Snevnty-FifthbYear EDITED AND MANAGED BT STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHOAITY OE BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUMisicATIONs NEW ISSUES, BETTER LEADERS Future of U' Activism Getting Bright' Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNAAD ST., ANN Amirot, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWs PHoNE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BADAMO Both Parents and Students Indulge in Hypocrisy SINCE LAST FALL'S student revolts at Berkeley, American periodicals have been gutted with articles attempting to explain briefly the character of the Amer- ican college student. There are many books on the market both on the student himself and educa- tion in general. The topic is being debated in all circles of society. Unfortunately most writers and ob- servers fail to see one important part of the student character. The student is emulating what he sees in the adult world and his actions are basically no different than those of the adults around him. HEN A CHILD is born his parents and other adults immediately begin to teach him how to cope with the world. This process continues throughout the first part of the child's life. The child's teaching on matters of conduct and morality in most cases conforms to a rather rigid standards of ethics. The con- flict occurs when the, child reaches the age where he can see the difference be- tween the "right" things his parents taught him and the things his parents do in real life. This is not to say that all parents or all adults are ultimately hypocritical; but the overt teaching of one ideology and the exemplary teaching of another is the pervasive practice. Ekamples of this practice are ram- pant and obvious. The child is taught from a very early age that violence is basically evil When he gets older he may get into trouble with the law over some violent act he has committed. HE THEN RECEIVES a stern lecture from a public official concerning the wrongness of violence-while on a hun- dred battlefields men settle their differ- ences through the most violent acts ever conceived. Men die violently and kill violently andthey are considered heroes. Men are permitted to die enclosed in tiny rooms filled with poisoned gas or strapped into harden wooden chairs fitted with electrodes-and the world applauds. The child is taught honestly, and this precept is violated in a thousands ways from television quiz show fixing and payola to the dishonesty of men high in the federal government. Labor leaders, judges, policemen, lawyers, doctors are all exposed as having fished in the till with sticky fingers. In most cases the child is taught all men are created equal. At the same time, all over America, both North and South, men are persecuted for their color or for what they believe. What is a child to think when he is taught that men are the same no matter what their color and then sees his father participate in a demonstration to keep Negroes out of * the neighborhood? JUDITH WARREN......................Co-Editor ROBERT HIPPLER.......................Co-Editor EDWARD HERSTEIN.................Sports Editor JUDITH FIELDS .................. Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS........ ...... Supplement Manager NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Benoit, Michael Ba- damo, Robert Moore, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Was- serstein. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. It can be argued that all the exam- ples listed represent a minority of Amer- ican feelings. This may be so, but it is impossible to determine. Whether it is 49 per cent or 81 per cent of the total popu- lation who indulge in a hypocritical out- look it usually looks like a round 100 to the student. HOW DOES ADULT hypocrisy relate to the student? - The student in attempting to follow the teachings and example of his parents must also develop a path of hypocrisy. The student's hypocrisy lies in the sep- aration of his academic self from his ex- tracurricular life. He knows that he must attend classes and study the material required, but even though he does, it is a dead thing. Ex- cept in a very few instances all he learns in class is something to be studied and forgotten as soon as the final exam is over. The student is bored, the subject is boring, and worse, the instructor is bored. Most students freely admit that little is really learned in the classroom. THE EXTRACURRICULAR facet of the student is where most of his univer- sity education -occurs. The university with a reputation of scholastic excellence gathers together on its campus a collec- tion of highly motivated and intelligent students. Because classroom learning is often useless the highly motivated and intelli- gent student must look elsewhere for his education. He turns to those who are nearest to him, his fellow students. Ideas are exchanged and educational pathways explored. Learning is accomplished. Many students find a cause which to devote time and energy. They aret called student activists and are looked down upon by much of the adult population as "rebels without a cause." But if it were not for their cause, they would not be heard. STUDENT AND ADULT hypocrisies, even though one is a direct outgrowth of the other, are essentially different in one aspect. The morality the revolting student was taught when he was young- er is his essential motivating force rather than the false practical values of his par- ents that he pays lip service to. In the parent this is reversed. The parent follows his false practical social values and preaches but does not practice his nomin- al moral code. So-when a student protests discrimi- nation or the war in Viet Nam on a picket line he is expressing his true feelings, and when he drags himself out of bed in time for an eight o'clock lecture which bores him to death he is acting the way society tells him he must. It is highly unlikely that the adults of today can fully recognize their hypocrisy and even more unlikely they will take any steps to come to grips with it. Any hope must lie with the students. IF THEY ARE ABLE to retain their es- sential moral character intact when they emerge from the college scene it can be possible for students, who will be shaping the world of the future, to im- plant their morality into the very foun- dations of society. -MICHAEL BADAMO EDITOR'S NOTE: In today's ar- ticle, the eleventh and last in a series, Philip Sutin, Grad, concludes his exploration of the course of stu- dent activism on the Vnivorsity campus since 1060. By PHILIP SUTIN IN 1961, THERE were massive crusades to change the Office of Student Affairs, to end fraternity bias and to lift the ban on Com- munist speakers here and else- where. Today, faculty and outside sources stimulate student activism. There is little interest in campus issues. The great pressure of out- side events is reflected in the local teach-in and civil rights move- ment. Several factors have led to the decline in local issue activism and its resurgence on nationalissues. The University environment has significantly changed. The semes- ter is faster paced with the intro- ductiontof trimester. Academic competition is rougher and an in- creasing number of applicants bombard the University for a limited number of places. UNDER greater time pressures, students have become more con- cerned about their academic work and are reluctant to make great time commitments to extra-cur- ricular activities. This reluctance is re-enforced by- the increasing competition for their place in the University. Applications have shot up by more than one third in the past three years although there has been a steady, but slower increase in enrollment. A place in the University is more valuable than it was three years ago and more students realize this. Beyond these structural changes in the academic environment, there has been some discourage- ment ofastudent participation in activities, particularly- by honors students. This policy has put a crimp in both the liberal activist movement and student activities in general as much of the student leadership comes from these brighter stu- dents. The work of the honors program also weakens participation as much time is needed in prepar- ing a senior thesis in most de- partmental honors programs. MOST OF the major campus junior women may live in apart- ments and are not subject to hiurs. Underclass women's cur- fews have been liberalized. A measure of due process has been introduced into the student judiciary system. Reforms in housing-such as co-ed housing and the pilot project-have made dorm life tolerable. A Communist may now speak in University facilities and the University is encouraging the sponsorship of controversial speak- ers. Even student wages are scheduled to be raised. THUS MANY of the gut issues that spurred agitation are gone. They have been replaced by more complex, less immediate ones. The old devils which excited student ire also are lacking. The hated Miss Bacon was forced out, taking most of her equally disliked top assistants with her. Lewis, once cast in an arch villain's role, has lost this image as the changes in the OSA pro- gressed. Lewis has retired. Students will again hold their fire as they see what kind of vice-president Rich- ard Cutler will be. The OSA should have at least one more year of relative freedom from student criticism. THE NEW campus issues and people are more complex and less controversial. It is hard to get angry about an overcrowded Uni- versity unless one lives in the dorms and his double is converted into a tight triple. There are too few students so strikingly affected. Solutions to problems of University size, qual- ity of education, diversity of stu- dent body are. complex and de- batable. There is no simple answer like firing Miss Bacon and ending the totalitarian practices that sparked the major issues of the recent past. ' The small turnout at Hatcher's convocation where the president dealt with these new issues illu- strates their emotional blandness and their lack of popularity a m o n g students and student leaders. -i A LIBERALIZED DAILY and a phalanx of young, active and aware faculty members bodes well for the future of student activism on the University campus. Even SGC, whose recent elections (above) have been the most sparsely attended in history, shows signs of promise. *, THE AFFILIATE discrimina- tion issue has become lost in a legal morass that has dismayed and bored activists. Bias clauses are not important any more and nobody is pushing hard for their elimination. Even the drift of Daily sentiment leans toward ac- commodation with affiliates rath- er than reform. The issues which serve as mag- nets to draw student activists and followers have largely disappear- ed. National and world issues- particularly civil rights-are more appealing. Dramatic and mean- ingful student action in these crusades makes the campus and its politics look very petty. The New York Times as early as two and one-half yearseago and as late as November, 1964, has noted this. nationwide trend from the campus. The trend is quite evidentmatsthe University, enhanced . by the presence of national student leaders uninter- ested in campus affairs here. SINCE THE establishment of the Social Action Center in 1962, goals that the activists were seeking in the early 1960's have been reached. Dean Deborah Ba- con and the dean of women's of- fice are both gone. Senior and most of the top leadership of national SDS resided in Ann Arbor. They have carried out.and continue to conduct national stu- dent action campaigns from Ann Arbor. These programs not only draw students interested in these broad- er projects, but divert talent from local projects. Voice has been torn and confused. Is it a key chapter of SDS or is it a campus force? Many see this institutional schizo- phrenia that has plagued Voice being resolved in favor of SDS projects. Voice has reduced participa- tion in SGC while many of its people have drifted into ERAP. Its campus programs have stress- ed national and international is- sues-poverty, peace, Viet Nam, for example. SAL, while sponsored by Voice, drew leadership whose primary allegiance was elsewhere, particularly in SDS projects. NEVERTHELESS, Voice, stress- ing national-international issues, has had one of its best years. It sponsored Paul Goodman and held education and action pro- grams on a variety of issues. Voice's institutional schizophre- nia will be cured next fall. ERAP is moving to Chicago this sum- mer, taking most key SDS people with it. For the first time since 1962, there will not be a strong SDS presence here. Students recruited into national projects have little inclination for campus affairs. The teach-in movement working student mem- bers have played only small roles in campus affairs. The civil righters who marched in Mont- gomery did so at SNCC's urgent request. FURTHER, the spring saw a great influx of important speak- ers and ideas. The merged Union- League University Activities Cen- ter sponsored a high-quality lec- ture series on poverty. The revived Challenge's lecture series on Communist China turn- ed into an expert discussion on Viet Nam-invaluable as the crisis brewed. Independently sponsored speak- ers such as CORE's James Farmer and Goodman added ideas to be perculated. With this great influx of ideas, action was certain to come. The pressure of events molded it into civil rights and Viet Nam. THUS THE FUTURE of student activism looks moderately bright as fall comes. Activism's two im- portant legitimizing agencies, Stu- dent Government Council and The Daily, have a decidedly more lib- eral hue than in recent years. SGC again is passing off-cam- pus opinion motions. It condemned repression in Alabama and sup- ported the SDS South Africa protest. Council also sent $250 to Montgomery when the University group ran out of money because of an unplanned extended stay. The conservatism of the last year's office has been replaced by a radical-moderate tension on the Daily. HOPEFULLY, the younger fac- ulty who launched the teach-in movement will play an increas- ing role in University political af- fairs. Professors such as Gamson, Moskos and Marshal Sahlins make 4 fine and vital additions to the roster of faculty politicians. But their interest is largely in im- portantsnational and internation- al issues. The civil rights and teach-in activists show that it is possi- ble to beat trimester. Unfortu- nately, the people working hardest on these movements are usually those with the least to lose under the calendar. The deadening weight of the growing academic pressure has only lifted slightly. "I WOULD BE surprised if you , did not show deep concern about your world," Hatcher told the con- vocation on student activism and responsibility. "Coupled with ener- gy, I expect sensitivity, alertness and deep concern from students." The University's students should fulfill the expectations of their president in the near future. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Explains ELI Rooming Policy To the Editor: YOUR ISSUE of Friday, May 14, carried a front page story, and an editorial on the subject of re- lations between English Language Institute students and American students. I hope you will be able to print this letter, which reports our prog- ress in this. matter, and corrects slight inaccuracies in your story. In the first place, it has never been "ELI Policy" to segregate ELI students from Americans: it would be more accurate totsay that our policy is to bring them together as much as possible. FOR PURELY practical reasons, however, connected with the pres- sure on the dormitories to accept freshmen, it has been extremely difficult to achieve the organiza- tional flexibility which would en- able ELI students (who arrive in Ann Arbor six times per yearfor 8 or 15-week 'periods) to room with Americans. Secondly, the student petition referred to in your article was simply a confirmation of our own belief that opportunities for con- tact between ELI students and Americans should be increased. This problem has been under dis- cussion at the English Language Institute for some time, and, a few days before the petition ar- rived, three decisions had been made by the ELI administration. These were: 1) to discuss with dormitory authorities the possibil- ity of relaxing the restrictions on room-changing to enable ELI stu- dents to room with Americans, 2) to arrange a social gathering, or "mixer" for each incoming group of ELI students to meet American dorm residents, house- mothers, etc., 3) to request select- ed student societies to invite ELI students with relevant' interests to their meetings. THE FIRST TWO of these de- cisions have already been imple- mented. At the first "mixer" held in East Quad on May 6 there were 35 ELI students, but only six or seven Americans. This was no doubt due to the small number of Americans currently in residence and, in view of the concern they have expressed, we are hopeful that there will be a larger at- tendance of Americans in the fall. We hope to implement the third decision at the start of the next Academic Year, when student so- cieties have elected their officers and are fully active. -J. C. Catford Director, English Language Institute WASHINGTON NOTES: Teach-In Presented Unbalanced Panel By HAROLD WOLMAN Special To The Daily WASHINGTON -Notes on the national teach-in: Despite the attempt to come up with a balanced program of speak- ers, many observers felt the morn- ing session of the national teach- in was lacking in just that re- spect. Prof. Hans Morgenthau, in for- mer years a favorite target of the peace groups because of his "a- moral, realistic" approach to in- ternational politics, castigated the administration for its unrealistic approach to the Viet Nam situa- tion. FEIFFER However, no one criticized the policy from a moral point of view, nor was there a bona fide repre- sentative of the more radical left present. ISAAC DEUTSCHER, a self- proclaimed Marxist, was undoubt- edly expected to fulfill both of these roles, but his rambling ad- dress hardly touched on Viet Nam. In addition, his reliance on Marx- ist ideology made him more cur- ious than relevant. The administration viewpoint was, however, even less well rep- resented. Arthur Schlesinger was billed as the main defender of ad- ministration policy, but if no one is willing to defend the adminis- tration policy more than the for- mer Kennedy aide, then popular support has indeed left President Johnson. Schlesinger criticized the ad- ministration's reliance on military rather than political means, voic- ed disapproval of the air raids- on North Viet Nam, and took the ad- ministration to task for attempt- ing to silence its critics. THE FAILURE of McGeorge Bundy to appear threw the Inter- University Committee (the organ- izers of the teach-in) into hours of agonized indecision and confusion. Two members of the committee were informed by the White House at 10 a.m. that Bundy would not be able to appear. However, for some reason, other top leaders of the committee did not learn of this decision until after newsmen had already re- thropology department announced the decision at 5 p.m. at the close of the afternoon session. THE EVENING seminars and the plenary session on policy al- ternatives were generally the least successful part of the program. Seminar rooms were hot, partici- pants and audience seemed tired, and participants adhered only in the loosest manner to their topics. In the seminar on political morality, pandemonium reigned as participants enthusiastically de- fended their values. ,An unexpected appearance by Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, accompanied by Washing- ton friends of SNCC resulted in an exhortatory lecture on the rela- tionship of Viet Nam to the civil rights problems in Mississippi. AT THE plenary session few serious policy alternatives were of- fered (each speaker from the audience was allowed three min- utes to develop his solutions to the world's problems). Instead audi- ence participants used the time to vent their emotions either in favor of in opposition to administration policy, though quite a bit more of the latter than the former, One girl from the Washington Friends' Center called for the res- ignation of Bundy, Rusk and Mc- Namara because of "their un- paralleled arrogance, stupidity and incompetence., Several speakers also spent their time praising the Teach-In and those who organized it. Seymour that small country must have more bridges than any country in the world. Arthur Schlesinger then bright- ened the crowd when he remarked, "When I think about statements such as those on the 'gullibility of educated men,' I reflect on the White Paper and the gullibility of Secretaries of State." Schlesinger also recounted a quip from one of his friends who had told him, "What this country needs more than anything else is a good night's sleep." Horse Race THERE ARE three U.S. groups competing to run things in Saigon. There is the State Depart- ment, represented by Ambassador Maxwell Taylor; the Pentagon, represented by General Westmore- land, and the CIA, the personal- ity of whose representatives is less well known. Each of these have their own policies; each have their own favorite list of potential puppets. The Ngo brothers placed their hopes on the Pentagon--and end- ed up in pools of blood, with the State Department engineering their downfall. The triumvirate which succeeded the Ngos placed their money on the State Depart- ment-they did not last. The pen- alty for putting one's money on the wrong American horse is very severe indeed. THE INSUPERABLE difficulty A * ~1 / To TK66 CgmjC(9-,; cF OA ifHAV6C A6MU '''' -- E { j ,_ 10 LEH H Rc OF OVT- NOR 'HRN A&ITATOR5~ vITHOU1~TCHE- - ~COTE T AW'~ pr~opW N$l FRIEW. A ..1'1AQK YOU, M-