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Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-Foreign policy experts from across the coun-
try are gathered here today to participate in the national teach-in,
confronting the administration with the academic critics of
American policy in Viet Nam.
The teach-in has caught the excitement of those-in the capital
who deal in foreign policy as well as the aware public throughout
the nation. On the eve of the meeting it appears as though the
program, which was conceived at the University several weeks ago,
will be a major success.
Reports from Congress indicate that several congressmen and
scores of staff assistants will attend. Similarly, personnel of the
State Department, the Office of the President, and other executive
agencies are expected to be present in large numbers.
New York and Washington newspapers are treating the teach-
in as a major event in both their news and editorial discussions.
The television networks have all announced plans to carry large
portions of the program, and many radio stations across the coun-
try will carry the proceedings live, using the transmission facilities
that are carrying the event to hundreds of colleges. Over 200
news reporters are slated to attend the session.
An overflow crowd is expected to jam into the Sheraton Park
Hotel to witness the meeting. Ironically, the Army Chief of Staff
will be giving an Armed Forces Weekend speech dealing partly
with Viet Nam in the same hotel.
Thursday, Rep. Weston Vivian (D-Mich) commended the
teach-in to the attention of his fellow congressmen. In a House
speech, Vivian termed the teach-in a reasonable expression of
democratic procedures and accused those who proposed the pro-
posed the program of being opposed to free and open discussion
of government policy.
Congressional assistants said yesterday that the teach-ins held
in recent weeks have made Congress aware of public discontent
with United States policies in Viet Nam, but that it was doubtful
that they had done much to change congressional opinions of the
policies. According to a member of the staff of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, this is primarily because Congress abdicates
foreign relations responsibilities to the President.
An assistant to Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) claimed that "the
tragedy of all this as far as Congress is concerned is that the
academic community is really doing the job of Congress and the
Foreign Relations Committee."
"In January," the aide continued, "Senator Fulbright (chair-
inan of the Foreign Relations Committee) turned down the idea
of hearings on Viet Nam as serving no useful purpose. He didn't
want to embarrass a Democratic President. If Barry Goldwater
had been President, there would have been hearings every day of
the week."
The teach-in organizers report excellent co-operation from the
executive branch. They believe that the administration is quite
anxious to use the program as an opportunity to justify the Viet
Nam policies to the nation's intellectual community.
The formal program of the teach-in will begin at 9 a.m., with
speeches by Prof. Hans Morganthau of the political science depart-
ment of the University of Chicago, Prof. Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
of Harvard's political science department, and political scientist
Isaac Deutscher.
The afternoon will witness a debate between McGeorge Bundy,
special assistant to the President, representing the administration
viewpoint, and George Cahin, Cornell University political scientist.
Nine seminars on different aspects of the Viet Nam policies
will be held simultaneously in the evening. The teach-in organizers
plan a meeting after the seminars at which they hope alternative
policies for United States action in Viet Nam will be formulated
and articulated. They hope that the State Department will respond
to any results of this meeing.
See Editorial Page
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I A~friAu
Overcast, but little
chance of showers
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Chinese Explode SecondCutler
TOKYO (4)-Communist China
exploded its. second nuclear weap-
on yesterday .seven months after
it became the world's fifth atomic
power with a similar Hiroshima-
size detonation. Both tests were
made over a wasteland in western
Peking's announcement con-
tended that the Chinese nuclear
program is defensive but left all
technical questions unanswered.
Some Western experts speculated
the nuclear device may have been
dropped from a plane.
C Actions
11 L I
Within hours of the announce-
ment by Peking radio, the United
States confirmed the blast, saying
it had an explosive force of 20,000
tons of TNT or possibly a little
larger, and promised to support
atomic "have-not" nations against
the, "threat of nuclear blackmail."
The U.S. during the day dis-
closed it had exploded an under-
ground atomic device of even
greater power. The Atomic En-
ergy Commission said in Wash-
ington the U.S. blast in Nevada
was of low Intermediate yield in
the range of 20,000 to 200,000 tons
of TNT. It was the 11th an-
nounced weapons-related test this
year and the second in three days. - - ---_-_
In 1963 with the signing of the
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, thej"
U.S., Russia, and Britain agreed
to abolish tests in the atmosphere B i s 1
and under water. France refused
to abide by the treaty and it ap-
pears that China too, has followed By CAL SKINNER, JR.
suit. Special To The Daily
Dr. Ralph Lapp, a nuclear phy-:
sicist who worked on the first WASHINGTON-"The part Ray
U.S. A-bomb but now is no longer Bliss played in the candidacy of
associated with the U.S. nuclear Rep. John Lindsay for the New
program, speculated the Chinese York mayorship is indicative of
may have dropped their latest the role he will play in reviving
device from a plane. the Republican Party," according
Wheels and Deals
'jMay Mark Start of
S1A Involvement
U' Professors Examine
Vivian's Anti-HUAC Vote
When the House of Representatives voted the House Un-
American Activities Committee (HUAC) an extra $50,000 to inves-
tigate the Ku Klux Klan, Rep. Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann Arbor),
along with seven other Michigan liberals, joined forces with South-
ern segregationists and opposed the move.
"HUAC has rarely brought forth useful legislation and, in-
stead, has just engaged in exposure for exposure's sake. I favor
an investigation of the KKK by the House Judiciary Committee
so we'll get legislation and not
just grist for the pages of the
newspapers," Vivian said.
Three University professors re-
cently agreed that Vivian's vote
was not against an investigation
of the Klan but against the func-
tion of HUAC itself.
Vivian's tactics were "a back-
handed way of trying to end the
whole committee," Prof. Paul G.
Kauper of the Law School said.
Profs. Norman C. Thomas and
Joseph E. Kallenbach of the poli-
tical science department both
supported Vivian.
I find myself strongly oppos-
' ed to any investigations of HUAC"
whether they concern organiza-
tions on the right or left, Thomas
Abolish HUAC
Kallenbach concurred, "HUAC
should be abolished. Its functions
REP. WESTON VIVIAN could be han'dled by a subcommit-
tee of the HJC."
Despite their dissatisfaction
State EnvO s with HUAC, both Thomas and
Kallenbach said that, under the
M e t in V e n United States Constitution, HUAC
Meet in Vienna"noetjysgstt'o-^
is completely legal.
According to the Supreme Court,
VIENNA ()-The foreign min- the powers of Congress to inves-
isters of the United States, Bri- tigate are very broad, 'Thomas
tain, France and the Soviet Union said. - Therefore, "Congress has
gathered in Vienna yesterday to every right to maintain HUAC
celebrate the tenth anniversary of even though it is not consonant
the A u s t r a 1 i a n Independence with democratic principles."
Treaty. However, he continued, the past
However, the festivities long history of HUAC makes it doubt-
prepared by the Austrian govern- ful that "the intensity and vigor
ment have widened beyond a pure- shown in a campaign against
ly ceremonial occasion and now- to a KKK investigation. "It is
by circumstance - have provided significant" that Congressmen
the opportunity for an impromptu Communists" would be injected in-
Big-Four discussion of major John J. Conyers, Jr. and Charles
world problems. C. Diggs, Jr., Negroes from Mich-
Thrsd probl emdigan, joined the Southerners in
These p r o b 1 e m s, informed the attempt to stall HUAC. Their
sources said, almost certainly will vote strengthens the fact that
include Viet Nam and the finan- HUAC is "an anti-democratic in-
cial crisis of the United Nations. stitin." Thomas said.
First Device
China's first atomic device in
October was presumed to have
been exploded atop a tower at
Lop Noi, a lake in the Takla Ma-
kan desert of Singiang province.
By an air drop, the Chinese would
have sought to show the "deliver-
ability" of their nuclear weapons.
The U.S. State Department said
the new blast came in the same
area as the first but cast doubt
on whether the Communist Chi-
nese had "a meaningful delivery
system" for their atomic weapon.
Fallout from China's second
nuclear test is expected to take a
little longer to spread around the
wrold than did the debris from tihe
first explosion last fall.
But, like the fallout from the
first test, it is not expected to pre-
sent any significant health haz-
ard anywhere in the world.
Important Achievement
Radio Peking said the latest
nuclear test was detonated at 10
a.m. Peking time (9 p.m. EST,
May 13) and called it "another
important achievement."
Japan, which reported fallout
from the first Chinese explosion,1
immediately issued a strong pro-
test, accusing the Chinese of ig-
noring the wishes of the Japanese
people and world public ,opinion
by its defiance of the Nuclear Test
Ban barring atomic tests in the
to Arthur Peterson, newly-ap-
pointed research director of the
Peterson has, according to ob-
servers here, good reason to pr~e-
dict that GOP Chairman Bliss will
be very active In paving the way
for a Republican resurgence to
Bliss played a very important
part last week in convincing Lind-
say, a young but. prominent Con-
gressman from Manhattan's "silk-
stocking district," to announce his
candidacy againstrNew York May-
or Robert Wagner.
Lindsay was reportedly very re-
luctant to engage Wagner in thei
coming November New York may-
oral election. Normally the Demo-
crats command a 3-1 majority
in the city.
How did Bliss convince Lindsay,
as he did, to run?
Although it is unclear just what
Bliss did over the weekend to
change Lindsay's mind, it can be
said with certainty that the GOP
chairman made a big difference.
According to insiders, Bliss argued
that party morale across the board
would be hurt if the Republicans
did not provide a choice for New
York voters.I
chance of victory in future major
This conclusion, ignored by'
many at the time of its announce-
ment, was etched deeply on the
minds of many party profession-
als by the tremendous GOP de-
feat of last fall, when Barry Gold-
water made only weak appeals to
city voters and sometimes seem-
ed to write them off.
Bliss' actions may mean that
under his leadership the Republi-
cans will be ready to finally fo-
cus their attention on the nation's
cities for the first time since the
1920 's.
Bliss' career in Ohio indicates
that he has a good knowledge of
how to carry the major metro-
politan areas for Republicans.
For example, in 1958 he warned
Republican officeseekers inhOhio
not to become identified with the
right-to-work issue, which was
placed on the ballot in Ohio that
year by amateur politicians and
some businessmen.
They did not heed his advice,
to ignore the right-to-work issue,
and the Republicans suffered a
stunning defeat. When they did
drop the right to work issue-in
1960-they regained most of their
In 1960, under Bliss, Nixon took
Ohio over Kennedy. In 1962, all
Republicans running for state-
wide office swept into office on
a 500,000-vote victory wave except
the candidate who lost to incum-
bent Sen. Frank Lausche (D-
Ohio). Both times Republicans
carried most of the large cities in
After the 1962 landslide, the
national news magazines took note
of Bliss.
Cites 'SNCC Week' as Occasion
For Congratulations and Support
In an unprecedented statement from the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, Vice-President Richard L. Cutler yesterday is-
sued a statement praising the Student Non-Violent Coordinat-
ing Committee for its "contributions to campus and national
The vice-president for student affairs has traditionally
not been outspoken on student activism and controversial
student activities, especially those extending outside the
University. The duties of his office have consisted primarily
of determining recognition of campus organizations and
functioning as a watchdog over students' rights.
Explaining the reason for his statement Cutler said that
"it is a part of the philosophy of the Office of Student Af-
York political leaders, led by Gov.
Nelson Rockefeller and Sen. Jacob
Javits applied pressure. The pay-
off came Thursday when Lindsay
announced that he would chal-
lenge Wagner's attempt for a third
term as New York mayor.
The candidacy of Lindsay may
be the first real test of Bliss' ac-
complishments as national chair-
man of the GOP. Its strategy will
no doubt renew a theme for the
GOP which Bliss has stressed at
least since 1961 when the "big
city report" was released.
The report, done by a study
committee on GOP problems led
In addition, he used his post by Bliss, said that the Republi-
1 and personal power to assure cans had to pay more attention
Lindsay that ample financial sup- to the cities of the United States,
port would be forthcoming. where most electoral power is now
Besides the efforts of Bliss, New based, if they were to stand a
Diverse Clientele To Use Q ad
fairs that involvement in-
meaningful and significant
activities outside the class-
room constitutes an integral
part of the total educational
experience for our students."
Consistent with this philosophy,
Cutler said that "it thus seems
appropriate that the vice-presi-
dent for student affairs take this,
occasion of the anniversary weekj
of the Student Non-Violating Co-
ordinating Committee, to recognize1
and congratulate this organiza-
Cutler went on to endorse
SNCC's involvement in the "ex-l
cruciating efforts of our society to
deal with the problems of rela-
tionships between the two major
races in America." This involve-i
ment, he said, is consistent with
the philosophy for student conduct
of the Office of Student Affairs.
The arena for such efforts, Cut-
ler added, "may be quite circum-
scribed, as in the case of acquiring
added insight into one's motives
and values ... Increasingly, stu-
dentshave turned to such broad ;
involvement as a means of meet-
ing the challenge of personal, so-
cial and moral development."
SNCC has based its activities
on compassion, patience, and the
brotherhood of man, the state-
ment continued.
Concerning Cutler's statement,
Executive Vice-President Roger W.
Heyns had no comment last night.
However, James Lesch, assistant
to the vice-president for academ-
ic affairs, said that he "heartily
endorsed the statement. It fits
with what I know about SNCC."
Lesch added that "I believe it
is the prerogative of the vice-
;resident of student affairs to
comment on such student activi-
ties at the University." Other ad-
rninistrators were unavailable for
Joyce Reymer, '66, president of
SNCC, made the following com-
ment concerning Cutler's endorse-
ment of her organization: "We of
the Student Non-Violent Coordi-
nating Committee are pleased to
hear of Vice-President Cutler's
Michigan Tech
Restates Plans
For Expansion,
HOUGHTON ()-The president
and the board chairman of Mich-
igan Tech in a joint statement
have restated the school's plans
to establish a four-year program
at its Sault Ste. Marie branch.
In a statement issued Thursday,
board chairman Charles Mosko-
witz and President Raymond
Smith expressed concern over the
possibility that the Soo branch
could become a separate, auton-
omous institution lacking a "full
four-year program with adequate
state financing."
Moskowitz and Raymond added
they welcome the State Board of
Education's tentative approval of
a third year curriculum in three
subjects at the Soo branch. They
said they planned to ask the board
for funds for a four-year program
at the Soo in the 1966-67 budget.
The board has authorized a
study of the program. It is sched-
uled to be completed by January 1.
In contrast the Board of Edu-
cation has vetoed University plans
for expansion of the Flint branch
into a four-year college, and has
recommended autonomy for Flint.
However, the board favors keep-
ing Tech's Soo branch tied to the
Houghton campus for economic
Reveal Rights.
Legal Action
ed States Welfare Department has
advised President Lyndon B. John-
son that 22,518 school districts
out of about 26,000 in the nation
have reported they are in com-
By ROBERT MOORE viet Union on journalistic prac-
tice, on the classics and on math-
It's almost as if the University ematical concepts, along with the
Bauspeed ot ved rorm fregular summer orientation pro-
Because o fa varied program of gram for high school seniors (both
summer conferences and work- boys and girls) will occur in the
shops, many different groups will quad before the summer is
be housed this summer in East through.
Quadrangle, the University's men's There are 75 maintenance staff
summer residence hall. members at the quad right now,
By the time the summer trimes- about one for every three stu-
ter ends, the brick and ivy walls dents as opposed to the usual
of the quad will have held: rate of one for every 14. The only
-Meteorologists; reduction in force is in the "edu-
Students of the classics; cational staff," regularly 51 ad-
-Foreign students; visors, housemothers and counsel-
-Journalists; ors, which has been cut to four.
-Students of Soviet Union pol- The summer maintenance staff
icy and history; not involved in regular chores is
-Mathematicians, used in a "deep cleaning" pro-
-High school students; gram of work that cannot be
-Athletes, and done during the year or regular
-Just plain college students. vacations, such as cleaning of bed
The "hotel," East Quad, a 600- springs, explained East Quad Di-
room dormitory one block from rector Stuart Zellmer.
central campus, normally holds The full housekeeping and
1100. Right now there are 220 resi- cooking staff is the result of a
Alex Quaison-Sackey of Ghana, No Parallel
resident of the U.N. General As- Although agreeing with his coI-
,mbly, said he would suggest for- league, Thomas was pessimistic
ally to the foreign ministers a about the future of HUAC. "It is
)mpromise in the long-standing sad to say, but I believe it will
eadlock over financial contribu- be around for quite some time to
ons to the U.N. peace-keeping come."