0kr igau
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Says Apartments
To Be Completed Stl
Builder Points To New Methods, Hey1*Sill
Inidicates 'U' Towers To Be Ready unueerne
* * * * *
Top Vce-Presiden t
The 300 University students with leases at a controversial new
apartment building will be able to move in on time for the fall semes-
ter, according to the owner, Robert Weaver, despite previous reports
that the building would not be finished on time.
Although there have been setbacks from steel workers strikes and
bad weather, all 18 floors will be ready for full occupancy by Aug. 21,
Weaver said.
Many architectural experts at the University have disputed Weav-
er's claim in the past that the building will be completed on schedule,
To Look into
Climaxing a study of intensive
land usage in Ann Arbor, the City
Council passed a formal resolu-
tion to receive the final report of
the Joint Committee on Central
Business District High-Rise De-
Svelopments and Parking.
The vote came' at the Council's
reg~Uar Monday session, July 19.
It made legal action suggested in
the study possible.
In an attempt to forewarn and
educate land owners and develop-
ers of possible legislation resulting
Sfrom the report, the Council also
passed an ordinance forbidding
city officials to issue building per.
mits for any structures over 18
sto3'ies, except with approval of
ouni .Further Study
The ordinance, entailing the
committee's suggested ceiling for
high rises, was passed with the
understandling that further study
of the report would yield more
Scomprehensive legislation.
To this end, a special meeting of
Council was slated for August 2,
sider th e first daft of odinances
prepared by the City Attorney. As-
pects of the report not covered in
the then current ordinance would
be included.
The Jopient Comittee comnposed
versity, Ann Arbor Council, Cham-
Sber of Commerce, and related or-
gnizations, was org azd iOc
demand in relation to Ann Ar-
bor's responsibilities," according to
Peter Ostafin, committee secre-
tary and assistant to the vice-
Spresident for student affairs.
Major proposals presented in
the report published by Johnson,
Johnson, and Roy, an Ann Arbor
landscape developing firm, dealt
with availability of parking space,
reclassification of lots and zones
in the prime campus fringe area,
wall setback for upper stories of
high rise structures, a.nd open
b areas as premiums for increasing
btWeaver explained that they
are not familiar with his "critical
path" method o'f construction'.
Weaver explained that this
method uses as much prefabricat-
ed construction material as possi-
ble and the progress of the work
is worked out on computers.
Hoe fadedthat the method is
monly used in large cities, where
the* construction of high buildings
is commonplace.
The owner of the largest apart-
ment house in Ann Arbor, with a
capacity of 800 occupants, com-
mented that many people are not
familiar with the method in this
city because most of the build-
ing projects are toQ small to jus&-
tify its use. -
When it appeared several
months ago that the apartment
house, located at the corner of
South University and Forest Ave.,
might not be completed on time',
Weaver indicated that he would
be willing to have his men work
24 hours a day.
Striking local steel workers in
early May held construction up
several weeks. Federal mediators
were called in to handle the dis-
Second Factor
The second factor in the set-
back in construction was that the
American Bridge Co., a-L:h is con-
structing the inner steel frames
for the building, was put two
months behind because of bad
Mrs. Norma F. Kraker, supervis-
or of off-campus housing in the
Office of Student Affairs, said in
May that "the 300 students who
have signed leases are taking quite
a chance by signing."
Concern has been expressed by
the University as to where the stu-
dents will live if the construction
is not finished by the end of Au-
On Berkteley
Has Great Support;-
'U' Takes No Action
The U~niversity's upper admin-
istration was jolted this summer
as one of its most popular and
active vice-presidents received a
bid to head the University of Cali-
fornia's troubled Berkeley campus.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns, already
acknowledged to be a key Uni-
versity leader and often mention-
ed as its next President, was of-
fered the Berkeley chancellorship
Newsd-Jf the offer touched off
an unusually vigorous movement
among faculty members, among
whom Heyns is highly respected,
to keep him at the University. The
administration and Regents, how-
ever, made no counter-offers aim-
ed at retaining him.
Up to Heyns
This left the choice up to
Heyns: to take the top position
on the Berkeley campus, or to
stick with what is generally con-
sidered the second slot at the Uni-
versity. As of July 23, when this
edition went to press, Heyns has
not announced his decision-and
reportedly is still undecided-
News of the California offer
first came from two conservative
members of the California board
of regents, which governs all nine
of the campuses which make up I
the University of California-.
That university has been in a
state of crisis since last winter,
when student demonstrations vir-
tually brought the Berkeley cam-
pus to a standstill.
The Berkeley chancellor at the
time, Edward Strong, was blamed
for incompetent handling of the
events and was replaced by Mar-
tin Meyerson, then dean of Berke-
ley's college of environmental de-
Meyerson, however, was unac-
ceptable to the conservative mem-
bers of the board of regents, and
never got beyond the title of "act-
ing chancellor." Heyns is report-
edly the first candidate t0 be ac-
ceptable to all iactions in the
The Office of Student Affairs
wvas reorganized this summer to
facilitate a deeper expertise and
to make the non-academic as-
pects of education a greater in-
fluence at the executive admini-
strative level according to Vice
President for Student Affairs
Richard Cutler.
Basically, the restructuring will
eliminate the role of the vice
president* for student affairs as a
dean of students, he said, trans-
Prewideui/ of the Univrsit y
SEXTEND a cordial welcome
to the students who are be-
ginning new programs of study
at the University of Michigan.
Mday 1 remind our freshmen
that since they are spending four
or more years at the University,
they proceed immediately to lay
their a c a d e min c foundation
soundly that th1ey explore all
aspects of the University, curric-
ular and extracurricular; and
that they take the long look at
what they expect from life be-
fore deciding how the Univer-
sity can best help them reach
their goals.
BLaT \\'ISII'S for success and
happiness in your life and
work at the University of Mich-
forming him, in practice. to
man among equals at vice presi
dential level."
A dean of students' function
according to Cutler, normally i
to directly supervise the inne
workings of an all the division
of a student affairs office.
Bogged Down
Cutler said that a vice presi
dent performing a dean of stu
dents role gets bogged down b;
the details and can not ade
quately fulfill his role as an ex
ecutive officer of the University
"The ultimate purpose of th
reorganization is to allow the vic
president more opportunity t
represent the student interest t
the Regents and the President,
Cutler remarked.
Cutler said that the realiza
tion that the non-academic sid
of a student's college experiene
is. as important as the academi
side is the philosophy underlyin
the restructuring.
He remarked that by givin
the GSA--which is basically con
cerned with the non -academi
aspects of a student's educatio:
-more influence on the execu
tive level, this side of campu
life can be better reflected i:
executive "decisions.
Reed Report
Cutler commented that the re
structuring was in 1ine with th
recommendations of the Reed re
port which advocated the over
hauling of the OSA during th
period when it was headed b
James A. Lewis.
Under the old system, Cutle
said the vice president for stu
dent affairs functioned as
"dean of students" even thoug
he did not have this as an off i
cial title.
He termed sum & structure a:
"anachronistic thcon cept'" an
dents" function performed by stu
dent affairs vice-presidents in th
past could better be performed b
In contrast to the new role Cut-
ler hopes for his office, a "dean
of students" type of GSA relies
more on the authority of other
executive offices, he said.
"The question is whether you
want one or two vice presidents
with some other deans, or sev-
eral vice presidents of equal
status,' he remarked.
Executive Leaders
Cutler said the restructuring
would transform the vice presi-
dent for student affairs from a
"line office officer" to a "true
executive leader."
For example, Cutler said that
he would be participating more
actively in such matters as the
location, financing, construction
and operation of residence halls
and other student facilities.,
While recognizing the need to
retain fiscal integrity, there is al-
so the need for someone to rep-
resent the student interest on
these projects Cutler explained.
In order to implement his plan
to have specialists in each field
taking over the duties of the
presdent Cutler has reorganized
his office into nine major sub-
-Daly-Thomas R. Copi
AFTER ONE OF last year's Regents' meetings, Regent Allan Sorenson, right, conferred with Vice-
President for Academic Affairs Roger Heyns, left. Heyns has since been offered the chancellorship
of the Berkeley campus of the University of California.
Fund Lack, Costs
Bamed or Rises
Ferency Blasts Regents for Action;
Romney Defends 'U' as Aiitoniomous
This summer the Regents raised both residence hail fees
and tuition rates in a move that will add $118-$150 to the
average freshman's bill for his first year at the University.
A $50 per year residence hall fee hike was unanimously
passed by the Regents in June, making this the second
straight year that residence hall charges have been increased
during the summer, This action was quickly followed by ap-
proval of the tuition hike at a special Regents meeting July 9.
The vote on tuition was 5-2, with Regents Carl Brablec and
Irene Murphy dissenting. Regent Allan Sorenson was absent
from the meeting.
Several University administrators had dropped unofficial
hints about the possibility of
fee increases which were pub-
lished in the Daily as early as
March; however, no formal
announcemnents had b e e n
miade before the two Regents
Executive Vice-President Marvin
Niehuss said that an additional
$250,000 has been set aside for
student financial aid to enable
needy students to pay the higher
Rationale for Hikes
Presenting a rationale for the
rate hike, administrators cited
rising costs in the residence hail
system as the reason for the $50
increase. According to John Feld-
kamp, assistant to the vice-presi-
dent for student affairs, approx-
imately 80 per cent of the Increase
is needed to finance pay raises for
both counseling and non-academic
The other 20 per cent, he said,
will be divided between wage
hikes for student employees and
the increasing costs of foods and
scĀ± vices.
The tuition increase was at-
tributed to a shortage of funds
from the Legislature. President
Harlan Hatcher pointed out that
the University was allotted only
$51.2 million of a $55.7 million
196,5-66 appropriations request. He
said this shortage, in combination
with the backlog of needs which
have accumulated since 1957-
when Michigan's financial crisis
resulted in the first of several con-
secutive low appropriations-made
eaising tuition a necessity.
Others disagreed, however. On
See HIKE, Page 3
A new campus bookstore offer-
ing from 10 to 15 pier cent dis-
counts on most textbooks will
open in Ann Arbor this fall, a stu-
dent-faculty group announced this
The store will remain open less
than three weeks according to
present plans-from Aug. 26 to
Sept. 14; It will be located at 1319
S. University.
Prof. Fred C. Shure of the en-
gineering school and Vita Sha-
piro, '68, are heading the student-
faculty group running the store.
gust, politics-ridden California system'.
On Time The offer spurred faculty lead-
However, at a summer Regents ,ers here to call for Regental action
meeting Vice-President for Stu- aimed at keeping Heyns here. The
dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler in- Senate Advisory Committee on
dicaf~ed that he felt the building University Affairs (SACUA), the
would be completed on time. facultys most active representa-
Junior as well as senior women tive group. met in an unprecedent-
will be able to live in the apart- ed summer session to draft a reso-
ment building after it approved Ilution, as did some of the Univer-
by the University, which will not |sity's most powerful deans.
be until it is completed. This is No one, however, was sure quite
the first time that junior women what to do. A key question was
havetbeen al'owed to live in apart- Hent possbility of briecom ing
Te ground floor of the build- dent Harlan .Hatcher retires in
ing, which houses commercial en- ,1967), but it was generally con-
terprises.. will not be finished by ceded that no promise-formal or
Aug. 21. 'See ITEYNS, Page 3
Breakey Overrules Keley
14rn~ Iw m r Cheaper Prices
In past years many student and
faculty-run stores hav attempted
By ROBERT MOORE pricesvhere. All have thus far
The question of who has jurisdiction over civil rights matters,fald
the state or the city, was answered-and argued-this summer, as a The bookstore will offer the text-
circuit judge here ruled directly against the state attorney general's books for nearly 55 courses, most-
expressed opinion about the controversial Ann Arbor Fair Housing ly the large introductory courses.
Try Out The Daily-Opportunity
d Circuit Court Judge James Breakey on June 18 overrode Attorney
-General Frank Kelley's opinion and declared the city's ordinance
e l~onstitutional.
y Kelley had previously said that power in matters concerning civil
rights in housing is lodged in the state's Civil Rights Commission.
Fair housing was not a local con-
cern, Kelley said
However, Breakey, in his opin-
ion said, "the mere fact that the
SKnOCks pisa foencigadtnl
requirements. As long as there is
thre a~., soud lke rairoa noconflict between the two, then
heels-or like water going down a bTrhe only dference between the
e block behind the Administration city ordinance and the state sta-
tute, Breakey explained, "is that,.
printed, the ordinance goes further in its
has $200,000 in annual revenues, prohibitions."
existing in complete financial-and ,The difference concerned the
iversity. case of Ann Arbor vs. Hubble.
.s an estimated readership of 25,000, The lawsuit, begun oergradyear
and is one of two morning apsinstudent, Bunyan Bryant, who
claims to have been denied an
-it is composed of about 70 students, apartment in the Parkhurst-Ar-
trainee, diverse. interestine. harkina han~14 Anavtmpnte manned hv
If the store succeeds during the
ona mchu l1arger scale fr th e sec-
ond term, adding more facilities
for advanced courses and perhaps
offering art supplies.
With success this fall, Schure
explained, book publishers would
be willing to ste boos "o on-o
store would not have to make a
down payment on book shipments
;hus, th books wuldh e a id
making payment easier. The pub-
lishers would also accept back all
unsold books.
Freshmen coming to summer
orientation will be given the op-
portunity to leave orders with the
bookstore and pick the books up
in the fall Schure explained.
Two Factors
The faculty-student group's
hope for success this fall depends
upon two factors. First, the group
is hoping that quantity sales in
a short time will cut costs. In ad-
iition, it hopes that an improved
Six days a week, at about
train going uphill on greased w
giant drain-spreads around th
It is the Michigan Daily being
The Daily is a business-it
$17,000 in student payrolls, all
editorial-independence of the Ur
The Daily is a service-it ha
the latest deadline in the state, ~
The Daily is a student group-
finnm wtwilv pditnr to wor'dless