the Frontier of now Providing this sort of overall direction and coordination be- comes a heroic undertaking. Charting a course for the re- search program, even keeping the ship of state on an even keel, is, to borrow a phrase from a crusty old economics professor describ- ing consumer studies, a little like studying gravity by examining a leaf falling from a tree during a hurricane in the dead of night. But the job falls to Vice- Presidents Heyns, Pierpont and Norman. Rumor, has it that all roads lead to Roger W. Heyns in the Office of Academic Affairs. Coun- ter-rumors from other quarters place Pierpont in the Office of Business and Finance as a toll- collector ,at almost every point.' ither way (or both), it's con- fusing. Analogous Heyns is in a position analogous -4 the former dean of faculties. He works closely with the deans,' department chairmen and center and institute directors in estab- lishing new academic programs, overseeing current ones, hiring faculty and, most importantly, controlling the University's aca- demic budget. Heyns' principal direct involve- ment in research is delegated to Norman, who directs or at least keeps tabs on research programs, research appointments and relat- ed problems of space and admin- istration. The Office of Research Administration directed by Robert Burroughs works as. his staff. IB a university as decentralized as this one and with the faculty always hypersensitive to threats imagined and real to their peroga- tives, Norman's job is a tricky one. So far he has avoided the numerous pitfalls The Office of Research Admin- istration is largely an administra- tive mechanism that has grown up piecemeal over the years to deal with problems of research grant and contract supervision and control. It must act in restraining, chan- neilng negotiation and mnediation- roles to keep 1000 researching fac- ulty from galloping off in 1000 different directions leaving the tenuous administrative and fi- nancial threads that hold the Uni- versity' together to collapse into a heap of paperwork. Both Ends And it is Pierpont. that keeps those financial threads taut and tied down at both ends. He has, in accordance with his theories of decentralization, delegated his orge-image among researchers to A. B. Hicks, who supervises the Sponsored Research Business Of- fice. Some would say he does this in order to find time to think up new ways of bothering the fac- ulty with bureaucratic problems. Pierpont and Hicks would reply, however, that they aren't here to make friends, that there are 1600 research projects at the Univer- sity, all of which have accounts that require supervision with pur- chases that have to be audited, personnel that have to be paid- as government auditors require in- creasingly complex records of where federal money goes.~ There are, in any case, fairly large areas of overlapping author- 1 ity between the Office of Research Administration and Hicks' Spon- sored Research Business Office and they resulting problems are being worked but slowly and pain- fully. There isn't any open fight- ing, just subtle, warfare, as in so much of the University. What generally happens is that each faculty member will manage after a period of trial and error to establish some small entrance to this great bureaucratic mechan- ism, generally through a personal contact. It may be someone in ORA, one of the vice-presidents, a knowledgable and influential dean or department chairman, or an obscure assistant somewhere in the system. Once such a contact is set up. the faculty member hangs on to it for dear life, using it to get him whatever is needed to keep the bureaucrats happy and as far away from him and his research and his graduate students as pos- sible. Life goes on Research Centers Superimposing a $42 million re- search program onto the old Uni- versity structure has created ex- citing new possibilities that may make the administrative problems worth it in the end, but certainly the disciplined old departmental system will never be the same. Interdisciplinary appointments, centers and institutes and study' programs have proliferated, and many have the most tenuous of relationships to any of the de- partments connected with them. The largest and internally most cohesive unit at the University is the Medical Center, even though in this case the term refers to geographical arrangement and not to administrative organiza- tion. (The Mehical Center is more of a cohesive, well-structured unit to undertake a variety of related tasks than most administrative units to which the term center is actually applied.)j Presided over by Dean William Hubbard, a figure comparable only to Pierpont for suavity and disci- plined control of an organization, the Medical Center operates al- most autonomous from the rest of the University. Growing Fast1 Research in the biomedical sciences is growing faster than in any other field. This fact, cou- pled with the tremendously high level of financial support given to medicine in general in the United States, makes research at the Medical Center exciting, expand- ing, productive and expensive. After the Medical Center the Institute for Science and Tech- nology is the largest University research unit. Established in the late 1950's after the Sputnik spur to education, IST has never really gotten off the ground as an or- ganized, driving force for re- search and education largely be- cause there was never enough thought given to exactly how it would fit into the University. Most programs in the fields of science and technology are more easily fitted to old departmental patterns than wrenched out and placed in a separate institute with other programs with which they have very little in common. It was thought for a while that the institute could fall back on a program of aid and encourage- ment for Michigan industry, but there has never been much in the University that could be related directly to Michigan's economic development. Not Enough IST does have a productive In- dustrial Development Division, but there isn't enough there to fill a program on the scale set 'up Science-Antithesis, Response IN SUGGESTING ways of in- nological specialization, inci- intellectuals to a scientia with- troducing students to the dentally manages to stiffle phil- out values has been increasing- scientia of our time, I have not osophical synthesis and ethical ly restive but-because the is- accounted sufficiently for the speculation. In proceeding from sues have been wrongly defined evolutionary nature of culture. a broad survey at the base to -quite undirected and often Because scientia, like tech- a narrow parochialism at the merely nostalgic. It erupts oc- nology, is perpetually in a state apex, the university curriculum casionally in attacks on science of becoming, an education that not only trains efficient spe- and scientific method-attacks merely indoctrinated students calists. that ignore the underlying sim- in the structure of images at a It also protects obsolete ilarity in the attitudes of the given moment would be passive scientism from being subjected scientist, the artist, and the and conservative-the mirror or to effective criticism by ob- humanist-scholar. the servant of dominant intel- structing from the advanced If our scientia, and the edu- lectual forces. student a commanding view of cation that sustains it, deserves This education ought to be the topography of his culture. criticism, it is unlikely to re- rather their critic and genera- At the root of these prob- ceive it from without, since it tor, and that is a demanding lems is the preoccupation of e n c o m p a s s e s all creative higher education into new twentieth-century scientia with thought in our time. paths always has imparted to function and process, and with It will not give way to a com- its institutions inertial forces the nature of observation, peting system but will evolve, powerful enough to carry pre- which is a cause as well as a as scientia always has, by gen- valling images far beyond their result of the insecurities of our erating its own antitheses and useful life span, to the point time. responses. at which their obsolescence is It has brought extraordinary For this reason, I am con- evident to even the stuffiest progress in science and scholar- vinced that the healing of pres- academic minds. ship, and radical changes in ent illnesses in our culture can Furthermore, the prevail- the arts, but it has not sought be effected only by those who ing scientia not only may be or promoted solutions to the are committed to it and versed hostile to images different major dilemmas of human in it, as well as in its traditions, from ,those it promotes, but existence and behavior, nor and not by those who reject consciously .or unconsciously it even provided the means of -our most distinguished and mission. assessing the value of its own characteristic products - the The effort required to direct achievements. work of the Wittgensteins, de may organizesits education so It is because of its concern Koonings, Beckets - on the that criticism is frustrated with process that our scientia grounds that they somehow This deficiency would explain has exalted the technician and lack the old humanistic values. some of the paradoxes of con- thus actually has blurred the -JAMES S. ACKERMAN temporary higher education, distinction between technique In Daedalus, the Journal which, in being designed to and scientia that I am attempt- of the American Academy promote empiricism and tech- ing to revive. The reaction of of Arts and Sciences for the institute. So the director, it in the early 1950's. ISR was most spectacular "spin-off" ha Prof. James T. Wilson, is left with started in connection with the been the Mental Health Researc a beautiful building and various burgeoning pseudo-science of sur- Institute, variously identified a programs picked up from odd very research. From meager be- a bastion of systems theory an places in the University, none of ginnings - the University offered a spawner of radicalism. which really fit together. Likert and his colleagues heat, MHRI's innocuous title mask These include the Biophysics light and space but no money for one of the most exciting and di Lab a n d the Electro-Optical operations and salaries - Likert verse centers of activity at th Sciences Lab, the only original built the institute into one of the University. Prof. Anatol Rapopor products of the attempt to make greatest social science operations professes to be in a field callet IST' a real science institute. And in the world, with some outstand- mathematical biology. Prof. Kon the Electro-Optical Sciences Lab ing theorists, economists and as- stantin Scharenberg is in neuro has in fact proved a tempest in a sorted interdisciplinary types on pathology; Prof. Merrill Flood i teapot within the IST organiza- the staff. It was one of the Uni- another mathematical biologis tion, as Prof. George W. Stroke, versity's great bargains. and Prof. Ralph Gerard is i its head, almost had a large part Stimulus neurophysiology. of the University's research appa- Even more important than ISR's Prof. McConnell has incense ratus in orbit before he was final- own research has been the stim- many psychologists with his well ly shifted to the electrical engi- ulus it has provided to other parts publicized studies of planaria, an neering department and settled of the University. The people and Prof. Richard Meier studies down with some generous research work there have proved to be a among other things, communica grants. powerful attraction to draw in tions systems in cities and hold The other part of IST is the new programs in social science down an appointment in the con Great Lakes Research Division- fields, along with excellent fae4 servation department in the nat which existed long before IST and ulty anxious to be a part of the ural resources school. still has a life of its own-and the "critical mass" of talent that Staff-60 Willow Run Laboratories. comprises ISR. The economics Altogether the academic staf Willow Run and psychology departments have with PhD's numbers about 60 The Willow Run Labs were certainly benefitted, while the Research at MHRI delves int added on to IST in 1960, in hopes of some sort of mutual benefit which hasn't really materialized yet, though there are still hopes. Willow Run work is very defense oriented and is usually classified. There is a minimum of relation- ships with either faculty or stu- THE M ICHIG dents from the University, most of the work being done by pro- fessional researchers. The Institute for Social Re- search is probably the most spec- tacularly successful of the inter- disciplinary operations. However, this very success must be troubl- ing to administrators because of the unlikelihood of duplicating within the University the con- ditions that have made IRS pos- sible. This institute is a product of the labor and genius of Rensis & ' Likert, its director, who founded ;' IT4 I IT'S A GROWING TOWN IN A (HANGING WORLD! BE REASSURED - deal with a nationally known, long established record shop FIND AMPLE HELP and guidance in choosing from an evergrowing selec- tion of record entertainment. ENJOY SHOPPING where music and artists on records retain their high intrinsic value. BE REASSURED in knowing that the pricing is competitive. FIND A BROAD SELECTION of the best in recorded music. SO JOIN YOUR FRIENDS - Shop where music on records is our pleasure, as well as our business. I E_ eginriniiieptember wirnthfh l.ub's pariiIpationi