TUESDAY, AUGUST i4,1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAnV V TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1965 fl A rii~' ~'W~TI~' rti3au ri Ev5 Museums Feature Art, Music, Minerals, Zoology Nearly 100,000 persons visited University museums last year to see exhibits ranging from an- cient bones to a model of a large part of the moon's surface. For those who have never looked into the threatening Jaws of a mastodon or a water shrew, the University Museum is the place to go. Occupying two floors and a balcony, the museum contains a variety of displays. The "Hall of Evolution," situ- ated on the second floor, presents the plants and animals of past geological eras. A skeleton of a "Duckbilled" dinosaur has a scull weighing 250 pounds and attracts quite a bit of attention. Preserved Mastodon A mastodon, the best preserved and most complete ever found in Michigan, sits wearily on its haunches waiting for visitors to come up to it on the second floor. Mounted proudly on the right wall is ' a pterodactyl, an extinct flying reptile, with a wing span of almost 14 feet. On the balcony, there is a synoptic series of Michigan plants and animals. Environmental influences af- fecting the life and growth of plants and animals are shown on the fourth floor displays. There are also displays on anthropology, geology and astronomy along with a planetarium. New minerology displays have been set up this year. The mu- seum has also done much work on a new ecology exhibit. Other Museums The University museum is not the only one on campus which has public displays. The Kelsey Museum of Archae- ology contains an extensive col- lection from the Mediterranean world and from the Near East. Most of the relics on display are from expeditions run by the University. Seven expeditions were, sponsored by the University in the first quarter of this century. between 1925 and 1936 two major expeditions worked at Karanis in Egypt and Seleucia in Iraq. The exhibit shows artifacts, photographs and models of these expeditions, 'U' Expedition Since the end of the war, an ex- pedition from the museum has been working at St. Catherine's Monastery at Mt. Sinai in Egypt. The monastery, built around 550 A.D. by Emperor Justinian, is of particular importance because it houses the only known icons that survived the eighth and ninth century iconoclast heresy. The expedition is involved in photo- graphic work which when de- veloped will be put on exhibition in Ann Arbor. During the past two years, an expedition from the University has been working in Egypt at Karanis. These expeditions supply the Kelsey Museum with its extensive displays. Jewelry, artwork, food- stuffs, coins, glass, pottery and writing materials can be found throughout the two floors of the museum. Art The University also has many displays of art which will greet new and returning students this fall. A large variety of periods and styles in art has been featured in both special displays and the per- manent collection at the Uni- versity art museum. This spring, 100 Contemporary American Drawings, an exhibition sponsored by the University, The Stearns Collection of Mu- sical Instruments shows musical instruments as an art form. The collection, housed on the second floor of Hill Aud., shows instruments of Renaissance Eu- rope and the Far East when they had more than just a functional use. The collection includes colorful ancestors of guitars with many layers of woodcarvings, highly decorated and ornate instruments of 17th and 18th century France and Italy and strange instruments of the Far East. Hard to Find "Some instruments in the col- lection are hard to find in their native countries today," collec- tion curator Prof. Robert Warner of the music school notes. "We use some of the instru- ments in our concerts," William Hettrick, assistant curator, adds. The concerts, directed by Prof. Warner, are presented by faculty and students who play medieval and Renaissance melodies. Their compositions use viols and voice, the viols being six- and seven- stringed instruments shaped like violins, but not to them. closely related An 18th century Italian viol- the Viola d'Amore-is on display. Hettrick notes its "tremendous resonance" made possible by strings that vibrate when other strings are played. Also shown are several tiny violins used by dancing masters of the 17th century. The master would take the tiny violin out of his pocket and use it in conduct- ing an orchestra. In former centuries, there were many freak instruments, Hettrick remarks. One such instrument on display is a 19th century cane clarinet. The idea was that a man. taking a walk might get an urge to play a tune. If he had his cane clarinet, he could stop and play. A French violin on display has a carved head of a man with a handsome beard. Some of the in- struments have had painting and many have intricate design work. Tuba Ancestor Among the instruments is a French musical serpent, an an- cestor of the tuba, used first in churches. An ophicheide from Spain is serpent-headed and was used for its terrifying aspect. An old French horn on display has a movable mouthpiece. By changing the location of the mouthpiece, the musician would get different effects. Beetle-shaped lutes of great craftsmanship as the terobo of 17th Century Italy are also on display. Graphics In the lobby of the Undergrad- uate Library a small area is laid aside as a museum. Lithographs, photographs, e n g r a v i n g s and drawings are continually dis- played. The exhibit is usually changed every few weeks. The better ex- hibits last year included graphic works by such masters as Auguste Renoir, Eduoard Degas, Pablo Pi- casso, Ben Shahn and Henri Matisse. The graphic works come from the University collections as well as from Cranbrook Institute of Arts and other museums in the Ann Arbor area. Picturesque and Interesting-Kelsey Museum brought to the students examples of varied approaches to this twentieth century art expression. The art museum also holds ex- change programs with Cranbrook Academy of Art in which well- known modern painting and sculp- ture are displayed. Its permanent collection con- tains samples from Byzantine bronzework to the rich and de- tailed works of the Flemish mas- ters. Modern pieces such as Picas- so's "Horse" and sculptures by Jean Arp are also a part of the collection. T h e University's collections began with a former acting presi- dent, Harry S. Frieze, who served as curator of the collections until his death in 1889. On a Euro- pean trip he purchased a collec- tion of engravings, photographs to illustrate his lectures an the and copies of classical sculpture Arts of Classical Antiquity. First Donation The first important original work was donated to the University by alumni in 1862. It was a sculp- ture entitled "Nydia," by the American sculptor Randolph. Rogers, who spent his youth in America and who later became one of the leading figures in the Classical Revival. The University collections moved from one building on campus to another, until they were finally established in Alumni Memorial Hall on its completion in 1910. In the meantime, almost 500 paintings by European artists of the 19th century had been re- quested by the University by Hen- ry C. Lewis of Coldwater. Collections of Egyptian antiqui- ties of the first to third centuries after Christ were expanded by archaeological expeditions of Prof. Francis W. Kelsey. They were the beginnings of the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. In 1946, the Museum of Art became an administrative unit, and the University embarked on an acquisition program. The Mar- garet Watson Parker bequest provided for over 600 items to be given to the University. This is "the most important single col- lection of works of art acquired by the University to date," Prof. Charles H. Sawyer, director of the art museum says. Recently, the museum's acquisi- tion program was extended to in- clude early Western art since the Sixth Century A.D., Near and Far Eastern art including India, but with emphasis on Japan and China. Make WAHR'S your headquarters for all your textbook and college supplies SERVING U OF M STUDENTS SINCE 1883 S I Be a Goatfooted Lame Balloonman come running to- ACTItI 2 SDAY Tired of booking? Tired of wasting time? Just plain bored? Then come to and learn about clubs and activities at Michigan!