NEW GRADING SYSTEM MUST BE INSTITUTED See Editorial Page Y Sir iAau &111J4ii CLOUDY High-83 Low-60 Humid with possible showers Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 20-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1965 SEVEN CENT S FOUR PAGES Johnson Discusses Policy Problems G, WASHINGTON (P)-President Lyndon B. Johnson held his first news conference yesterday since the end of April and announced that 2000 Marines were being withdrawn from the Dominican Republic, and a message was being sent to Congress asking for $89 million in economic aid to Southeast Asia. He also announced plans to address the UN General Assembly at a commemorative session in San Francisco the last week in June. After a flare-up of fighting in which Communist forces dealt heavy losses to the South Vietnamese, in the war there, Johnson - said, "We had anticipated we would have some actions of this! e V'i'W cnool type at.this season of the year." He said South Vietnamese losses are reported to have reached the Ni ay Inr hundreds and those of the Viet Cong are unknown but believed to -~-Asociaed Pe-~-be substantial. -Associated Press s ; 1Even as he spoke, it was an- alks with British Defense Secre- ;roversv nounced in Seoul, Korea that 25,- in Paris yesterday. At right is !/ 000 South Korean combat troops s proposed a nuclear executive B JOHN MEREDITH will be sent to South Viet Nam y Ethis month, according to the in-, A potential political contro- fluential Seoul newspaper Chosun versy may complicate establish- Ilbo s ment of a new state-supported The govsrnmen so authori- for-ea clgeinth Sgiawtative wpprgovernment otdsources as say- four-year college in the Saginawing the planned shipment of two " Valley area. divisions will include some ma- William Groening, head of a rines but will be mostly infantry- be more concerned about friction p r i v a t e organization currently men. over Berlin or troubles in East- raising funds to help finance the The South Korean defense m- ern Europe which might spread to proposed new institution, said last istty declined comment. the NATO area, night that a site for the schoolsn French Defense Minister Pierre suggested by House Majority Korean Troops Messmer said NATO's deterrent Leader J. Bob Traxler (D-Bay South Korea has sent 2,000 non- force can be effective only if the City) might be unacceptable to his combat engieers and self-defense! alliance makes plain it is willinggroup units to Viet Nam since Septem- mksigber. to employ nuclear power as soon Withhold Funds? In answering a question about} am there is a clear case of Cosn This would mean, he said, that Supreme Court decisions follow- munist aggression. the money raised conceivably ing its one-man one-vote doctrine But British Defense Minister might not be made available to and proposals in Congress to Denis Healey said the most prob- the state. A bill permitting the amend the Constitution to get Conference Approves Three-Nation Mission Into Santo UNITED STATES DEFENSE SECRETARY Robert S. McNamara to tary Denis Healey, left, at the NATO defense ministers conference1 Thomas K. Finletter, U.S. representative to NATO. The U.S. ha committee within NATO at the meetings. U.S. Proposes An DOmIngo Some 2000 Marines To Be Removed U.S., Brazil, Salvador To Participate in Plan WASHINGTON (P) - A special inter-American conference was re- ported practically agreed last night on sending a three-nation mission to the Dominican Repub- lic to help restore peace in that country. Delegates said there was mark- ed progress during a closed session of more than two hours and re- ported that the United States, Brazil and Salvador would be named to undertake the mission. homas R. Copi "We are just about to approve y defended the three-nation plan after the of national rewording of a part of the pro- speech at posal," Ambassador Guillermo Se- villa Sacasa of Nicaragua, presi- dent of the conference, said. PARIS (P)-The United States, has proposed that a committee of four or five NATO members be set up to study nuclear policy and procedures for the Atlantic alli- ance to give America's allies a bigger voice in nuclear decisions. Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc- Namara advanced the proposal to j a session of the defense ministers of NATO. It apparently was a new U.S. effort to meet demands of France and other NATO partners for a voice in the life-and-death decisions which might face the West in a future crisis. Should Meet McNamara said the committee should meet as promptly and fre- quently as necessary to study: -How to expand allied partici- pation in planning the use of both High ourt Hears Pleas On Elections WASHINGTON (/P) - The Su- preme Court ruled yesterday on legislative reapportionment dis- putes in New York, Illinois, Cali- fornia and Idaho involving widely different aspects of its "one-man, one-vote" decree. The court, preparing to start its summer recess after next Mon- day's decision day, cleared up without hearing arguments all of its pending reapportionment cases by: -Refusing 8 to 1 to hold up a special election in New York state next Nov. 2. A federal district court ordered the election over ob- jections by the state Supreme Court that 15 more legislators would be elected than the 150 the state consitution prescribes; The dissenter, Justice John M. Harlan, wanted to grant a quick high court hearing on the issue, declaring "I am wholly at a loss to understand the court's casual way of disposing of this matter and I can find no considerations of any kind which justifies it;" -Ruling 8 to 0 that the federal court in Illinois step aside for a reasonable time but keep watch to give the state agencies a chance to redistrict the Illinois state Sen- ate on a population basis; -Upholding unanimously-but three justices "reluctantly" - a federal court order that California must reapportion its Senate by July 1 on a population basis even though the state's voters three times have rejected efforts to change the present alignment; and -Unanimously refusing to in- tervene in a suit by two Idaho cit- izens challenging the fairness of the state's new legislative reappor- tionment law passed on March 25. In the civil rights field, the court acted on major appeals by: -Agreeing to review at its next term the dismissal of federal con- spiracy indictments against six strategic and tactical nuclear forces. -Methods for quick consulta- tion among NATO members on any decision to use nuclear forces. This could include "hot lines" be- tween NATO capitals. McNamara said the U.S. wants to join other NATO nations in working-outemeasures to provide greater "nuclear participation" for members so desiring. He said this would be in addi- tion to anything the alliance might do about the controversial pro- posals for a Multilateral Nuclear Force (MLF) or an Atlantic Nu- clear Force (ANF). Both projects have encountered stiff opposition from French President Charles, de Gaulle. fE I I I -Daily-T VICE-PRESIDENT HUBERT HUMPHREY yesterda U.S. Vietnamese policies and warned against "wars liberation"--"a new sophisticated type of war"--in a East Lansing. 1 1171,7a n u~irn able threat was from frontier in-I cidents, and present NATO forces could handle these without nu- clear weapons. Soviet Threatj West German Defense MinisterI Kai-Uwe von Hassel said the So- viet threat to Europe has not less- Not Specify ened and the combat effectivenessI Under present U.S. law, con- of Soviet and East European forc-t trol of U.S. nuclear weapons rests es has increased. with the U.S. President. The ministers had before them McNamara did not specify a report from a special NATO De- whether the proposed committee fense Plans Committee of experts would control the nuclear trig- acting under a directive adopted ger or if it would operate by unan- in Ottawa in 1963 for a review of imity or majority decision. the alliance's strategic position. McNamara declared that the So- The ministers are discussing viet attitude has changed a great this report, but it is not expected deal since the Cuban missile cris- they will attempt to reach any is of 1962 and there is far less decisions at this time. Instead,I danger of a massive Soviet at- they are expected to bring in a tack. recommendation at the next reg- More Concerned ular NATO ministerial conference He suggested that NATO should in Paris in December. I establishment of the new school' (passed by the House and await- ing action in the Senate) requires $4 million in private funds be- fore the state will contribute tax money to the venture, and Groen- ing's organization is the onlyj group currently raising money for the project. Moreover, the bill stipulates that the site for the school must be approved by the State Board of Education and the Legislature. The Groening faction has selecetei a site which, while probably ac- ceptable to the state board, has been criticized by Traxler as in- accessable to Bay City, one of the Sthreemajor Saginaw Valley cities (along with Saginaw and Mid- land) which the new school sup- around a ruling requiring reap- j- & gg E1E N N (' portionment of many state legis- latures, Johnson said, "I am gen- erally sympathetic with the re- ( throughout the country in com- . Fei apportionment that is taking place U o je itruhu h onr ncm pliance with the Supreme Court's ByROBER decision." Elaborating on his view that a Co-E Communist threat still exists in Special To , ,, I Ge miniSpace Crews Readied for Thursday CAPE KENNEDY R)---Command pilot James McDivitt said yes- terday he and his space partner, Edward White, and their Gemini 4. spacecraft were ready for a Thursday launching on their marathon space journey. "We've got a good spacecraft," said McDivitt following a two-; hour review of the mission, "and it looks to me like we are goingl to have a good mission. We're ready.", The Astronauts were given an excellent bill of health. No Hitch ------ --- ------ If no hitch develops, McDivitt. and White will lift away at 9 a.m., (EST) Thursday on a mission that encompasses all the prime objectives of the Gemini pro- gram. Most of the headline-catching action will be packed into the first seven hours when the two astronauts take the spacecraft up for ,a planned four-day spin Thursday. During those early hours Mc- Divitt twice is to steer Gemini 4 to within a few feet of another orbiting satellite. On 'one of the approaches, White is to leave the? spacecraft and float between the two satellites on the end of a lifeline. Early Maneuvers These feats are scheduled early in the flight because after a few hours the orbiting second stage of the Titan 2 booster rocket- .. the target for the maneuvers- will be too far away in its separ- ate orbit to make the maneuvers practical. After the initial burst of ac- I posedly will serve. Traxler has proposed an alternate site about five miles away from the location. announced by Groening. Undesirable However, Groening considers this site undesirable because he feels it will soon develop into an industrial area not conducive to a quiet college campus. He indicated that "We might feel obligated to consult with our donors before turning the money over to the state if the Traxler site is finally approved." The Groening group has raised' approximately $2.5 million to date. If it is able to reach $4 mil- lion by the end of June, the fed- eral government will add a con- tribution of $750,000.' the Dominican Republic, John- son said it was greater before 21,- 000 Americans-the approximate peak-arrived there. "The Communists," he said, "did not in our judgment originate this revolution. But they joined it and they participated in it. They were active in it, and in a good many places they were in charge of it." Johnson Doctrine? At that point he was asked whether he had in mind enunciat- ing "a new Johnson doctrine un- der which American troops would be used to prevent the establish- ment of a Communist government anywhere in the Western hemis- phere." "No," the President said. "I am afraid that the people that have branded the Johnson doctrine were unfamiliar with the fact that the nations of this hemisphere have repeatedly made it clear that the principles of Communism are incompatible with the principles of the inter-American system, just as President Kennedy made it abundantly clear. That is the basis of our own attitude on the matter. I am sorry I got some folks excited by it." EAST LANSING-Marshaling lessons drawn from current an Hubert Humphrey presented here fense of U.S. policies in Viet Nam. He also spent a large part o of Communist wars of national aggression which could rank in mil of gunpowder." In justifying U.S. policies in V as students of history you may d I decision to take up the responsi- bilities which the French relin- quished in 1954, this question has little relevance for the policy- maker today." This is because, regardless of whether the 'U.S. was right in en- tering Viet Nam at first, any cur- rent substantial change in U.S. policy - such as the withdrawal recommended by many adminis- tration critics-would be a breachE of U.S. promises and commitments to the Vietnamese and would have disastrous effects on the security} of many countries, including the U.S., Humphrey said. A withdrawal "would only weak-j en the position of free societies in Asia," he asserted. Withdrawal would in addition mean a strategic victory for the militant Chinese in the Sino-So- viet ideological conflict, Humphrey said, a victory harmful to the Soviet-American efforts at coex- istence. Humphrey also repeated the ad-i ministration offer of "uncondi- tional discussions" to settle the war in Viet Nam and declared that the final aim of the U.S. is a political solution. If peace comes to Southeast Asia, Humphrey said, the U.S. can: go ahead with full support for "a massive cooperative development! effort-not only for Viet Nam but for all of Southeast Asia." Referring to the 1930's, Hum- phrey said that the two para- mount lessions of the era were these: -"You can never appease an aggressor. Hitler taught us this. -"Racism is a consumate evil. The war taught us this also." Non-Communist nations are threatened more every year by "a new sophisticated form of war- fare" that is becoming a major challenge to U.S. security, Hum-{ phrey said. 1-IJohnson Order De Lie16 tMeanwhile, President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered 2000 Marines out of the Dominican Republic, yes- terday although he said that he does not feel the Communist threat is over in the revolt-torn Caribbean island. T HIPPLER The withdrawal of 2000 more ditor Marines will remove about half The Daily the 4100 men on duty there but leave about 16,000 Marines, para- moralprecets, satistcsran troops and Air Force men on the d past diplomacy, Vice-President island. e yesterday a comprehensive de- The President said he had been advised by the commander of the f his time in a lengthy analysis inter-American force created by liberation-"a bold new form of the Organization of American itary importance with the discovery states that conditions permit a further reduction of United States Viet Nam, Humphrey said, "though forces. At the peak of the U.S. inter- vebate the wisdom of the original vention, there were 21,800 U.S. military personnel in the Domini- can Republic, officials said. FactionsTo News Conference Johnson made thenannounce- ment of the new withdrawal at a D e ~an d N eW news conference, his first since April 27. The President said, "The situa- tion in the Dominican Republic continues to be serious." But he said the Brazilian and American One of the two warring factions commanders on the scene had rec- of the Livingston County Demo- ommended the force reduction, cratic Party announced yesterday and he welcomed continued ef- I that it plans 'to appeal a circuit forts by the Organization of Amer- court judge's ruling that the par- ican States to strengthen the OAS ty must hold a second convention role there. in late July because proper con- The OAS conference explored vention procedures were not fol- the three-nation plan-proposed lowed last September. by Brazil-in closed meetings Ruth Munzel, vice chairman of throughout the day yesterday. the faction headed by Edward New Elections Rettinger, said that since Circuit The proposal is aimed at re- Court Judge Leonard Bebau said storing peace to the Dominican that there was no statute to "guide Republic and pacing the way for me at this step," and did not base new elections. his opinion on legal precedent, the In Santo Domingo, Gen. Antonio Rettinger group feels it worth- Imbert Barrera said the civilian- while to appeal the ruling and military junta he heads will nev- hope for a more favorable deci- er give up control of the presiden- sion. tial palace to the OAS. Bebau ruled May 28 that the He denied any agreement had elections made during two con- I been reached to turn over the bat- fused "rump conventions" last tered former seat of government September 12 were not binding. -only a block from rebel lines- He said that the faction led by to an OAS force. Rettinger had not mailed properI i notifications for its "rump con- A In Principler vention," and that the other fac- OAS secretary-General Jose A. tion, led by Brian Levan and his Mora told newsmen Sunday night brother Martin, held its conven- an agreement h principle had tion without a proper chairman. been made with the junta to put Violent Convention an OAS force in the palace and T ViosepnratConveton nto extend the international se- The separate "rump, conven- curity zone boundary to embrace tions" were held because the reg- it ular convention scheduled Sep- Imbert said the only matter un- tember 12 broke into dissension der discussion now between the and violence. OAS and the junta was the ex- Bebau ruled that the new con- tension of the security zone to vention must be held under two cover the palace. conditions: -It must be held between 50- Yesterday the OAS planned 60 days of the trial date, May 28; more negotiations with the Do- -It must be chaired by the last minican junta in an effort to ex- legally elected chairman, Retting- zone arounternational plceia er.zokaromdrentina r block from rebel lines. I Georgia men accused in the shot- tivity, the two air force majors gun slaying near Athens, G., last will settle down to their main task -Daily-honmas R. Copi,"War of natnllibt"- July 11 of Lemuel A. Penn, Dis- -learning how well man can with-=Wr fntonllbrto" trict of Columbia Negro educator; stan igor livn n a TYPE, TELETYPE, TYPEWRITERS, TYPOS-and the lineotype is 75 years old this year, too. The guerrilla warfare such as that in this appeal challenges a ruling by spaceship for long periods. Em- Daily will be celebrating its anniversary this fall-75 years of chaos, commotion, crisis and, of South et Na, is m erent U.S. District Judge W. M. Bootle phasis will be on gathering medi-;course, editorial freedom. There are many ingredients behind any newspaper. Some of them are from conventional battle, he said. of Macon, Ga., that the Justicephsswlbeogaernmdi cus, This is "a war in which leaders cal data. shown above. cannot be located, sources of Department had failed to showcantb lotesues f Dioaton tfhfdralds; But they also will practice ma-. supply cannot be easily cut off, in violation of federal law; neuvering the Gemini 4: conduct which the enemy forces are not thinf ae Win n aroll rom U.o numerous scientific, photographic I f1l v d ! U' n n 1 versarv sToutsiders but indigenous troops." Part of Ruling The appeal of the Rettinger faction is only of that part of B Bebau's ruling which rescheduled U Bt the convention. The part which retained Rettinger as county