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i[17,4 C
Hot, humid today
possibility of thundershowers
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Senate Limits
Rights Bill b
Debate on Voting
Invoking Cloturc
Leaders Say
-Associated Press
MISS LOLA BELL HOLMES, above center, testified yesterday in Chicago before the House Commit-
tee on Un-American Activities, asserting that the Communist Party does not have economic ad-
vancement for Negroes as an aim. The hearings were picketed by over 800 people.
Pickets Greet HUAC Hearings
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-In a building here
surrounded by picketers number-
ing over 800, the House Commit-
tee on Un-American Activities
yesterday opened a three-day
probe of the Communist Party of
The only witness the committee
heard before adjourning until 9
a.m. this morning was Miss Lola
Bell Holmes, who testified she
had spied for the Federal Bureau
of Investigation as a member of
the Communist Party.
The pickets, more numerous
than expected, blockaded a police
patrol wagon by lying under its
wheels during a luncheon break.
During the day, police and fed-
eral marshals arrested 17 persons
and charged them with resisting
arrest, interfering with police and
disorderly conduct.
100 Police
A detail of 100 policeman guard-
ed the front and rear entrances of
the building, former site of the
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on
Lake Shore Drive in Chicago's
Gold Coasts neighborhood.
Opponents of the hearings said
that demonstrations will continue
for the three days of committee
sessions. The sessions are slated to
end tomorrow.
The local demonstrations have
been largely organized by the+
Chicago Committee to Defend the
Bill of Rights. Thirty to forty
church, civil rights, student and
labor groups contributed pickets
In 1960, hearings in San Fran-
cisco similar to the current ones
sparked student demonstrations in
which 64 persons were arrested.
Testifying before the committee,
Miss Holmes said Communists are
attempting to sabotage the civil
rights movement. She told the
committee Communists want the
"depression among Negroes" to
continue "so they (Communists'
will have something to work on."
She related that the 1959 Com-
munist Party convention featured
a split in the party between those
favoring nationalism and those
desiring integration for Negroes.
Miss Holmes said that Com-
munists tried to infiltrate several
leading civil rights organizations
and some churches, but said that
the attempted infiltration was
done without the knowledge of the
leadership of the organizations.
More To Come?
During a recess yesterday, the
chairman of the investigating
committee, Rep. Edwin Willis (D-
La) was asked if the committee
plans to look into the civil rights
movement. He replied that the
committee is aware of alleged
Communist efforts in the civil
rights movement and added,
"We're not losing sight of our
jurisdiction in that area."
A federal judge rejected Monday
a suit attempting to stop the hear-
ings on the ground that the com-
mittee is unconstitutional. The
suit was brought by two of the 11
Chicago area residents who have
been subpoenaed by the commit-
Lawyers for the two-Dr. Jere-
miah Stamler and Mrs. Yolanda
Hall-said they will ask the U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals today to
reverse the ruling.
Stamler is a heart disease spe-
cialist on the Chicago Board of
Health and Mrs. Hall is his assis-
tant. The suit said he has been
called as a witness because of Mrs.
Hall's activity in behalf of racially
integrating the West Side Austin
Stamler said yesterday, "I take
this serious and important legal
step-on advice of counsel-in the
belief that as a professional man,
scientist and public servant I have
special responsibilities to my fel-
low citizens."
It is not known on which day
Stamler and Miss Hall will be
asked to testify. The hearings are
open to the public, but committee
members are not revealing what
time various witnesses will be call-
'No Purpose'
Richard Criley, secretary to the
Chicago Committee to Defend the
Bill of Rights, charged that
"There is no legislative purpose to
these hearings whatsoever. It is
the old HUAC game to try and
find a headline."
In opening the hearings, Chair-
man Willis said the presence of
the committee in Chicago should
not be considered as an affront:
"Rather," he said, "the hearings
are a tribute (to Chicago), a rec-
ognition of the tremendous im-
portance the enemies of this coun-
try, both here and abroad, attach
to Illinois and its great city, Chi-
Answer To
Board Stand,
The University will probably
send a letter to State Board of
Education President Thomas
Brennan this week to "acknowl-
edge" his explanation of the
board's recent Flint ruling, ac-
cording to Prof. Erich Walter,
secretary to the University.
Brennan submitted a complete
rationale for the board's stand on
expansion of the University's
Flint branch at the Regents meet-
ing last Friday.
Walter did not indicate whether
the acknowledgement will be a
simple reply or a full statement
of University policy on the con-
troversial Flint issue.
More Controversy
In Lansing, reports implying
that the state board would soon
become involved in another con-
troversy were discounted yesterday
by Brennan and Rep. J. Bob
Traxler (D-Saginaw).
The question arose when the
House passed a bill to permit es-
tablishment of a new state college
in the Saginaw Valley area. Trax-
ler added an amendment to the
bill, stipulating that the legisla-
ture must approve the site for
the school-a move interpreted by;
some as a "slap" at the state
board. Originally, the bill entrust-
ed the board alone with the final
decision on location of the
Brennan has stated that the
board intended to leave the deci-
sion up to local authorities as
long as no attempt is made to
locate the new school on the
present campus of Delta College.
STraxler has expressed a prefer-
ence for the Delta College loca-
However, Traxler denied last
night that he will fight the board
on this issue.
Amendment's Intention
"While the Delta College site is
my first choice," he said, "it now
appears unlikely that this will be
the eventual selection. The inten-
tion of my amendment is merely
to insure that private interests in
the Saginaw Valley area don't lo-
cate the school on a site not easily
accessible to either Bay City, Sag-
inaw or Midland."
Private groups raising funds for
the school have suggested locat-.
ing it on the campus of a private
school, Saginaw Valley College-
a site Traxler considers unaccept-
able. Presumably these are the lo-
cal authorities that the state
board would rely on.
However, Brennan said he had
talked with Traxler yesterday aft-
ernoon and that he anticipated no
conflict between the Legislature
and the board.
In addition to the Saginaw Col-
lege bill, the House also passed a
$505 million school aid bill for
elementary and secondary schools.
The appropriation is $71 million
over the present allocation of $434
The ethics of faculty involve-
ment in political protestsalike the
recent Viet Nam teach-in and pro-
posed class cancellation were ar-
gued last night at a meeting of
the American Association of Uni-
versity Professors.
Prof. Anatol Rapoport of the
Mental Health Research Institute
and Prof. Arthur Eastman of the
English department presented op-j
posing views on the protest ques-
tion at the discussion meeting.
Rapoport defended the teach-
in movement. Imagine, he asked
the 25 professors at the meeting,,
if a group of professors in the
Soviet Union held a work mora-
torium or teach-in to protest im-
moral acts by the Communist
government: would it be wrong
then? Or would it be courageous
and fitting to their duties as edu-
Defends Policies
"To us," recalled Rapoport, "the
first signers of the class mora-
torium statement, it appeared just
that way. We felt government pol-
icy in Viet Nam was both unwise
and illegal."
He held it was part of the edu-
cator's duty. "Professors are not
employes; they are in a position
of trust. They are meant to in-
troduce students to an under-
standing of life."
Eastman, however ,argued that
a teach-in is often mainly politi-
cal propagandizing and is "con-
cerned with public noise." The
very term "teach-in" is unfitting,
he added.
He said a moratorium was a
clear breach of contract to both
student and administration, and
that, although in some cases it
was justified, as in Rapoport's
Russian example, it was usually a
Commission To
Hold Hearings
The Michigan Civil Rights Com-
mission has announced that pub-
lic hearings on four local civil
rights cases have been scheduled
for 10 a.m., June 14. The hearings.
will be held in Rm. 311, the Boule-
vard Building, 310 Woodward Ave.,
They include Bunyan Bryant,
Jr. versus Cutler Hubble Company,
L. Daniel Gray versus Cutler Hub-
ble, Allan H. Jones versus Cutler
Hubble and Arnold Galloway ver-
sus Cutler Hubble.
The complaints arose out of
the alleged refusal of Cutler Hub-
ble Company to rent its Ann Ar-
bor apartments to Negroes. "The
public hearings have been sched-
uled by the commission after sat-
isfactory resolution of the com-
plaints was not achieved through
conciliation," Burton R. Gordon,
executive director of the commis-
sion, commented.
lof embarrassment; it goes against
the "sanity of democratic insti--
tutions to move slowly and care-
fully," he added.
Attacks Movement
What, asked Eastman, will the
teach-in and classmoratorium be
,used for in the future? He said
he foresaw grave abuses of it. He
suggested to the administration:
that they institute an open-forum
plan to allow groups to discuss
both sides of important questions
and make holding of a teach-in
or moratorium grounds for dis-
missal from the faculty.
A group of faculty and stu-
dents, one of them Rapoport, an-
nounced on March 12 a plan to
cancel classes one day and to hold
political discussion on U.S. Viet
Nam policy instead.
A UP Debates Protest
BOasy ROk d
By ROBERT MOORE covert knof academic lakmailass.,Tday
Linguistics Institute Plans
Rare Courses Second -term
The University's Linguistic Institute will offer many rarely taught
courses the second half of the summer session.
The institute, sponsored jointly by the University and the Lin-
guistic Society of America, will bring outstanding professors to the
University for the summer session of IIIB, in order to teach "the
most extensive variety of courses offered in the field of linguistics
in a single university or college," Prof. Herbert. Paper, chairman of
the linguistics department and di-t-
rector of the institute this year, Mse .
said recently. I vu er U nion
The Linguistics Institute will-
also sponsor a series of lectures PactlM ay E nd
by noted linguists from all over
Walsh Asserts the Solutions
To Poverty Slow, omleX
The world of the poor is an alien world and solutions to its
problems are slow and complex, Ira Walsh, special assistant to Sargent
Shriver, director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, said yester-
Walsh, speaking at one of a series of University Lectures in
Journalism, spoke both as a journalist and as an administrator about
the "35 million Americans who are not members of the American
community-the poor."
Their destitute condition, Walsh said, is difficult to communicate:
some average 21 cents per meal every day; they receive top average
salaries of $12 per month; theirT
children have never heard of nur-
sery rhymes; many don't take
baths because water is too valu- .
"The poverty prison these peo-'
ple are locked in is devastating,"
Walsh said. "But the most diffi-
man-who would rather steal than t i y1
the world during the IIIB term.
Paper said the lectures will be
given three times a week, but ex-
plained that the. list of speakers
is not completed yet.
Courses offered under the pro-
gran this summer will include
topics on the theoretical and
structural aspects of linguistics.
One course will deal with the
theory behind language transla-
tion. This is the first time such a
course has ever been offered,
Paper said. Another course will
concentrate on Caucasian Lin-
guistics. A course in the structure
of Georgian tongues will be taught
by Prof. Hans Vogt of the Uni-
versity of Oslo.
Another course being offered is
Comparative Tai. Paper explained
that while this type of course is
not completely new, Prof. William
Gedney of the linguistics depart-
ment has been in Thailand recent-
ly gathering new data on the
different Thai dialects.
The institute will also sponsor
courses dealing with problems of
teaching as well as hold three
courses in three different lan-
guages designed to teach the lin-
guist how to elicit different re-
sponses in a language with which
he is unacquainted.
3 olivian Riots
LA PAZ, Bolivia (M-Leaders of
the Central Bolivian Workers Un-
ion formally signed an agreement
yesterday to end the eight-day-old
civil warfare that killed 70 per-
sons, according to government es-
But there was still some ques-
tion whether individual leaders of
the.leftist Tin Miners Union, part
of the COB, will honor the pact
signed Monday.
The miners had asserted earlier
that their union leaders would
have to sign the pact for the
cease-fire to be effective, although
a miners union official said the
miners accepted the cease-fire in
The miners fought government
troops sent by the ruling military
junta to occupy the nationalized
mines after a COB general strike
pulled the miners and factory
workers in La Paz off the job.
The strike was called to protest
the government banishment into
exile of the tin miners leader,
Juan Lechin, a former vice presi-
dent of Bolivia. After rioting in
La Paz, the junta sent 17 more
labor leaders to exile in Paraguay.
C Three-V ote Margin
Eliminates Chance
Of Long Filibuster
WASHINGTON (AP)-With three
votes to spare, the Senate decided
yesterday to stop talking about
President Lyndon B. Johnson's Ne-
gro voting rights bill and clear
the way for swift passage.
For the seventh time in its
history-and only the second time
|on civil rights legislation -- the
' Senate voted to invoke its de-
bate-curbing cloture rule.
The roll call was 70 to 30, three
votes over the required two-thirds.
SThe action limits each senator to
one more hour of taLk on the bill
that Johnson 10 weeks ago label-
ed No. 1 on his congressional pri-
ority list.
New Guarantees
Johnson's bill would impose new
voting rights guarantees in states
or counties which have popula-
tions that are 20 per cent Negro,
use literacy tests, and where voter
turnouts fell below 50 per cent
last November.
That means Louisiana, Alabama,
Mississippi, Georgia, South Caro-
lina and parts of North Carolin
and Virginia.
Senate Version
In addition, the Senate version
would authorize voter registration
in any county where less than 25
per cent of the adult Negroes are
registered to vote.
This latter feature is not in-
cluded in the bill recommended by
the House Judiciary Committee.
House action is due after the Sen-
ate acts on the bill.
Republican leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois advised sena-
tors to stick close to the cham-
ber. "I think we can expedite this
action," he said.
Predict Passage Today
Dirksen and Democratic lead-
er Mike Mansfield of Montana
both predicted the bill will be
passed today.
During the long debate, the av-
erage floor turnout has been but
a handful of senators.
All but a few were at their
desks before the cloture vote be-
gan. The galleries were crowded-
although not full-and Senate
aides ringed the rear of the cham-
Vice-President Hubert H. Hum-
phrey put the question: ~Is it the
senseof4the Senate that debate
on S1564 ,to enforce the 1th
Amendment of the Constitution-of
the United States, should be
brought to a close?"
Forty-seven Democrats and 23
Republicans said yes. Twenty-one
Democrats and nine Republicans
said no.
"The motion to'bring the debate
to a close is agreed to," Humphrey
It was the third time in three
years that the Senate had clamped
down on its tradition of unlimited
24th Day
The vote came on the 24th day
of debate about Johnson's call for
legislation that would suspend
state literacy and similar tests
and send federal officials to reg-
ister.Negroes in much of the
And it came with no last-min-
ute outcry from the Southern sen-
ators who insist the bill is uncon-
stitutional. There was no debate
about the cloture move-and in
the minutes before the showdown
vote, nobody had anything to say.
So the Senate passed its time call-
ing the roll to take attendance.
With cloture in effect, out came
the stop watch to keep track of
the minutes and seconds each
senator talks. Parliamentarian
Floyd M. Riddick held the watch.
Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr. (D-NC)
had it in mind when he popped
labor leaders to exile in Paraguay.
roduces New Solution to -
He also presented an economic
argument for increased aid to the
poor. A high school graduate costs
the state about $500 in assorted
costs every year, he said. A high
school dropout, however, one of
the main sources of the poor,
costs the state about $2,000 per
year, and people in prison cost the
state $4,000 per year, he added.
He spoke briefly of the 11-point
general administration p o v e r t y
plan, but concentrated on the
VISTAprogram, the "domestic
peace corps."
VISTA is a volunteer program
aimed at relieving the poor, Walsh'
explained. People at .least 18-al-
though the present range is from
If the assumption that one way to avoid accidents is to produce
good drivers is true, then Prof. Bruce Greenshields of the engineering
school may have found part of the answer to traffic mishaps.
Greenshields and Fletcher N. Platt, manager of the Traffic
Safety and Highway Improvement department in Ford Motor Co.,
have developed a new device to help driver education teachers spot
weaknesses in student driving.
Recent studies on driving have shown that a driver is faced with
numerous events. These are anything from traffic signals to other
vehicles or pedestrians on the road. According to recent studies these
occur at an average of 10 or more per second.
Driver's Observations
The driver observes these events, but only at a rate of about two
per second, according to these studies. Based on observations a driver
will make a decision at a rate of 1 to 3 per second and respond to a
decision at a rate of 30 to 120 per minute.
Driving Problem
versals and the stopped versus moving time. It is these characteristics
that the new device attempts to measure.
Steering Reversals=
According to Greenshields' report, the number of steering re-
versals is an indice of when a new driver has mastered a driving
technique. Greenshields pointed out that once a student has mastered
a driving skill the rate of steering wheel reversals is at a relatively
constant level.
In other words a driver becomes accustomed to a certain number
of steering reversals per minute. The number varies widely but when
the driver is "at ease" the number is relatively constant.
The new device will show a driving instructor when a student has
mastered one technique and is ready to move on to the next.
Change in Rate
The change in the rate of steering wheel reversals can also in-I
dicate the physical and psychological condition of the driver and
whether he is in any condition to learn.
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