WATER POLLUTION: SOME SOLUTIONS See Editorial Page Yl r e Sir igat 40I itiy COOLER High--72 Low-45 Becoming cloudy in afternoon Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 6-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1965 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES U.S. EVADES TRAP: St SovietsTr Senate Viet Cong Move Hints Offensive New Moong Kills Amendmenat SAIGON (A)-An estimated 1500 Communist guerrillas pulled back into the jungled hills around Song Be this morning, ending a savage daylong battle in the provincial capital that cost five American dead. A U.S. adviser said the fighting may be the beginning of the Viet Cong's summer rainy season of- fensive. The guerrillas occupied Song Be, 74 miles north of Saigon, for seven hours yesterday before they were driven out by U.S.-advised government troops and a barrage from U.S. jets. Five American dead and 13 wounded were among the 100 casualties on the South Vietnamese side. Trap A U.S. miiltary spokesman said the retreating Viet Cong tried to trap reinforcemeits lifted in by helicopter at the Song Be air- strip, but the snare failed because the troops landed south of the field. Song Be is a community of 15,000 in Phuoc Long province, which fronts on the Cambodian border. It is the first provincial capital to be temporarily occupied by the Viet Cong since Ham Tan, in Binh Tuy province, was over- run in 1963. The ground war picked up ele- where too. A U.S. marine was killed and six injured in a seize-and-hold op- eration by a marine company that secured a row of troublesome ham- lets eight miles west of the Da Nang air base, 380 miles north of Saigon. The casualties raised the total U.S. combat dead in Viet Nam in the last 31/2 years to 372. Bad Beating Belated reports from a battle last Sunday 25 miles west of Sai- gon disclosed 116 South Vietna- mese soldiers were killed and 78 wounded in one of the worst gov- ernment beatings in recent weeks. Two Viet Cong battalions forced 900 government troops into re- treat in this battle and captured 174 government weapons. U.S. air force and navy planes continued raids against Commun- ist North Viet Nam. Air Destruction Sixteen F105 fighter-bombers accompanied by a 24-plane escort destroyed six barracks , around Vinh, about 150 miles north of the border, left a 30-foot armed junk apparently sinking, destroyed two trucks and damaged five buildings along Route 8, a cross-country highway, a miltiary spokesman said. THESE MARINES were injured in fighting around the impor- tant Da Nang air base. The Viet Cong attacks, especially on the base at Song Be have led observers to believe that a new of- fensive is beginning. Two Skyhawk jets from the 7th Fleet carrier Oriskany scored three direct hits on a railroad1 bridge 13 miles south of Thanh' Hoa, itself 80 miles south of the North Vietnamese capital ofI Hanoi, he added. "We're really pouring the airl on them," a U.S. military spokes- man said. "We're giving them everything we can lay our handsI on. Viet Cong Remain Despite the determined govern-I ment counterattack a n d the pounding by U.S. planes, the Communists remained entrenched in the jungle brush around Song Be. Another Marine combat battal- ion of 1400 landed this morning at Da Nang, site of a strategic U.S.- Vietnamese air base 380 miles north of Saigon. The battalion boosts the number of Marines to 14,000 in the Vietnamese war. The landing reinforced specu- lation that nearly all of the 3rd Marine Division on Okinawa would eventually be thrown into the battle against the Viet Cong. In another development, a fresh load of U.S. Army combat heli- copters was expected to arrive in Viet Nam soon, beefing up the force of some 300 helicopters al- ready here. U.S. Deputy Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson narrowly escaped death or injury yesterday when a load of ammunition exploded at, a movie studio adjoining his resi- dence. Police believed the explo- sion was accidental. Johnson was standing in his yard about 15 yards from the blast but was not hurt. In Washington, meanwhile, an interfaith group planned to march across the Potomac today and stand outside the Pentagon in al silent vigil disapproving U.S. bombings in Viet Nam. Vigil leaders estimated as many of 1000 clergymen joining in the demonstration. Shot TodayToBnSaePl MOSCOW IP)-An unmanned Soviet space capsule will try to alight g nlgentlyon t d y !::;":::.:::::on::.....::the:::::::::::moon:::.:":.:::...today..:....:... .......,...................,......................*............................,..* in the most advanced experiment toward landing men there, an official Soviet announcement in- dicated. each and Publisi'-Haber The Lunik V-a 3,250-pound spacecraft launched last Sunday- By ROBERT MOORE times overcomes good teaching. "It is very much GI tn over- will try the landing at least halfB ERSorco eghea n"isveryt muchosfythaove a year ahead of an American at- "The task of the University is Scholar-Teachers simplificatin to say that the tempt to set down a functioning to make certain that the "pOur general experience has issue facing the teacher is device on the moon. scholar teaches, that the teach- been that the teacher3 who publish or perish.' It is highly Previous Soviet and American er searches and that the stu- are involved in scholarly e- exaggerated. shots at the moon have either dent is exposed to a teacher search i their fields are us- "We have many tera're pro crashed into it, stopping the flow who is himself a learner," Dean ually also creative, stimulating fessors in this University who of radioed information, or missed William Haber said in a recent and imaginative teachers. have published little and have it. But a soft landing could pio interview. not perished. We are always vide a continued flow of surface Haber, dean of the literary sensitive to the need .f recog- ?izing and rewarding excep data vital for sending men to the college, the University's largesttiamgod moon safely. school, was talking about the tionally good teaching. And we The brief announcement, di- place of research and teaching often do so even when not brefclearly accompanied b v tributed by the Tass news agency in education. said the Lunik V is scheduled to Research budgets and pro- .. dence of creative or prolific reach the Sea of Clouds area this grams at American universities scholarship," Haber said. afternoo"Anunversityoehae, however, would afternoon, have c a u s e d dissatisfaction" niver The Sea of Clouds is the name among many campus liberals cease to be a university if it given by earthbound moonwatch- and student activists. They did not require of its teachers ers to a plain near the moon's charge large. research-oriented active and vigorous participa- south pole. universities lose sight of the in- tion in the process of learning, "The automatic station Lunik V dividual student who wants of searching, if discovering. carries for the first time equip- stimulating instructors and not 'More True Today' ment for a soft landing on the big-time research. "Thi tr td. th moon," the announcement said. Disagrees ever. T isbgin with, our eco The announcement about a soft Haber disagreed with the va- landing carne after the course of tolidity of this charge as applied tnal tan reqie us totrain the Lunik V had been corrected, to the University. experts in research. In addin apparently giving Soviet kuthori "Teaching-good teaching-- tion, we are living in a period ties confidence that everything is our primary academic re- wherethere i a a delof was going according to plan and sponsibility," Haber said. "Uni- hobsolescence of knowledge,' '" a soft landing would be a success versity teaching, however, in- Haber said. Reports published in the West volves More than appearing be- DEAN HABER have indicated the soft landing fore a classroom several times "Very much that we have would have to be made. on the a week. It involves some clear, "Our teachers must be scho- known before has become obso- blast of rockets that slowly lower and measurable evidence on the lar-teachers. The teacher who lete. The teacher who is not the capsule, part of the teacher that he is only teaches is not a creative aware of these developments, The U.S.'s plans for putting men capable of intellectual growth person. He cannot be stimulat- who is not helping in this pro- on the moon this decade were and that he is growing; that he ing and exciting to learners un- cess of discovery, can hardly be described as improved last night keeps up with 'he subject; that less he is himself learner." an e x c it i n g and creativea by Space Administrator James E. he is a learner and that he is Haber pointed out, however, teacher. Webb. creative." that reports of extreme em- "We need, therefore, good: He told the Washington Boaid Haber disagreed witn the as- phasis by the administration on and hopefully great teachers. of Trade these improved prospects sertion that good research wt. k research by individual teachers We believe that such people are resulted from the smooth progress often interferes with and some- are not true. also fine scholars." of the Gem inimspacec:aft..:o::.am... ::. .:.:::.. . . . . . ....... . Webb was not available Imme- diately for comment on the Rus- CHANGES IN POWER: sian moon shot., In the first manned Gemini flight several weeks ago, astro- nauts Virgil I. Grissom and John I tr eley S ud sks eform Young Jr. were able to change the/ velocity and orbital attitudes ofj King Sets Plan of Action For Protests in Alabama Tees May Lead To Passage of Voting Bill Johnson Opposed Change in Measure On Legal Grounds WASHINGTON (M-The Unit- ed States Senate rejected yester- day an amendment to the Negro voting rights bill that would have banned poll taxes as a require- ment for voting in state and local elections. The vote was 49 to 45. The amendment, proposed by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D- Mass) and 38 other senators and strongly supported by civil rights groups, was opposed by the ad- ministration and Senate leaders as of doubtful constitutionality. Court Test The Voting Rights Bill already contains a provision directing the attorney general to test in the courts the constitutionality, of poll axes still collected from voters in four states-Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Virginia. Senate leaders hoped that de- feat of Kennedy's amendment, an issue that has divided supporters of the bill, would open the way for passage of the voting rights measure by the end of the week. Democratic leader Mike Mans- field of Montana and Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illi- nois had urged defeat of the amendment. They had questioned its constitutionality. Avoids Doubts Mansfield said the provision in the Voting Rights Billfor a court challenge of poll taxes "avoids any constitutional doubts." Despite the stands by the par- ty leaders, both the party whips, or assistant leaders, voted for the amendment. They are Sens. Rus- sell B. Long (D-La) and Thomas H. Kuchel (R-Calif). Tennessee's Democratic senators, Ross Bass and Albert Gore, also voted for Kennedy's amendment. So ;did Sen. Ralph Yarborough (D-Tex). All the other senators from the Southern states also lined up against the amendment. Strategies Now that the poll tax ban amendment has been voted down, both sides are preparing strate- gies for the upcoming clash over the Voting Rights Bill. Sen. Allen J. Ellender (D-La) spokesman for the Southern sen- ators battling the Voting Rights Bill as unconstitutional, said they decided at a recent closed strategy meeting to block any request for an over-all debate limitation agreement. Ellender said, however, they would not object to limiting de- bate on individual amendments as they are called up. Southern Amendments He said the Southerners have only had one amendment brought to a vote so far and have others they intend to offer. He said he could not predict when action on the bill might be completed. Reminded that Mansfield and Dirksen have expressed hope of Senate passage of the bill this week, Ellender said that "with the machinery greased up the way it is, they have the power to do it." But, he said, "I don't think they will exercise it." Ellender apparently was refer- ring to the power of the leader- ship to move to table amendments offered by the Southerners. Mo- tions to table are not debatable. Avoid Filibuster The party leaders indicated they may be willing to go along tem- porarily with placing a time limi- tation on debate on each amend- ment, if an over-all limitation is blocked. Mansfield said he hopes the bill can be passed this week but Dirk- sen said he couldn't guess how long it would take to get final ac- tion. Student Riots SELMA, Ala. (P)-Martin Luther King Jr. outlined yesterday plans their spacecraft.E for massive new demonstrations at the state capital if the Alabama . Another manned Gemini flight legislature fails to heed demands for improving the Negro's economic is scheduled in the near future, possibly next month, Webb said. and political status. In this one, the techniques of King's rallying tour of target areas in his four-month-old voter maneuvering and docking in space i drive took him to nearby Camden where he told about 200 Negroes --that petitions will be presented Vivian Asks Constructive Criticism of Viet Policy By MICHAEL BADAMO ;t i 1 3 1 i i _ to the legislature next week. Small groups of Negroes from the Black Belt, a stretch of rich dark soil, will attempt to petition lawmakers to "do something about the conditions we f a c e as Negroes," he said. While King was making his fourth stop in the two-day Black Belt tour to pump new life into his voter drive, police at Demopolis- where he spoke Monday-arrested about 50 persons for trying to lead a march of Negro school children. Those arrested were charged with contributing to the delinquency of minors. will be studied. "Gemini is a planned step in hopefully achieving our announced goal of putting a man on the moon by the end of this decade," Webb said. "As we successfully complete each phase of the program, we enhance our prospects for a lunar landing by 1970," he declared. The next exploratory step in this direction in the U.S. space program is the lunar orbiter series. This is expected to be seven or more flights, and is the combining of two earlier projected programs, termed Surveyor, designed to soft- land an instrument package on the moon in 1966. LOS ANGELES (M)-Sweeping changes in the structure of the University of California and a great lessening of control by re- gents were recommended yester- day in a special report triggered by last autumn's disorders on the Berkeley campus. The report, issued by a nine- member team appointed by the regents and headed by Beverly Hills attorney Jerome C. Byrne after a four-month study, was made public at a news conference. Implicit in the 85-page docu- ment was lack of censure of the students and acceptance of what they claimed as the basis of their 8-month-old revolt-demands for free expression and the rights of advocacy. Equally striking, in a massive series of recommendations, was the implicit criticism of present * Congressman Weston E. Vivian (D-Mich) who has expressed his dissatisfaction with the present United States policy in Viet Nam is of the opinion that most of the dissention on President Lyndon, B. Johnson's policy is lacking in constructive nature and merely; criticizes rather than gives possible alternatives.' Vivian, when asked to explain why he voted for the President's request for an additional $700 million for military spending in the Viet Nam war and the Dominican crisis he referred to a statement ---',made by Rep. Henry Reuss (D- Wis) in congressional debate N Policywhich he supported. Reuss said, "I shall vote for the resolutionan the appropriation Revam pi g today because I believe that the troops we have committed in C111~d 'e' C southeast Asia deserve the support Considered the President has told us they ned. That is what my vote today The National Science Founda- tion, long engaged in administer- a .gI this not a t oflict in ing government grants to various Sorut Vitepresen o vote of scientific research projects, will satisfaction with things as they shortly be before the House Sci-a university policy, the administra-i tion's structure and the board of regents' present view of its own functions. Disappointeds Board Chairman Edward W. Carter, asked how much weight he thinks his fellow regents will, attach to the report, said he was disappointed in the report, adding: "It's stimulating, but I doubt they'll treat most of the recom- mendations with great seriousness. That's my personal opinion." The report suggested that the nine campuses be reorganized into a "commonwealth of universities," with each chartered autonomously. And it recommended that the regents formulate their role to concentrate on legislative func- tions, delegating executive and judicial functions to university administrators. "The wise use of power requires its wide distribution," the report said. "This suggests that the regents must be willing to delegate their enormous powers as the people have been willing to dele- gate theirs." Ordered by Regents The report was ordered by the regents after a series of Berkeley campus uphevals that included a two-day sit-in in the administra- tion building last fall during which more than 700 demonstra- tors were arrested. The controversy flared anew in March when a handful of youths flaunted on the campus a four letter word. Because of a dispute between himself and the regents over the discipline of students following that demonstration, University of California President Clark Kerr had threatened to resign, but withdrew his threat later after discussions with the regents. The report said investigators found no evidence to indicate that the Free Speech Movement on the Berkeley campus was organized by the Communist Party, the pro- gressive labor movement or any other outside group. It called for a new charter pro- vision giving "full freedom of or- ganization by faculty and stu- campaigns against bans on ob-E scene speech. The administration has been opposed to the faculty in most3 areas concerning the student pro- tests.1 The Free Speech movement, which was the moving force be- hind most protests here since the" original demonstrations last fall, disbanded recently for reasons re- lated to what its leader, Mario Savio, called "Bonapartist" lead- ership policies. Another group, the Free Student Union, has taken its place. State Bndget May Be Upped By $20 Million It looks like Gov. George Romney's recommended $780 mil- lion general-fund operating budget will be increased by at least $20 million by the Legislature. The Senate appropriations com- mittee has reported out four bills that would significantly increase the budget. For higher education (operat- ing money for Michigan's ten state-supported colleges and uni- versities), the committee recom- mends $4.9 million more than Romney sought. The higher education bill in- crease is intended primarily to in- crease salaries of professors, and includes an additional $1.2 million to cover any unexpected jump in the number of students and to entice colleges to expand summer classes. Two of the Senate bills concern capital outlay-$56,996,228 to fi- nance construction of several pro- jects, and $2.8 million to study and prepare plans for others. Though the capital outlay total is below the expected level, Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint), chair- man of the appropriations com- mittee, said the amount was be- ing kept low for a purpose. A supplemental appropriation for capital outlay is being planned fr. early next. Year.TLane said. By 1 1 a ence and Astronautics Committee for a complete policy revamping. This will be the first revision of the Foundation since its insti- tution. Rep. Weston E. Vivian (D- Mich) said that, "The organiza- tion has not had enough pblicy review.'' Now that the Science and As- tronautics Committee's budget re- quests for the next fiscal year are completed the committee will de- vote much of their time to re- working the Foundation's more basic policies. The project is slat- ed to begin immediately. Wants Changes In Vivian's estimation there will be three major policy changes which will be taken into consider- ation. They are: -A better geographical distri- Vivian refused to say exactly what he thought of the admin- istrative policy in Viet Nam be- cause in his estimation "it would serve no purpose." Local consti- tuents have been led to believe by some of Vivian's past state- ments of an ultra-liberal nature that he had grave reservations as to the validity of U.S. policy in Viet Nam. He said that the President's re-I quest for $700 million was an at- tempt to dramatize congressional l involvement in the Vietnamese problem. Concerning a recent resolution passed by local Democrats con- demning U.S. policies in Viet Nam Vivian was critical because they offered no alternatives to the problem but he added that he was BRITISH PRIME MINISTER WILSON addressed the opening of the annual meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization yesterday. The meeting is expected to discuss both Viet Nam and the Dominican Republic. France Drops German Issue LONDON (A)-France gave upj that President Lyndon B. Johnsont Germany on the bases of self- dhe Berkelev campus