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August 24, 1965 - Image 31

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Michigan Daily, 1965-08-24

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rU' Gets Money from All Over: and Pleads fo



The University gets its money
from many sources, and spreads it
as fast as it comes in-on new
facilities, new teachers and all
the other necessities to support a
burgeoning institution of educa-
tion and research.
It is currently spending over'
$150 million a year to conduct
its myriad operations.
From its students themselves-
30,000 of them--comes a mere
one-tenth of this amount-$15
million. The University relies on
state funds for about $50 mil-
lion, and on federal funds for well
over $40 million.
The rest of the University's
funds-about $45 million-comes
from private donations and self-
liquidating projects such as the
dormitories, athletic events, and
the University hospital.
Of all its sources of revenue,
the University usually has the
most difficulty obtaining funds
from the state Legislature. This
is not to say that the Legislature
is unwilling to give the Univer-
sity money. Far from it-the'
University will receive over $50
million from the state for oper-
ating expenses thhis year.
The main trouble is that the
Legislature consistently falls short
of what the University wants.
This year, for instance, the Uni-
versity requested $55.7 million

from the state and will probably
wind up with about $51.5 million.
Last year the university re-
quested $47 million and got $44
University officials usually ex-
press less dissatisfaction with
federal and private generosity
than they show when the legis-
lature cuts fund requests.
For the federal government and
private donors have supplied the
University with perhaps its rich-
est source of income over the
past ten years.
Federal research funds-many
of them defense-related-have
come to the University with great
regularity-especially since the
cold war pushed up defense bud-
gets and government research ef-
forts in the early fifties.
The University currently re-
ceives almost a third of its over
$150 million budget from the gov-
ernment, and the amount has re-
cently been increasing' by about
$2 million or more a year.
,Private endowments and gifts
have been very beneficial to the
University. Currently administra-
tors and friends of the University
in influential spots across the
nation are working full steam on
a $150 million dollar fund drive.
The occasion for the drive-or for
its hopeful successful climax-will
be the sesquicentennial celebra-

President Hatcher and Regent Sorenson-Part of 'U' Financial Team

Along with the Regents' 1964
plea, Gov. George Romney's "blue
ribbon" Citizen's Committee for
Higher Education forecast the
pressures caused by t he baby
boom-and called for an increase
in appropriations. Romney re-
sponded with a 1964-65 appro-
priation and the University even-
tually got $44 millon of the $47
million it asked.
Though the University got its
1964-65 request without severe
cuts, it was not without a strug-
gle. The Senate pondered a mil-
lion dollar slash, but dropped the
prospect at the last moment. The
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee viewed the Senate's $44 mil-
lion proposal and promptly cut
$2 million. But on the House
floor the $2 million was reinstated
and the University emerged with
its $44 million appropriation.
Because of the struggle, the
University had to go through to
finally come out with a decent
appropriation in 1964-65, many
observers thought that the lean
years had come to only a tempor-
ary end, and that 1964-65 was
merely a lucky year.
Lasting Boom
This evaluation has been prov-
en wrong by this year's budget
appropriations. Because of a
booming state economy-in its
fourth straight year of boom, as
is the nation-and because of a
newly Democratic Legislature,
more sympathetic to University
needs, the'University has received
at least as good treatment this
year as last.
As it looks now, the University
will receive over $51 million from
the Legislature for 1065-66 opera-,
tions-a $7 million jump from'
last year, though $4 million short
of the University request.

tion of the University in 1967.
All Smiles
Recent Regents meetings have
been all smiles as the University
has announced that the fund
drive is moving along at a good
pace. It is the largest drive of
its kind ever undertaken by a
public university. Regent Paul
Geobel is among the most active
of University supporters in the
fund drive.
It has been said of the Univer-

sity that it has better contacts
with officials in Washington and
with private donors than with
state officials in Lansing. This
is often true. Many University
veterans are serving in Washing-
ton and it is quite probable that
more people favorable to the Umn-
versity's position-such as Prof.
Gardner Ackley of the economics
department, chairman of Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson's council
of economic advisors-have the



Office Relays

'U' Image

ear of national officials than
have the ear of the state legis-
lators or Gov, George Romney.
The University's lack of con-
tact with the state legislature
has been blamed in part for its
difficulty in obtaining budget re-
quests intact in the past. If this
complaint is true, then contact
must have improved in the past
two years, because things have
not been nearly as bad then as
they were in 1957-63-the seven
years called the "lean years" for
the University's state appropria-
The troubles the University ran
into during these years were typi-
fied by 1958, in which officials
requested $37 million from the
Legislature and got only $30
In 1959 the University again
sought $37 million and got only
$33 million. The early sixties were
no better, so -that by 1962, the
state was appropriating $37 mil-
lion when the Regents felt they
needed $4 million to properly run
the University. Many officials
even privately complained that
the $4 million request was insuffi-

Students Pay Their Share at Registration

Situated in a state where tax-
payers chip in over a third of its
budget, the University'has a res-
ponsibility for the welfare of
Michigan citizens. Broadcasting
ways the University upholds this
committment is the duty of Vice
President for Public Relations
Michael Radock.
In August, 1964, Radock, then
director of public relations, was
officially appointed vice-president
by the Regents. It has been com-
mori 'practice at the University'
to have one man serving as the
director who is later, promoted
to the vice-presidency.
Radock's Office of Public Rela-
tions aims to bring to key popu-
lation centers in the state in-
tensive information about the
Executive Officers
The program involves the par-
ticipation of all the University's
executive officers, as well as fac-
ulty members.
Radock has always tried to
emphasize that in its state-wide
perspective, the University will
maintain its concern for a cor-

dial and functional relationship
with the local citizenry in Ann
"People think that the Univer-
sity moves through self-interest
and a lack of planning. There are
concerns such as acquisition of
local property and community re-
lationships with students on
which relations could be im-
proved. We want the community
to recognize that we are respon-
sible," Radock explains.
Academically, the University
relations office presents state-
wide educational offerings.
Faculty Promotes 'U'
"We have asked departments
to nominate professors who will
be willing to go around the state
two or three times during the
year and talk about the Univer-
sity,'' Radock says.
Much attention is beingIgiven
to the whole area of University
expansion over the next 10 years
and "for this the Development
Council must be expanded," he
Closely conected with the office
is the Development Council, a

group of alumni who work
throughout the country raising
money for the University.
Radock adds that at present
plans for the University's Sesqui-
centennial Anniversary celebration
to be held in two years are being
carried through.
Fund Drive'
Such activities as a major fund
drive and world wide commemor-
ative programs are being planned.
The public relations office also
operated WUOM, the University's
FM station in Ann Arbor and
WGPR in Grand Rapids. The
stations present 10 hours of news,
classical music, both recorded and
live from the University, drama,
lectures and special interest pro-
grams originating here.
The television Center is also
under the direction, of the of-
fice. Not a broadcasting station,
the center i n s t e a d produces
filmed programs for use on com-
mercial and other educational
Relating the day-to-day activi-
ties of the University is News
Service. The office also arranges

The end of the lean years for
the University came in 1964.
When they called for a $47 mil-
lion allotment for the University
appropriation in that year, the
Regents said: "Our own studies
clearly demonstrate that since-
1957-58 there has been a steadyj
erosion of the strength of the
University. The resultant deter-
ioration and demoralization, if
permitted to continue, seriously
threaten to endanger excellence
in teaching, competence in re-
search and continued high pro-
ficiency in public service."

Many observers argue that the
University will need many "fat"
years such as the last two to
make up for the seven lean years.
They point out that other 'insti-
tutions such as the Univeisity of
California as well as the Ivy
League schools have been waving
larger pay envelopes at Univer-
sity professors.
No More
Where the University once
ranked among the top five uni-'
versities in salaries, it has now
fallen out of the top ten. '
Whether some irreparable.dam-
age has been done the University
by the lean years will be a' mat-
ter argued for years to come.
Meanwhile, administrators are
deciding with relish just what to,
do with' the large amounts of
money they are finally getting.
First priorities are being given to
faculty salary increases and to

building up the trimester system,
the year-round calendar under
which the University operated for
the first time last year.
Eventually, through trimester,
administrators hope to be able to
educate far more students than
now with comparable or better fa-
cilities for each student.
'U' Needs
In making the 1965-66 request,
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns noted that
the University needs more than
85 new teachers, mostly above the
teaching fellow level, to establish
the University at a ratio of one
teacher for every fourteen stu-
The ratio is currently one
teacher for every 14.6 students,
he estimated.
"We made substantial gains
during the past year," he said,
emphasizing the hiring of assist-
ant professors. But the Univer-
sity will continue to shoot for
the 1:14 ratio-"and it still lhasn't
gotten there yet," according to

The University's library facil
ties also receive high priority o
the list of needs. Library Dire
tr Frederick Wagman has place
new staff and new boks as tr
major needs for the next ac
demic year.
Wagman also points to a nee
for raising library salaries an
replacing library equipment.
The University also needs i
creases in the funds available R
maintenance. John McKevitt
the Office of Business and I
nance has noted that the mai
tenance of new buildings-pl
the increased use during the ti
mester-requires substantial i
The Universitys "public servic
institutes-such as the Institul
of Science and Technology-a
also badly short of funds to me
optimal requests. IST has a
serted that it needs an increa
of $500,000 this year alone to d
velop programs for upgradir
science and conducting activiti
benefiting industry and busines

Michael Radock

with The Daily that the Daily
Official Bulletin, a rundown of
all events, job interviews and
foreign visitors on compus, be

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