PAGE FOUR THE 311CHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AtJt":itRT d- 1911 PAGEYOU TUEMICIGANDAIY TTF~fAV AT(11'QT9A_ _l AL %JAJOJLPtl.i, tltUU31 4%, lybJ , Co en s ~t red ed SGC -Representative of '' Students ECONOMIC WELFARE: The term Student Government t dn l n B )unci is a misnoe sr hoBy ROBERT MOORE. . by less than a quarter of the c dent The six ex-officios rep- nt epmy mny" sent no one, Its powers prescrib- a classic complaint of nearly by the Regents are hardly gov- ~evr freshman after about one argains ernmental. And it does not directly advise anyone, hence its functions are rarely conciliar, Yet, the 11-year-old body man- ~ ages ,if only through the inde- pendent efforts of its members, to provide an agency for "meaning- ful student participation" in the University as stated in its pur- pose. SGC Planz This purpose, along with com- position, officers, functions and procedures, have all been recorded in a constitution. Called the SGC Plan, it was adopted by the Re- gents in 1954 as a successor to a larger but weaker Student Legis- lature which had existed since Eager Candidates Await Results of SGC 'Count Night' the mid-1940's. ternational Student Association son, the Daily editor could not ob- The Council plan was and is a and the University Activities Cen- jectively judge the workings of good basic description of what ter. Council if he held a seat on it. SGC is-and what it isn't. Due to the merger of the activi- Due to a revision in the SGC The 20 members are to be ties sections of the Union and the elections rules, the president and drawn from two student sources. League last year, the UAC rep- executive vice-president are now The president, executive vice-pres- resentative replaces the represen- popularly elected. Previously they ident and 10 regular members are tatives of the merged organiza- had been elected by Council. The chosen in semi-annual elections tions. president chooses the administra- -Council organized a "stay-in"I at the Michigan Theatre to pro- test the 25 cent increase in prices by the Butterfield Theatres in Ann Arbor. --Council conducted an extend- ed study of student economic wel- fare, registration and course avail- ability, parking conditions and possible innovations in the educa- tion offered at the University. The study was based on a griev-I make use of University billboards to proclaim their activities. Punishments In the case of the fraternity and sorority system, a non-rec- ognized group could not rush or hold parties. SGC capitalized on this fact to create a series of regulations on "membership selec- tion.." Like the civil rights bill, the regulations aren't aimed at say- month of exposure to Ann Arbor feees, foods and fashions. The University of Michigan Stu- dent Employees' Union was formed to answer that question, and to go one step beyond: to promote ways to raise wages and lower costs; in effect giving the students more money to keep. Its name'is actually a misnomer; it is not a group for student em- ployees alone. All students inter- ested in their economic welfare are eligible to join, and UMSEU has, in fact, been considering changing its name to the University of Michigan Student Economic Un- ion. Unique Place But whatever its name, the UMSEU has a unique place in the annals of student freedom. It is the country's only student eco- nomic union at a college. It is one of the largest student groups on campus, with over 600 members, and is officially recog- nized by the University as a col- lective-bargaining agent for the students. The four main goals for this year, its second on campus, range from books to meals, as stated by President Barry Bluestone, '66: -Study of alternatives to the present Ann Arbor housing sys- tem, particularly study of low- cost, University-built apartments; -A campaign to draw statewide attention to students' econopic situation through a conference of 250 to 500 clergymen and union leaders; -Change in residence halls rules that force working students to eat their meals at the dorm they work at, and -A change in a 1929 Regents' ruling that bans University enter-4 prises, thus eliminating a chance I Barry Bluestone Speaks Out by all ID card-carrying students. The remaining six come from the largest student organizations: In- terfraternity Council, Panhellenic A s s o c i a t i o n, Interquadrangle Council, Assembly Association, In-' Daily Editor The Daily editor at one time held a seat on Council. However, last year, Daily Editor H. Neil Berkson, '66, withdrew the Daily from Council. According to Berk- tive vice-president and treasurer, with the approval of Council. I This elected and selected bodyI sits down on Wednesday nights to exercise the prescribed func- tions. These range from recogniz- ing new student organizations to the michigan christian discussing University policy-mak- ing. In line with its mis-name, how-, ever, Council spend a lot of its time trying to change these func- tions and get in on some of the decision-making. Past Glories? Numerous Council members have wrestled with student affairs ad- ministrators, trying to win real power over students. Some exam-; ples from last year: ance report written early last fall ing who must be accepted in af- by Barry Bluestone, '66. Council filiate houses. They only ask that divided into committees to study selections not be "discriminatory." specific areas of the report. The Council has created a fact-find- final reports were then submitted ing body to report alleged discrim- to the appropriate administrators ination in University-recognized for action. However, none has been groups. And it has set up a tri- taken. bunal to try such cases. Verdicts -Following up a decision by the of discrimination could lead to Regents, Council attempted more withdrawal of recognition. Thus to buy low-cost books at a Uni- versity-run bookstore. Biggest Achievement Bluestone said that he felt the biggest achievement of UMSEU's first year was the University's in- stitution of a $1.25 minimum wage and .the formation of wide-spread faculty support for the UMSEU projects. Last year, UMSEU worked to better the students' economic posi- tion through pickets at the admin- istration building, discussions with Regents and administrators and publicity. This summer, UMSEU prepared a statement of its principles which it presented to the Board of'Reg- ents shortly after the Regents ap- proved dorm fee and tuition hikes. But the UMSEU does not repre- sent a program as much rep- resents a philosophy. The UMSEU, Bluestone explains, is founded on four basic principles: -Students shouldn't have to pay exploitative prices; -De-facto financial discrimin- ation exists at this University, where an academic elite is, in fact, an economic elite, and the poor are not given a chance; -Sales taxes are regressive, since the poor are hurt by them and the rich helped, and -The University is presently a narrow community in sociological terms and it needs a wider spread of students from all economic classes. vigorous enforcement of its right to withdraw recognition of student groups. At the University, non- recognition is tantamount to non- existence. The student group could not use University facilities, could not solicit members and could not fellowship ... a group of students discovering together moral, cultural and intellectual relevance .. a solid purpose for living.. . through faith in Jesus as the Christ Free Picnic . Aug. 28 Games . Food 9 3:30 P.M. . Folksinging Meet at SAB Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship I ACTIVITIES DAY In an attempt to introduce the new incoming freshmen to the wide and varied extracurricular activities at the Uni- versity, the recently formed University Activities Center will hold an Activities Day on August 27 in the Union Ballroom. Booths, manned by representatives of the major student organizations on campus, will be set up all day. The repre- sentatives will introduce their organization with posters, dis- plays, skits, printed material and conversation. All student organizations depend on the new freshman class to fill the place of graduated seniors. People are need- ed in all organizations. Follow the "Balloon Man," symbol of the day, and meet the students and their organizations at UAC's premier of this unique introduction to the extracurricular life at the Uni- versity. "Daily Day" will be held on Saturday, August 28. Come to the Student Publications Building at 420 Maynard and meet The Daily and the students who put it out. Watch for an- nouncement in the early editions next fall. far in the year no cases have been tried although the membership committee has collected the mem- bership clauses of all recognized student organizations. Despite these exciting moments, the formulation of policy can be a tedious process. The procedures section of the Council Plan makes all meetings open to the public. But few students venture up to the Council's chambers on the third floor of the Student Activi- ties Bldg. to watch the proceed- ings. Insipid Those who do aren't likely to return. Council discussion is a rather insipid morass of parlia- mentary gymnastics. The elected representatives tend to divide into student activists and fraternity playpals. The former have a demanding outlook on stu- dent issues. The latter couldn't care less. Hence, Council finds it- self able to agree only on motions concerning Viet Nam or Home- coming. Affairs vital to students are thus committed to meager atten- tion. There are some exceptions, and these have been Council's highpoint. New Blood New liberal blood, like the mem- bers who ran on a slate called Governmental Reform of Univer- sity Policy, has been infused into Council hopefully to raise Coun- cil's steadily decreasing prestige. To engineer an increase in SGC's prestige, SGC, led by Presi- dent Gary Cunningham, '66, and Executive Vice President Harlan Bloomer, '66, plan to set up a book exchange on thte Diag during the early weeks of the fall term. .. 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