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August 24, 1965 - Image 21

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Michigan Daily, 1965-08-24

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s r ee e .r




U'Players Start 50th Season with Henry VI

The University Players, an all-
student acting group sponsored by
the University Department of
Speech, will begin its fiftieth sea-
son this fall with an achievement
that has only been done by four
other theatres in the world.
The Players will present William
Shakespeare's "Henry VI" trilogy,
-all three parts-in one season.
Four other plays, including one
original piece, will also be acted
this Fall.
"To the best of our knowledge,"
said Prof. William P. Halstead of
the speech department, chairman
of the theatre staff, "only the
Pasadena Playhouse, the Old Vic
in London, the Bristol Old Vic and
the Royal Shakespeare Theatre
have produced the complete three'
part sequence in a single season'
since the original presentations of
Shakespeare's company in the six-
teenth century."
Chaotic Period
"Henry VI" portrays one of the
most chaotic and tyrannical per-
iods of English history, lying be-
tween the death of Henry V and
the ascendancy of Richard III.
The reign of Henry VI has been
called by historians "a black time
for the sceptred isle."
Prof. Halstead and Prof. Rich-
ard Burgwin, also the speech de-
partment, will direct "Henry VI"
in the Trueblood Auditorium. The
three parts will run in repertory
from Nov. 17 through. Nov. 23,
and Nov. 29 through Dec. 5. On
Saturday, December 4, the com-
plete trilogy will be presented by
the University Players for the
convenience of out - of - town
Robert Anderson, author of the
well-known "Tea and Sympathy,"
wrote "The Days Between," the
first production in the winter
term. This play will be produced
in arrangement with the newly
formed American Playwrights
Theatre. APT is a non-profit or-,
ganization,. dedicated to the1
growth of a decentralized theatre.
It has worked with several cele-
brated Broadway playwrights to
enable "the best new works of
America's educational theatre."
"The Days Between" concerns a
college professor of writing who
feels he must prove himself cap-
able of living up to the high creat-
ive standards he has taught his
students. A crucial test of his per-
sonal values is deeply involved.
Prof. Burgwin will direct this
new play, which will be staged in:
Trueblood Auditorium, Feb. 2-5.

The playwriting classes of the I story

of a rich manufacturer

English department will again
provide an original play for pro-
duction by the University Players.
A graduate student from the
speech department will direct a
play which will be presented Feb.
16-19 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The annual production of an
opera, staged in cooperation with
the opera department of the mu-
sic school, will be selected from a
wide operatic repertoire. The spe-
cific selection has not yet been
Prof., JosefrBlattrof the music
school will be the production's mu-
sical director and conductor; Prof.
Jack E. Bender of the speech de-
partment will be the stage direc-
tor. The opera is scheduled for
presentation in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, March 16-19.
"Misalliance," written in 1910
by George Bernard Shaw, tells the

whose daughter has decided to
marry an impoverished aristocrat.
Brooks Atkinson of The New York
Times says, "'Misalliance' is
sparkling and contrary in the best
Shavian style ... It is consistently
funny. A theatregoer leaves it un-
der the impression of having had
a completely sardonic good time."
Tour De Farce
Prof. William McGraw will di-
rect this tour de farce, being pre-
sented in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, April 6-9.
The University Players also
present a summer program for
those who stay in Ann Arbor dur-
ing the spring and summer terms.
Last summer's program featured
The Threepenny Opera, by Ber-
tolt Brecht and Kurt Weill; The
Confidential Clerk, by T. S. Eliot;
The Private Ear and the Public
Eye, by Peter Schaffer, and
Measure for Measure, by William

WCBN Provides
Campus Sounds
By MICHAEL BADAMO program suited for the student.
-To give a wide range of broad-
One of the campus activities cast training to the students who
which makes being a student a lit- operate the station.
Mo morre tlh sat tht it

urmep Peasanu as e s uaent
radio station, WCBN.
WCBN offers the students in all
the dormitories and in many fra-
ternity and sorority houses a full
18 hour listening day. Program-
ming varies from the latest in pop-
ular music to the best of the clas-
sics to news, sports and weather.
The station is run with the stu-
dent in mind, what he likes, what
he needs and what will help him.
The station has three main func-
tions and manages to fulfill all of
them as well as a few others. They
--To keep the student informed
about national and campus affairs
and present a musical ,listening

A Scene from Carl Oglesby's The Hero'



Entertains Ann Arbor

-To aid Ann Arbor merchants
and students through advertising.
The station is totally self suf-
ficient, paying operating expenses
through advertising. Many costs
are cut down because student en-
gineers working for the station de-
sign and build much of their own
Just recently WCBN put up $50,-
000 to build a new station in the
basement of the Student Activities
Building. This fall the station will
conduct all broadcasting from the
new studio greatly improving ef-
ficiency and quality of program-
Previously, WCBN had small
studios in East, West and South
Quads. This, however produced
many problems in timing, duplica-
tion of effort and general running
around. It is expected that the
new studios will cure many of
WCBN's problems.
WCBN is licensed by the Federal
Communications Commission but
students don't have to worry about
heavy Quad walls blocking out the
signal. The broadcast is relayed to
each housing unit via telephone
lines and then is re-transmitted
throughout the building through
the electrical system. So plugging
in one's radio becomes the only
All University sports events are
broadcast over WCBN in addition
to regular interviews with campus
leaders and discussion of pertinent
campus and national issues.
WCBN, being student operated,
relies on voluntary student recruit-
ment. Even if you have no expe-
rience in r a d i o broadcasting,
WCBN can find a place for you.
For those who are business minded
there is always a need on the busi-
ness staff.

The University Musical Society
adopted the motto "Ars longa
vita brevis" in its first year, 1881.
Although the Society's programs
have varied as means of musical
expression have increased, its 74
years as the nucleus of the Uni-
versity's musical culture demon-
strate the stability and constant
popularity of the Society's musi-
cal offerings.
Having achieved self-perpetua-
tion, the Society has enlivened its
dead-language motto and con-

tinues to bring timeless musical
entertainment to the Ann Arbor
With 74 years of development,
the Society's operations have had
time to multiply and grow in
complexity. To simplify its rela-
tion to the University students, it
can be explained as a sophisticat-
ed booking agent which caters to
the musical tastes of a cultured
Each year its executive director,
Gail W. Rector, and his staff
assemble several series of con-
certs: the Chamber Arts Series of

seven performances is'self-explan-
atory the Choral Union and
Extra Series offer varied musical
experiences, orchestral programs
by world-renowned organizations,
instrumental and vocal soloists in
concert, choirs, ballet and opera.
But the eldest and most elab-
orate of the Society's festivals
won't arrive in Ann Arbor until
after many University students
have dragged themselves home
following late-April final exams.
One of the few institutions at the
University which refused to bow
ignominiously to the great-god

trimester is the May Festival. And
a May festival is what its sponsors
have decided it will remain.
For four days in early May the
grandiose Philadelphia Orchestra
and its Viennese musical conduc-
tor, Eugene Ormandy, will again
set up musical shop in Hill Audi-
torium. Since 1937, the Philadel-
phia has been making the May
sojourn to the University campus;
its predecessor-participants in the
festival included the Boston Fes-
tival Orchestra, and the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra.
As testimony to the variety of

Cinema Guild: Bargain Prices

musical programs which the or-
chestra and guest artists will per-
form during the six-concert stint,
composers listed on last year's
festival programs ranged from
Handel and Lully to Stravinsky,
Shostakovich and Britten. The
orchestra accompanied Russian
pianist Sviatoslav Richter, so-
prano Leontyne Price, bass, Cea-
sare Siepi, and violin-cellist Leon-
ard Rose. The genre of composi-
tions varied from chamber suite to
choral symphony.
Choral Union
The soloist which has appeared
with the Philadelphia Orchestra
more than any other is one re-
cruited from University faculty
and student body and from the
community: the University Choral
Union. For the May Festival this
300-voice choir shares the lime-
light with the Philadelphia Or-
chestra, professional soloists and
a youth choir. But late in the
first semester it "solos" as per-
former in the well known and
beloved choruses of Handel's
This season, the Choral Union
will sing an unprecedented three
mances at $1 each. Or, if you have
some vocal talent, membership in
the Choral Union allows you a free
ticket for most of the Society's
presentations. Look for audition
notices posted around campus.

performances of the "Messiah"
with an orchestra composed of
musicians from the Detroit Sym-
Although the Society's activi-
ties are hectic and its season of
musical entertainment packed im-
pressively into an all-too-short
two semesters, its headquarters
occupies a compact and well-
organized office on the first floor
of Burton Tower.
If any or all of the concerts
listed below appeal to you, a visit
to those offices in the not too
distant future will assure you of
seats in mammoth Hill Auditorium
within seeing-distance of the per-
Standing Room Too
If you delay, there are always
the last minute "standing room
only" tickets for major perfor-

Organized in 1938 to encourage
interest in motion pictures as an
art form, the Cinema Guild spon-
sors showings of a variety of films
at low admission costs. Through
regular showings, film festivals,
and special presentations, the
Guild provides students with op-
portunities to view se le c t e d

movies not usually presented at
commercial theaters.
Although it is a non-profit or-
ganization, the Cinema Guild
rents its films at current prices,
based on attendance figures. Ad-
mission receipts cover film rentals,
equipment costs and other operat-
ing expenses.
The Guild is affiliated with the
Student Government Council, and
its membership is composed of
University students at all levels.
Its members make their own poli-
cies and select motion pictures
from current listings. The Guild
has no relationship with any com-
mercial motion picture organiza-
Last Bastion
As "the last bastion of the 50
cent film," the Guild's regular
weekly presentations at the Archi-
tecture Auditorium are h e 1 d
throughout the school year, with
attractions changing regularly.
The performances have received
much attention in the Midwest

for showing "classic" films featur-
ing Charlie Chaplin.
The Guild selects films for their
regular showings with the intent
of including at least one from sev-
eral categories. An Ingmar Berg-
man film, an early American sound
classic, a film featuring Humphrey
Bogart, a musical or ballet, and
work from Russian, French "new
wave" and English comedy schools
are often presented during a
school year.
The Film Festival, sponsored
yearly with the Ann Arbor Drama
Arts Center enables students to
see current work in new areas of
film production as well as enable
film makers to display their most
current works. The festivals, held
each spring, feature compet'§ions
in amateur film production, with
prizes offered by the Guild.
The Film Festival is associated
with film festivals of the Detroit

designed to encourage interest in
new film techniques and avant-
garde composition as well as con-
ventional presentations. The festi-
vals feature speakers as well as
movie presentations.
"The Cinema Guild attempts to
reach a medium between enter-
tainment and art," Hugh Holland,
chairman of the Cinema Guild
board, explained. "It provides an
opportunity for students to view
cinema as an art form and a
showplace for more significant
motion picture achievements," he

The only

discount textbook
in Ann Arbor

Owned and operated by
U of M Faculty and Students

Institute of Arts and
sity of Chicago. The

the Univer-
festival is

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Marilyn Mark's announces, the first in a chain of affiliate
hair stylists in the major capitals of the world


More and more of our patrons, typicalof
many Ann Arbor families, are finding
themselves travelling abroad with their
husbands for both business and pleasure.
We at Marilyn Mark's felt that because
of this fact, there was an increasing need
to assist our patrons with the selection of
proper hair stylists abroad. Q We are
pleased therefore to announce the first
direct affiliation with a styling salon in
Great Britain -Stefan's of Edinburgh.
Q Our selection of an affiliate shop is
based upon direct-on-the-spot evaluation,
as well as comparisons with other salons
in a given city. Negotiations are under-

cards are being prepared now to permit
our patrons to find safe and modern shops
wherever they may travel.
Stefan's is located on Princes Street
-the gay, dramatic and picturesque ave-
nue known around the world as the 'Fifth
Avenue' of Edinburgh. One side of the
street is flanked with smart Scottish
shops and the other with the famous
Castle Gardens and, on a towering bluff
directly above the gardens, Edinburgh
Castle itself. p Stefan's was selected for
affiliation because the shop was in our
estimation the finest and most modern

ment and fine international hair stylishs.
For more information about this new
Marilyn Mark's service, simply give us a
call ... or inquire on your next visit to
either shop. We're open until 9 p.m.
every weekday except Wednesdays.


I I.it




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