TUE IICIFIGA N DAIIM r World Leaders Convene General Assemy "Ill-- ...... . ..... ''I I ommmomom At UN Elect Boland As President Of Conclave IN SOUTHEAST ASIA: U.S. Has Difficulties in Laos Anl Eveingl SAHL' gildthe, Limleliters eU il Irishman's" Called Red Victory Defeat --AP Wirephoto RUSSIAN MEETS CUBAN-Nikita Khrushchev left his seat on the floor of the UN General As- sembly to embrace Fidel Castro as he entered yesterday's session. --C> Cuba Bitter Against U.S. HAVANA (A)-Every anti-Unit- ed States word Fidel Castro utters in New York is being manifested in Havana into the bitterest anti- American campaign in Cuban his- tory. Maj. Raul Castro, acting prime minister in his brothet's absence, led off the campaign early yes- terday. He declared Fidel and the Cub- an delegation were being abused in New York and that this could lead to the expulsion of the Unit- ed States from the Guantanamo naval base in eastern Cuba. Raul shouted to a hastily called early morning mass rally of 50,- 000 persons in the square of the presidential palace. "It's within our possibilities in a determined moment to reclaim that piece of our national terri- tory." It was the most direct threat against the United States naval base since the Castros took power. 3' UNITED NATIONS (A') - The United Nations General Assembly began its 15th regular session to- day with the most spectacular diplomatic gathering in its his- tory. Its newly elected president' warned the delegates they face a severe test of their ability to pre- serve world civilization. An atmosphere of tension per- vaded the great hall as the West, headed by the United States, squared off for battle with the Communist East. Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, brisk and businesslike, was on hand to con- duct the propaganda battle for the Communist side. As Khrushchev and the top Communist chiefs of satellite Eastern Europe looked on, the So- viet Union quickly sustained its first defeat of the session. The delegates elected as president Frederick A. Boland of Ireland. African Resistance The Soviet defeat came against a backdrop of rising African re- sistance to Communist aims in Africa which resulted in a sting- ing setback for Moscow Monday' in the Assembly's special session on the Congo. The Assembly over- whelmingly supported Secretary- General Dag Hammarskjold's ac- tions in the Congo against a So- viet attack. The Assembly quickly increased UN membership from 82 to 96 by unanimously voting in 13 new Af- rican states and the new Repub- lic of Cyprus. The application of the Mali Federation, now broken up by dispute between its mem- bers, the former French Sudan and Senegal, was left in abeyance pending a settlement. Khrushchev Abstains Immediately after the vote for president, Boland was called tol the president's chair, to the ap- plause of the delegates. Khrush- chev conspicuously abstained from the applause. Cuba's pro-Khrush- chev premier, Fidel Castro, clap- ped a few times apathetically. Mobutu Sets Commission To Rule Congo TOKYO MP)-The United States finds itself in an embarrassing position in the mixed-up kingdom of Laos. All the elements of the cold war-East, West and neutralism --are at confused loggerheads in the little Southeast Asian nation. Last year United States Ambas- sador Henry Cabot Lodge led the fight for United Nations action to confirm, as he put it, the aggres- sion by the North Vietnamese Communists against the then pro-American government of Pre- mier Phoui Sanamikone. A UN fact-finding team and Secretary-General Dag Hammar- skjold himself found evidence of intervention, but no aggression. Today, the situation has been dramatically reversed. A neutral- ist government headed by Premier Prince Souvanna Phouma is ac- tively backed by the Communist- oriented Pathet Lao, but is under violent oral and sporadic military attack from the most pro-Ameri- can of Laos' leaders, Gen. Phoumi Nosavan. Firmest Friend In addition, the United States' firmest friend in Southeast Asia, pro-Western Thailand, has given open support to Phoumi and his Southern counter -revolutionary movement. The State Department has felt it necessary to publicly warn these allies-without singling them out by name-against inflaming an already dangerous situation. France and Britain, the prin- cipal United States partners in the Southeast Asia Treaty Or- ganization, are said to feel that Souvanna Phouma is the only man capable of bringing order out of the deepening confusion. They are pressuring the United States to support him against both the Pathet Lao and Phoumi. Insists on Aid Thailand insists on aid to No- savan. From his headquarters in the &.uthern city of Savannakhet, Nusavan has raised the old charge that the North Vietnamese have invaded Laos. The Pathet Lao has countered that Thailand has given help to Nosavan. An American who has lived in the area for many years and fol- lows developments closely said in Tokyo today that finding proof to support either allegation would be impossible. Thousands of per- sons who speak Laotian and are of the same Thai extraction as the Laotians live on the borders of North Viet Nam and Thailand. Many have found their way into the armies of Thailand and North Viet Nam. If they were to be loaned to the forces of the opposing fac- tions in Laos, no one would be much the wiser. Thailand fears that if Souvanna Phouma carries out his neutrality program, bringing the Pathet Lao back to share power, it will be left wide open to Communist in- filtration. Some 50,000 Vietna- mese refugees who openly admit their allegiance to the Communist north are scattered in major towns along the Thai frontier from Nonkhai, across from Vien- tiane in the north, to Ubol in the CAFE PROMETH EAN - 508 E. William "Espresso Coffee House" Open afternoons 3 P.M. I U, south. They are regarded as a potential fifth column. The United Nations once more may have to use its good offices to resolve the present crisis. IC m SOCIAL HOURS Friday, Sept. 23, 1960 and the first Friday of each following month of the Fall Semester 5_7 P.M. V.F.Wv. CLUB 314 E. Liberty Presented by the GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL COMING OCTOBER 26 'I Announcing. STUDENT ART PRINT LOAN EXHIBIT STUDENTS: Thursday, Sept. 22 1-5 P.M. Friday, Sept. 23 1-5 P.M. Saturday, Sept. 24 9-12 P.M. FACULTY and STAFF: From Friday, Sept. 22 3rd Floor S.A.B. b Gintepma ydI4 presents Lady Chatterley's Lover Thursday and Friday Imo' (Avow 4'*IWOO a lTcmS-opt DOatf, T.Mass Lour of Dob. is ", t4 .......... GIL BERT & SULLIVAN SOCIETY Tryouts for "MIKADO" Wed.-Fri. 7-9 P.M. Women's League I I We begin our fall program with a French rendering of D. H. Lawrence's most provocative novel. In viewing this interpre- tation of a work which indicts prevailing English and Ameri- can attitudes towards love, we must remember that France is the great clearing house for the visual arts (painting and post- cards) and that it is the home of Chevalier and Boyer. In fact, most continental Europeans tend to hold somewhat different views toward male-female re- lationships than do the British and the Americans. Their attitude is wonderfully illustrated in the remark made by a non-English speaking Ital- ian printer who was preparing Lady Chatterley's Lover for publication. Having heard ru- mors about the book from Flor- entine newspapers, the printer immediately asked Lawrence what it described. Informed of its contents, he replied, sur- prised, "0! ma! but we do it every day." The movie version stars Dan- ielle Darrieux as the frustrated and withdrawn wife of the crippled Lord Chatterley (Leo Genn). It traces the reluctant awakening and final rebirth of Lady Chatterley as she is edu- cated in love by her husband's gamekeeper. Some of the mov- ie's most lyric moments are provided by this education and the dawning realization of what. total fulfillment can be. One has the feeling through- out the film, however, that it is founded on an attitude of "0! ma! but we do it every day." Not even Leo Genn, speaking French in his calm English manner, is completely able to suggest those conscious and: unconscious, highly charged in- ' hibitions which make a frank portrayal of love disturbing to" American and British audi- ences. Mellors, the gamekeeper,1 is curiously transformed into aj would Brigitte be?)--and un- derstatement is not a technique frequently used in this movie. At the moment of highest pas- sion, we are treated to an in- terlude of sex symbols which need no glossary to be under- stood. Cinema Guild's selection for Saturday and Sunday is one of 'the most popular comedies of recent years. The Teahouse of the August Moon, first a novel by Vern Schneider, was success- fully adapted to the stage by John Patrick and won the Pu- litzer Prize in 1954. It is enjoy- able escapism, certainly noth- ing that called for any award. With disarming humor it sketches the experiences of a captain in the American army of occupation on Okinawa, a force at that time committed to indoctrinating the Okinawans with democracy. Glenn Ford is the sincere young Captain whose zeal for uplift is more than bolstered by a bullying superior, who wishes to have a "model" village for official dis- play. Somehow the captain's purest (or most antiseptic) ideas have a way of going astray in the face of the Okinawans' determination to do things their own way. Marlon Brando had a welcome opportunity to escape tough - inarticulate - sensitive roles in the part of Sakini, a, genial saboteur, who cajoles the captain into creating a distil- lery and accepting a geisha girl as a gift from the village. Cer- tain that geisha girls are not army issue nor part of an of- ficer's gear, Ford is provided with an occasion to display that stuttering boyish confusion which has become his comic trademark. As these strange doings begin to filter back to headquarters, an army psychol- ogist (Eddie Albert) is sent to investigate. His evaluation of the situation only adds to the happy confusion. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BANDS Presents the DAVE BRUEKQUARTET featuring PAUL DESMOND. September 23rd... Hill Auditorium ONCE MORE UNTO THE BREACH, DEAR FRIENDS Today, if I am a lisye misty, who can blme me? For today I begin my seventh year of writing eo&,ns-fr the makers of Marlboro Cigarettes. Seven years! Can it be posibe? It seers only yesterday I walked into the Marlboro offices, my knickers freshly pressed, my cowlick wetted down, my oilcloth pencil box clutched in my tiny hand. "Sirs," I said to the makers of Marlboro-as handsome an aggregation of men as you will find in a month of Sundays, as agreeable as the cigarettes they make-mild yet hearty, robust yet gentle, flip-top yet soft pack-"Sirs," I said to this assemblage of honest tobacconists, "I have come to write a column for Marlboro Cigarettes in college newspapers across the length and breadth of this great free land of America." We shook hands then-silently, not trusting ourselves to speak-and one of the makers whipped out a harmonica and we sang sea chanties and bobbed for apples and played "Run, Sheep, Run," and smoked good Marlboro Cigarettes until the campfire had turned to embers. "What will you write about in your column?" asked cm of the makers whose name is Trueblood StrooghearL - "About the burning issues that occupy the lively minds of college America," I replied. "About such vital questions as: Should the Student Council have the power to levy taxes? Should proctors be armed? Should coeds go out for football?" "And will you say a kind word from time to time about Marlboro Cigarettes," asked one of the makers whose name is Honor Bright. "Why, bless you, sirs," I replied, chuckling silverly, "there is no other kind of word except a kind word to say about Marlboro Cigarettes-the filter cigarette with the unfiltered taste-that happy combination of delicious tobacco and ex- clusive selectrate filter-that loyal companion in fair weather or foul-that joy of the purest ray serene." There was another round of handshakes then and the makers squeezed my shoulders and I squeezed theirs and then we each squeezed our own. And then I hied me to my typewriter and began the first of seven years of columning for the makers of Marlboro Cigarettes. And today as I find myself once more at my typewriter, once more ready to begin a new series of columns, perhaps it would be well to explain my writing methods. I use the term "writing methods" advisedly because I am, above all things a methodical writer. I do not wait for the muse; I work every single day of the year, Sundays and holidays included. I set myself a daily quota and I don't let anything prevent me from achieving it. My quota, to be sure, is not terribly difficult to attain (it is, I All Seats Reserved 8:30 P.M. Tickets 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 H il I Aud itorium Box Off ice Open 9:00-5:00 A I I