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May 26, 1965 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1965-05-26

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House Passes Foreign
Aid Bill Without Change

Corps Tries To Stay Young

yesterday passed a $3.37 billion f
out changing a penny of the total. 'I
All Republican efforts to amen
easily defeated.
The scene now shifts to the
is over the future form of foreig
amount for the coming fiscal
Contrast to Past
In contrast to previous years,
the aid bill produced practically
none of the fire and brimstone
oratory that it used to. The two
days of debate passed almost ser-
Republicans offered e i g h t
amendments, knowing in advance
they would be shouted down.
These are the factors that
markedly changed the reception
this year:
-The Democyats now hold a
top-heavy majority. In addition,
the program traditionally draws
considerable Republican support

-Associated Press
AN AMERICAN LIEUTENANT inspects a military police patrol made up of American, Costa Rican,
and Honduran soldiers under the OAS whose job it will be to patrol Santo Domingo,
7 tRR e Ur .

By WV. B. RAGSDALE, JR. 'erans back in the United States,"
Associated Press Staff Writer he said. "They will help provide
nocrats firmly in control, the House j enlightened leadership in this
oreign aid authorization bill with- WASHINGTON - Barely past country."
The vote was 249 to 148. teady s o ,rihe Peac Corps ar - An estimated 50,000 volunteers
nd the bill or cut the amount were of the arteries --more if the Peace Corps ex-
Thefea istht scces wllpands beyond the 17,000 volun-
The fear is that success will teens anticipated by midsummer
Senate, where the main difference breed caution, conservatism and 1966-will be returning home by
;n aid rather than the monetary reluctance to try new ideas. 1970
The Peace Corps began life Efforts To Stay Young
" j March 1, 1961 by executive order In its efforts to stay a "young
of President John F. Kennedy. In agency," the Peace Corps is en-
addition to amazing success ergetically reaching out for new
around the world, the Peace Corps ideas.
~~s 11 has been widely copied. An example of the Peace Corps'
SatellyiteFollowing Example continually 'stretching its wings,
Sixteen nations either have trying new and more ambitious
cyY started or are planning their own projects is the educational tele-
a foreign peace corps-type organi- vision program in Colombia.
zations. Nineteen - including the Normally, the Peace Corps pro-
CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (} - A United States-have adapted the vides personnel for less skilled
Saturn 1 rocket hurled a Pe asu concept for domestic purposes. jobs. In Colombia, volunteers are
2 satellite into orbit to measures There will be a reservoir of producing the programs, helping
Potentially-dangerous meteoroids more than 6000 ex-volunteers by broadcast them, servicing the tele-
postenialy-the end of the summer and there vision sets and helping teachers
yesterday, are strong indications from the prepare to use the programs in
As the huge 18-story' booster early groups of returning mem- the classrooms.
thundered toward space, the pow- bers that the Peace Corps has left Educational Television
er generated by 1.5 million pounds a permanent mark on them, often "After a year, we feel the odds
of thrust sent a fiery tail fan- a desire for public service. are on our side in this project,"
ning out 300 feet. Night briefly The Peace Corps held a recent says one official. "This is the
was turned into day as the blaz- conference to study how to involve most complex project we have un-
ing exhaust reflected off the wa- returning volunteers in society, as dertaken and it will be at least
ters of the Atlantic Ocean and Vice-President Hubert H. Hum- another year before we can say
nearby rivers. phrey put it, "not just as interest- with- confidence that we can go
After the pyrotechnics by the ed citizens but as leaders." into another country and do the
booster stage, the hydrogen-pow- 'America's Profit' same kind of job."
ered second stage took over and Humphrey, who conceived the Working with the Colombian
propelled Pegasus 2 into an orbit Peace Corps idea and now heads Education Ministry, the Peace
ranging from 316 to 460 miles high its advisory council, described the Corps' television program has be-
-almost precisely the desired returning volunteers as America's come an integral part of the na-
path. profit on an investment of young tional system of education.
'Wings' people overseas. Some 120,000 pupils are seeing


industry in his section of India.
So he went to work.
In only a little more than a
year, the Peace Corps project has
produced some 200,000 chicks,
along with enormous egg produc-
In all the scrambling about for
new ideas, Peace Corps officials
say they don't plan to change
one part of their operations. This
is the rigid policy of staying out
of both international and local
Because of this, volunteers have
stayed on the job in a number of
areas when all other U.S. person-
.nel have been chased away by a

Republic (A)-McGeorge Bundy
will return to Washington today
after 10 days of intensive nego-
tiations to bring the Dominican
rebels and the rival military-
civilian junta together in a coali-
tion government.
United States officials admitted
a political solution was still far
off but added that both sides in
talks with American negotiators
agreed any new government
should be strongly anti-Commun-
ist. They also expressed their ab-
horrence of any rightwing dicta-
Johnson asked Bundy, his spe-
cial assistant for national security,
to return in advance of a foreign
ministers meeting of the Organi-
zation of American States in
Washington tomorrow, U.S. offi-
cials said. They added that Dr.
Jose -A. Mora, OAS secretary-
'ge,, gen now has a leading role
in the mediation effort.
Vance to Stay
Deputy Secretary of Defense
Cyrus Vance, who came with
Bundy to Santo Domingo, will re-
main to help Mora, U.S. officials
With a new OAS peace force
gradually taking strength, the U.S.
has'begun to withdraw 600 troops.
The number of Americans being
pulled out about equals the influx
of Latin American soldiers, mostly

In about a week, the Latin
American force will total about
1,700 men, and that number of
Americans will leave. The U.S. has
21,000 Marines and paratroopers
in the Dominican Republic, most
of whom are assigned to protect-
ing an international zone in the
capital and a corridor across the
Halt in Fire
As the peace efforts took cen-
ter stage in the month-long Do-
minican drama, Santo Domingo
enjoyed a respite from the sound
of gun fire.
The civilian-military junta as-
serted confidentially that "abso-
lute normality" had been restored
in the country. It lifted martial
law and a dusk-to dusk curfew in
all areas under its control, except
Santo Domingo. ,

-President Lyndon . Johnson
The junta also turned over to has adopted a technique of ask-
the OAS Radio Santo Domingo, ing for a pared-down minimal
a government-owned station amount for foreign aid. The re-
whose powerful voice extends quest this year was the lowest
throughout the country. It chang- sought in the 17-year history of
ed hands several times during the the program, which stems back
fighting. to the post World World II Mar-
shall Plan.
'Voice of OAS'.
More said the station, with U.S. -The House Foreign Affairs
technical help, will return to the Committee, which handles the bill,
air shortly as the official Voice of forestalled possible amendments
the OAS and the inter-American by adding bans on aid to any
peace force. He promised complete country which ships goods to
impartiality and objectivity in the North Viet Nam, and on aid to

World News
By The Associated Press
Soviet Union warned yesterday it
would refuse any voluntary finan-
cial contribution to the United
Nations if the United States tries
to make a "political game" out of
the dispute over peacekeeping
ROME-Teachers and students
in Italian universities staged a
new 24-hour strike yesterday to
demand a greater voice in running
the schools and regulating courses.
* * *
CANBERRA, Australia - Police
yesterday arrested 17 students who
staged a sitdown in a busy Can-
berra street protesting the Aus-
tralian government's decision to
send combat troops to South Viet
About 60 students from'the Aus-
tralian Students Labor Federation,
which is holding a conference
here, took part in a march through
the city's main shopping area be-
fore the sitdown.


Rebel constitutionalist sourcesG
reported meantime their forces
clashed with junta troops in the
central part of the country. There
has been little fighting outside
the capital throughout the war,
and this latest rebel report could
not be confirmed.

any country which lets mobs de-
stroy American embassies and
other property abroad.
'Blank Check'
The bill also includes a "blank
check" authorization for any
amount the President may decide
he needs to prosecute the war in
Southeast Asia.

Once in space, Pegasus 2 un- Statistics at the conference in-
folded two wing-like panels to a dicated that of the 5000 Peace
span of 96 feet-greater than most Corps workers who have already
four-engine airliners-and began completed their service, 15 per
soaring like a great bird around cent have taken government jobs,
the globe, ready to squawk elec- 15 per cent have gone into teach-
tronically each time it is punc- ing, 5 per cent are now with non-
tured by a meteoroid. profit institutions and 8 per cent
The "space bird" joined a twin, have gone into private business.
Pegasus 1, which has been orbit- Nearly all of the remaining 57 per
ing since Feb. 16. The National cent have returned to school.
Aeronautics and Space Adminis- Although Peace Corps officials
tration said they will be visible in appear as concerned as a dowager
areas of the world over which they trying to conceal her age, no real
pass in darkness. signs of approaching senility -.or
They are orbiting about one- even bureacratic normality - are
third of the globe apart. apparent to an outsider.

30 programs a week. In many
cases, neither pupil nor teacher
ever had seen television before a
few months ago.
Quick To Seize Idea
Always quick to seize an idea
that works, the Peace Corps now
has half its more than 300 volun-
teers in India in a poultry project
that grew out of a volunteer's
The volunteer had worked with
poultry and found everything
needed for a first class poultry

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The Daily Official Bulletin as an
official publication of The Univer-
sitl of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRJTTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the' day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organiration notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
No Events Scheduled.
General Notices

DIAL 8-6416
SHOWS AT 7 & 9 P.M.
"Bergman, with his
'irst color film, proves
as masterful as with
black and white. A
mischievously amus-
ing free-style frolic.
playfully throwing
darts at critics, fame,
censors and female
admirers." -Cu
I ergtnis
Fst Film n Color

fairs, 1011 Student Activities Bldg. Priv- tor, and chief Architect, Republican
ileges such as the use of the Organi- Institute of Urban Development, Skop-
zation Announcement column in The je, Yugoslavia, May 24-27.
Michigan Daily, use of meeting rooms Lasla Rehak, Federal Assembly depu-
in University buildings, assignment of ty, secretary o fthe Main Committee
Student Activities Bldg. facilities, etc. of the Socialist Alliance of Working
are available to registered organizations People of Serbia, Yugoslavia, May 25-
only. 27. Accompanied by a Department of
State contract escort-interpreter, Serge
Doctoral Examination for Clifton Lutchenkov.
Sylvanus Goddin, Jr., Chemical Engi- Michael Serghi, director, Foreign Lan-
neering; thesis: "Two-Dimensional Flow guage Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus, May
of Two Ilnmiscible Incompressible Flu- 26-June 3.
ids in a Stratified Porous Medium," Andreas Papadopoulos, senior master,
May 26, Wed., 3030 East Engrg. Bldg., English and Greek, The English School,
1 p.m. Nicosia, Cyprus, May 26-June 3.
Leonidas K. Koullis, inspector of
Regents' Meeting: June 18. Commu- English for. Greek secondary schools,
nications for consideration at this Greek Office of Education, Nicosia, Cy-
meeting must be in the President's prus, May 26-June 3.
hands no later than June 4. Ahmed Ali Nimir, headmaster, Khar-
toum North Secondary School, Kartoun
Physical Chemistry Seminar: Jesse W.r North, Sudan, May 26-June 3.
Schilling, Univ. of Mich., Chemistry Laszlo Nyeste associate professor (do-
Dept., "X-Ray Studies of Some Pro- cent), Institute of Agricultural Chemi-
teins," on Thurs., May 27. 4 p.m., cal Technology, Technical University
Room 1400, Chemistry Bidg. of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary, May
Opening, Architectural and Ornament Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bach, head of de-
Drawings of the 16th to the early 19th partment for operations research, In-
Centuries, at the Museum of Art, Wed., stitute for Electrical Power Research,
May 26, 4 p.m and at 7 p.m. Budapest, Hungary, May 31-June 2.

I Their panels present broad tar-
gets for meteoroids-hot-rod bits
of space debris, mostly remnants
of disintegrated comets, which
speed along at up to 136,000 miles
an hour. Almost all are micro-
scopic in size and could create a
possible eroding sandblast effect
on manned spacecraft orbiting the
earth for long periods.
Use for Data
Data from the satellites will
help in designing protective ma-
aerials for future manned craft.
For Saturn 1 it was the ninth'
straight test flight success without.
a miss. An updated version, Sat-
urn 1B, will be used starting in
1967 to hoist three-man Apollo
crews into earth orbit to practice
for later lunar landing missions.
The Saturn 1 first stage flownI
yesterday was the first produced
by industry, with Chrysler Corp.
the prime contractor. The previ-
ous eight rockets in the series
were built by NASA's Marshall
Spaceflight Center.

There is still the tough-mind-
ed devotion to ideals and abso-
lute ruthlessness in eliminating
failure. A sign in Director Sargent
Shriver's office advertises there is
no room for good losers.
An official who served on the
original task force with Shriver
and still:holds a top job says run-
ning the Peace Corps is no job
for weaklings, that it at times can
be "difficult, disagreeable, dis-
"If enough new brains, new
blood, new ideas and new insights
-from experienced people - can
continually flow into the Peace
Corps, perhaps we can accomplish
the feat of renewal and remain a
'young agency' for more than just
three or four years," he said.
Impact at Home
Shriver has said that the Peace
Corps will have its greatest impact
at home, through returning vol-
"Just wait until we have some
10,000 to 15,000 Peace Corps vet-

Max Shulman
for Kellogg's
(By the author of Dobie Gillis,
Rally Round the Flag, Boys, etc.)

Student Organizations: Registration
of recognized student organizations
planning to be active during the
Spring/Summer Term must be com-
pleted by May 26, 1965. Forms are
available in the Office of Student Af-
DIAL 5-6290


Foreign Visitors
The following are the foreign visi-
tors programmed through the Interna-
tional Center who will be on campus
this week on the dates indicated. Pro-
gram arrangements are being made by
Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, International
Center. 764-2148.
Mr. and Mrs. Radoslav Radkovic, pro-
fessor head of sociological dept., School
of Political Sciences, Yugoslavia, May
16-June 5.
Geoffrey Hallam, university lecturer,
University of Aston, England, May 23-
Lazar Boris Koljozov, assistant lec-
turer, technical faculty, Skopje Univer-
sity, Yugoslavia, May 24-27.
Mr. 1& Mrs. Metodija Trajkovski, as-
sistant lecturer, technical faculty, Skop-
Je University, Yugoslavia, May 24-27,
Mr. & Mrs. Zvonimir Nikuljski, direc-
DIAL 662-6264

Placement t , n-y mm mrniwwwwwwwwwwrw mmmm iw~winmmm mm -w
Dow Jones &NCo., N.Y.C.-Productlon R RE *D E IV R
Mgmt. Trainee, recent grad with some 3
newspaper exper. for publisher of Wall
Street Journal & National Observer. T
Columbia Cement Corp., Zanesville, * g THOM ON lS RESTAU RANT
Ohio-Sales Trainee. Degree in Bus. Ad.,
major in mktg. pref. Will consider t
other grads interested in sales. PhonI76 v"0
Wayne General Hospital, Eloise, Mich. ^ *
-Lab Technician. Immed. opening, 1 0 F o ag
man or woman, BS bkgd. in animal1 oe i
biol; 2 yrs. college min. Research proj- I
ect on blood circulation. Work with PICKED UP OR DELIVERY ONLY I
animals. y
Ayerst Labs., Inc., Rouses 'Point, N.Y. ;3
-Various openings including 1. Chem- *ICoupon Good Monday Thru Thursday, May 24-27
ist, degree in chem., pharm. or rel., no wwwsrrrwrsr rsmin,,,w... wwninminmmm I
exper. req. 2. Ass't.' Manager-Quality - ._.__.__.. .___._.._.____ .___._..._.__._
Control ,degree in chem. pref. MS plus
10 yrs. exper. 3. Bacteriologist, BS Bac-
teriol. or rel. plus 1-2 yrs. exper. 4
Process Engr. BS Ch. Engrg., 2-5 yrs. GOING _U OF B S E
U.S. Civil Service Comm., Wash., D.C.
-Psychologists (Research & Clinical).
BS Psych. plus statistics course. HigherS
rating for PhD or equivalent.
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB. OFF Michigan Jewelry
IoW/%0N41FF Lighters

Naturally you are all going to
Europe this summer, and nat-
urally you are all asking the same
question: what countries should
you visit? Well sir, it depends on
how much time you've got. If
you're going to be there a whole
week, of course you'll see all of
Europe. But if, like most of us,
you only have three days, it
would be wise to restrict your
trip to just 12 or 15 of the most
interesting countries.
First on your list should be
Italy. Don't miss it! It's a fun
country! Moreover, you don't
even need to know the language
to have a marvelous time. The
Italians are a friendly, jolly people
who make it easy to communicate.
You'll get along splendidly if
you'll learn just three simple
phrases: "Buon giorno" which
means "Good morning," "Grazie"
which means "Thank you" and
"Cosi fan tutte" which means
"Your Fiat is on my foot:"
In order to help you enjoy the
fabled land of Italy, it is necessary
for me to supply a bit of historical
background. (It is also necessary
for me to say a few words about
Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes
because the makers of Kellogg's
Sugar Frosted Flakes pay me to.
write this column, and they are-
inclined to brood if I, neglect to
mention their product. Of course
they don't stay gloomy for long,
the makers of Kellogg's Sugar
Frosted Flakes, for they are
kindly, cheery folk, fond of
Mforris-dancing, quilting bees and
furry animals-fine, decent men,
just as good down-deep as the
flakes they make. And there,
friends, is the secret of Sugar

finally fell to the Goths, the Visi-.
goths, and the Green Bay Packers.
After the fall of Rome, Italy
just laid around waiting for the
Renaissance. Then, believe you
me, the fat was in the firel
Painters sprang up like dande-
lions! In Florence alone there
was Michaelangelo, Della Robbia,
Tintoretto, and Alfredo Scarpitta.
(Ironically, Mr. Scarpitta, the
least famous of the Florentines,
was the most important, for Mr.
Scarpitta discovered canvas. Un-
til his discovery, all painting had
been done on the sides of burros.
Who knows how many master-
pieces were lost to the world,
alas, during the moulting
The surge in painting stimu
lated all the other arts-especially
opera. First came Puccini, then
Rossini, and then the greatest of
them all, Verdi, who composed
such immortal works as II Trova-
tore ("The Dental Technician"),
La Traviata ("The Lung"), and
La Forza del Destino ("Why
Johnny Can't Read").
In all the major cities of Italy
you will find many peppy
museums and opera houses. But
you must not, like too many
tourists, confine your travelling
to just the major cities. The
Italian countryside is filled with
fascinating byways, if you will
but look. For instance, in the
little-known village of Formaggio,
overlooking the Dolomites, there
is a burro-beating contest on the
second Tuesday of each month.
In Ossabucco, a charmingly un-
spoiled hamlet on the Ligurian
coast, the world's largest sprat is
on exhibit every Wednesday and
Friday. In the junior high school
of Malocchio, a quaint settlement
nestled high in the Apennines
you can see Garibaldi's penman-
ship diploma from three to five
p.m. daily.
Get off the beaten track! Ex-
plore the hidden nooks, the for-
gotten crannies! Here is the real
Italy. Here you will meet open,
honest, hearty folk, brimming
over with friendliness, who will
be glad to show you their customs
and teach you their language.
I'll wager when you leave Italy
you'll know far more Itali n than
the three basic phrases. You'll
also know "Arrivederci" which
means "See you later," "Per
favore" which means "Please,"
and "La donna e mobile" which







a Pink Panther Cartoon


- r
Lest you forget,
1Jnr T fl«T ADP .en I

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commits the perfect
COWiSL uX comedy!

Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 SAB.
Organizations who are planning to be
active for the Spring/Summer Term
must be registered in the Office of
Student Affairs by May 26, 1965. Forms
are available in Room 1011 Student
Activities Bldg.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Reg-
ular weekly meeting, lecture-discussion
speaker: Ward Wilson, IVCF Staff; top-
ic: "The Great Society," Wed., May 26,
7:30 p.m., Room 3-C, Michigan Union.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511,
Washtenaw, Midweek Devotion, 10 p.m.,
Wed., May 26, Ascension Eve service:
"God's Right Hand Man," Vicar Steph-
en Stein, speaker. Communion will be

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