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May 22, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-05-22

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Chance of showers,
warmer Sunday

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
TFT (l Z T" - U'EN




Viet forces

Anti-HUAC Leader Urges Protest of Hearings

To Grow Steadily
Use of New Troops To Defend
Aircraft Perimeter Called Realistic
WASHINGTON 03) - There will be a steady increase in the!
number of American troops, including combat forces, sent to Viet
Nam, authoritative sources said yesterday.
The additional troops may amount to a 50 per cent increase over
the approximately 50,000 now in Viet Nam, it was learned.
Officials said that if a decision is made for the American troops
to take a more active combat role, the manpower will be in position
to carry out such orders.
For the present, it is planned that additional forces will be used
to extend the defensive perimeters around areas from which U.S.

Frank Wilkinson, executive director and field representative
of the National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American
Activities Committee, last night urged that students hold dem-
onstrations in protest of upcoming HUAC hearings in Chicago.
Wilkinson spoke in the Unitarian Church under the auspices
of the Friends of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee,
the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Church and the
American Civil Liberties Union.
In an earlier interview, he said that the hearings in Chicago
were a preparation for a full-scale investigation of integrationists'
activities in the South.
He pointed out that Rep. Prentiss Walker (R-Miss) has
introduced a bill to the House which, if passed, would finance
a HUAC investigation of the integration activities of the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference, the Southern Christian Educa-
tion Fund, SNCC, the Conference of Federated Organizations and
the Congress of Racial Equality.
L~n AA- +1, T-TT~f 1^no nn +. ,..,,.L;"..

gating the integration activities, Wilkinson said.
The subcommittee consists of ardent segregationists who
led the fight against the 1964 Civil Right Bill, Wilkinson said.
He added that the purpose of the HUAC investigation was to
weaken the civil rights movement. "Their next move will be an all
out attack on the civil rights movement under an alleged investi-
gation of the Ku Klux Klan."
In Chicago, civil rights leaders are urging students and other
interested members of the community to demonstrate against the
coming HUAC hearings. The committee to abolish HUAC is also
setting up other protest demonstrations all over the country. Wilk-
inson said.
If the hearings are not cancelled, students and civil rights
leaders in Chicago plan to hold a massive picket in front of the
Federal Bldg. where the hearings are to be held.
Wilkinson said the leaders are hoping for a turnout of thou-
sands of demonstrators.
He charged that HUAC gains its power by putting the "red"
label on persons working for integration and other areas of social
"Until two years ago, a vote against anything HUAC favored
was political suicide," Wilkinson pointed out. "Now the public's
attitude has changed." Every congressman who voted against
HUAC was reelected by an overwhelming majority, while three of
the nine members on HUAC were defeated, he said.
The committee to abolish HUAC is currently working for more
widespread support. Already, Wilkinson said, the Democratic party
has 70 representatives on record as opposed to HUAC. Ten are from
"We are working to build congressional district committees to
carry on educational programs designed to enlist support for the
abolshment of HUAC by putting pressure on the House," he said.


Marxist Fails
To Address-

cHe added the HUAC has a
and Vietnamese a i r c r a f t are the Ku Klux Klan, but not
operating o F opposed to this investigation c
No Figure the constitutional rights of all
No one has set an absolete fig-
ure on what the total requirement Rev. Martin Luther King]
may be in the future. But for the asking that investigations be1
immediate period ahead, a total of acts of the Klan, Wilkinson sai
75,000 American troops in South King also asked that a
Viet Nam is called "not unreal- vestigation instead of a come
istic." such as HUAC. King is suppoi
The question of a more direct saSH.
combat role will "speak for itself and SCEF.r
as time and circumstances evolve," Another indication of the
a well-placed source said. "We ex- may be held in the South ar
pect a more direct combat role." Edwin Willis (D-La), head of F
As a result of the increased
manpower demands in Viet Nam,
the Los Angeles Times reported
yesterday, the formation of a new flfltn fl
Marine Corps division through a UE/.E/
callup of Reserves is being ser-
iously considered by the Defense ti l F exi
The newspaper said this may
become necessary because of the
dispatch of the 1st Marine divi- By BRUCE IN
sion from Camp Pendleton, Calif.,
to Okinawa to repface 3rd Marine The State Board of Educati
division units recently moved from decision that the University adm
the island toSouth Viet Nam. branch in Flint, Chairman Thorr.
No Plans Brennan explained that altho
A Defense Department spokes- in the Flint case was to establish
man said "there are no plans at does not want to create a a "gap
this time to call Marine Corps
Reserves." The Pentagon refused
to comment on the reported plan
to move the 1st Marine division ove To Get
from California.
On May 7, the U.S. military ad- l uV ote
visory command in Viet Nam said
there were 42,200 American troops
including 18,000 Army; 1,800
Navy; 9,300 Air Force and 12,300 WASHINGTON (AR) - Senate
Marines. The figure now is re- leaders moved yesterday to choke
ported to have reached a total of off debate on President Lyndon B.
48,000. Johnson's Negro voting rights bill.
The hardening U.S. attitude re- A survey of senators bolstered Re-
sulted from the rebuff to Presi- publican leader Everett M. Dirk-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson's offer sen's forecast of success in the
of April 7 for unconditional dis- showdown next Tuesday.
cussions with North Viet Nam. But a band of uncommitted or
The latest Chinese Communist unannounced senators, most of
expression on the Southeast Asian them Republicans, appeared to
situation was directed by Premier hold the balance in the cloture
Chou En-lai to Cambodia's chief vote that will come one hour after
of state, Prince Norodom Siha- the Senate begins its 24th day of
nouk. debate on the measure.
Chou said that "should U.S.
imperialism dare to spread the If the two-thirds vote needed
flames of aggressive war to the to halt the debate is mustered,
Kingdom of Cambodia, the Chi- it will be the second time the Sen-
nese people absolutely will not ate has invoked its cloture rule
stand idly by." on a civil rights bill.
While attacking the United Among senators who have made
States, the Chinese Communist their positions known, in an Asso-
leader also sharply rebuked the ciated Press survey or through
Soviet Union, saying in the Cam- their public stands on the action,
bodia message monitored here there were 25 votes against clot-
yesterday: .ure.
OAS Force To Replace
U.S. Dominican Troons

7alls Board Regents Boost Planning Role
ble on Flint
ASSElSTEIN of Natural Resources School

on will be flexible in applying its
nit only one freshman class to its
ugh Brennan disclosed yesterday. RADIOLOGY
ouhthe primary goal of the board
a new four year college, the board 1
" in the area's educational system. 117


SShifting of
ahairran Major Unit

Uready received $50,000 to investigate
ed that liberal integrationists are
on the grounds that HUAC violates
-both on the right and on the left.
has sent a petition to the President
limited to probing the overt violent
Presidential Committee do the in-
mittee from the legislative branch
rted in his request by CORE, SNCC
type of HUAC investigation which
re the appointments mad6 by Rep.
HUAC, for the subcommittee investi-

FRANK WILKINSON, executive director of the National
Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Com-
mittee, yesterday urged students to protest the upcoming
HUAC hearings to be held in Chicago.



OSU Crowd
Marxist speaker Herbert Ap-
theker made a previously an-
nounced appearance at Ohio
State University yesterday, but
did not speak because of an alleg-
ed threat to his life.
About 2000 OSU students mass-
ed on that university's oval in the
center of campus, where Aptheker
was scheduled to speak. A down-
pour forced them to retire to
OSU's University Hall where they
waited impatiently for Aptheker
to appear.
OSU rules prohibit speeches on
campus inimical to "the best in-
terests of the university." The
administration had predicted that
Aptheker and his sponsors would
be sanctioned if he spoke on cam-
pus yesterday. OSU could have de-
tained him by using both state
and university police.
At 4:20 p.m. Aptheker arrived
at the hall, escorted by OSU's
Free Speech Front leaders Jeffrey
Schwartz and Dennis Knepley,
and members of FSF's coordinat-
ing committee. Upon the group's
arrival at the hall it immediately
retired backstage.
Sanford Weinberg, an instruc-
tor of romance languages at OSU,
spoke to the packed hall and told
the crowd of Aptheker's qualifica-
tions for speaking on a university
While Weinberg was speaking
OSU Vice-President John Corbally
went backstage amid numerous
plainclothes FBI agents, Ohio
State Police, Columbus City Po-
lice, and OSU campus security
police and conferred privately
with Schwartz.
Immediately after, Schwartz
emerged from behind the curtain
and interrupted Weinberg. He
said that a threat had been made
on Aptheker's life but that Apthe-
ker would make an appearance
and not speak.

*hTherefore, Brennan predicted, I FIV/ 1 t4 L ltf" I
the board Would seriously con-.
sider recommending the Univer-
sity admit another freshman class The Regents announced the ap-
to its Flint branch, if work on the pointment of Dr. Walter M.
new college is not advanced Whitehouse as chairman of the
enough to let it take in students. radiology department and the res-
'Misunderstanding' ignation of Steven Attwood as
Saying that some people had dean of the engineering college at
misunderstood the board's de- their monthly meeting yesterday.
cisions on Flint, Brennan said Also discussed at the meeting
that he elaborated on the board's were academic issues such as resi-
thoughts and their flexibility dence tuition, academic appoint-

is MadeC
ments, faculty salaries and new
degree programs.
Whitehouse replaces Dr. Fred
J. Hodges who served as chair-
man of the radiology department
for 31 years; Atwood, at 67, is
retiring two years before he reach-
es the mandatory retirement age.
A native of Millersburg, Ohio,
Whitehouse attended secondary
school in Ypsilanti and received
an A.B. at Eastern Michigan Uni-
versity in 1936. He attained from
the University an M.S. degree in
physics in 1937 and an M.D. in
Dean Since 1958

nr v t. v s A V v{l m y


in a position paper which wasj
sent to the Regents this week.
The Regents had no comments
on the position paper in their
monthly meeting yesterday.
Originally the University had
intended to make its two year
senior college at Flint into a
permanent four year institution.
The Flint branch has already ad-
mitted a freshman class, and
money had been pledged for the
expansion of the branch by the
Charles Stewart Mott foundation.
The opinion of the State Board
of Education on the Flint ques-
tion was requested by the Michi-
gan Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee after the diametrically op-
posed viewpoints of Gov. George
Romney and University President
Harlan Hatcher captured banner
headlines across the state this
Romney did not include money
for the branch expansion in his
budget while President Hatcher
insisted that in spite of Romney
the University would enter a
freshman class at Flint next fall.
Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint),
chairman of the Senate Appro-
priations Committee, said at the
time of the board's decision he
"will not favor an autonomous
four year school as long as the
city of Flint remains happy with
the University."

Arab Leader
Blasts Nasser
TUNIS P) -- President Habib

Bourguiba of Tunisia .yesterday Attwood has been dean of the
formally rejected Arab national- engineering college since 1958. His
ism sweeping the Middle East and chief field of interest is the ap-
warned that his withdrawal from plication of the electromagnetic
the Arab League might follow., I field theory to problems in elec-
Bourguiba thus seems to have trical engineering.
given up Arab ties in favor of in- The Regents also approved a
creased cooperation with the West motion by Vice-President for Aca-
and particularly the United States demic Affairs Roger W. Heyns to
amidst indications of U.S. aid. establish an undergraduate pro-
gram in nuclear engineering.
President Gamal Abdel Nasser According to Heyns, the pro-
of the United Arab Republic was gram makes possible specialiation
the main reason for Bourguiba's at the undergraduate level in the
position, outlined in a major poli- release, control and utilization of
cy speech before officials of the energy from nuclear sources.
ruling Socialist Destour party. He said that the skills learn-
The speech followed an earlier ed in such a program can be ap-
feud with most Middle East coun- plied in the expanding nuclear
tries over Bourguiba's proposal to power industry as well as for de-
negotiate with Israel. velopment work in controlled fu-
Attacking Nasser during his sion, nuclear desalting of water
speech, Bourguiba made it clear and the use of nuclear explosives
he follows an independent policy, for large scale excavations and
earth moving.
"These gentlemen in the Mid- The University already offers
dle East," he said, "have formed a degrees in nuclear engineering at
habit of considering themselves as the graduate level.
tutors o fthe Arabs.. . They think Reaction
they can uproot all regimes which Reacting to the number of fac-
refuse to be subjugated." ulty resignations which were sub-


mitted this month, Regent Fred-
erick Mattaei inquired if this was
a reflection on the salary paid by
the University.
Heyns explained that most pro-
fessors were leaving because of
special opportunities offered by
the other institutions. He said that
a large number were on this
month's list because this was the
season when professors usually
submit their resignations.
The Regents also inquired about
the lack of publication by some
of the faculty members recom-
mended for promotions.
Heyns explained that promo-
tions are based upon teaching, re-
search and service. Excellence in
one area as well as substantial
contributions in the remaining
two areas are prerequisite to pro-
motion, he said.

Landscape Section
Transferred from
Architecture College
New directions in the natural
resources school appeared to be
taking shape yesterday as the
Regents approved the transfer of
the landscape architecture depart-
ment to that school from' the
architecture college.
Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Roger W. Heyns, in rec-
ommending the transfer, noted the
increasing emphasis in the Uni-
versity on urban and regional de-
velopment and planning.
The transfer seems to indicate
that this new total planning con-
cept will be given increasing at-
tention as academic involvement
in area developmental theory and
planning increases throughout the
country and as American cities
become larger, more diffuse and
more complex-modeled after the
East Coast Megalopolis.
A University-wide committee in-
cludingrepresentatives from the
literary college, the public health
school, the natural resources
school and the architecture col-
lege is working to develop pro-
grams in planning here, Dean
Stephen Spurr of the natural re-
sources school and the graduate
school said yesterday.
Apparently the transfer of land-
scape architecture will strengthen
the involvement of the natural re-
sources school in such planning
Prof. Walter Chambers, head of
the landscape architecture depart-
ment, explained that the trend
in landscape architecture started
over 100 years ago.
Chambers said that the depart-
ment would not sever ties with
the architecture. college and a
planning department which is an-
ticipated there. The interrelation-
ship of the fields necessitates a
constant collaboration of the
architecture school and the na-
tural resource school, he said.
Brings Concepts
According to Dean Stephen
Spurr of the natural resources
school, this change would bring
the concepts of design into the
natural resource school. These can
be combined with the knowledge
and skills of the, resource school
in dealing with effective planning
and utilization of natural re-
sources, he said.
Spurr predicted that the trans-

- -I--

WASHINGTON ()--The United States announced last night that
it will soon withdraw about 1700 troops from the Dominican Repub-
About 23,000 Americ'an Marines and paratroopers are in the strife-
torn Caribbean country. The first of them were sent in April 28.
The U.S. has said previously that it will yield the peace-keeping
chores to an international force authorized by the Organization of
American states. Last night Am-
bassador Ellsworth Bunker told a ' COULD W N 1
special OAS conference that the T 9 COULD S IN T
U.S. withdrawal will start with the
arrival of a Brazilian contingent" t e Hp
of 1250 troops in the Dominican
BrTitle Hop
go by ship, they may not get there
for another week or so. By The Asso


es Disappear in Baseball, Grow in Tennis

ociated Press

No Figures
Bunker did not give any fig-
ures on the size of the U.S .with-

Waves, But Silent drawal in his statement to the
At this point Aptheker cane OAS, but said it would be equiv-
from behind the curtain and alent to the number of Latin
waved to the applauding students. American soldiers in the Domini-
He retired immediately behind the can Republic.
curtain again. There are now in Santo Domin-
He was then led down the cen- go 250 soldiers from Honduras, 158
ter aisle of the hall, shielded by a from Nicaragua, and 20 policemen
large number of FSF personnel from Costa Rica.
and a few members of the OSU Send Men
administration. The party, which At the opening of the OAS spe-
numbered about 100-half news- cial conference called to appoint a

COLUMBUS, Ohio-Michigan's 1965 baseball team was a Cin-
derella whose clock struck midnight 24 hours too soon. Not highly
regarded at the season's start and winning just one of their first
eight games, the Wolverines went on to take eight Big Ten contests
in a row and would have been in an excellent position to grab the
conference crown if they could have beaten league-leading Ohio
State yesterday.
But the Buckeyes had Steve Arlin, and he pitched 16 innings and
set a Big Ten strikeout record as he beat Michigan 4-3 in the longest
conference game of the season. Coupled with Michigan State's 6-1
defeat of Indiana, the loss eliminated any Wolverine title hopes,
Arlin gave up 10 hits and struck out 13 to surpass by one Jack
l Bruner's conference record of 67 strikeouts in one season. Bruner
I ±ctah1k.,1,i t V1mnrii,1r1n1nvin frT fn, Tra in 19 4

Special To The Daily
BLOOMINGTON, Ind.-Michigan took a long step toward re-
gaining the tennis title it has narrowly missed the last two seasons
by winning eight of nine matches in yesterday's Big Ten semi-finals
to take a three-point lead over favored Indiana in the Big Ten
conference meet.
The Wolverines now have the upper hand going into today's
final round. They have five singles players and all three doubles
squads in the finals while the Hoosiers will be in only seven tilts.
Michigan's lone loss yesterday came as Indiana's second-seeded;
Dave Powers bested a strong effort by Karl Hedrick in number one
singles, 8-6, 10-8. Indiana was beaten by Michigan State in number
five singles and Michigan's top-seeded John Fraser and Hal Lowel
defeated Hoosiers Charlie Kane and Mike Baer in a very close num-
hbr twod ineh match .4-6 .8- 6.6-4 T.nwe and Fraser were down

K { {{;}:.

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