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August 24, 1965 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1965-08-24

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Wage Boost Formalized

Astronauts Receive

Welcome at U'

July 1, the increase of 25 cents
an hour in student wages was
put into effect.
The increase culminated a cam-
paign, staged and led mainly by
the University of Michigan Stu-
dent Employees Union, begun last
.fLC when UMSEU representatives
beg . to push for a minimum
wage for student employes work-
ing in the library and residence
hall systems of $1.25, to comply
with the Michigan state minimum
Negotiations between students
and administrators began last fall
and finally in the spring the in-
crease was granted.
However, according to UMSEU
President Barry Bluestone; '66,
most of the wage hike was wiped
out by the recent increase in dorm
fees approved by the Regents at
their monthly meeting June 18.
At that time, Bluestone said
the dorm fee increase wiped out
almost half of the wage hike. For
students subject to the new $50
boost in dorm fees, the wage hike
will result in an increase of only
about 11 or 12 cents.
Bluestone blasted Vice-Presi-
dent for Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont who charged
that the fee hike resulted from
the recently granted wage in-
Bluestone Counters
Bluestone countered by citing
figures, proving that the wage in-
crease will cost the dormitory sys-
tem only $5.60 for each student
working in the residence halls.
At the time of the fee hike,
Bluestone predicted that the
UMSEU would press for an addi-
tional wage boost, bringing the
studen.t minimum wage to $1.40
to make up for the dorm fee hike.
However, no negotiations have
taken place since then and Blue-
stone now refuses to comment on
UMSEU plans to apply pressure.
Bluestone did however, an-
nounce that the UMSEU will hold
a conference for state union lead-
ers and clergymen to focus on
the problems of student economic
welfare late in September.
"The conference will be run, for
the most part, by students. Cam-

Astronauts James McDivitt and
Edward White received enthusias-
tic welcome at their visit to the
University June 6 after their epic
Gemini 4 flight.
The astronauts landed at Wil-
low Run Airport in a red, white
and blue National Aeronautical
and Space Administration plane.
They greeted a crowd which was
estimated at 700 by calling it
"wonderful" to be back- in Mich-
igan. They both graduated from
the University in 1959.
University President H a r I a n
Hatcher, chairman of the convo-
cation honoring the astronauts,
told an estimated 35,000 at Mich-
igan Stadium that "we are all
thrilled beyond measure to stand
tribute to those that launched and
returned and maintained the Ge-
mini 4 flight for the record four
Gov. George Romney remarked
that the recent flight carried ex-
tra meaning for this state "for its
crew was our own, one a son of
Michigan (McDivitt is from Jack-
son, Mich.) the other an adopted
He echoed the repeated state-
ments of the two astronauts when
he added that this is a tribute
"to every man and woman, every
research project, every govern-
mental agency and private indus-
try that lent brainpower and en-
ergy to Project Gemini."
President Hatcher added that
"integrity and excellence are the
bulwark of mankind." The excel-
lence of a university "lies in the
careers of its graduates," he said.
Honorary Degrees
The astronauts were presented
with honorary degrees of Doctor
if Astronautical Science. Speaking

to the crowd, McDivitt said the
space program will "move forward
as our schools move forward. Good
people come from good schools-
like my school, the University of
His space twin, White, then
added "'Hail to the Victors' means
a great deal to me." He felt that
"America was the victor," as a
result of teamwork by industry,
NASA, the armed forces and the
many other organizations contri-
buting to the success of the
Gemini 4 flight.
A. Geoffrey Norman, vice-pres-
ident for research, said in his
opening remarks 'that the Univer-
sity has played a large part in
space research through its gradu-
ates and the many related projects
conducted here.
President Hatcher added that
"man's only key to his future is
represented by space." He accept-
ed the building on behalf of the
Following the convocation the
astronauts dedicated a new Space
Research Bldg. on North Campus
and then were taken to the Miohi-
igan Union for lunch.
But on the Union steps, a teach-
in protesting United States policy
in Viet Nam and the Dominican
Republic was underway. The
teach-in was arranged because
some students and faculty mem-
bers felt that someone should
point out another side of U.S.
actions-the unpleasant side-in

Library Employes To Receive Wage Hike

pus leaders will be askedto ad-
dress leaders of the unions and
clergymen from across the state,"
Bluestone said recently.
Student leaders will then show
the union leaders and clergymen
around the campus-through the
dormitories, the libraries andthe
classrooms - to demonstrate 'the
overcrowded conditions at the
University. Bluestone hopes that
such a tour will increase interest
in the problems of the University.
Hopefully this conference will
get private organizations and la-
bor unions involved in student
economic welfare, Bluestone ex-
It seems however, that interest
has already started to generate.
According to Bluestone, the edu-
cation committee of the American
Federation of Labor and the Con-
gress of Industrial Organizations
has already expressed interest in
the problems of student economic
Furthermore, the United States
National Student Association's
Liberal Study Group will push the
topic as part of a reform move-

The study group is the most im-
portant committee of USNSA and
its opinion will be extremely im-
portant in the decision of what
goes on at USNSA's convention
Aug. 22 to Sept. 3.
Making student economic wel-
fare its main concern, Bluestone
explained would "bring USNSA
back to the campus." Past USNSA
conventions have focused on na-
tional and international problems
--a situation that has aroused
criticism from student conserva-

the midst of the celebration.
Creates Controversy
This created a stir within the
University community. Students
on one side were upset about the
question of the propriety of the
teach-in, but others were upset
over the fact that President
Hatcher would dismiss classes for
the day, because the astronauts'
were coming, yet a proposed work
moratorium for political purposes
last fall resulted in censure from
everyone from Hatcher to the
State Senate.

The teach-in took advantage of
the crowd which came to see Mc-
Divitt and White enter the Union
and was discourteous and disre-
spectful, some people said.
Vivian Present
Various s t a t e representatives
and senators were present at the
luncheon. The only federal rep-
resentative was Rep. Weston E.
Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) who con-
gratulated the astronauts and re-
lated a telegram sent by President
Lyndon B. Johnson.

At the luncheon, Ann Arbor
Mayor Wendell Hulcher presented
the astronauts with keys to the
city along with smaller keys for
their wives, a replica of the re-
cently named McDivitt and White
Corner at South University and
East University, and a resolution
of congratulations from the Ann
Arbor City Council.
Other resolutions of congratula-
tions were presented from both
houses of the State Legislature
and from Detroit Mayor Jerome

Stat SenteLyndn B.Johson.Cavaagh

1- r

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Chance to express oneself? Yes!

But most important of all ... PEOPLE!
The Daily, above all, is a place to make friends. W



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