.. .... THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ir DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH UNIVERSITY PLAYERS playbill 60-61 a concert reading of CHRISTOPHER FRY'S freedom award drama THE FIRSTBORN wednesday/saturday, OCTOBER ARISTOPHANES' splashing farce 19-22 THE FROGS thursday/saturday, NOVEA performances in thevarsity pool featuring the varsity swimming team ABER 3-5 Michigan Sees Kennedy to be announced LABORATORY with the school of music, thursday/saturday, NOVEMBER OPERA 17-19' SEAN O CASEY'S wayward comedy PURPLE DUST thursday/sunday, DECEMBER 8-11 an original play PREMIERE PERFORMANCE The lot of the presidential nom. inee is unique. Besides keeping abreast with the daily events of the world, he must travel, shake hands, make speech- es, pose for pictures with local candidates, keep smiling and be composed when thousands of peo- ple crowd his path. The Labor Day weekend saw Democratic nominee Kennedy come to Michigan for a series of speeches, rallies and "getting down to the people." After a speech before the Old City Hall in downtown Detroit, the handshaking and oratory moved to the State Fair, Pontiac, Flint and by air to Muskegon. The pace of' campaigning through, tight schedules and crushing crowds will pick up as election day approaches. Kennedy and Nixon will both use the same technique of campaigning in an effort to touch those voters who make up their minds after pulling the voting curtain. DAILY PHOTO FEATURE Photographs and Story by DAVE G I LTROW specific dates to be announced, JANUARY 15-21 with the school of music OPERA to be announced MARCH 3, 4; 7, 8; 10, 11 MORE AHEAD-Kennedy boards a plane at Flint, taking him to Muskegon for another rally. His campaign staff and the news cor- respondents covered the same route=in-two other planes. YOUNG GREETER--About 5,000 persons mob- bed the airstrip at Metropolitan Airport wel- coming Kenunedy, who flew in after winding up an Alaska campaign stint. Even many who are too young to vote were in the crowd that rushed through police lines as the Democratic candidate stepped off the plane. MOLIERE'S comedy of manners SCHOOL FOR HUSBANDS wednesday/saturday, APRIL 12-15 FRIEDRICH DUERRENMATT'S modern European drama THE VISIT wednesday/saturday, APRIL 26-29 all performances 8 P.M. GRASSROOTS-Making four stops in the state in one day, Kennedy's strategy was to see as many as possible at each stop. Above, he rides through a street with Sen. Pat McNamara (D-Mich.) and Gov. and Mrs. G. Mennen Williams. Right, Kennedy's firm paw in the universal pose of the campaigner. Below, Kennedy makes rounds at the State Fair before a hop to Pontiac where he spoke at a picnc. S----- -- - -- -- -- ---- Use mail order form at right for SEASON SUBSCRIPTIONS INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTIONS: "The Firstborn," Laboratory Opera, Premiere: $1.00 "The Frogs": $1.25 "Purple Dust": Thur. or Sun. $1.50 or $1.00 Fri. or Sat.: $1.75 or $1.25 "School for Husbands," "The Visit": Wed. or Thur.: $1.50 or 1.00 Fri. or Sat.: $1.75 or $1.25 Opera: Tue. or. Wed.: $1.75 or $1.25 ..e C -4." _ 1n r tn r I I I I I I I I I Mail order to UNIVERSITY PLAYERS, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Checks payable to UNIVERSITY PLAYERS. Enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope. ENCLOSED FIND $ for (number) season subscriptions at the regular price of (check one) $6.00 0, $4 00 Q, plus 25c for each ticket for each starred Friday or Saturday performance I have checked below. Total enclosed: $ PERFORMANCE PREFERENCES-indicate first (1) and second (2) THE FIRSTBORNt Wednesday, Oct. 19 -- Thursday, Oct. 20 - Friday, Oct. 21 Saturday, Oct. 22 -H RG THE FROGS Thursday, Nov. 3 ----. Friday, Nov. 4 - Saturday, Nov. 5 --- LABORATORY OPERAt Thursday, Nov. 17 Friday, Nov. 18 Saturday, Nov. 19 PREMIERE PERFORMANCEt Check above if you wish a coupon entitling you to a ticket for the Premiere Per- formance of an original play, to be performed during the week of Jan. 15-21. Spe- cific dates to be announced. *Please note that starred Friday and Saturday per- formances are 25c addi- tional for each ticket for each one you select PIeoe OPERA Friday, March 3 * Saturday, March 4 Tuesday, March 7 Wednesday, March 8 -- Friday, March 1 -* Saturday, March 11 - SCHOOL FOR HUSBANDS Wednesday, April 12 --- Thursday, April 13 - Friday, April 14 * Saturday, April 15 - I