FRATERNITY CHANGES CAUSES DEBATED Fee Page 4 Lie 43O U aa4li4 PARTLY CLOUDY High-75 Low-58 Cloudy in morning, chance of showers in afternoon. Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXI, No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1960 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAC I Congo Army Leader Asks UN To Leave Mobuto Demands United Nations :Remove Forces of Ghana, Guinea LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo (P)-Col. Joseph Mobutu, Congo Army strongman, said last night he has demanded removal of United Nations troops of Ghana and Guinea from the Congo. He accused the troops of the two African countries of meddling in Cogo internal affairs. The British-officered Ghana troops had been regarded as among the best disciplined in the UN fores. The Guinea troops, from a former French colony now playing along with the Soviet Union, had' been considered less staple members of the UN setup. A predecessor of Mobutu in power, Patrice Lumumba, several times asked for removal of non-African troops, especially the Swedish - = U.S.-oviet Similarities Observed X KENNETH BOULDING -.. On Russia By MICHAEL BURNS Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the e onmis department who was American graduate students at- tending a ningrad seminar on peacefu coexistence, s'aid that the Soviet students differ from the Americans "not so much in as- pirations as in methods." This difference was one which the United States members had to understand in order for the program to work successfully. And as the meeting progressed, the Russians became less rigid in their outlook. Th Uieriyrfeso foud the Soviet students mnore ideologi- cal than the American members. But the Russians exhibited a fun- damental modification of ta- ditional Marxist view in their co- operative attitudes, which he sai showed a sincere at empt a peaceful coexistence and disarma- moituent. ifr fo h Tethree week August semi- ~nar was arranged by a contract Service Committ and th n s- sian Committee of Youth Organi- zations, an organ of the Konso- iol, under a cultural exclhange Utrety T elve ntudents fo te tUnited States nder aneqadm ber from the Soviet Union lus 16sothe students from both the East and West. Plans call for the United States to host a sim- iar conference next year. At first, Prof. Boulding explain- ed, the situation was "pretty much a cold war," but through living together and discussion, both groups eventually made real at- tempts at communication with each other. Simultaneous translations vir- tually eliminated linguistic diffi- culties, but several topics created Te Soviets were tou y a ot the China problem and the Amer- icans hesitated to talk about the U-2 incident, so both matters were tactfully dropped from the conversation. Arrest Three hi Dish- Theft City police arrested Brad Myers, '61 former University football halfback, Gerald Kolb, '62, varsity hockey player under an athletic scholarship, and Richard A. Buck, '61, early yesterday morning for allegedly stealing dishes from the kitchen of the V.F.W. Hall at 314 E. Liberty St. The trio, described by arresting fiaan n. '* ^xr atrh . ir-tiirtnl countrymen of Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold who were the first UN force to enter secessionist Katanga province. Mobutu gave no explanation of the charged interference, but it is believed that the Guinea diplo- matic mission, aided by Guinean troops, hid deposed Premier Lum- umba for two nights while Congo- lese army troops sought to arrest him. Support Lumumba The Guinea mission has sup- ported Lumumba from the start of the Congo's political struggle and at one point threatened to with- draw its troops from the UN Con- go command. Ghana troops have been guard- ing' Lumumba in his official resi- dence since he came out of hiding last weekend and have frustrated Mobutu in his efforts to take the former premier into custody. Charges Plot A factional spokesman charged at a news conference earlier that Ghana and Guinea were involved in a plot to restore Lumumba to power. Edouard Mavindi, a spokes- man for Albert Kalonji, leader of the so-called mineral state in Kas- sai province, demanded that UN troops and the missions of the two countries be expelled from the Congo. Mobutu said President Joseph Kasavubu did not sign the letter troops from Ghana and Guinea. asking for the withdrawal of troops from Ghana and Guinea. He said Kasavubu has been "neu- tralized and thus could not sign." When the army chief of staff seized control last week he an- nounced he was neutralizing the nation's politicians. Mobutu said the problem of Ghana and Guinea is one between him and the two countries, not between hin and the United Na- tions. He said his relations with the United Nations have been excel- lent. .. SGC Votes New Policy On Petitions By PHILIP SHERMAN Student Government Council last night adopted rules for its Fall election, scheduled for Nov. 8 and 9. The Council also named Jean Hartwig, '61, and Walter Faggatt, Grad., to the Committee on Refer- ral. The Council made several changes in the draft election rules. These were presented by Richard G'Sell, '62, chairman of the coun- cil's elections committee.; Prospective candidates must; submit petitions containing sig- natures of 250 registered students. This includes incumbents. The Council turned down the commit- tee proposal that each candidate's signatures had to appear on only his own petition. Duplicates would have been disqualified, necessitat- ing new names on the petitions. Rejects Proposals The Council rejected a proposal by William Warnock, '61, BAd., that no signatures be required. Warnock argued they are only a bother, for most candidates can collect enough within their resi- dence units, and need not cir- culate them around the campus. Later the Council partially an- swered this, in the members' view, by raising the required number of signatures from 100, the com- mitte proposal, to 250. Daily editor Thomas Hayden, '61, supported petitions as a means to gain acceptance and publicity for the Council among the student body. However, he rejected the pro-petition argument that peti- tions help to create a political base for candidates. Discourages Candidates Roger Seasonwein, '61, charged that petitions tend to discourage candidates. He added that the election is a more suitable test for a candidate than mere collec- tion of names. Hayden thought arguments that petition circulation would not have any public relations effect on the campus "implies that anything we do when we run is futile ... " un- less there is inappropriate sen- sationalism. The Council set a $25 limit on campaign expenditures, but re- jected a committee proposal to repay winning candidates two- thirds of their expenses. Hayden Speaks Hayden asked that all candi- dates be given the rebate, but was voted down. Seasonwein then asked total deletion of the clause from the rules, as "the body is against giving out ante." ACADEMIC LAZINESS: Scholars' Growing Role Cited <4'. -.. HAROLD TAYLOR .CHALLENGE speaker TalrHere For Speech On Freedom, By RUTH EVENHUIS Harold Taylor, President Emeri- tus of Sarah Lawrence College, will speak at 8:00 p.m. today in Rackham Aud. at the first CHAL- LENGE session. His topic, under the CHAL- LENGE general subject "The Challenge of American Civil Liber- ties," is "Freedom in America." His speech will include discus- sion of freedom of expression in the United States, particularly as it was affected by the .Mc- Carthy period, the problem of the American Negro, and in general, a summing up of the forces at work in the U.S. which Inhibit the freedom of individual citizens. Taylor will also comment on the rote of students in acting on political and social issues. Appointed to the Presidency of Sarah Lawrence at the age of 30, Taylor served for 19 years before retiring in 1959 to teach and write. An editor and teacher of philos- ophy, he is the author of more than 200 articles in books and journals of philosophy and edu- cation. His major work to date is entitled "On Education and Free- dom." Coupling an interest in experi- mental education with social acs tion, Taylor fought for academic freedom during the McCarthy period and has been active in combatting racial and religious intolerance. Last year, under a special grant from the Ford Foundation, he conferred with leaders in Asia and Russia o nthe problems of the Asian countries. Since his re- turn, Taylor has been lecturing at colleges and universities and writ- ing a book on liberalism and mod- ern education. By ANDREW HAWLEY Academic freedom as it exists in the United States and most Western European countries is something of basic importance, affecting the very character of civilization, but is sometimes used as a cloak by professors to cover up laziness-a reluctance to deal with new ideas, and an excuse for holding opinions .they have not worked for and cannot justi- fy, Luther Evans, former director- general of UNESCO, said last night. Evans spoke to the graduate school Convocation on "Some Re- flections of a Graduate Student," and touched on several difficul-, ties and responsibilities which he considered important to the field of graduate work and vital to the well being of civilization. "If I were a university president I would get in hot water very soon," he said, "because I would tell some of the professors to get to work and to test their ideas against the work of great men in the field." Narrow Base "To me, after being abroad for so many years and visiting politi- cians in 75 countries, it is fright- ening to see how narrow a total cultural base we have at the base of knowledge in this country," he went on. He called for a broader per- President, Khrushchev Prepar For United Nations Addresse 1 the social sciences as exemplary of an area in which "a good deal is going on that can have great importance, but they are neglect- ed in research by governmental and private foundations. "Too much research is aimed at the production of hardware," he said. He also alluded to the import- ance of knowing at least one for- eign language, in order to under- stand our own culture, and throw light on our language and the way it fits the world pattern of lan- guages. "Americans generally don't know as well as foreigners the great literature in their own' field," he added. Asks Understanding Evans emphasized the urgency for understanding how culture is transmitted and changed - what kinds of happenings in the cul- tural setting will destroy culture or throw it into degeneration. "This is going on on a tremen- dous scale now," he said. "Farm- ing communities, particularly in backward countries, where the industrial revolution is making a fast, hard impact on the exist- ing culture, are undergoing great pain and hardship." "How can we prevent disrup- tion in tribal cultures, as is hap- pening now in Africa? When we cause people to lose their tradi- tional framework, the structure See EVANS, Page 2 LUTHER EVANS - academic freedom spective in weighing evidence, pointing out that it . often looks different with respect to the back- ground of a Hindu or Moslem cul- ture, for instance. Our economists cannot explain economic phenomena in the Far East, because men there react and think so differently, he said. "The major premises controlling our thinking are often wrong." Relating these general consid- erations to the field of academic and other research, he turned to TO PUBLICIZE PEACE DRAMA: Eisenhower To Attempt Offensives Soviet Leader Shows Growing Truculence As Assembly Meets By The Associated Press President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er yesterday converted his ap- pearance before the United Na- tions today into a two-pronged diplomatic offensive. First, Eisenhower sought to beat Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush- chev to the punch, reportedly with a revamped version of his open skies inspection plan to forestall sneak nuclear attacks and a pro- posal to' aid the emerging nations of Africa. Second, the President arranged to court representatives of 1 Latin American nations at s luncheon, and to meet with othei foreign government leaders. Announcing Eisenhower's plan, White House Press Secretary James C. Hagerty said' Cuba's Yankee-baiting Prime Minister Fidel Castro and the Dominican Republic's representative were not invited to the Latin America luncheon. In concert with the Organiza- tion of American States, the Unit- ed States has broken relation' with the Dominican Republic, ruled by Dictator Rafael Truillo While Eisenhower prepared for his address, Khrushchev diplay. ed increasing truculence as a fat= ful UN General Assembly sessior waited anxiously fo rthe expected spectacular Soviet and America deslU htous on the prospect fo, world peace. While . the Soviet Premier, I two separate balcony scenes at thE Russians' United Nations head. quarters in New York, was issuing blasts at United States culture diplomatic circles here discusse the possibility that Eisenhowe would make two UN appearances one before and one after Khrush chev's major address. The President is due in Ne'r York again Monday for a sched uled address to a Catholic Chart- ties group. Diplomatic source speculated he would be avalable to rebut Khrushchev should he deem it necessary. The odds were heavily againsi any K'hrushchev - Eisenhowei meeting-and this would be a pointed snub to the Russian Pre mier who has been waging a cam paign of vilification against the United States and Elsenhowe personally since the summit cons ference collapsed last May. Khrushchev, Communist bloE sources said, was carrying one o his characteristic oratorical bomb. shells with him-what the Com. munists called "dramatic new proposals." They would say n more than that about it. Khrushchev sat in for about ar hour of today's forenoon sessior of the Assembly, listening while the groupĀ° to offer them some prospect of relief from the Cod War's perils. Koch Firing Made Official SGC Debates Support of Select Events ISA Panel Blames Belgium, Natives, UN m Congo Upset By MICHAEL HARRAHR The Congolese "patriots," the% Belgian "imperialists," and the United Nations each came in for their share of the blame in the present Congo crisis, as it was set forth in the first of a series of dsicussions under the auspices of the International Students Associ- ation. Gilbert Bursley, former American consul for the United States Information Burea uin the Belgian Congo, drew from his experience to lay the background for the . crisis. NEW BOOK OUT- Illustrating long - range plans that Belgium had for the Congo, with a view toward its one day 0 becoming self-su'fficient, SocloI4 Implying the nationalistic move- ment was largely inspired from outside the Congo, Bursley pointed to the very narrow strip of land which makes a bottleneck to the sea. having the Cameroon until 4 recently part of French Equitorial Africa, on the North, with its . new-found nationalism constantlyr filtering down through the short distance to Leopoldville, as a geo- graphical difficulty. Rais Khan, a native of Pakistan, compared the Congo situation to his own country. "I am not condemning imperial- ism," he said. "But imperialists take over an area with every in-: tention of being there to stay; leaving is the farthest thing from their minds." Theodore Ntoampe, of Basuto- land, went on to compare the Congo crisis to the apartheid in the Union of South Africa. The two situations are very1 similar," he said. "The United Na- tions has intervened in the Con- go. I am wondering how they~ Last night the Student Govern- mental Council debated the ques- tion of giving official support to those events "dealing with ques- tions considered pressing and worthy of student atetntion." SGC President John Feldkamp, '61, broke a tie to pass a motion Want Tryouts To Join Daily All University sutdents interest- ed in journalism are invited to become members of The Daily. Trainee meetings for those who would like to join the editorial, sports or photography staffs of The Daily will be held at 4:15 and 7:15 p.m. today and at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow. Those interested in the business side of newspaper work should at- tend one of the meetings to be held at 4:15 and 7:15 p.m., Tues- day and 4:15 p.m. Wednesday. All meetings will take place at the Student Publications Bldg. proposed by Roger Seasonwein, '61, requesting that a letter be sent to all student organizations publicizing the Oct. 11 perform- ance of the play "Which Way the Wind." Based on a world peace theme, the play is being sponsored by the American Friends Service' Committee in conjunction with various campus organizations. Pressing Question The motion stated that al- though the Council's position was one of neither agreement or dis- agreement with the views ex- pressed in the play, it wished to call the event to the student's at- tention in that it involved a press- ing question. Jon Trost, '61, opposed the mo- tion arguing that supporting an event in addition to calendaring it puts SGC in a position of tell- ing the student what is good for him." "In that the Council is not omniscent," he continued, "such support is not its function." Seasonwein drew a distinction between telling and suggesting, adding that such a letter merely lets the student know that there is an option. Morten Opposes Also opposing the motion, Un- ion President Perry Morton, '61, objected to the possible establish- ment of a precedent of "support- ing at random," He stated that organizations should publicize their own events, and that SGC interference in in- dividual instances implies the necessity of a criterion for sup- port. Seasonwein defined an event as worthy of support if it asks stu- dents to consider major issues. Bill Warnock, '61BA, criticized the motion in that the type of decision it called for would of necessity be dependent upon the value judgments of Individual Council members. Daily Editor Thomas Hayden, '61, stated that the Council should make such value judgments based on the consideration of broad issues which are important to the students. gists Say Education Improves Marriage .. " + - By NAN MARKEL City Editor Good news for University students comes from a new book by two University sociologists-better-educated persons have happier marriages, they say. College graduates rate high in fulfilling marriage goals, which are listed by a sample of 909 Detroit area women as 1) companion- ship, 2) the chance to have children, 3)understanding, 4) love and affection and 5) financial status, "This comes through consistently no matter how you look at it," Prof. Robert 0. Blood, Jr. of the sociology department reported. At a press conference yesterday he reviewed "Husbands and Wives-- The Dynamics of Married Living," which he co-authored with Donald M. Wolfe of the Institute for Social Research. Education does not ruin women for marriage, the sociologists say. Although college alumnae are probably less apt to keep quiet when they disagree with their husbands, they are more anxious to work things through to a settlement. Sharing makes for good marriages, they add, and it is easier for college graduates to express affection as well as to communicate information and opinions Further, "the wife who finds mhost companionship in marriage is the one who concentrates on entertaining and organizational activity. College-educated wives' satisfaction far exceeds that of any occupational or income category." m Four4m, mhwivst 1aiont rfamilies. 1thoh nnne in this study URBANA, Ill. ()-Leo F. Ke University of Illinois Profes who publicly condoned pre-na tal sexual relations-to the d may of school officials-was f mally fired yesterday. The University of Illinois tr tees said they believe Koch's d missal "was proper and in best interests of the univers and that the cause of acadei freedom is strengthened by sisting upon exercise of the a demic responsibility which nec sarily accompanies it." The action was taken w~ unanimous approval. Koch had garnered some si port for his argument that dismissal violated academic fr dom. David D. Henry, university p I I '**~*- i~ I