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May 20, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-05-20

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If you are a non-honors freshman or sophomore in the literary
college, your counselor (the one you share with about 170 other
students) is given $700 per academic year and reduced teaching
loads in return for a minimum of six to eight hours of counseling
work each week.
Literary college Associate Dean James Robertson, who heads
the literary college's counseling system, released these figures re-
cently during an explanation of the counseling system, one of the
more controversial areas of the academic program here.
There are about 107 counselors at the University, he explained.
About 27 counsel freshmen and sophomores and about 80 counsel
juniors and seniors. Each counselor is a faculty member personally
selected by the literary college Administrative Board.
80 Freshmen Assigned
About 80 freshmen are assigned to a freshman-sophomore
counselor each year; a student keeps his counselor until his junior
year when he is transferred to a "concentration advisor," a spe-
cialist in the student's department of concentration, generally
called a junior-senior counselor.
The freshman-sophomore counselor (there are one of them
for every 170 students) receives the $700 yearly salary and a
"released time" arrangement that cuts down his teaching duties.


Disp lays




Pay arrangements and counseling loads vary for junior-senior
counselors because they represent individual departments.
This .0058 of a counselor, for which the student pays $4.11
from his tuition costs, is intended to be a kind of guide through
the administrative and personal jungles found in the academic
The counselor has many jobs, some repetitive and many very
important. "Basically," said Robertson, "the counselor is meant
to serve as the personification to students of what the educational
aims of the literary college are."
Many Duties
Among the duties involved in this role are the following:
-Keeping records of the student's personality and progress;
-Approving course elections each semester;
-Discussing professional or academic opportunities arising
from particular programs;
-Explaining the "why" of University rules;
-Granting or denying requests for exceptions to present
literary college rules, or sending these requests on to the college's
Administrative Board;
-Discussing academic difficulties;
-Supplying authentic information and advice about cur-

-Enlisting help from other University agencies when the
student needs such help.
Each of these duties is complex. The last, for example, in-
volves "referrals" to other units' for psychological, medical or other
kinds of help. One 1958 listing names 19 different University units
available for referral, plus 17 more counseling groups in individual
schools and departments,
The system is not perfect.
"I've heard all the complaints: misinformation, 'rubber-
stamping,' lack of concern . . ." Robertson said.
Sometimes Justified
"Sometimes they are justified. A counselor who lets a chemis-
try major take Spanish instead of German is wrong. Of course,
what sometimes happens is that a student will change his mind,
switch into chemistry and then ask 'why didn't my counselor tell
me to take German?'"
Robertson said that the main reason for whatever faults the
counseling system has is the high student-counselor ratio -
about 170-1.
"This is too high," he said. "But we are happy enough to keep
it at that figure while the University has been growing so quickly.
We have kept the ratio pretty constant."
The biggest need of the literary college counseling staff is

simply space, Robertson
counselled in long, narrow
larger 1223 Angell Hall.

said. Freshmen and sophomores are
1213 Angell Hall; juniors and seniors in

Space Needed
Robertson cannot add new counselors without more space; all
the offices are taken, he explained, and counselors shouldn't hold
counseling hours in their academic offices because a central coun-
seling room is important for access to records and for the "psy-
chological" separation of counselor and teacher.
If the counseling system has its flaws, it has its virtues. During
the last term, Robertson received ten outside requests for infor-
ination and advice based on the literary college counseling sys-
tem. About four schools sent representatives to Ann Arbor to study
the counseling procedures here more closely.
Robertson said he saw few important changes in the future for
the literary college counseling system. Although within the past
five years he has hired three or four new counselors who are not
faculty members but experienced members of other University
groups such as residence halls, the change was "more evolutionary
than deliberate," Robertson said. "The Administrative Board is not
planning a change to professional counselors in the foreseeable
future," he added.

See Editorial Page


Sir ~igaui

:43 i1#

Sunny, becoming cloudy
chance of showers

Seveity-Four Years of Editorial Freedoii




Senate OK's Capita

House Group

Ia !-1 - 7

TSpeak at OSU
Marxist Denies Speaking Date;
Could Be Siezed for Breaking Ban
The Free Speech Front of Ohio State University announced yes-
terday that Marxist speaker Herbert Aptheker will address the OSU
student body tomorrow at 4 p.m. on campus in defiance of the ad-
ministration and in direct opposition of OSU speaker rules.
Aptheker, however, in New York, has denied all knowledge of
the new speaking date in an interview with an Associated Press
j The administration of OSU was not available for comment last

Abel Victor
In Election
McDonald conceded defeat yester-
day for re-election as president
of the union steelworkers, clear-
ing the way for I. W. Abel to take
undisputed control of the million-
member union June 1.
McDonald's announcement came
at a news conference shortly after
the union's 33-member Executive
Board met to hear vote protests
- -presumably including Mc-
Donald's-of the Feb. 9 election.
"The interests of the United
Steelworkers of America would
best be served by termination of
any political struggle," the 62-
year-old McDonald said with Abel
at his side.
McDonald reportedly was under
great pressure to step aside even
from his own supporters on the
Executive Board, the highest ap-
peals body within the union.
His decision to withdraw pro-r
tests gave Abel and the other new
union officers a clear hand in
basic steel negotiations which re-
sumed Tuesday after twice being
interrupted because of the steel-
workers' internal troubles.
When the tellers announced last
month that Abel had won by 10,-
142 of the more than 600,000 votes
cast, McDonald said he would ask
the board to investigate and vow-
ed to contest the election to the
"fullest extent."
However, McDonald's top aides
have been saying that he was un-
decided on how far he would go,
whether just to the Executive
Board or, if the board went against
him, to the U.S. Labor Depart-

*'night on the proposed violation
of the speaker rule.
Jeffrey Schwartz, student lead-
er of FSF and spokesman for the
group, said that FSF had decided
"after careful consideration of
the consequences" to go ahead
with the appearance.
The OSU speaker rules, passed
by the university's Board of Trus-
tees 14 years ago, forbid campus
speakers unless they talk in the
"best and overall interests of the
university." The OSU administra-
tion has said that if Aptheker
appears on campus it will be a
violation of the speaker rule.
The university could under state
law arrest him for trespassing and
use state and university police to
enforce the speaker rules.
In connection with Aptheker's
visit, Donna Trugman, of OSU's
Human Relations Commission of
Students and various other stu-
dents havencirculated petitions
providing for the impeachment of
StudeIt Body President Thomas
The reason for his proposed im-
peachment is his "failure to take
any sort of definitive stand" on
the crisis precipitated by the ad-
ministration's stand on Aptheker's
appearance on the OSU campus.
In order to effect Workman's
impeachment it would be neces-
sary to submit petitions signed by
two per cent of the student body
to the Student Senate. If the Sen-
ate decliied to act on the petitions
within th-ree weeks it would be
necessary to supply it with peti-
tions signed by an additional two
per cent of the student body.
The Senate would be forced
then to submit the impeachment
question to the student body
which would vote on it. A major-
ity of 55 per cent of the total
student body would be necessary
to effect the impeachment.

The s t a t e Senate yesterday
passed $4,100,000 in capital outlay
funds for the University. The bill
will now go to the House, where
action is tentatively scheduled in
about 10 days.
The appropriations approved by
the Senate for the University in-
clude $2,000,000 for continued con-
steuction of a Medical Science,
Building, with total cost not to
exceed $9,400,000. The total cost
limit, however would not include
a research wing to be built with
federal funds which will bring the
total cost to about $12,000,000.
Also approved for the Univer-
sity was a $1,000,000 appropriation
toward construction of a new
School of Dentistry Building, of
which the total cost is not to ex-
ceed $13,961,000 and the state's
share not to exceed $7,200,000.
Renovation and addition cap-
ital outlay funds totaling $1,000,-
000 were also approved for the
University. These include $100,000
toward remodeling the East Med-
ical Building, with total project
cost not to exceed $600,000;
$575,000 toward continuing reno-
vation of University Hospital,
with the total cost not to exceed
$3.800 000, and the state's share
no more than $3,000,000; and
$425.000 toward air conditioning
of the hospital surgical wing,
with the total cost not to exceed
The Senate Tuesday approved
the University's operating budget
for the coming year. The total of
$51,255,266 was $7,169,077 above
the 1964-65 budget and $1,150,000
above that recommended by Gov.
Gc.orge Romney but $4,476,473 be-
low that asked by the Regents.
Part of Bill
Operating funds approved by
the Senate for the University were
part of a $184,464,801 higher edu-
cation bill The recommendations
made by the Senate Approura-
tions Committee went through as
they stood exceo, for thiose of
Michigan State University, which
icceived a cut.
In the process of passing the
building funds for the University
and other state colleges yesterday,
the Senate killed a plan to re-
finance the Mackinac Bridge.
Sen. Thomas F. Schweigert (R-
Petoskey) sought to hook 'his pro-
posal for a $1 million issue of
bridge bonds onto the $60 million
He said his proposal would save
bridge users $1.5 million a year
thiough lowered tolls. The toll is
now $3.75 for a pass'enger car.
It would relieve a major drag

on the Upper Peninsula economy,
he argued.
However, Sen. Garland Lane
(D-Flint) objected on the grounds
that the amendment was not close
enough related to the bill's subject
matter to meet constitutional re-
La e's protest was tznheld by
Lt. (,v. William Millikel.
However, the backers of a bond

passed unanimously and sent to

isLe for the Mackinac Bridge are Ithe House. mittee6decisio
by stages, the
on passengera
Johnson ha
reduction of t
"* 15 per cent.
To U.S. Viet Nam Bombing preara
per car. Thea
pressing hard
MOSCOW (A)-Nonaligned India teamed with the Soviet Union has promisedi
yesterday in declaring that U.S. bombing of North Viet Nam should be ings to purcha
stopped immediately. As Johnson
The criticism came in a joint communique issued to mark the end first-stax, cut
of a week-long visit by Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri of India be retroactiv
to the Soviet Union. who purchase
The communique omitted language Shastri had used recently May 15, the da
to criticize "all foreign interference" - meaning North Vietnamese tax cut staten

The big Jif

e Outlay Approves Cut
nr through. Rep. Knell Er;g-In E x i e
Strom (R-Traverse City), rankingEc
Republican on the House Ways
and Means Committee, will try to WASHINGTON (A)-The House
attach the plan in the House to Ways and Means Committee ap-
the highway appropriation bill. proved yesterday a bill to cut
The captial outlay bill, carrying excise taxes nearly $5 billion-
money for building projects at almost $1 billion more than Presi-
universities, mental hospitals and dent Lyndon B. Johnson recom-
other state instittuions, then was mended.

ference was a com-
an to repeal entirely,
e 10 per cent excise
ad recommended a
the tax by stages to
verages about $230
automobile industry,
for outright repeal,
to pass on the sav-
recommended, the
i in the automobile
Amated at $75, would
e. That is, persons
d automobiles since
ate of the President's
ment, could get re-


-Associated Press
DOMINICAN. REPUBLIC JUNTA soldiers stand over two rebel
fighters captured in Santo Domingo.

meddling as well as American
air attacks.
There are strong indications in
the communique that India and
the Soviet Union are preparing a
joint case for "peaceful coexist-
ence" to be presented to the Afri-
can-Asian conference in Algiers
next month.
Peaceful coexistence, it said, "is
a positive iactor in the develop-
ment of national liberation move-
ments." Communist China and its
militant allies, such as Indonesia,
are expected to use the Algiers
meeting to espouse violent revolu-
Earlier this year, the Indian
leader drew fire for what critics
said was his criticizing only the
United States and blinking at
North Viet Nam's role. Shastri ap-
peared to be taking great pains to
be balanced in his criticism.
The communique took a stab at
neo-colonialism," a term often
used in India and the Soviet Un-
ion to describe Peking's policies.
In some ways, the communique
was most interesting for what it
didn't say. Indian officials had
hoped Shastri could win firm
Soviet backing for India's posi-
tion in the quarrel with Pakistan
over the Rann of Kutch, a deso,
late region on India's northwest

funds of the tax.
Chairman Wilbur D. Mills (D-
Ark) of the Ways and Means
Committee said he expects to have
the bill on the House floor for
action during the week beginning
May 31.
The "Big Three" automakers
revealed that they have decided,
in effect, to sidestep their dealers
and make direct refunds to retail
buyers of their cars if Congress
approves a cut inexcise taxes re-,
troactive to May 15.
General Motors Corp., Ford Mo-
tor Co. and Chrysler Corp. all
said their dealers are being ad-
vised that they can "assure your1
customers" that the full amount
of anymtax cut would be passed
along directly to the customers.dy
Manufacturers are required by
federal law to set a maximum
retail price on cars, but dealers1
are free to sell at less than the
"sticker" price.
Vs Reject Plan
ge AutonomyI

Junta RefusesT
Allow Truce Terms
By The Associated Press
SANTO DOMINGO-The military junta headed by Brig. Gen.
Antonio Imbert Barrera has rejected all suggestions of truce and
is now deterniined to crush all remaining rebel opposition in this
Yesterday junta troops overran the rebel radio station and most
of Northern Santo Domingo, where rebel resistance collapsed.
Imbert told an interviewer that his five-man junta was pushing
for an unconditional surrender by the rebels and that he would

talk with them only to discuss4
surrender terms.
With optimism surging through
his headquarters,. Imbert told a
newsman that the battle for
Northern Santo Domingo would be
completed by the weekend. Asked
if his forces would attempt to
storm the rebel stronghold down-
town, hemmed in by U.S. Marines
and Paratroopers, Imbert replied:
"That's next week's problem."
Rebels Balk
The rebel leaders have refused
to meet with Imbert, charging
that any . compromise with the
junta would violate the rebel de-
mand for a return to the 1963
The junta's optimism developed
when its forces advanced 10 blocks
Sagainst the rebels in the battle

Six Legislator
For Flint Colic

Six le Lislator' from th

i 01& 1tgl dw s s 111 U~
frontier. apooa htwudc
He did not and the joint state- a proposal that would chf
ments said only both sides had college at the end of five
agreed border and territorial dis- University's branch plans tl
pates should be settled by peace- Sen. Gerald R. Dunn
r.., _ ;;-.;--- th" oiatnn latnig t H

iul negotia ;ons.

cne rf2jeCLIOll 1dsL 111;11[,. n(

.4"V . ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ... ........ . . ............................................. ...............,..............

Throughout th
States, young men
proaching the draf
fully watch the mill
policies of the
policies which, if chi
profoundly influen
ture plans.
V College, graduate
even marriage migh
postponed if a de
made to institute a
rigorous draft law.
ing the present st

)erts See Changes Needed in Draft Policy

he United
who are ap-
t age care -
itary service
anged, could
ce their fu-
school, or
.it have to be
cision were
new, more
In evaluat-
tate of the
PYIr..a h w

who are volunteering for the
armed forces is declining, even
though high-school dropouts
are now accepted, and the basic
intelligence requirements have
been lowered somewhat.
The article in U.S. News
points out that during the last
six months, the Navy has re-
ceived 45,097 volunteers, of
which 28 per cent represent the
lowest acceptable mental level.
The number of volunteers for
the Air Force has only been
37,239 for. the same period of
time and many of these were

icies so that more young Amer-
icans will join and stay in the
The core of their planned
program is to make life in the
armed forces more desirable.
One of the first improvements
will be the institution of better
housing facilities.
Many critics have charged
that the Air Force is particular-
ly guilty in the field of housing,
saying that over 70,000 of its
men live in poor housing units.
An increase in pay is the
second factor in the planned

the middle ranks, which many
educated people have deserted
in recent years to secure jobs
in civilian life offering more
Long Separations
One of the major reasons
why it is so difficult to attract
and keep married men in the
armed forces is the long series
of separations from their fami-
lies they must endure.
In the Navy, families are
rarely allowed to travel over-
seas together, and as a result
this branch of the service has

virtually all young men cou
be drafted for a period of,
months. The advantage of t
system would be the availabil
of large, manpower resources
the need arose.
Second, the draft could
extended to include such ar
as the Peace Corps, hospi
work, and education in t
more difficult schools, and r
be solely limited to the miiita
Does Draft Help?
' In the final analysis, t
major question to be debated

e Flint area yesterday rejected in Lansing for the city's northern suburbs.
ange Flint into an autonomous four year In a bid to gain support for the
years and reaffirmed their support of the junta, Imbert's aides announced
here. after the rally that two unpopular
(D-Flint) explained the rationale behind austerity measures had been can-
e called it "a refusal to accept a college celled. Both were introduced by
Donald Reid Cabrac with the
which would have lower academic bcigo h ..gvrmn
standards than other state-sup- and the International Monetary
ported institutions." Fund.
Dunn said it would take at least One was a $30 tax on any Do-
eight years for Flint to develop minican leaving the country. The
without University help the staff other required an importer to de-
ild and buildings that would make posit for six months 40 per cent
six Flint an accredited college. This of the value of all imports. Both
his is assuming that Flint has the measures were designed to adjust
ity financial resources that it needs an unfavorable balance of pay-
if to develop, he said. ments and prevent a devaluation
Dunn added that "the Univer- of the peso.
be sity has serviced Flint college since Mann Confers
eas it was founded in 1957 and has Junta sources said that U.S. Un-
tal done an adequate job." dersecretary of State Thomas C.
he People in the Flint area "do not Mann talked with Imbert Tuesday
PepeinteFin ra d o night before returning to Wash-
not want a college which would be un-
y accredited for eight years or ington with another special Amer-
more, when it can continue under ican presidential envoy, former
the University's direction with Ambassador John Bartlow Martin.
he accreditation and an academic The sources said Mann discuss-
is standard comparable to that of ed renewal of economic aid with

May Invoke
Filibuster Rule'
To Pass Bill
WASHINGTON (R) --- Senate
leaders served notice yesterday
they will try to invoke the Sen-
ate's anti-filibuster rule'next week
and pass President Lyndon B.
Johnson's Negro voting rights bill.
The announcement was made by
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
(D-Mont) after the Senate voted,
69 to 20 ,to write into the legis-
lation a congressional declaration
that the right to vote is denied
or abridged in certain states by
requiring poll tax payments.
The declaration was offered by
Mansfield and Republican Lead-
er Everett M. Dirksen (R-I) in
an effort to end the dispute ampng
the bill's supporters over the poll
tax issue.
Asks Consent
Immediately after the vote,
Mansfield asked for unanimous
consent to limit debate on all fur-
ther amendments to one hour each
and to vote on passage of the bill
next Tuesday.
Sen. Allen J. Ellender (D-La),
leading the Southern opposition,
objected to setting any time for a
final vote. The bill has been un-
der debate since April 22.
Ellender had blocked a debate-
limitation agreement, Mansfield
said he and Dirksen will file a
petition Friday to invoke Rule 22.
Limits Time
It limits each senator's speaking
time on the bill and all amend-
ments to one hour if approved by
two-thirds of the senators voting.
The shnwdown will come auto-



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