Seventieth Year EDTmD AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE U ntERSITY OF MICHIGAN Wen Opinion sAe ee UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD M CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS truthWillPreva STUDENT PUBucArTios BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, SEPTEMBER 23, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS Oak Park School Board Locks Horns With Dilemma A SCRUTINY of the motives behind the de- cisions which led to the Carver school district dilemma discussed in yesterday's Daily reveals a ring of hypocritical thinking broken at the center by a multi-faceted stone, every phase of which presents a grave practical problem. Oak Park originally refused on two distinct grounds to accept 24 ninth grade students from the all-Negro Carver district. The first reason for not accepting the students was financial and physical. Oak Park maintained it could not afford to support 24 additional stu- dents (since tuition for Carver senior high students in the Detroit schools has not been paid for some time it is unlikely that Oak . Park would ever actually have received the tuition for these 24.) And even if money itself were not an issue, the Oak Park schools are now so overcrowded that even the elementary schools are on halfday sessions. TE SECOND REASON for refusing admit- tance to the Carver students was that this would be only a stop-gap solution, since an eighth grade class would continue to graduate from Carver every year. The real answer was . the mass resignation of the Carver school board which could mean the dissolution of the district and its an- nexation to a neighboring school system (Oak Park or Ferndale) which includes kindergarten through the 12th grade. The Oak Park school board emphatically ur- ged the resignation of the Carver board as a moral obligation to the children of the district. It declared that Oak Park was only too ready to accept any Carver children assigned to its )schools once the Carver district officially dissolved. The Carver board did resign, after a long weary meeting in the Carver High School auditorium, on the stifling, hot night of Sept. 9. Now, barring the unlikely chance that five qualified electors will run for the Carver xschool board before Oct. 26, thereby re- estabishing the district, one of three possible courses will be taken in regard to Carver. All of the students now in Carver may be sent to Ferndale, all of them may be sent to1 Oak Park; or they may be divided between the two districts. QAK PARK ,appears to be acting on the as- sumption that it will receive all of the Carver students, and somehow the action does1 not seem consistent with Oak Park's earlier protestations of joyful willingness to accept the students once they were officially directed] to do so. Petitions to the Oak Park Board of Educa- tion are being circulated by citizens who earlier supported the board in urging a permanent and moral solution to the problem. MAX mmj ,oKhrushchev As ATEVER else may be said for or against thrushchev, there can be little doubt that hei Is an event-creating leader. His foray into thec U.S., on this second but uninvited visit, is whol-r *y- different from the first in mood and aim.I The first was held at the heyday of the Campt David era and breathed its spirit. In contrastF this visit has a bleakness of mood, along withc its ambitious and puzzling design, which marksr the current state of world tensions. Eisenhower, who is an event-reacting ratherr than an event-creating leader, has by thisc move only added to the drama of the visit.t Similarly, the hotel boycott of Castro and hisI troupe has played into the hands of this leaderb Who, with all his brash egocentricism, knowsx how to exploit his situation. His irate movef from a lush hotel suite to the relatively modest quarters in Harlem will make an impression ona the African delegation and feed the color re- sentments against America all over the world.t 'But these are minor matters compared witha the big ones. Khrushchev had reasons for want-o ing a gathering of the world leaders at thisr time, and he wanted to shine with ,a specialg refulgence of his own in this dramatic UN setting. The question is why he timed his move as he did. What motives lay behind the move?p THE FIRST version is that, after smashingo all the peace crockery at Paris, Khrush- E ehev may now want to pick up some of the i pieces. Put differently, he may have gone too h far in acting like a Stalin or a Mao Tse-tung, e and in the process he may have alienated a number of uncommitted world leaders- a This sort of abrupt change is anything but t an unusual tactic in the treasury of Commu- e nist behavior, where it is called "zig-zagging." p Nor need we assume, with the English psychol- ogist Sargent, that this is merely a way of . brainwashing a democratic world. Sargent e haq argued that the alternations of soft and e The petitions urge the board to take all possible steps to keep the Carver students out of the Oak Park schools. The old problem of crowding is reiterated. It is pointed out that a difference of $13,000 exists between the annual tax bases supporting the Oak Park student and the Carver student. It is certainly obvious that if Oak Park tax payers had to assume the burden of educating an additional 800 youngsters, existing expenditures for sup- plies and space would have to be drastically reduced at a time when they would be needed more than ever to accommodate the new students. FINALLY, are the viewpoints of three groups to be considered in this situation. For the Carver students, admission to Oak Park would be an immeasurable improvement over the present situation. For Oak Park students, there is a priceless lesson which probably outweighs the financial disadvantages they will face. The Oak Park school board and adult citizens, however, are left in a spotlight which mercilessly reveals the hypocrisy of their orig- inal stand and makes all too clear the con- tradiction inherent in the two original reasonos for rejecting Carver students on tuition. IS IT NOT likely that -if a district cannot support 24 additional children it will have some difficulty supporting 800 more? And did not the Oak Park school board declare itself willing to accept the Carver students if the county board of education saw fit after the district dissolved? And is it likely that the Oak Park school board, being composed of intelligent, educated, alert men and women (and elected men and women at that) was really willing to let itself in for an economic nightmare because it felt a moral obligation to the children of a neigh- boring community? Not likely! The only logical answer then-unless one wishes to assume that the Oak Park electorate has chosen a school board totally lacking in foresight and common sense-is to conclude that the Oak Park school board never believed for a minute that the members of the Carver board would resign. They assumed that the status quo would be maintained and that they, having taken a praiseworthy moral stand would be left without blame and without the Carver students. What happened of course, is the Oak Park board did the only right thing for all the wrong reasons and quite by accident. They did have a moral obligation to press for a permanent solution to the problem, but strangely enough, now that they have achieved their goal they do not seem proud of the steps they have taken toward integration and co- operation. -JUDITH OPPENHEIM SLeader whether it applies in this instance. I think it quite possible that Khrushchev is more concerned with the propaganda impact of his renewed disarmament talk upon his own peo- ple than upon ours. Despite all the spy thrillers that Khrushchev has been feeding them the Russian people are unrelenting in their con- cern with peace. THE SECOND version is based on Khrush- chev's known anxieties about West Ger- many. In the very heart of Europe, and too close for comfort ot Russia, the Germans and their future power are a constant worry to the Russians. If Germany is given atomic weapons by the U.S., the combination of its economic prosperity and the new atomic power will be a formidable one, not only in Russian eyes but in the eyes of the British and French people as well. In his UN talks Khrushchev is almost certain to use the question of German rearmament as a weapon. He will try to marshal world opinion to prevent this final step in German rearming. Even if he fails in fact he will still gamble on a propaganda success. THERE remains the third version, which concerns China. A number of recent signs point to a deepening clash inside the world Communist bloc between Russia and China, ostensibly over matters of Communist dogma. But this is more than a battle of dogma. It s also a power struggle between these two huge land masses and aggregates of manpow- er, for dominance in world communism. Khrushchev may be even more anxious to avert need for giving China atomic weapons than o avert German atomic armament. In any event. e may figure on using the same cam- paign to prevent both from taking place. IDO NOT present these three versions as exhausting the possibilities or as mutually xclusive. Almost always, as you study Khrush- Cl.t' vr, m f in * - h s r - n nitr. , SGC: Meeting Rambles By PHILIP SHERMAN Daily Staff Writer Student government Council is going to have to be satisfied with thetcredit it gets for what it does at the University, not the way in which these thingsare done. It's not that there is any cor- ruption or dirty politics; it's just that Council meetings seem to conform to one of Parkinson's laws; they expand to fill the time allotted-in this case most of the evening. A corollary that Parkin- son failed to add: in conforming to the natural law of expansion, the agents performing tend to create ample boredom to fill the space, THIS, HOWEVER, should not hide the fact that the Council, like most deliberative bodies, occa- sionally reaches significant heights in its debate; such heights were some of the comment on election rules (though only some comment) and the discussion on whether to commend the Young Friends' ac- tivity ot the campus' attention. The Council, then does signi- ficant things, at times. This is well evidenced in the report on last year's Council, written this summer by Council President John Feldkamp. The most impor- tant action, Feldkamp says, is creation of the regulation on membership selection in student organizations. * * * THE COUNCIL has delegated a number of projects to other organ- izations, and continued several' contributions of its own, including the Reading and Discussion pro- gram and health insurance sales. It is in this area of service, and perhaps not in merely expressing part of some members' opinions on general sociological or academic issues, that the Council will in- gratiate itself most with the stu- dent body; it must do this if it is to be at all effective-its opinions on extra-campus issues have ab- solutely no relevance if the mem- bers speak only for themselves, ignored completely by an indif- ferent student body. * * * THE COUNCIL'S Administrative Secretary, Mrs. Ruth Callahan, recorded her last meeting last meeting last night before moving on to new duties in the Dean of Men's office; she must now hold some sort of record. She managed to last through over 160 Council meetings while preserving her equilibrim, sanity and charm. The flowers the Council gave her, for this, and much better reasons, well-deserved. DAILY OFFICIAI. BULLETIN~ The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial respon- sibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 351s Ad- ministration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 General Notices Captain Reginald G. Sauls, Marine Corps Officer Selection Officer for Michigan, will interview interested stu- dents, Sept. 26-29, at the Michigan Union, daily from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. University of Michigan Graduate Screening Examinations ingFrench and (Continued on Page 5) BY JAMES SEDER Daily staff Writer Unless the present tide of events is reversed, the presidential elec- tion will turn out to be a pretty ridiculous spectacle. There are, it is true, many good reasons for not voting for Sen. Kennedy and there are, also, many good reasons for not voting for Vice-President Nixon. But very few of these ar- guments have as yet been ad- vanced or adequately discussed. Further, there is absolutely no Justification for sitting out the election because "neither candi- date is worthy of my vote." The most obvious foolishness is this business of Kennedy's Cathol- icism. Kennedy has answered every question concerning the state-church issue admirably. In fact, his stand on giving birth control advice to underdeveloped nations was far more rational and far freer of religious dogmatism than that of President Eisen- hower. Eisenhower rejected the idea out of hand as morally re- pugnant. Kennedy pointed out- with unequivocial logic-that the proposal was totally impractical. He does not favor government aid to church schools, an ambassador to the Vatican or otherwise justify the "fears" which accrue to his Catholicism. The strangest of them all is that an American Catholic president would adopt the Vatican's position on foreign policy. Although its position on basic international questions is almost identical with ours, this would presumably make our posi- tion less flexible. Since there has been no noticeable effect on the foreign policy of France or Ger- many under, practicing Catholic leaders, it seems unreasonable to infer that such interference would occur in America-particularly in view of the American political climate and Kennedy's frequently stated views. An equally absurd prejudice is "I just don't like Nixon." The presidential election is not a popu- larity contest. It is an attempt to find a man to represent, ar- ticulate and put into effect the views which a majority of the voters think most appropriate. In any case, Kennedy and Nixon are very similiar in many ways, They are both so ruthlessly per- sistant and ambitious that it is, apparently, rather hard to like them as individuals. Both men have had careers and experiences which adequately prepare them for presidency-although neither is "ideally" prepared. Nixon has been exposed to vital national problems by sitting in on the Cabinet and National Security Council meetings. Kennedy has been a member of the Senate Foreign Affairs committee and various other Senate groups which contributed to this education. Neither man has had any experi- ence formulatinng or implement- ing policy. Nixon's famous debates with South American students and with Nikita Khrushchev are little more than the experience of many American college students travel- ling in a neutralist or Communist country. Although such debates are awakening and broadening experiences, they are hardly a major qualification for the pre- sidency. Nixon probably has a little more practical experience than Ken- nedy. but Kennedy is vastly better educated and better read. In short, voting for a "personal- ity" just does not make sense. It is also foolish not to vote at all. One of these two men will cer- tainly become President. Either man will significantly change the character and direction of the government in various ways. The voters will decide which new view of the governments role will pre- vail. Both candidates and most of the responsible leaders of both parties are, basically, in agreement that government must assume a more vigorous role in the future than it has under President Eisenhower. Defense spending, federal aid to education, government interven- tion in major strikes, aid to de- pressed areas, and many other government programs will be step- ped up by the new administration regardless who wins the election. However, under a Democratic' administration they are likely to be stepped up more vigorously than under the Republicans -- even under the liberal Republicans Irrelevant Campaign Talk Masks Issues with South American students and even under the liberal Republicans "This Brand-New Time-Tested Product of Firm Flexibility, Just Like the Old Formula But Entirely Different-" upon whom Nixon will, presum- ably, rely. This represents a clear- cut issue for the voters to decide. On the other hand, one issue which has attracted a great deal of attention offers little area of choice. This is the farm problem. Throughout the twentieth cen- tury, except during the two world wars, the position of the family farmer has steadily become weaker. Under the Truman administra- tion, the policy of high supports for farm products was maintained. Under the impetus of the present Secretary of Agriculture, Era Taft Benson, the policy of flex- ible (and generally lower) price supports has been followed by the Republicans. Neither approach has been particularly successful, In the early years of the Eisen- hower administration, both can- didates supported the Benson view. Now both are opposed, Ken- nedy has not yet come forward with a farm program. Nixon pas begun to develop one. The core of the Nixon plan is, ironically. the "Food for Peace" plan for disposal of farm surpluses long advocated by liberal Democratic Senator Hubert Humphrey. But, basically, both parties ag- ree that something new must be done, but nobody knows quite what to do. Both parties are pro- bably equally open to concrete suggestion. There is a similar problem in the foreign affairs area. Every- body agrees that there must be improvement, but there is no reason to suppose that one can- didate or one party is more likely to supply the needed new ap- proach. And the candidates of both parties and the platforms of both parties on the civil rights ques- tion are in basic agreement. Both candidates will, in all probably, be more aggressive in exercising their powers in this area. But both parties have conservative wings which will continue to op- pose all major civil rights bills which will come before the Con- gress. There is, though, a real dif- ference in the economic views of the two parties. Both parties are, obviously, against depressions and inflation. The Republicans place their faith in maintaining the stability of the dollar. They be- lieve in exercising restraints on the amount of money available for investment in order to prevent inflation. They believe that it is better to come out of recessions slowly rather than risk the in- flation which might result from too vigorous fiscal anti-recession measures. The Democrats place their faith in growth. They belIeve that a vigorously expanding economy out- distances any tendency toward inflation and they believe that the government has a responsibility to foster and aid this growth. They believe in strong anti-recession policies. The question of economic growth and the dynamics of federal government expansion are two key issues of the campaign. They are not 'made" issues. They re- present significantly different philosophies. These are the issues which the voters should consider, not the absurd side issues. One of these approaches will be used by the new administration. The individual voter would be foolish to give up his right to participate in the decision by focusing on the side-issues-isshes which will have no significance once the election is over. I X - -" --- .F -- .,,"", , , . _ _C; , , v. o 4 CIA THE AMERICAN STUDENT-1960: Active Students Innovate Amidst Pressures By THOMAS HAYDEN Editor (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the thlird in a four-part series of ar- ticles on the new role ofthe Amer- ican student.) By MOVING dynamically into his society's patterns, the 1960 student is embroiling himself in a series of self-created crises. They are crises swelling in both the student and older generations, crises located on the campus and in the community. They are mu- tually-intensifying crises, and on their resolution the future of the new student movement depends. The first is the crisis of imme- diate action. The sit-ins are prob- ably the primary focus now as they have been all year. But mass action derives its greatest public impact from its own fresh- ness, and as time passes, the sit- ins tend to lose the dramatic ap- peal that has made them so ef- fective. ALL THIS SHOULD point up an obvious fact: That the civil rights movement, and the student move- ment as well, cannot be a single- issue, single-action thing. While the sit-in and selective buying crusades still contain vitality, stu- dents must look persistently for ELSEWHERE IN THE country, militant student activity still con- tinues hopping from issue to is- sue. "Sympathy" picketing of na- tional stores remains in effect across the North, including Ann Arbor where students have car- ried protest signs for seven months. The sympathy picket and boycott will eventually lose im- pact also, however, and the Ann Arbor Direct Action Committee must plan on new areas and new forms: They already are taking interest, for example, in discrim- inatory advertising and housing conditions. In other immediate action, the phenomenon of the campus politi- cal party is rapidly emerging: At California, Cornell, Oberlin, Texas and elsewhere, Such parties have various orientations, usually to- ward involving the student with public issues, running candidates. for student government, working' for broader student rights. As parties continue to develop, na- tional networks of communication are being suggested and imple- mented, and some students are al- ready planning for a national confederation of parties. S* * THE SECOND CRISIS is that of existencesand pnt-aimitu. Tf this. student newspaper. Parents and patriotic organizations still think of the National Student Associa- tion in such precise terms as "radical - socialist - left - wing- Communist." Where they haven't been criticized, they have been often harrassed by police forces. And there has been a more subtle harrassment from the old organi- zation men who enticed kids in the Thirties-Communists like Brown and Brodsky on the Coast, for example. * * * I THE CRISIS EXTENDS direct- ly to the campus, and particular- ly to administrations and student governments. Administrations are liable to inhibit student develop- ment in at least two ways: 1) by failing to instill a sense of driving and meaningful university spirit, 2) by discouraging and sometimes punishing students who practice non-conformity and allegedly damage the university's all-im- portant image. Direct and indirect attacks on student leaders at California, Van- derbilt and Brooklyn College this year are only a warning of the trouble which may come. In some places, for instance, at UCLA stu- dent groups have entirely broken campus ties in order to avoid the conflit .wih a mrin....,.n.m.r members are of diverse political complexions, but the political ac- tion group is ideologically-solidi- fied: * * * Since, therefore, political action groups may act with less squabble and friction than student govern- ments, the two units have drifted apart in the student movement. In plain fact, the most dynamic student action of the last year has not been directed through student governments, and in some places has been conducted in ac- tual defiance of them (Berkeley provides a prime example in the spirit between the SLATE party and the student government). But again, the situation at this University is less strained than elsewhere. Student Government Council has responded dynamical- ly to some issues of public con- cern, and the local political action groups have been generally will- ing to seek SGC approval of their activities, * * * THE FINAL CRISIS is that of direction and growth. and within a context of student action, such a crisis is difficult to evaluate since both direction and growth occur continually, If only with a very faint trem- o. .s.den.~,.,.ma.c..rn.~.. th. trials, he has perhaps matured slightly. * * * ONE SUCH STUDENT is Curtis Gans, National Affairs Vice Pres- ident of USNSA during the sit-in crisis. Like the others, he cannot predict the forms through which the new student attitude will be expressed, but he can hopefully suggest: "Perhaps 1960 will herald a new era of students, a student generation vitally committed to principle and Willing to do battle for what they believe. Perhaps we have entered that era through the door of the sit-ins, and perhaps the door is only slightly ajar and needs a strong shove. .." * * * THE FUTURE OF 1960 Ameri- can student, therefore, is vague but exciting. He stands on a peculiar threshold built of the sit- ins, sympathy picketing, demon- strations against ROTC, civil de- fense, the House Un-American Activities Committee, protesta- tions of the firing of Leo Koch and the attack on disclaimer af- fidavits in the NDEA, He possess- es an attitude of idealistic human- itarianism, but as yet no broad ideology. With his humanitarian- ism and commitment to lifelong ation, hs h ,a.i . 4..,. e.,.fte i