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September 21, 1960 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-09-21

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ets Speech
Fo Graduate
Luther Evans, former Librarian
Congress and Director-Generalj
UNESCO, will speak at 8 p.m.j
day to the annual Convocation
the Graduate School, in True-
ood Aud., Frieze Bldg.
All graduate students and mem-
rs of the faculty have been in-
,ed to attend the convocation
d the reception afterwards in
ickham Assembly Hall.
Owners May Ask
mpounded Bikes
Bicycles which were impounded
fore June 15 may'still be claim-
by their owners between 5 and
p.m. tomorrow and from 10 to
a.m. Saturday at the Univer-
y's Storage Building on East
ashington St.
There are about 200 bikes which
unclaimed will be sold at pub-
auction on Oct. 1.
Those bikes impounded after
ne 15 may be picked up on
onday, Tuesday, and Thursday
:m 5 to 6 p.m. and Saturdays
om 10 to 12 a.m.

Expert Asks Expanded U.S. Space Program


A Rand Corporation expert
called for an expanded U.S. space
program in a speech made herel
yesterday before the 14th National
Conference on the Administration
of Research.
Dr. Robert Buchheim, head of
the Rand Aero-astronautics de-
partment said "Our limits are de-
termined by our own choices,"
and urged a bigger and faster
space program that would put
U.S. astronauts on the moon be-
fore 1970.
Present government plans do
not call for manned flights to the
moon until the 1970's.
"We clearly possess physical
and human resources to support
a larger space program without
real interference with other acti-
vities," Buchheim said. "Limits on
the things we do are determined
more by our own choices than by
availability to basic resources."
Have Abundance
"We have an abundance of re-
sources and skills that the Soviet
Union does not have; if we fail to
use our resources, we lend cred-
ibility to our competitor's claim
that he has a superior economic
and political system."
Describing the serious political
effect our second-best position in
astronautics has had on the rest



of the world, Buchheim added that way can continue to do just what
"it's effect on U.S. morale is not we always knew it could do-pro-
to be taken lightly." vide abundantly ror our personal
"We should affirm the fact that necessities, and for the national
we don't need the Soviet Union as defense, and for extensive work
a stimulant to kick us about the that sets the goals and directions
things we should want to do any- for the entire effort.
way," he added. "We have the 'Little Doubt'
capacity ot assume space leader- "There is little doubt about the
ship, and should pursue it for our value of maintaining leadership."
own satisfaction and enlarge- To get the most out of astro-
ment." nautics, more science programs
Large Payloads generally must be undertaken, and
Predicting that the first man "private sources can do much to
on the moon "will not be an set the direction of astronautics
American," Buchheim cited the by supporting these related sci-
large payload capacity of the Rus- ences."
sian rockets, noting that only the Among programs suggested by
U.S. 'Saturn,' slated for use no Buchheim were laboratories in
earlier than 1963, could carry pay- space and factories on other
loads of the sixe of Sputnik V, planets, whose benefits cannot be
Seeing future U.S. supremacy predicted now because of the lim-
in space technology to be a vindi- ited state of our 'Knowledge.
cation of 'our way' in economic
and social fields, Buchheim said
that "there is no incompatibility
between government space ex-
ploration and free enterprise and
democratic processes, so long as -
we retain our faith in free enter- GOLF RANGE
prise and democratic processes
and use them." Open
"A determined assault on SovietUk
s p a c e exploration leadership
should do much to show that our

-AP Wirephoto
THOR-ABLE-A big part of the U.S. space program is the Thor-
Able rocket, shown here blasting off for a successful missile

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