question."
In an extraordinary and surprise 40-minute news conference at
--David Giltrow
OVER THE TOP -- Michigan ball carrier Jack Strobel (42) makes short yardage in yesterday's
game. His blockers include halfback Dennis Fitzgerald (18), end George Mans (82) and guard
Paul Poulos.
the Soviet estate here, Khrush-,
chev launched a bitter attack
against UN Secretary-General
Dag Hammarskjold.
At one point, Khrushchev call-
ed Hammarskjold a "lackey of the
imperialist powers."
The news conference had start-
ed out to be a routine affair at
the Soviet retreat where Khrush-
chev was supposed to be spending
a leisurely weekend.
Cautioning newsmen to report
his words correctly, Khrushchev
proceeded to link his UN pro-
posals for a three-member execu-
tive body to the question of dis-
Khrushchev's latest bombshell
attack amounted to a rebuttal to
the United States claim that his
UN revamping proposals were a
"declaration of war" on the world
If disarmament is reached,
Khrushchev said, indications are
that it would be administered by
an international army.
But such an international force
is impossible under the command
of a single man like Hammarsk-
jold, the Soviet Premier em-
Group Pickets
Three Chains'
Local Stores
Approximately 35 members of
the Ann Arbor Direct Action Com-
mittee picketed three local chain
Store branches in pre-football
game traffic yesterday.
The group demonstrated without
incident at the campus outlet of
S. S. Kresge Co. about 10 a.m. to
1 p.m. and at downtown outlets
of Kresge and F. W. Woolworth
about 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Jack
Ladinsky Grad., AADAC coordina-
tor said.
This is the seventh consecutive
month the organization has pro-
tested alleged Negro discrimina-
tion practiced by Kreske and
Woolworth stores in the South.
AADAC picketers plan to dem-
onstrate before the three local
stores again next Saturday at the
same approximate times, Ladin-
sky said.
By The Associated Press
United Arab Republic President
Gamal Abdel Nasser conferred
yesterday with four heads of gov-
ernments within eight hours.
While some of the other world
leaders relaxed a bit from the
hectic pace of the past week,
Nasser talked with Premier Saeb
Salaam of Lebanon, President Tito
of Yugoslavia, President Kwame
Nkrumah of Ghana and Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev.
Khrushchev Ducks Away
Khrushchev ducked away from
the turmoil of Manhattan for a
weekend interlude in Glen Cove,
N.Y., the luxyr of a onetime Amer-
ican capitalist's Long Island es-
tate-but he interrupted his rest
long enough for the personal
meeting with Nasser.
While Khrushchev was talking
with newsmen, Nasser returned to
New York City and met for 30
minutes at the Waldorf-Astoria
with Nkrumah.
The latest foreign dignitary to
arrive for the United Nations Gen-
eral Assembly was Prime Minister
John Diefenbaker of Canada.
Diefenbaker said on arrival at
Idlewild Airport that Canadians
generally were "depressed" by
Khrushchev's United Nations
speech. Hie said he hoped there
might be reason forhencourage-
ment by the time the session ad-
Group Hails Castro
Khrushchev, along with Ro-
mania's Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej
and Czechoslovakia's Antonin No-
votny, were expected to take it
easy for the weekend at the Rus-
sian country mansion at Glen
Cove. But his news conference
shattered any holiday atmosphere.
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
Castro slept late and then lolled
about his hotel room in Harlem.
Vn mid-afternoon, a crowd of
singing and shouting pro-Castro
demonstrators turned up outside
the hotel.
The demonstrators carried plac-
ards condemning Dominican Re-
public strong man Generalissimo
Rafael Trujillo.
Cheering Section
On Education
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