Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS SPEAKER POLICY, EDITORIAL FREEDOM: Last GaspC of Activist Renaissance Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD $T., ANN ARBOR, MICH. 'Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: BRUCE WASSERSTEIN U.S. Must Find Answer To Water Pollution TWO BILLS which would provide stiffer water pollution restrictions within the United States are now pending before Congress. These bills will both transfer the over- seeing of water pollution programs to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare as well as define, for legal pur- poses, the term "pouted water." Water pollution is 9n important social issue which must be acted upon. The Great Lakes provide an example of what can happen if water pollution continues at its present rate. When the industrial revolution reached Michigan, the lakes were not only a source of water, but also provided a place to throw the wastes from factories. But technological methods have become more sophisticated and factories have increased in number. IF SOMETHING IS NOT DONE soon the U.S. could be faced with the problem of whether it can retain the world's greatest body of fresh water-the Great Lakes-in a usable condition. Representative John Dingell (D-Mich) quite accurately summed up the situation in Michigan at a hearing before the House Public Works Committee recently. He said, "when I testified before this committee more than 14 months ago I had a list of 90 serious cases of inter- state pollution on which no federal en- forcement action had been initiated ... "Of the 90 rivers that appeared on the list more than a year ago, 33 received fed- eral attention during 1964, while 57 had received none. In addition, 45 rivers on which no federal action was taken have become polluted seriously enough to de- mand their inclusion on the present list. "Thus, after yet another year with the pollution program under the dead hand of the Public Health Service, and $100 mil- lion later, we have fallen twelve rivers deeper on the debit side. Let no one ac- cuse our pollution program of stagnating; it is moving quite determinedly in the wrong direction." DINGELL, besides protesting the in- crease in water pollution, was also pro- testing the Public Health Service control of water pollution programs. the Public Health Service is not the ideal government agency to handle the water pollution problem. Close ties to the state governments, in order to fight any serious epidemics which may break out, also lead to a hesitant enforcement of these programs. The state does not want them to be initiated because of their high cost. Also the state and local governments are opposed to the programs because in- dustries are not going to be attracted to a state if it requires industries to install expensive pollution prevention equip- ment. In the same sense, a state does not enjoy making its taxpayers foot the expensive bill for this installation. And the costs are high. In New York City one pollution control project alone has cost $87.5 million. In Omaha, Nebras- ka, $21 million has been spent on a variety of projects in nine years. The high cost, coupled with a limited allowance of only $100 million per year for pollution con- trol programs, leads to expensive invest- ments from state and local governments if effective programs are to be carried out. These seldom are available. There are other issues involved, how- ever, besides the high costs of the proj- ects. One which David L. Chandler, direc-' tor of the Great Lakes Research Division at the University, pointed out recently was the cost of not instituting pollution control. HIS POINT is essentially that the Great Lakes are used for recreation, industry and as a source of water. His question is this: what would be the cost of replac- ing these services if the Great Lakes were seriously polluted. Aready Lake Erie is a murkish, turbid lake which has been highly polluted by the Toledo and Detroit industrial areas. The southern part of Lake Michigan is also becoming more polluted. If something is not done desalination of ocean water might he necessary to PROPOSALS have been made for redi- recting water from the Great Lakes through polluted rivers and streams. This might eliminate pollution, but only for a limited period of time. Because all the water going back to the Great Lakes would be polluted, the level of pollution there would increase. Once they became seriously contaminated the rivers and streams could no longer be protected. This is not to mention the difficulties that the loss of the use of the Great Lakes would cause. It is possible that some water would be decontaminated by seeping underground and back to the lake. However the seep- age creates underground passages which will carry pollution back into the lakes. There are solutions. The government bill placing water pollution control under the Department of Health, Education and Welfare will eliminate the conflict of in- terest which exists in the Public Health Service. Also, a planning commission could be formed to coordinate water pol- lution control programs so that there is no overlap and no waste in money. PROBABLY THE BEST solution is to place more stringent requirements on industrial waste elimination. Prevention, while costly, is still less expensive than attempting to salvage water after it has been polluted-and is also more effective. -BARBARA SEYFRIED VU'Get s Short End THE UNIVERSITY bears an unfair por- tion of the expenditures to satisfy the city's parking needs. When a consumer buys a car, the re- sponsibility of parking space is thrust upon the community. The community builds, maintains and polices parking areas-on streets, in lots and in specially- built parking structures. Student, faculty and staff interact with two communities-within themselves and with the City of Ann Arbor. BOTH COMMUNITIES share the re- sponsibility to store automobiles. What have they done? The University has built four large parking structures. Its plant department maintains innumerable parking lots on and near the campus. Access to these lots is generally controlled by the issuance of parking permits. For most lots and the parking struc- tures, the permits afford admission; oth- ers are metered. Rates in lots vary-five cents for one hour in some or five cents for two hours in others. Money for "all- day parking" can generally be deposited at one time. The University gives parking space preference to faculty and staff. Consider- ing the lack of space, this is understand- able since faculty and staff do not gen- erally live on campus. Even so, there are special lots for students only. THE UNIVERSITY uses revenue from the meters on their lots and from the price of parking permits to maintain and build parking facilities. It does not re- ceive any revenue from ticketing. It does not, because it would be very difficult for the University to maintain a clerical and judicial system for the col- lection of parking fines. Therefore, the University hires the Ann Arbor Police Department. The University pays the wages of three policewomen and one po- liiceman whose job it is to patrol the Uni- versity-owned lots exclusively. The City of Ann Arbor collects the fines. The ironic fact is that the University has to pay the costs of patrolling the lots and structures, but the city gets the ex- tra revenue. This revenue, which could be used to alleviate parking problems, is buried in town hall. In fulfilling its responsibility to car owners, the city does more than police lots. Seeing the obvious opportunity for more revnue it has nonteri narkine me- EDITOR'S NOTE: In today's article, the sixth in a series, Philip Sutin, Grad, continues to trace the path of student activism at the University from 1960 to the present. By PHILIP SUTIN A COMBINATION of student action on other campuses and local administrative necessity in the period 1960-62 brought changes in the University's and the state's outside speaker policy. Under the old University policy, no speaker advocating the violent overthrow of the government or attacking the prevailing moral values could use University facili- ties to speak. Interest in the policy grew as a. result of a series of incidents at Wayne State University and else- where. In 1960, WSU lifted its ban on Communist speakers with the result that several Communists spoke there and a Detroit front group sought to use its McGregor Aud. - a community center - for meetings. WSU vacillated, then re- imposed the band under local and legislative right-wing pressure, suspending the campus political clubs for good measure. THE EVENTS at Wayne State raised activist criticism of Univer- sity policy, but did not engender any pressure to change the regula- tion. Daily Editor Thomas Hayden wrote a long editorial condemning the policy. A feud inside the lecture com- mittee over its listless and unprof- itable lecture series led University President Harlan Hatcher to can- cel the more than 100-year-old series and disband the committee. In the summer of 1961, Prof. Samuel Estep of the law school, a member of the old committee, was appointed to head a five faculty- two student committee to revise the old lecture bylaw. The group brought a preliminary bylaw to the Regents in the spring of 1962 and after stormy debate, the Re- gents adopted it the following October. THE BYLAW banned speeches that advocated the violent over- throw of the government and the violation of federal, state or Uni- versity regulations. The sponsor- ing group is responsible for en- forcing the bylaw and must tell the speaker of it. A student-fac- ulty-administration Committee on Public Discussion was created to help bring controversial and ex- pensive speakers to campus. While the rule was being drawn up, Frank Wilkenson and Carl Braden, both attacked by HUAC as Communist sympathizers, spoke in May, 1962 on campus. They had been previously banned at WSU. State Sen. John Smeekins de- manded that President Hatcher ban the speech, but the president told him he could not under Uni- versity regulations. SEEING THE need for a united statewide policy to withstand out- side pressure, the Michigan higher education co-ordinating council established a committee-headed by Estep with WSU and MSU offi- cials on it-to draw up a statewide one to be adopted by all state- supported colleges and univer- sities. T h e committee recommended one major change from the Uni- versity rule-a change caused by The Daily and the Rev. Martin Luther King. King spoke under auspicies of the Union on Nov. 6, 1962. He urged his audience to violate through civil disobedience South- ern segregation laws, if necessary. The Daily pointed out that advo- cating the violation of any state law was against the bylaw. Estep told this writer at the time that The Daily was making "a mountain out of a molehill.' However, when the new statewide rule was presented three weeks later to the co-ordinating council, "Michigan" replaced the word "state." THE UNION'S special projects committee has been most instru- mental in carrying out the bylaw's policy of bringing controversial speakers to campus. By the spring of 1962, the stu- dent activist movement was be- ginning to wane. Daily reporter Gerald Storch caught the spirit of the times when he noted: "The much-heralded Voice Po- litical Party has disappeared from sight. The Glick-Roberts motion was decisively snuffed out by SGC middle-of-the roaders and con- servatives. The leading liberal on campus, Robert Ross, was defeat- ed for the SGC presidency; the liberals couldn't even beat out the eminently unqualified Dick G'sell for executive vice-president. .,. "Because it cannot succeed with a rational appeal-most students couldn't care less, and others re- fuse to acquiesce to an intolerant framework - the student move- ment has to depend on inspiring and charismatic leaders. But the Haydens and the Seasonweins have gone from the campus move- ment, and the leaders left behind possess a fraction of their inten- sity." Storch deftly pointed out some of the activists' major problems. He proved to be quite correct in predicting "the student movement is going to die a slow but natural death." THE FIRST major disaster for the activist movement occurred only three days after Storch wrote those foreboding words. On April 19, 1962, the Board in Control of Student Publications drastically altered the appointments recom- mendations of the outgoing senior editors, setting off a crisis which shook The Daily to its very foun- dation and left it such a disspirit- ed hulk that it has not regained its old form even today. The crisis had been building up for some time. From the board's point of view, Editors Tom Hay- den and John Roberts had snub- bed it and run the paper too in- dependently. The board is the legal publisher of The Daily. By tradition, it merely rubber-stamps the appoint- ment of new editors by the old ones, once-after reading peti- tions and interviewing the candi- dates-it is assured that the new editors will be responsible. IN THE last months of the Roberts regime, the board was un- happy with the senior editors. There was some feeling among faculty and administrators that The Daily had a paranoid fixation about the Office of Student Af- fairs. The board itself censured the senior editors for printing "Lewis's Advise Device," a scath- ing attack on Lewis by Michael Olinick. The article was part of "OSA in Transition," a series of articles that often bitterly con- demned the OSA. To board mem- bers, this article implied that Lewis was a liar and deceitful and thus was libelous. The outgoing Daily seniors did not appreciate the threat building against the paper, although they sensed it. The understaff had no inkling of the calamity that was to befall them. THE BOARD appointed two co- editorial directors, Judith Oppen- heim, a liberal in outlook and Caroline Dow, a conservative. They placed Fred Russell Kramer on the city instead of the editorial desk and failed to appoint Harry Perlstadt instead of Judith Bleier. This arrangement would have moderated the editorial tone of the paper (its open forum policy permits all views to be printed if signed, but the philosophy of the editorial director can influence its overall tone) and divided respon- sibility. Kramer and Michael Har- rah, the city-editor designate, had a personality clash and the wrong person had been dropped by the board. The editors saw the appoint- ments juggling as a threat to their o t h e r w i s e untouched editorial freedom. It was also an unwork- able arrangement. The outgoing editors resigned. The incoming ones-with the ex- ception of Harrah-refused to take their positions. THE DAILY was on the verge of collapse. The new seniors urged the entire editorial stafftoresign in protest. Harrah had agreed to run a skeleton Daily with no local editorials and little local news. About a dozen staffers among a staff of approximately 40 were un- willing to resign. A compromise was struck the next night and the following day. The juniors would take office as a "junior task force" for a month as recommended by the outgoing editors. Those not accepting their position would repetition the board with petitioning open to the entire campus. THE DAILY'S usually vocifer- ous enemies did not take the op- portunity to subvert it in its mo- ment of weakness. The task force managed to deter several outsiders who were interested in petitioning. Through personal contacts and wire service stories, word of The Daily's plight reached former staff members. With one or two excep- tions, they responded with letters defending the task force. Preparations were made for mailing a plea for support to all Daily alumni. Envelopes w e r e readied for a special mailing. To this day, they have been retained and expanded asasenior editors re- tire, ready for use in a day of crisis. THE TASK force eventually carried the day. Editors were fin- ally appointed-with three minor shifts-just about in the manner that the old seniors wanted. There was a single editorial director, the personality conflict was not cre- ated on the city desk and no one was dropped. An elaborate new appointments - discussion proced- ure was developed to prevent fu- ture breakdowns in communica- tions. The victory was in some ways phyrrhic. The crisis jolted The Daily's self-confidence. Its staff members turned inward into the institution, rather than outward to the campus. The following year was marked by dissension among the seniors highlighted by the lib- eral but ineffectual Olinick battl- ing the arch-conservative Harrah. The internal dissension, bicker- ing and mediocrity 'of the editors' created a depressing, unstimulat- ing climate within the Student Publications Bldg..More and more good staff members resigned and The Daily could not attract and hold good people to replace them. IN ADDITION to dulling The Daily internally, the crisis cre- ated a reaction against activist adventures by The Daily. Editors and staff members agreed that The Daily had politicked too far and had abandoned journalistic values of fair news coverage for a political role. The new stress became aca- demics. The Daily was too long a parochial literary college paper; it would now explain and serve the entire University community. The best structure for assigning reporters was revamped to stress academics and the paper's best staffers were assigned to cover it. The student activist movement became less popular among staff members. Its goals were decreas- ingly represented on the editorial page; its activities were not cov- ered. THUS THE Daily was removed as a major force in campus acti- vism. The days when The Daily would stridently advocate reform and attack wrongs in the admin- istration were gone. Voice no longer would get publicity out of proportion to its campus impor- tance. Activism suffered an important blow when its major publicity or- gan and advocate was removed. Its lines of communication and appeal were weakened. Legitimacy, conferred by publication, was lost. During the coming summer and fall of 1962, all the major elements of the campus activist renaissance -Voice Political Party, the Politi- cal Issues (discussion) Committee, Challenge, and the National Stu- dent Association--ran into trou- ble. Membership, leadership, or- ganization and ideological troubles sprung up in all areas of activity. The unfolding of the already won reforms in the OSA, a monument to the more successful recent past, was perhaps the sole event of the coming months that would cause any joy among activists. TOMORROW: Student activism suf- fers major setbacks-leadership prob- lems in Voice, the demise of Chal- lenge and violent criticism of the 4 *i institution, rather than outward National Student Association. DISGUISED IN PLATITUDES: 0e Sifle Domin ican Revolt-U.S. Goal -1 By STEPHEN BERKOWITZ and JEFFREY GOODMAN The second of three articles IT SEEMS President Johnson was just "sitting in (his) little of- fice last week preserving democ- racy and Western civilization with Secretaries Rusk and Mc- Namara and McGeorge Bundy when a cable arrived from the United States Ambassador in the Dominican Republic, William Tap- ley Bennett, Jr., which said that only an immediate landing of the Marines could maintain peace in that country. Originally 400-and eventually 30,000-troops waltzed ashore, in full battle regalia, to "attack no one" but protect all. Of course, "not a single Ameri- can civilian and the civilians of any other nation, as a result of this protection, lost their lives," as President Johnson maintained on May 2. It is strange, in light of this, however, that the New York Times reported on April 30 that U.S. Marines killed "two snipers." This leads inexorably to one of several conclusions: -The New York Times is falsi- fying its reportage; -The White House is giving out half-truths; -The snipers were members of the counterrevolutionary regular Dominican army; -Some civilian are more equal than others; -Or, and this is the most likely case, the United States (as in Viet Nam for instance) con- siders all the members of the population of some countries to be definitively its enemies. THIS IS becoming increasingly true. Whether it be ironic or dis- gusting, the most poignant and apparent characteristic of this in- tervention in the Dominican Re- public is that its root effect has been to drive younger men- especially those of Juan Bosch's political stripe, who might do some good in Latin America-to the left: not to the tired old Com- stifling of revolutionary move- ments. This is a goal which the John- son administration did not con- fess for several days after landing its Marines-and then it attempt- ed to disguise its purpose in the holiest of platitudes. A reasoned reading of the news, reports of ad- ministration rationales and the policy statements made last week- end by Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Thomas G. Mann (formerly Assistant Secre- tary for Latin American Affairs) indicates that this has, indeed, been the unverbalized goal of our actions. BEYOND the rather 'innocuous aim of saving American lives, the administration's justification for the landing of Marines in Santo Domingo has been to help preserve for the Dominicans their right "to choose their own government free of outside intereference" by help- ing to prevent what it viewed as an effort by Cuban-Communist agitators within the rebel move- ment to establish Cuban hege- mony over another Latin Ameri- can republic. The administration has claimed that in following this twin goal it did not want to support either the forces of Brig Gen. Elias Wes- sin y Wessin or those now led by rebel Col. Francisco Caamano Deno (named leader of the coun- try May 3 by the constitutionally- elected Congress which Wessin y Wessin helped depose, along with Bosch, in October, 1963). Thus U.S. statements are filled with references to "restoring sta- bility" in Santo Domingo so that free elections can be held "with- out outside pressures." Mann states that our interest has always been to prevent dic- tatorships "without regard to whether the problem was one of right-wing or left-wing totali- tarianism." But Mann's line a year ago- when the U.S. was supporting Gen. Humberto Castelo Branco's ouster of Brazilian President Joao Gou- lart-was that the U.S. would not discriminate between dictatorships and democratic governments and. influences significantly bolstered if, indeed, it did not cause, the Communists' determination to at- tach themselves to the pro-Bosch, non-Communist rebels' bid for power. COMMUNIST PARTIES all over Latin America have traditionally allied themselves with established governments-dictatorial or demo- cratic, reformist or reactionary. The apparent justification for this has been that in this way the Communists would further the growth of an industrial-based bourgeoisie and thus promote eventual class conflict between this "elite" and the burgeoning urban proletariat and landless rural peasantry. The strength of the "elites" and the threat of Yankee intervention has always been enough to dis- courage any true opposition to these governments by the Com- munists and to make this "back- handed" kind of activity, in the long run, both expedient and beneficial to both groups, Thus the reversal of the Com- munists' tactics toward support. of the rebel forces can be explain- ed only in the context of the un- precedented opportunity which the initially-strong rebellion present- ed for the assumption of power, an opportunity the Communists would not have been able to make for themselves. What is most likely is that the Communists which the U.S. claims have taken over the rebellion are simply a weak minority of op- portunistic hangers-on. The only evidence of Communist infiltration of the rebel forces which the administration has been able to produce has been the names of 58 Communist and pro- Communist leaders who have been in the Dominican Republic for some time. The rebels themselves, according to New York Times coorespondent Tad Szulc, "are among the first to admit that there are Communists in their midst, but they insist that these elements are a minority that can be isolated and handled if the United States supports the demo- among the rebels by giving them, in "anti-Yanquism," a potent common cause with others not of their particular political persua- sion. It was this fear--and its visible fulfillment-which seems to have emboldened the Com- munists, making the opportunity for power afforded by the original rebellion even more tantalizing. Moreover, the turn of events since the- first Marine landing has so embittered Bosch that he is now loathe to return to assume his country's leadership: "I am not well prepared to deal with the thousands and thousands of young Communists that American ac- tions are creating." This first consideration in the evaluation of the administration's policies leads, thus, to the con- clusion that our actions at best confused and at worst subverted their avowed motivations. Had we wanted to prevent a Communist takeover, we would have been much better advised to realize the rebelswere quite capable of doing just that on their own, Had we wanted to see stability restored, outside pressures reduced and the prospering of a democratic, re- formist government, again we should have left the rebels alone -or, better, supported them, a far more effective method of en- suring they would eventually be able to rid themselves of Com- munist hangers-on than smear- ing the whole rebellion as Com- munist and acting accordingly. 2) WHICH LEADS to the second major consideration-just whether or not the United States really was interested in the success of the kind of ideas and men rep- resented by Juan Bosch. Mann, in his May 8 statements, offered "proof" of the U.S.'s in- terest in not aligning itself with either of the Dominican factions. He noted that the administration had not responded to a request for intervention sent April 27 by the three-mantcounterrevolutionary military junta that had been set up by Col. Pedro Benoit right after the rebellion broke out. But according to a five-nation to provide adequate protection. I therefore ask you for temporary intervention and assistance in re- storing order in this country." THE TIMES continues: "The administration was care- ful, however, not to cite the colonel's letter as the basis of the ambassador's judgment or hig suggestion that troops help him in 'restoring order'." "The State Department has said that the ambassador's pbelief that U.S. citizens were in danger was based on the statements of police officials, who have not been iden- tified." Perhaps this alone is not con- clusive proof of the administra- tion's desire to restore order by restoring the Benoit-Wessin forces to power, but it does indicate 1) at least one instance of deliberate falsification of news and 2) the general propensity of the admin- istration to equate order and hon- esty with stable governments and rightist elements in any nation where there are "Communist" movements. CERTAINLY this conclusion is supported by the fact that the Marines in Santo Domingo were, until the OAS cease-fire was es- tablished, fighting alongside the Benoit-Wessin forces. Had our intention been truly to restore order and ensure self- determination, and had we still thought it necessary, to send troops, logically we would have been fighting against both sides- trying to get both to lay down their arms. Generally, a cease-fire is even better for establishing some kind of order, and our moves towards an OAS-regulated truce -are per- haps the only remotely wise thing we have done in the whole situa- tion. It remains, however, that these moves have been brutally under- mined and called into serious questionrby the rest of our ac- tions, for in openly backing the anti-democratic, anti-progressive side in the conflict and in pro- ,lnmin ths n hny nl,.-,a 4 A