TWO THE MIC111IGAN DAILY TTTRDA.Av rS[lr TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TI T~'gr~AV ATTf~I Paul Goebel Frederick Matthaei Irene Murphey Allan Sorenson Eugene Power William Cud ?e ents Represent Public' as Final 'ip Robert Briggs Carl Brablec ' Authority I The Regents constitute the ulti- eliminated spring elections. The ulty members who are trained and In 1835 a new state constitution immediately preceding commence- The budgets and changes in by- mate authority of the University. next election will be held in No- appointed for this purpose. was formulated, and in the proc- ment," but hold additional regu- laws or other policies are debated As an institution established veinber, 1966. Combination ess, higher education received sig- lar meetings 10 times during the and discussed until decisions are and financed by Michigan taxpay- The Regental power is recogniz- The combination of duties is dif- nificant recognition-the size of year. made. ers, the University is ultimately ed in the state constitution, which ficult to analyze. Generally, the the University was increased, and The meetings take place over a The president of the University accountable to those taxpayers. not only sets the Regents above administration of the University its organization constructed so two-day period, usually Thursday chairs the meetings, and, in addi- That is'the function of the Re- the University administrative hier- reports to, rather than takes or- that it functioned as it does to- and Friday of the second or third tion to him, the six vice-presidents gents, who are elected directly by archy but also sets them free from ders from, the Regents. day. week of the month. and various public relations peo- the voters of the state. control by any other branch of University President H a r I a n The government of the Univer- Sessions held on Thursday and ple and assistants have a voice at The Regents are elected for the state government. Hatcher once put it this ivay: "The sity was vested in a Board of Re- Friday mornings are held behind the meetings. eight-year terms, two.being elect- Many University officials claim role of a governing board is not gents (the name was taken from closed doors. Until April of 1962, Eight Regents ed every other year. that this constitutional- autonomy to manage a university, but to New York institutions of higher the Friday afternoon meetings These eight people are currently Regental Elections is an essential factor in making make sure that it is properly man- education) and consisted of 12 were also closed-only members of Regents: Rel Electionsmembers and a chancellor, who the press could sit in-but since -Regent Carl Brablec, current- (Formerly, Frerythe elections were themUniversitydaaeadercamongraged. held in the spring of odd-num- state universities. The Regents, Hatcher contin- was the ex-officio president of the that time it has been opened to ly superintendent of schools in bered years with the last one Despite this theoretically abso- ued, must find a happy medium board. the general public. n aoseville, has held numerous conducted in 1963. However, last lute authority, the Regents' day- I between two extremes of policy: The governor no longer ap- The monthly meetings take be- teaching and education posts. A December, the state Legislature to-day role in University govern- ultra-permissiveness and tyranny. pointed board members, but rath- tween 12 and 20 hours, and inthis'graduate of Eastern Michigan moved Regental elections to even- i ment is relatively small. The ac- The first extreme would imply er submitted his nominations to tine all University appointments, University, he earned a master's numbered years to comply with tual running of the University is that all power would reside in the the state Senate for their approv- salary hikes and retirements are degree from the University. His the new state constitution, which done by administrators and fac- appointed administrators; the al taken care of. term expires at the end of 1965. --- - ---~------ - - other extreme would imply abso- Evaluation lute power in the hands of the Rather slowly, the Regents TEFRegents. evolved into the group they are The University has not always today: an eight-man board, elect- been run under the Regental sys- ed by the state and responsible for tem. When the University was its actions only to the electorate. first established in 1817, a gov- This provision of election en-' By MICHAEL BADAMO building which bears his name and r ' erning board composed of 13 did- ables them to be generally inde- houses the art history department. axiim (or professorships) was ap- pendent of state politics and poli- Only nne men have held the Michigamua, the all-campus senior pointed by the territorial governor ticians, except for when the mat- office of University President. sho ay, hlds mts anual to regulate all concerns of the in- ter of appropriations for the sev- Their deeds as chief executives diag initiation around the huge stitution, including the establish- m state-supported colleges and have been recorded in history oak tiee next to the General Li- ment of "colleges, academies, universities comes up in the state books and their names grace many bary, whih is also named for schools and libraries." Legislature. of the campus' most important Tappan. SThe first governing body had The Regents have only one an- landmarks from Angell Hall to Erast Otis Have Methodist no right to charge tuition. nual meeting, which "shall be held Bu ton Tower. Ersus OtsHvn, a Mehds 't. rT......: ... ;.. .,." , _.!m n c n" o r r f h n - o ~li l -Regent Robert P. Briggs is troit industrialist. His term will the latest addition to the board. expire at the end of 1967. He was named last November to -Regent Irene B. Murphy is a take the place of William McInal- social worker and the founder of ly, who died in August. His term a firm which imports Asian vil- will expire in 1968. lage products. Regent Murphy, -Regent Wiliam Cudlip, a law- who received her master's degree yer, won his first term two years from the University, will complete ago. A graduate of the Law School, her term this November. Cudlip will leave the Regents at -Regent Eugene B. Power is ;he end of 1971. chairman of the board. An expert -Regent Paul Goebel, a former professional football player, is now an executive of a sports distribut- ing company in Grand Rapids, A in micro-photpgraphy, he owns a local microfilm company. His term on the board ends in December, 1971. k1 University graduate, he will fin- { hemcal egir, has.also served ish his term in Decemnber, 1969. chemical engineer, has also served h 'r 1 as trustee of Michigan Technolog- -Regent Frederick C. Matthaei, ical University. Another Univer- a University graduate, and former sity graduate, Sorenson will con- Wolverine athlete, is now a De- elude his term in December, 1969. A ~rr Leaesip: capable teacher and a kind Chris- tian gentleman. "In other circumstances he might have been selected as presi- dent of a small college on his merits and professional stature . . . He lacked the commanding personality of a strong president, but in patient compromises, he usually got what he wanted." When Haven fell into an argu- ment between homeopaths and allopaths regarding medical edu- cation at the University, he resign- ed suddenly. The Universitys first president,I Henry Philip Tappan, was ap- pointed -by the Regents in 1852. Previous to that the University' had no full-time president. rrnanawll knu drinan minister and p1 ofessor ozf Engush and Latin at the University from 1852 to 1856, brought a feeling of strong religious tolerance and nonsectarianism to the office of University president. All Accessories for BIKE I. . BASKETS -to help you carry things e LIGHTS -To help you see in the dark . BELLS -To help you annoy people Tappan, a wel lnown e uator, y. .,.. . and theologian, was greatly in- HaThree Times terested in the academic expansio1tuHavens appointme t fond t held University's third president exhUdrnyspsion harthe ld the position on three dif- of the University. Proposing that return of Tappan, and morning ferent occasions, but was never- !more classrooms and fewer dormi- cae bevdi ao al tories- be built, Tappan saw a ape serve in . actually appointed University museum erected on a site intended 'Unfortunate' president by the Regents. When for dormitory expansion. University biographer Kent Sa- Haven resigned, the Regents ask- Remembered gandorph describes President ed Latin Professor Henry Simmons Tappan is remembered on cam- Haven as "a rather unfortunate Frieze to . act as president until pus by the now ancient red brick I figure, an able administrator, a a successor could be found. But if President Frieze ever was . %#Esr.:::".""":."":": ":.:::::_.:^. :::."::.. :.. :# ...... ..s concerned about this status, there is no record of it. "I won't be doing this much longer," he would say at regular intervals. "Pretty soon we'll have a regular presi- IN TH R O dent and I can go back to my Latin classes. s!"In the meantime, let's see what we ought to do about this prob- lem," he would say. Beginning ' Frieze began his work by per- T suading the state legislators to S T YIN G ;give the University $15,000 a year for four years instead of only two years as promised in 1868. The faculty got its long promised THE AUTHENTIC raises. In 1870 President Frieze admit- "BUTTON DOWN" LOOK IN ted the first woman, Madelon Louisa Stockwell, to the University, CAMPUS FOOTWEAR Miss Stockwell, who gave her name to one of the first dorms on the Hill, passed the entrance# examination with such flying Specifically fashioned colors that Frieze had the en- 1,trance examination abolished for for the Campus qualified Michigan applicants. Set. Frieze served again as the Uni- frte versity's chief executive in 1880 to things you do... the 1882, when it was necessary for place you go ... his successor to be absent from Ann Arbor. the clothes you wear ... Presidents Haven and Frieze and the prices both have been remembered with buildings named after them. you likel Angell The next University president, James Burrill Angell, held the LOOK . '-~1 YAI a.". i Jr ^3r r ": a a 2 mses a r 11R position for 38 years. The Angells moved to Ann Arbor from New England where President Angell was president of the University of Vermont. The Angell administration saw many University firsts. President Angell 'started out by reminding friends and alumni that the Uni- versity could be great only if it had enough money. And he point- ed out that the University de- pended entirely on the state for every cent-a state which, he im- plied, hadn't been any too reliable. Of course, the money poured in. He saw the introduction of foot- ball and baseball. He initiated a full range of electives to stream- line the tedious undergraduate program and he introduced the "faculty advisor" to "bring reason and method to the fantastic schedules undergraduates dream up for themselves." Sororities In 1880, the first sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, made its appearance on campus, where fraternities had long enjoyed the absence of dor- mitories, and President Frieze (who was once again acting head of the University) found the frog ternities somewhat intolerant of their sister societies. As he did when he admitted the first woman, however, Frieze had made it clear that sororities were just as welcome as fraternities and sororities arrived for good. President Angell retired in 1909 to live the rest of his life in the house where he had spent 38 years, rocking in a chair by the parlor window, looking out on South University. His successor, Henry Burns Hutchins refused to have him evicted, preferring to live elsewhere. Died in 1916 Angell died in 1916, in the house where President Harlan Hatcher lives today, almost a half century after comipg to Ann Arbor. Of him his son wrote, "He gave the University a leadership which few men could, have offered." Under President Angell the Uni- versity grew up. President Hutchins, former dean of the Law School, was the first graduate of the University to be- come its president. He went on 0 LOCKS -To help you keep your bike yours i . BIKE COVERS -How would YOU feel sitting outside naked? a series of speaking tours after becoming president to encourage [krand '1 FINS ug Making and Needlepoint istruction Books Buttons, etc. ij IT WILL BE A DAM SHAME IF YOU DON'T ,. ., I I I