TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 196~i THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE7~I~ TWUJrU~ A EXuL . uauLli s ;, wo By LAUREN BAHR Associate Managing Editor The end of an era at the Uni- versity was marked this summer when the Regents approved the plans for the University Activities Center, representing a merger of the activities wings of the Mich- igan Union -and the Women's League. Until this year, the Union and the League had separate activities programs directed by different sets of officers, each responsible to their respective boards. The merged student activities organ- ization will be responsible to the b governing boards of both the Union and League. The League's celebration of its 75th anniversary in February of this year was the last official function of the League as a wom- en's organization. It climaxed a history dating from 1890 when Mary Butler Markley declared that the University needed "some society which should, unite all college girls irrespective of de- partment, class fraternity and which should tend to promote a more decided college spirit . ." Turn of Century The Union was founded around the turn of the century as a club for male students. It was the counterpart of the parlors of Bar- bour Gymnasium, the social cen- ter for women, which later gave way to the League. A late as the early fifties, a man sat at the front door of the Union to make sure no female entered. When University Presi- dent Harlan Hatcher arrived here in 1954 he first went to the Union and was told that he could enter but his wife and young daughter would have to stand outside in the rain. Soon afterwards women were permitted to enter and use some of the facilities of the Union but that is where the integration ended. Both the Union and the League weredivided into two sections-a service wing which directed busi- ness operations and an activities wing which sponsored student functions such as MUSKET and Soph Show. Until recently both wings of each, organization func- tioned separately from the cor- responding wings of the other or- ganization. In recent years this division along sexual lines came to be re- garded as highly artificial. Sug- gestions for the merger of the Union and League have been toss- ed about since the end of World War II. Nothing DoneI Nothing was seriously done about the situation until the pub- lication of the Reed Report, a study of the University's philos- ophy of student affairs, in Feb- ruary, 1962. The purpose of the University is to "stimulate in each student the maximum intellectual growth of which he is capable and to en- able him ... to make maximum contributions to his society," the report stated. Extracurricular life is as im- portant . as the classroom in achieving these goals, the report added. It went on to spotlight "the cleavage in philosophy and policy . . symbolized by the geographic separation of men's and women's residence halls and by the exist- ence of the Union primarily for men and the League primarily for women, rather than a student union for all students. "The committee believes that the young people who enroll in the University are primarily stu- dents seeking to learn, seeking to develop, not in isolation as men or women, but together as equals U' Activities Centers Unified Read and Use DIaily Classified Ads In November the League Execu- tive Council, the Union Board of Governors and the League Board of Governors accepted the report of the merger committee. To be put into effect, the merg- er still needed the approval of the Regents and the members of the Union, both alumni and stu- dents. Before this approval was forth- coming there was still one area of disagreement to settle - who would have control over the merged organization. Members of the Union Board of Directors held they should have exclusive jurisdiction over the Center, but the League Board of Governors demanded that author- ity be held jointly. Compromise A compromise plan was finally adopted making the UAC respon- sible to the governing boards of both the Union and League. President of the League Execu- tive Council Nancy Freitag, '66, argued that the original plan to place the UAC under the direction of the Union Board exclusively was inadequate because it *;as contrary to the concept of a true merger. Ingeffect, the original plan would have given one of the League's major functions to the Union rather than have truly merged the two organizations, Miss Freitag explained. The other major revision in previous plans for the merger was the decision to have the Union and League give financial support to the UAC according to the ratio of men to women students. Ear- lier plans had called for an equal division of this cost. Close to Reality With these problems solved, the merger was well on its way to realization. Union members ap- proved the plan in a referendum in February and Regents approval came this summer. Looking toward the merger, the student activities wings of the League and Union began cooper- ating on many of their projects in the fal' of 1964. 'The new officers of UAC were installed in March. Heading UAC are J,.rnes Kropf, '66, president; Michael Holmes. '66, executive vice-president; Pamela Erickson, ;66N, administrative vice-presi- dent, and Gail Howes, 616N, co- ordinatmg vice-president. The scope of the activities and services to be offered by the UAC is widespread. Its four executive as a poverty symposium, creative arts festival, the UAC calendar (formerly the Union-League cal- endar), plus the old favorites- Homecoming, W i n t e r Weekend, Musket and Soph Show. Specialized Programs "In the future, the new UAC ties like Homecoming and Musket to fill the interest on campus, but there is a definite need to sup- plement the academic experience which is becoming increasingly narrow through trimester,' Kropf explained. "This year is the first year of will increase specialized program- the UAC-it will be a year of ex- ming to supplement classroom perimentation, and the problems procedure. The emphasis will be that arise will have to be dealt to provide events for the more with in a pragmatic manner. diversified interest on campus," However, we feel confident that Kropf said. it will grow into the strongest "We feel we are sponsoring activity organization on campus," enough large co-ordinate activi- Kropf predicts. ON STATE STREET IT'S iA WILTD'S for LEVI'S ~WILD SA State Street on the Campus SAM"'S STORE Has LEVI'S galore for gals and guys LEVI'S Slimfits "white'' and2 five colors .... 4.25 L EVI S S-t-r-e-t-c-h 5.98 LEVI'S Sta-Prest all colors...... 698 TR IMCUTS-Dress r Trousers ......4.98 JACKETS ...... $5.49 Over 2,000 Pairs of LEVI'S in Stock For Gals & Guys SAMS STO Wg pMAridayNghE 1 22 E. Washington Open Monday & Friday Nights For Ann Arbor's Finest Selection of LEVI'S Come To LggJ L The League Building and Fountain and collaborators." Study Committee On the basis of the Reed Re- port, the Union Board of Directors decided to create a committee to study merger feasibility, and ap- pointed Associate Dean James H. Robertson of the literary college to head it. The 14-page Robertson report was submitted to the Union and League Boards in May, 1963. It recommended that both wings of the Union be joined to their coun- terparts in the League. It called for the merging of the business wings to form a Univer- sity Center which would draw from all segments of the com- munity for membership and direc- tion. The proposed center would be managed by a single Board of Directors composed of students, faculty, alumni and administra- tors which would replace the separate Union and League gov- erning boards. The master service institution was to have a coedu- cational standing committee in charge of student activities. At their October, 1963 meeting the Regents rejected the section of the Robertson plan providing for a business-wing merger be- cause it called for students to participate in the managerial and financial operations of the pro- posed University Center. This par- ticipation they termed "inappro- priate" and "ineffective." Elaboration Elaborating on this point at a press conference after the Regents meeting, President Hatcher said the Regents simply questioned whether student involvement in operations and policy outside the "student activities" aspect was a "legitimate expenditure of their time and energy." They did, however, endorse the concept of a co-educational stu- dent activities organization. On this point the Robertson report had been sketchy so the Regents called for the establishment of an implementation committee "to set forth the organization of this stu- dent activities function, its finan- cial and space needs and its re- lationship to other student ac- tivities on the campus." An implementation group, com- posed of student executive officers from both organizations, labored more than a year to put together the merged activities structure. The Final Report of the 1964- 1965 Union-League Senior Officer Merger Committee proposed the formation of UAC, stating that although the proposed merger is "ostensibly an amalgamation of the existing structures, the scope of its activities should be broad- enedsbeyond the current range of endeavor of the Union and the League. U U Under Union Board The senior officers, in their unanimous final report, placed UAC solely under the jurisdiction of the Union Board of Directors for several reasons: -The UAC should be associated with, at least, one of the govern- ing boards, since the student ac- tivities of both the Union and League currently "derive a major part of their strength and value through associations with their individual boards; "-To avoid an inefficient du- plexity of responsibility, the stu- dent organizations should be ac- tively associated with only one board of directors;" -The UAC should be under the supervision of the Union Board of Directors since "students are most fully integrated with faculty and alumni under the Union struc- ture." League Not Responsible The student officers and the student activities functions of the merged organization would have no responsibility to the League Board of Governors, although the students would sit on the League Board to insure space in the League Bldg. for student activi- ties. However, the senior officers of the merged group would re- main the executive officers of the Union Board of Directors. The proposed plan for the mer- ger had to be approved by the League Executive Council, the Union Board of Directors, the League Board of Governors, the Regents' and the student and alumni members of the Union. 11 L Westgate Shopping Plaza 2531 Jackson Road LAYAWAYS-CHARGE ACCOUNTS-PLENTY I Open 10:30 to 9 665-0050 OF PARKING I _ r { All Levi's Available Sta-Prest ... Corduory.. . Stretch Levi headquarters for the campus OnNT YSOP 1209 S. UNIVERSITY (4 I j a i i i i I 1 1 Why take less than LEVI'S STA P REST the slacks you know never need ironing'. No matter how often you wash them-and dry them- LEVI'S STA-PREST Slacks always come out looking like newt That's why young America insists on LEVI'S STA-PREST- the original permanent-press slacks! <'U,~msiiies a m!m m ,4' 4 officers and ten committee heads will manage such diverse projects . U / N>... .with this / come-rain-or-shine ensemble. "'*7 I To begin with, there's a \-- .~simply dandy raincoat in Klopman's uncrushable - I',Dacron®-polyester and cotton (treated .7' with Zepel® for water \ resistance). UNzip it- and there's a matching, j sleeveless shift with more Big Zips on the Junior sizes 5 to 15. $3000 Come See! lthe Ann Arbor "Look" in Sportswear-Dresses-Suits Sweaters-B louses-Accessories for Junziors anzd junior Petites IVY TRIMCUTS