Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICfiGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FAIR HOUSING, BIAS CLAUSES: Activists Find Temporary Causes Where Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: BARBARA SEYFRIED New ELI Policy Shows 'U' Receptivity to Student Voice THE ENGLISH Language Institute's de- cision to let American and foreign students enrolled in the ELI program, to room together is significant not only be- cause of the importance of the policy change itself but also because it opens a new era for local student activism. Although the ELI administration was originally adamant in their policy for- bidding American and ELI students to live together, the pressure exerted by concerned University students forced them to change their stand. Publicity in The Daily, a petition from Wenley House and letters from individual students were all instrumental in bring- ing about the policy change. THIS REFORM brought about by active student interest can be the beginning of a surge of local student activism. Re- acting to the Berkeley situation as an example of what can happen when the student voice is spurned and alienated, .the University administration is now more open to student viewpoints than it ever has been. President Hatcher has'-made a consci- entious effort to build a better communi- cations system between faculty, students and administration. Through his convocations and meet- ings with student leaders, he is trying to finish his career as a University presi- dent on a liberalfooting. A more direct effect on the student has been the appointment of Richard Cutler, a staunch liberal, to the vice- presidency for student affairs. Already he has started to enact his program of reforming OSA policies by abolishing hours for junior women. THE BELIEF that the various crises af- fecting local activist movements in 1962, such as the initial rejection by the Board in Control of Student Publications of the appointment recommendations of the outgoing Daily senior editors, dealt a crippling blow to the student movements is a fallacy. If the student body seeks to influence University policy, there will be an unpar- alleled era of effective activism because the administration is, at least temporar- ily, willing to meet the student halfway. THE ELI CASE hopefully marks the be- ginning of a new trend. -BRUCE WASSERSTEIN Louvre Like 'U': Students Must Make Choices ED tIT OR'S NOTE: In tody's article, the eighth in a series, Philip Sutin, Grad, continues to trace the course of student acti- vism on this campus since 1960. By PHILIP SUTIN WHILE THE student activist movement was slowing down in 1962 on the local front, it was also running out of gas with re- spect to its major political move- ments. The Cuban crisis and the nuclear test ban treaty crippled and then killed any widespread major peace efforts. A rally against the Cuban quar- antine was held the week of the Cuban crisis. Some 300 showed up to protest, but they were met by over 500 who supported the Presi- dent's policy. Eggs were thrown at the leaders of the protest, among them former Daily Editor Thomas Hayden. Today, peace activities center on the conversion of defense in- dustries to peaceful uses. Voice sponsored a small project-Stu- dent Committee for Engineering Employment in a Peacetime Econ- omy-designed to alert engineers to the dangers of depending on defense industry for jobs. THE LAST major student action of the period of activism was the successful attempt of SGC's Hu- man Relations Board to get Uni- versity President Harlan Hatcher to support a fair housing ordi- nance for Ann Arbor. On Feb. 13, 1963, the HRB urg- ed Hatcher to support the or- dinance, then under active con- sideration by city council. No an- swer was forthcoming. The HRB set a two-day picket of the Ad- ministration Bldg. for Feb. 19 and 20-when the'Regents were meet- ing. Hatcher was in Washington when the picket was set. LEWIS CONTACTED Hatcher only after much difficulty. Hatcher stood firm on his position against "dictat'ng" legislation to the city. Daily Editor Michael Olinick then made a Hatcher fair housing statement the Daily's last crusade for the time being. The HRB used Daily facilities to plan and prepare for the picket and the Daily in large play h'gh- lighted the HRB demand and Hatcher's answer. The picket occurred as sched- uled, but was canceled the second day when a meeting between Hatcher and the HRB was indicat- ed. THE DAILY'S HEADLINE on Hatcher's answer-"Hatcher De- clines Endorsement of Legislation for Fair Housing"-drew the presi- dent's ire. He lectured boththe HRB and the Daily about the Uni- versity's reluctance to tell the city what to do at the Regents meet- ing. He charged the Daily mis- represented his position-he did not oppose the ordinance, but re- fused to take a stand one way or the other. The Regents called in City Edi- tor Michael Harrah, who was the most important senior editor in town as Olinick departedfor a day. Harrah, who has an ingrained respect for any authority, apolo- gized for the headline, but Olinick retracted the apology as soon as he returned. On March 14, some 120 faculty members signed a mild letter urg- ing Hatcher to take a stand. The president met the HRB and out- going SGC president Steven Stockmeyer. He again reiterated his nondictation stand, but sent a letter to city council mildly en- dorsing the fair housing ordinance concept. THE PRESIDENT later ap- pointed a three-man faculty ad- visory committee on a fair hous- ing ordinance. Thanks to the final impetus given by the University a weak ordinance was passed the following October. CORE picketed city hall for 15 straight weeks dur- ing the summer using mainly townspeople, but some students. Some 52 persons, mainly students, were arrested the night the or- dinance passed in a sit-in protest in city council chambers against a weak ordinance. An important tangential result was an apparent Hatcher decision to increase communication with the student body. Following Hatcher's letter, Daily staffer Michael Sattinger wrote an edi- torial urging a bolder University stand. Angry at the editorial ear on the front page-"Hatcher Declines to Help the Council"-Director of University Relations Michael Rad- ock called Daily staffers out of their beds at about 8:30 in the morning the next day and bawled them out for misrepresenting Hatcher and questioned their sin- cerity for a better University. Olinick duly reported these rude awakenings in an editorial. Short- ly afterward, Hatcher began mak- ing more contacts with students. The outcome was a student con- vocation on the University-the first in 40 years-last November. LARGELY through the cajoling and expediting of IFC President John Meyerholz, all fraternities filed their adequate membership statements on time by June, 1962. Seven sororities-Alpha Epsilon Phi, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu, Gam- ma Phi Beta, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Sigma Theta and Sigma Kappa-failed to file. Following an April, 1962, conference in Chi- cago, the nationals of these and other sororities who had filed un- der protest hired a lawyer. The attorney, Lawrence Smith of Grand Rapids, bombarded SGC and the Regents with challenges to their authority to regulate af- filiates. The seven did file by semester's end, but Smith's challenge forced a total legalistic reworking of the membership discrimination polic- ing procedure. PRESSED BY THIS legal chal- lenge, SGC asked its former coun- sel to review the whole member- ship selection question. His report called for a membership judge- an alumnus lawyer-with a re- vised student-faculty membership committee serving as prosecutor before it. The plan effectively takes the membership issue out of SGC's hands. Dean Allen Smith of the law school reviewed Harris' proposal and the sorority lawyer's argu- ments against it for the Regents. In May, 1963, the Regents upheld SGC. Procedures for the new commit- tee were established in the fall of 1963, but their adoption was held up a month while Lewis and the Committee on Referral reviewed the action. After the faculty de- murred from serving on the tri- bunal which replaced the proposed membership judge, the faculty was deleted by the Committee on Re- ferral. SGC approved the change. IN OCTOBER, 1963, the Inter- fraternity Council, which had al- ready forbidden racial or religious discrimination in membership selection, established its own mem- bership committee. IFC President Cliff Taylor ar- ranged the takeover of the mem- bership function. He apparently hammered out the proposal with Daily Editor Ronald Wilton and SGC President Russell Epker at a meeting of the Tribe of Michi- gamua, the secret senior men's elite honorary of athletic and stu- dent organization leaders. Neither Taylor, Wilton or Storch could sell the idea to their or- ganizations and Taylor had the added problem of convincing Pan- hellenic Association of its merit. However, compromises were worked out which gave the IFC body freedom of action while in- suring the SGC membership struc- ture could take action if IFC were dilatory. A Daily senior editorial helped facilitate the creation of the necessary safeguards. IFC has since convicted Trigon fraternity on discrimination clauses. SGC THUS slowly gave up full control of the issue it had so earnestly debated for three con- tinuous years. It finally established a complex, legalistic structure and then delegated much of its initia- tive to IFC. The moment of SGC's decline can be said to be when it first called in a co.nsel. It was an admission, in the view of some, that SGC could not handle its major function-regulating stu- dent organizations-alone. It was a sign of defeat. However, more blame could be put on the membership question itself. It became the fixed passion of council. It had a routine all its own and SGC members were pur- poseful and comfortable debating a course of action pretty well marked out. When the issue came to a close in November, 1963, council floundered. It has been looking for a sense, of purpose ever since. AFTER NEARLY ten years of relative stability, SGC began to THE 1963 STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council, seen above with Head of Student Organizations and Activities John Bingley, found a new cause-fraternity and sorority bias clauses-which they hoped would be the vehicle for increased prestige. However, they delegated the power which they did have in this area to such an extent that their power is nominal. make changes in its basic plan and come under attack as an in- stitution. Initiative and referendum were added to the Plan in 1962. The president of the International Student Association was added as an ex-offico in 1963 and the edi- tor of the Daily subtracted in 1964. SGC's president and execu- tive vice-president will be elected by the campus at large next spring. The removal of the Daily editor indicates both SGC's impotence and unimportance as a political force and the Daily's withdrawal from the political scene. SGC COULD NOT BE and nto longer was a desired tool for political action. Editor H. Neil Berkson resolved a long, quiet in- ternal Daily debate when he mov- ed to leave SGC. SGC and the Daily had broken earlier that year over deadlines for platform statements and pe- titioning requirements. Seeing SGC elections without petitioning requirements as a farce a group of former and current Daily staff members formed the StudenthGovernment Reform Un- ion in the spring of 1964. SGRU was first a joke, designed to make a farce of the elections, but Editor Ronald Wilton co-opted SGRU as his weapon against SOC. SGRU moved from being an abolitionist to a reformist SGC party. Council conservatives formed Students United for Responsible Government-SURGe-and thus created, with the absence of peti- tioning requirements, the largest SGC field in four years. Nineteen candidates ran, eleven from the two groups and four from Voice. SGRU and VOICE, built on the same electoral base, could only elect two candidates. Under the Hare system where the lowest candidates are dropped and their votesredistributed to remaining candidates, Voice's Barry Blue-, stone and SGRU's Carl Cohen finished first and second. None, other from their slates was elected while SURGe elected four-the last four. With petitioning restored in the fall, only six persons ran for six seats. A seventh, Sharon Manning, was disqualified for petitioning violations, but won election as a write-in. Some 2600 persons-a new SGC election low-voted. The first age of true student activism was dead; students would have to find new causes and new leaders after this to forward their radical and liberal aims. TOMORROW: The trimester goes into effect' along with the Union-League merger as stu- dents become involved, in fal 1964, in activism that is a pale shadow of the 1960-63 era. OUR YEARS at the University are in many ways comparable to a one-day -tour of the Louvre. The museum, like the University, offers myriad vital and en- riching experiences. However, in order to benefit fully from these experiences the traveler and student must have the abil- ity to make meaningful and reasoned choices and also the capacity to budget his time efficiently. Upon entering the Louvre, the tourist is confronted with room after room of artistic masterpieces, each room more In- viting than the next. It would be an im- possible intellectual feat for him to com- pletely absorb even one-third of the paintings in just one day. It is, however, physically possible for some to walk rapidly through each room glancing briefly at each work of art; but at the end of the day such museum- JUDITH WARREN ............ ......Co-Editor. ROBERT HIPPLER.......................Co-Editor EDWARD HERSTEIN................... Sports Editor JUDITH FIELDS ........... Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS ....... ...... Supplement Manager NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Benoit, Michael Ba- damo, Robert Moore, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Was- serstein. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of ali news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Subscription rates: $4 for lILA and B ($4.50 by mail); $2 for IIIA or B ($2.50 by mail). Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. goers acquire little more than sore feet from their visit. A MORE EFFECTIVE way of approach- ing the museum would involve isolat- ing a few specific works or artists and then spending the day becoming as fully acquainted with these few works of art as is possible in the time allotted. Upon entering the University as a freshman, the student is confronted with course after course and activity after activity which whet his appetite. In this situation it is an impossible intellectual and physical feat for him to even begin to participate in everything he would like to. Again, like the tourist, the student must narrow down his field of activity so that he can best benefit from and contribute to the areas of University life which he chooses to pursue. BUT THE STUDENT has an additional variable which he must consider when budgeting his time. He must be able to keep his extra-curricular activities at the University in proper perspective with his academic endeavors. The fact that the University offers the student so many areas of 'self-expression is fortunate. However, it must not be forgotten that the primary purpose of a University education is to enrich the stu- dent academically. When one has this aspect of his edu- cation under control he can then go on to benefit from the other experiences which four years at the University offer. -ADA JO SOKOLOV TODAY AND TOMORROW: Can Military Balance Favor Saigon? By WALTER LIPPMANN DURING the summer monsoon the war in Viet Nam will be in an especially difficult phase. The clouds in the skies and the quag- mires on the ground will favor the Viet Cong who have no air- planes or the kind of heavy equipment which requires hard roads. This need not mean, in fact al- most certainly it does not mean, that the United States forces are in danger of being surrounded and defeated. THE UNDECIDED question is not whether the U.S. should throw in its hand and announce that it is withdrawing from Viet Nam. The real undecided question is whether the military balance, which is now against the Saigon government, can be turned in its favor The small group of the Presi- dent's advisers who are actually running the war are not war- mongers and certainly not Fas- cists. But th1ey are seized with a grim determination that military action shall continue until our Vietnamese allies have decisively improved their position, have in fact started to win the war which they have so nearly lost. The war committee is acutely aware that at present the Viet Cong holds a large number of the villages by day and a great many more villages by night. In the view of these insiders, to negotiate a cease-fire and then a political settlement while the Viet Cong has in fact the upper hand would be to give up the effort to con- tain the spread of Communism in Southeast Asia. Except for the few who dream of a victory in which the Viet Cong will be so badly beaten that it retires from the villages, there is, I think, more agreement than )ne might suppose between the ad- ministration and its critics: nego- tiations will take place and even- tually they will take place with the National Liberation Front, which is the political arm of the Viet Cong. THE PRACTICAL question at present is under what military conditions in South Viet Nam we should accept or allow negotia- tions with the Viet Cong. The hopeful among us, or it may be the more determined, are saying that the situation in South Viet Nam has improved, that the Sai- gon government is doing better, that our bombing and the pres- ence of our troops has turned the tide, whereas the situation had become desperate before the Pres-, ident escalated the war in Febru- ary. Yet no one doubts that even if "he tide has been turned it will be a long business to right the military banner. The other view, outside the tiations which are always more or less in progress between Sai- gon and the Viet Cong. EVEN THOSE who take the hard and hopeful line admit that, should Saigon get the upper hand militarily, there will still be con- siderable areas which will remain Viet Cong and will have to be granted autonomy. Those who have this other view are in favor of what may be de- scribed as Vietnamese negotiations sooner rather than later - with the American military presence secured while the negotiations proceed. There would be no question of our good faith ,and our presence would provide asylum and protec- tion for the Vietnamese who might be persecuted. We would not have won the war. But ,except by ex- tremist standards, we would not have lost it. For myself, I can see no ration- al prospect of anything better than this. THERE IS NO doubt that the U.S. could knock out Hanoi com- ;letely. But after Ho Chi Minh had boarded an aircraft carrier and signed an unconditional sur- render, what assurance would we } have that rebellious peasants in the villages would no longer cut 4 the throats of officials from Sai- r' gon? It seems likely that during the rainy season we shall see a crucial.( test of whether we should encour- age the opening up of negotia-) tions to end the war between Sal7 gon and the Viet Cong. If we findb that we are overturning the exist- ing military balance of power, we shall not doubt prevent the Sai- gon politicians from proceeding with their deals. IF WE LEARN that we are not overturning the military balance J of power, there would be nothing else to do except, having secured our military position, to encourage the Vietnamese to work out a deal, themselves. (c), 1965, The Washington Post Co. 4 FEIFFER I WA5 91"111 A LOV- COUPLE ONMA PARK 6E Rt. , COUJfL-E wv Itl AND 50O 10)TO TNE 0 \$$' Tc;5)" ENE '.OkMAN 5sicEw 't&)4AT IZrr"T~fMAO) A K. 'WN.vSHOUD YOU CARCT"W8 WOMAN~ RErnUE2 ' POUTST JART UP AGAIN) "THE MAN SAID. '1Va'l t, fF YOU MUST KW)W ITS MY{ HEART' 7NE WIOM A19. "A6AIM?" 7NE MAN S.AP " YOU~RSSURE 11'S OrJOUR (0(EJURV TODAY" -C) r SHOT AOI Q ~3~o T MAN'S HEARt '"OUC THE MAC~ SAI P, "STOP TR(,JG TO TAKE THE E ATTENTIONJ OFF OF M THE6 WOMAN SA(P. eZ OT TH 6 RR tc PAIN; THE MAN) SA]V CHEST," V)UAT PIP I - YOUTOOfIAN)V CIGARET5 r ,TN - WOMAN) SA!9. HEARTWARMING: Chaplin Great; Upstaged By Coo gan, The Kid' At the Cinema Guild "The Kid" was written by Charlie Chaplin, stars Charlie Chaplin and features Charlie Chaplin at his best. But Charlie the great, Charlie the incomporable, Charlie the genius has been upstaged by the cutest kid ever in any movie: Jackie Coogan. The Kid, abandoned by his unwed mother, unthought of by his heartless father, is adopted by The Tramp. It is the perfect match-- one lost soul helping another. In the midst of all the tenderness and humor it would take a nasty person mention the action which is overdone, and the crushing symbolism. Actually the old-fashioned techniques are quite consistent with the moral of the movie. There is no doubt that love will conquer all and 1 580TmTWO MOE ARROW~J 3. HOT MY LA5T ViO APPOW5J. W MN / 0A -r ,- 68f? ixznrs! A/rJIFtT'WEREII!TO- jSAT.M OFF" 10