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September 22, 1960 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-09-22

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inks Wii; Spain Takes 21st,

N.Y. Given
Early Odds
Over Bucs
RENO (P-Nevada's legal book-
makers today made the New
York Yankees 5-7 favorites to win
the World Series and the Pitts-
burgh Pirates 6-5 underdogs.
Herman Byrens of the Reno
Turf Club, who makes the odds
for Las Vegas as well as Reno,
ignored the possibility of any
other team winning in the Amer-
ican or National Leagues.
Odds on the first game are 10-
11 and take your choice.
Gambling is legal in Nevada,
but it's illegal to accept bets
from outside the state.
* * *

Yankee manager Casey Stengel moved a step closer to his 10th
pennant in twelve years as New York whipped Washington 10-3.
With nine games left they are 5 games ahead of Chicago and
5Y2 ahead of the fading Orioles of Baltimore.

Peter Thompson Leads'
International Golf Meet,

NEW YORK--Ryne Duren, New
York Yankees' relief pitcher will
be confined to Lenox Hill Hospi-
tal for a few days with a dam-
aged left eye.
He was hit by a ball thrown
by Jim Hegan'Tuesday night in
the bullpen at Yankee Stadium.
Three stitches were required to
close the wound last night. Duren
reported to the ball park today
but was in pain and was sent to
Dr. Birttain Payne for examins-

By The Associated Press
SYDNEY, Australia - Former
British Open Champion Peter
Thompson of Australia shot a 4-
under-par 66 today and took the
lead after three rounds of the
nine-round International Mara-
thon Golf Tournament.
Thomson's 66 gave him a 54-
hole total of 207 and a three-
stroke lead over South Africa's
Gary Player. Player had a 68
today. Mike Souchak of Grossin-
ger, N.Y., with a 73, slipped to
third place at 212. Stan Leonard
of Canada shot a 72 for 218.
The fourth round will be played
in Canberra on Friday.
CHICAGO -- The manager of
NBA 160-pound champion Gene
Fullmer tonight said he would be
glad to clean up the "Middleweight
Title Muddle."
D1Iur Tr

Mary Jenson, Fullmer's mana-
ger, said he agreed with a proposal
by the Massachusetts Boxing
Association to hurry a title bout
between Fullmer and Paul Pender,
Brookline, Mass., who owns that
fragment of the 160-pound crown
not claimed by Fullmer.
Said Jenson, whose middle-
weight Ernest Burford fought in
Chicago Stadium tonight:
"Fullmer defends his title
against Sugar Ray Robinson in
Los Angeles Oct. 8. We want to
get that over with. Then we cer-
tainly hope to clean up this whole
title business by meeting Pender.
We don't like " the idea of a split
title any more than Massachusetts
or anybody else."




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