Seventy-Fifth Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIoNs LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Specialized U'- Terrifying' Position 0 Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT HIPPLER U Towers, crowded Dorms; Officials Must Gird for Protest THERE ARE AT LEAST ONE, and possi- bly two separate, housing crises brew- ing which student and administration leaders must think seriously about. The first concerns the South University 18- story apartment building, while the sec- ond is related to the University's own quadrangle system. Whether or not the South University apartment building will be ready for oc- cupancy in August is still a moot point; judging from recent assurances by the owner, R. E. Weaver, that crews will work 24 hours a day if necessary to complete the structure on time, it seems there is a good chance that it will be completed. However, completion does not neces- sarily mean it will be ready for occupan- cy. Even after the building is completed, it must be certified by the city before it may be occupied. This delay, plus the inevitable confusion as 300 students at- tempting to move in all at once, promises at least hefty inconveniences for the stu- dents. THE RESULTING disappointment could conceivably serve as the basis for re- newed student demands for deeper Uni- versity involvement in the area of pub- lic housing. However, the University has only a very vague responsibility in 1 this area. The only concrete involvement, at present, is the Office of Student Affairs' housing contract system; and this system is as much a guarantee of landlords' rights as it is a guarantee of students' rights. There are two very good reasons for this lack of involvement. The first is the University's traditional philosophical stand of separating itself from private in- terests in Ann Arbor. This is a necessary assurance to the city that it is not being taken over by the University, and hence provides a basis for the traditionally successful city-University relationship. THE SECOND REASON is more prag- matic. It is impossible for the Uni- versity to house all its students; there- fore, the only way the University can suc- cessfully expand is to encourage private developers to build apartments. And it is unfortunately true that private develop- ers are not likely to be interested in building at a university which hinders more than helps them. The successful expansion of the Uni- versity thus depends on maintaining just that relationship with developers that JUDITH WARREN .......Co-Editor ROBERT HIPPLER ...................... . Co-Editor EDWARD HERSTEIN ............... Sports Editor JUDITH FIELDS .....,............. Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS.............Supplement Manager NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Benoit, Michael Ba- damo, Robert Moore, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Was- serstein. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of ah news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Subscription rates: $4 for IIIA and B ($4.50 by mail); $2 for InA or B ($2.50 by mail). Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. the University's lobbying for students would be likely to destroy. It is absurd for student activists to expect the University to take a dramatic- ally active stand in favor of students' housing rights. For the University to do so would be to defeat long-run goals much greater than short-run gains, which should have been seen to by mature stu- dents in the first place. The situation in the quadrangle sys- tem is more certain. Just last spring, Di- rector of Residence Halls Eugene Haun confirmed that 600 new sets of furniture had been purchased for use this fall. THIS, PLUS his statement that "We are trying to provide for students' needs as we see students coming," infer that there will be about 600 students added to the already over-crowded quadrangle sys- tem this August. In addition a residence hall fee hike which is reportedly going to be much greater than the $35 hike last fall seems likely. When one remembers all the protest that took place over a mere 40 rooms be- ing doubled and fees being raised $35 last year, one shudders to think what might happen this fall with both those factors greatly increased. Before spring finals had ended, there was already talk of a "sleep-in" on the lawns of University officials. Both potential sides in this possible protest-to-come must be prepared to be as reasonable as possible. On the one hand, the administration must remem- ber that it will be quite a shock to most returning students to find themselves tremendously overcrowded yet being ask- ed to pay more for the reduced facilities. And on the other hand, student leaders must also be prepared to be reasonable. Possibly, once the extent of overcrowding becomes clear, a protest of some sort will be in order. But at the same time, it must be remembered that very few University officials have anything at all to say about the number of students here. Haun has no control over it, nor does Richard Cutler, vice-president for stu- dent affairs. Even University President Harlan H. Hatcher has little control over admissions. THE UNIVERSITY'S Regents control the admissions. If the residence halls are absurdly overcrowded, it is their respon- sibility and any protest should be ad- dressed to them. The obvious danger is that the Uni- versity's activist community, fresh from quite successful civil rights and Viet Nam drives, will blur the two issues of the 18-story building and the quadrangles and organize some sort of panacea-like University housing protest. Any such attempt should be regarded as just what it would be-a distortion of the true nature of the complex situa- tion. YET BEING ABLE to dismi'ss such a pos- sible movement as a distortion does not negate the relevancy of University re- sponsibility for the potential situation in the residence halls. There are likely to be many angry people asking questions in the quadrangles next fall, and someone had better have some answers for them. -LEONARD PRATT To the Editor: SUSAN COLLINS' editorial "'U' Must Prepare Students for Specialized World" is a coherent statement of a position I find ter- rifying. The proper uses of the univer- sity, apparently, all center on pre- paring people for jobs. So you ask each freshman what he wants to be, then set him on the straight and narrow to that goal (a straight line is the shortest dis- tance between two points; one and only one straight line can be drawn between two points). Let's begin with some peripheral quibbles. First, the straight and narrow method is not the best- it comes near to being the worst- way to train people for jobs which require creativity and critical thought (and if a university does not educate people for such roles, who does?). The vital process of serendipity - wandering around randomly, following a vague hunch, thinking aimlessly until you come across an unexpected discovery (there being such a thing as an expected discovery)- is too anarchic for minds attuned to the straight and narrow. UNLIKE our universities and too many of our minds, the real world isn't organized into un- related departments. Not only the research laboratory, but virtually every slot a university is supposed to fill, needs all the serendipity it can get. Miss Collins' straight and narrow will turn out people fully equipped with the conventional methods, prejudices and taboos of a profession: slot-fillers in the worst sense of the word. Second, let's talk about who's alienated. Most Americans, college graduates emphatically included, work to make money. Period. They don't know or care whether the goods and services they contribute to are useless or even harmful to the people they affect. A job is a personally irrelevant 40 hours a week which you delete from your life in order to survive and per- haps prosper the other 148 hours, which can be devoted to private necessities and pleasures. In other words, during the 40 hours when a person most actively participates in his society, his level of involve- ment is essentially zero. Who's alienated? I oversimplify, of course. But Miss Collins' specialized university is precisely the institution we need to make the generalization perfect. On the University, specifically: it's unbelievable that anyone could call for more specialized courses than you get here. Most of the courses offered by the "famed psychology department" are very specialized, and no stu- dent has time to take more than a fraction of them. It not only offers "glimpses" into "the actual. work of a real psychologist," it makes the glimpses mandatory. In the honors concentration program, a student (like it or not) even has to play at being "a real psychol- ogist" by grinding out a research project. YET COMPARED to most other departments, the psych curriculum is a liberal-arts program. This University needs, not more spe- cialized courses, but more courses which are interdisciplinary-or at least illuminate more than one corner of one part of one field of one discipline. But what is most disturbing is that Miss Collins, unhappy with "liberal education for everybody," wantsto exchangeit for "liberal education for nobody." Cut dis- .tribution requirements and let more and more specialized con- centration requirements fill the vacuum (Miss Collins doesn't ex- plicitlyadvocate the latter, but it inevitably follows when you turn the University over to super- specializers). There is a way in which both Miss Collins and those who don't fit the straight and narrow can have their cake: abolish the coer- cive structure which forces every student to have an "education" that is uniform in so many ways. It is a (horrors) radical solution, for it involves not merely tingering with distribution requirements but eliminating required courses, de- grees, credit-hours and grades. A student would decide what he wants from the University, get it at his own pace and in his own way, and stay as long as he felt the benefits were worth the time and tuition. When he was uncer- tain, counselors would be avail- able to inform and suggest a pro- gram of study. (The money now spent producing transcripts and degrees might go to giving each student more than .0058 of a coun- selor.) IN SUCH a University, Miss Collins would be free-if she really wants-to charge through the University and become a pharma- cist in six weeks. People bent on being slot-fillers will not be de- terred by distribution require- ments, anyway. And those of us who are in- terested in understanding, enjoy- ing and perhaps changing the world as a whole will be free to partake of the University's rich- ness in our own non-linear idio- syncratic way. -Kenneth Winter, '66 Fee Hikes To the Editor: UNIVERSITY officials have re- cently been preparing the stu- dent body through various an- nouncements for the possibility of a hike in dorm rates for the second straight year, as well as for an increase in tuition. At the same time they have attempted to soften the impact by announc- ing that student wages, currently lowest of Big Ten schools, will be raised from $1.00 an hour to $1.25. Recent statements seefed to in- dicate that the increases in dorm rates and tuition would be needed to cover the wage increase, but that is a gross fallacy. In announcing the wage in- crease, the University cited that this would cost the residence hall system, where most students are employed, an additional $80,000 a year. This figure, however, is only a drop in the bucket when com- pared to the additional $600,000 the university stands to take in from the proposed $50 increase in room and board. FURTHERMORE, students af- fected by the wage increase will earn approximately an extra $52 a semester, yet they will probably be paying an extra $50 for the room and board, if they live in a residence hall, as well as in- creased tuition. In fact, the stu- dent employee could actually turn out in relatively worse financial shape than he is now at his piti- fully low wages. Thus the beneficent University which announced most graciously a justified and long-overdue wage increase stands to come out $520,- 000 ahead in its residence hall system alone, while student eT- ployees will be lucky if they break even. The University certainly owes the students a more detailed ex- planation of the need for addi- tional increases in tuition and residence hall rates. Other Big Ten schools manage to pay their stu- dents decent wages, while keep- ing expenses in hand. Room and board were raised here last year and tuition has gone up steadily during the past decade. Why must they rise again? The administra- tion offers only nebulous and eva- sive explanations. COSTS HAVE gone up enough! Students have the right to resist further increases, especially in light of the way the admin- istration is trying to sneak in the "proposed" increases. We have to demonstrate that we will not be subject to the arbitrary manipula- tions of an administration which claims to look after us, but, like "big brother," actually does not. In the game they are playing, the student must always lose. -Steven Zarit, '67 Teach-In To the Editor: THE NATIONAL teach-in is over and we hopefully look about for some slight sign of progress, yet we are forced to conclude that nothing has been accomplished After all is said and done, we know nothing new about the Viet Nam situation. This waste is a result of the failure of all parties to rec- ognize the true bone of conten- tion. The various protagonists at the teach-in each presented a set of facts and then proceeded to rea- son, often with some semblance of logic, toward a "solution." The most striking characteristics of the various sets of facts were that they differed from each other, and almost all were arrived at by an indirect, inductive and sometimes esoteric line of reasoning. THUS, what should have been a confrontation and criticism of opposing idealogies, degenerated to a question of fact. Yet, amazingly enough, not once did anyone recognize that further discussion was fruitless until the facts or reality of the situation were objectively established and agreed upon. This forces us to de- cide which facts are relevant. In the interest of brevity and at the risk of over-simplification we see that, whether one's argu- ment is based on "morals" or a concern for the security of the United States, the central premise is ultimately a "knowledge" of what the South Vietnamese people (this term being at present loosely defined) "desire and enthusiasti- cally support," It seems, then, that further dis- cussion should be directed toward an objective and workable method- ology for discovering the some- what elusive convictions of the South Vietnamese people. * GLUM TRAVELER: That Infamous Gold Flow By ROGER RAPOPORT Special To The Daily LONDON - Recently President Johnson suggested rather bluntly to American tourists that they stay home this summer and see America, instead of running off to Europe and helping to make an already bad balance of pay- ments situation worse. Since I had purchased a ticket for a trip to Europe aboard a Swissair jet before I learned of this Johnson foreign policy, I decided to go ahead with my plans. After all, I reasoned, by forfeiting my ticket I would have only been ruining my own balance of payments. However, I began to feel pangs of remorse almost as soon as my Douglas aircraft jet left Detroit, despite the engaging smile of my stewardess who kept thrusting complimentary packets of Win- stons at me. I was feeling quite glum by the time I arrived in London. AS I DROVE my Hertz-rented English Ford into London, I fully sensed what I was doing. I was pouring American dollars into a foreign economy, destroying the value of the American dollar- the very foundation of the Ameri- can way of life. When I arrived in London I took a guided tour of the city. But words of the guide about the Bank of London fell on deaf ears for my mind kept conjuring up images of gold bullion being transferred from American to British vaults. In my heart I knew I should have been touring Disneyland not the Tower of London, the General Motors Pavillion at the New York World's Fair, not Westminster Abby. What right did I have to be looking at the Thames when I haven't even seen the Perdanles. After my American Express tour finished, I ate a quick lunch con- sisting of Campbell's Soup, Kraft cheese sandwich and a glass of Coke over a copy of the interna- tional edition of Time magazine. Even the Dionne Warwick, Su- premes and Roger Miller records someone was playing on the juke box did not make me feel any better. I WAS still very depressed so I went into a nearby pub and tried to drown my sorrows in a tele- vision show. Wagon Train was on, but it didn't help my spirits. That evening I thought perhaps a movie would be a good diver- sion, so I deliberated between the major pictures in town-"Sound of Music," "Fail Safe," "The Hustler," "Giant" and "Mary Pop- pins." I finally decided on a play, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf." Afterwards, however, I still knew that with every shilling I spent I was ruining the financial status of my own country. So I trudged back to the London Hilton Hotel, took the Otis Elevator to my suite, gulped down a couple of Anacins and cried myself to sleep. 4 -Paul Berghoff, Grad David J. Patt, '69M TODAY AND TOMORROW: U.S. Must Aid A Dominican Reform Government A By WALTER LIPPMANN THE PRESIDENT'S initial de- cision to intervene in the Do- minican Republic was correct, so I believe, because onthe informa- tion available to him in the emergency he had no time for thorough-going investigation and could not take the risk that the rebellion might be captured by Communist agents. For if it had been captured, the situation would have been made irreversible. There would have been no fur- ther elections, and the legitimate party-that of the Constitution- alists-would have been debarred from coming back into power through the democratic process. The most serious trouble has developed since the President's ini- tial decision. It has been that in the diplomacy and administration of the intervention we in effect made ourselves the allies of the reactionary military junta in its attempt to crush the constitution- alists. Although the intervention itself was a violation of the OAS Char- ter, it wasrstilldfairly arguable that the charter does not take ac- count of the kind of danger which was exemplified during the Cuba missiles crisis. WHAT HAS MADE the Domini- can intervention intolerable to progressive opinion in this hemis- phere, and indeed all over the world, is that we have been using the Marines and the paratroopers to defeat the popular party and to restore the power of a reaction- ary military dictatorship. There is now some reason to believe that wiser counsel has be- gun to prevail in Washington and that what may fairly be called the Goldwater faction is not running the show. This is the first essen- tial beginning of reconstruction after what threatens to be the ruin of all the work of a genera- tion in improving hemispheric re- lations. The cornerstone of. a policy of reconstruction must be, cannot in fact be anything else than, the Constitutionalist Party which, by virtue of the fact that it is the only genuinely elected party in Dominican history, alone has a legitimate title to govern. When the President brings our Dominican policy into line with the principle of legitimacy, and if a Constitutionalist government under Antonio Guzman, for ex- ample, emerges, the next imme- diate need will be to underwrite an emergency program to relieve the unemployment and the misery of the Dominican masses. KNOWLEDGEABLE experts say that the sum needed for the emergency program will be some- where between $100 and $200 mil- lion dollars. In the light of our military expenditures all over the globe, this is a trifling sum. It is urgently needed to set up promptly a program of public works to provide paying jobs and something to do for the half- million unemployed. These unem- ployed are a critically large num- ber in a country where the whole working force is about 3 million. But that will be only a stopgap. The caretaker government will need to have our firm support in entering upon a program of pro- gressive reform. The Goldwater faction will not like the President for doing that. But it will have to be done nevertheless. Besides the emergency program, along with and parallel to the internal reforms of the Dominican Republic, we need to take with a new and deadly seriousness the paramount problem of the under- developed Latin-American nations. of what the Latin-American na- tions buy have risen compared to the prices of what they sell. Thus, the value of the exports of the Latin-American countries in- creased only about 32 per cent from 1958 to 1964, whereas the value of the exports of the indus- trial countries has increased about 56 per cent in that time. This deterioration in what is known technically as the terms of trade is a basic reason why there is an increasing hostility in Latin America against their rich and advanced North-American neigh- bors. UNTIL AND UNLESS President Johnson makes it a major object of his foreign policy to halt and reverse this deterioration, he will be like King Canute attempting to hold back the tide while he proclaims himself the global champion of anti-Communism. (c),1965, The Washington Post Co. FEIFFER V6 CAURCM-5TATE i~) QVYSe9UC- FF IS JOT Wrem~ ' C~UERCH17 ) STATE- M/rc M1k4(TAMT A . ,E CT 1 5 F6TWiu~o AtUT5 "t C 5W&YUP 1$5UTK MEAN)S'OF KMPtIQG US Om1pC6t iTPOI, N'ORHALL.Y L)SE M CAPTIVE PPUATIO&Y- A COMB~INATION OFG 5wVp PISION AW ATI C5kWPCTXlo- VXATfON: lT'5 WVST 0106 MORE*- D ' ' 'The End' of 'Goldfarb': Best Line of All At the Michigan Theatre "THIS IS the Michigan Theatre. We are now playing the greatest comedy-(pause)-probably to build up the spine tingling suspense which is to follow-'John Goldfarber, Please Come Home'." Was the extra "er" at the end of the hero's name added as a subtle foreshadowing of the audience's reaction to this comedy? If this were the "greatest comedy" as billed, then what this film needed was canned laughter and plenty of it. BUT PERHAPS Producer Steve Parker had nobler intentions than making a mere comedy. Yes, a satire was intended. First object-good old Uncle Sam. For example, Fred Clark, the embodiment of the Central Intelligence Agency, was always asleep on the job-clever huh? The ambassador to Fawzia, of 20 years experience still hadn't learned Arabic-a sly dig at the diplomatic corps. The infamous U-2 incident is piloted by none other than Wrong-Way Goldfarb played by Richard Crenna. This to emphasize our nation's being at the wrong place at the wrong time. This is not all. Football is also at the end of the rapier of the "Satirist Supreme" Parker. It is found that the members of Fawz U's team are not even students of that citadel of learning. Most sharp, most pointed. But the true death blow is a spoof of modern day class "D" movies that cost millions. The plot is a garbled stew of politics, a kooky king (ignominiously portrayed by Peter Ustinov), whirling dervishes, a frigid female (Shirley MacLaine) a jet-propelled golf A QW Td PSA'e i TH. wA.. / PR SID N" T n1 .15