Seveut# -Fi f tIbYear EIma AND MAKAGUD By STvC mursOF iTMUMVM~TYrrofiMICHRICAN vN mm AL1Tnop.IY of Bomwz m Cowmoz or STunff . G irrcATiows e-" ' " '- here Opinions Are Fr,420 MANARD Sr., Arm Amot, Mrcm. Troth Winl Previl NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials Printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, AUGUST 13, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN MEREDITH The Draft, The Student And His Consciene BaY GRACE of the II-S deferment most students are still immune to the pains of decision that greet the potential sol- dier. It is unfortunate that the better educated and intellectually able portion of young men is excluded from the pros- pect of bearing arms with the possibil- ity of being forced to kill, not to men- tion being killed, in the name of the State or its ideology. Letting the student off the hook has a profound effect upon the military and inevitably the society. This is especially true now that the Unit- ed States is embarking upon a path that nay lead from a confused war in Viet Nam to greater catastrophy. When asked to suppose they were to be drafted some students replied that they would serve-some with complete accept- ance of the military way of life (or as much as they know of it); others with their fingers crossed, willing to grin and bear arms but hoping to stay out of com- bat. No one, of course, seemed anxious to enlist. Other students said that they were re- ligiously opposed to war. When informed that a Conscientious Objector status was very difficult to achieve, many said that they would choose a prison term in order to. remain true to themselves' and as a means, however small and ineffectual, of nonviolent protest. These students will probably not be put to the test until too late to have any effect whatever. Some students offered unrealistic schemes for draft dodging, and others rationalized that they could "better serve their country as a student." A FEW CLAIMED that they would "pull a Yossarian" and flee to a neutral land as did the main character in Joseph Teller's "'Catch 22"; that their U.S. citi- zenship, especially today, is not worth either fighting or going to prison for. some said that. they would rather fight against America (i.e., the military-indus- brial complex, the profitable institution- alization of weaponry) than for her over such issues at Viet Nam. Within the ranks of the student, "the traditional bad American Justice? E CONTINUING court drama starring James R. Hoffa, president of the Teamsters Union, is a disquieting com- nentary on the ,processes of justice in America. Mr. Hoffa is currently under two crim- nal convictions. One of these - on a harge of attempting to bribe jurors in a 1963 Nashville trial in which Mr. Hoffa vas charged with conspiracy to violate he Taft-Hartley Act-was upheld recent- y iby the Sixth United States Circuit Dourt of Appeals. He has promised to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court if he doesn't get a re- hearing in the lower appellate court. He s also appealing a second federal con- riction on a charge of defrauding the. reamsters pension fund. HE TRIAL COURTS' sentences were: Eight years in prison and $10,000 fine in the bribery count and five years on he fraud conviction. The sentences, of :ourse, will not be imposed until Mr. loffa has exhausted every avenue of ap- eal. This is right and proper. There cannot be the slightest doubt, iowever, that, if the defendant involved mere a man of ordinary circumstances, he vould already be behind bars. He would tot have the extraordinary resources, as VIr. Hoffa has, necessary to pay the cost f legal counsel and official proceedings hrough months and years of appeal. However pure the principles of appel- ate procedures, they too often, in prac- ice, result in discrimination between Mr. 3ig and Joe Pungle. -THE PORTLAND OREGONIAN UDITH WARREN ......................... Co-Editor soldier," lies an untapped reservoir of opposition wherein there exists perhaps the only hope for a mass resistance move- ment to the increasingly powerful mili- tary. There is more involved in the question of military service today than just the rejection of war by those who abhor violence. Most of those who disdain to fight the Viet Cong in blundering U.S. fashion feel that they would have been morally compelled to fight Hitler. Within this important group of people who are not only students, but non-stu- dents and soldiers as well-although in lesser proportion-the spectrum of opin- ion ranges from those people who simply feel that the Vietnamese war is not worth its cost in lives, to those who sup- port, at least in theory, the aims of the National Liberation Front or the Viet Cong. THOSE PEOPLE, who are opposed to serving the U.S. military yet forced to do so, must be represented. The only way that-this can be achieved is for them to represent themselves and if they stand together their ranks will grow as a de- featist acquiescence to the military be- comes an even more unreal alternative in light of the new possibilities. It is evident that college students must not allow' themselves to be bought off by exclusion. The military must not be al- lowed to ignore its natural enemy. It is the moral duty of those persons with deferments to make the decision whether or not to allow the State to continue to coerce unwilling youth into the war ma- chine against their better judgment: They must be willing to take the risks that go along with the commitments that their draftable brothers are forced to make. There may soon be an ncident-via civil disobedience-that will allow Ameri- can youth to definitively express their op- position to U.S. war policies. The student must take part. MAKE YOUR DECISION and be ready! -ROBERT W. THORSON Sacrifice Needed THIS WEEK the entrance of the union- ized worker into the land of plenty was documented by a feature article in the New York Times. Describing the resort maintained by the Ladies Garment Work- ers Union, the Times said the post "revo- lution" era prophesized by the early labor leaders in which all the then underpriv- ileged laborers would eat "strawberries and cream" has finally come about. The article then went on to describe vaca- tioning garment workers devouring filet mignon and lobster in addition to straw- berries. ,It is evident that unionized laborers have become secure and faithful to the present order of society. In contemporary America the unions wield vast economic and political power and the workers enjoy high wages and short work weeks. Thus the old revolu- tionaries have become content with the establishment. Meanwhile the contemporary poor are being awakened like a slumbering giant to the possibilities of their upward mo- bility. ' Although the only poverty Johnson's poverty program seems to be ending is that of a relative lack of local political payola, the concept of upgrading the im- poverished is inherently a good idea. There is no reason why there should be abject poverty in America. To remedy destitute conditions is an arduous proc- ess but it can be done. HE LABOR UNIONS can take a formid- able step in eliminating some causes of poverty if they are willing to make the sacrifice for their fellow man that their economic superiors refused to do earlier in this century. Labor must establish job retraining fa- The EDITOR'S NOTE: D. F. Flem- Ing is professor emeritus of in- ternational relations at Vander- bilt University and a visiting professor at the California State College in Los Angeles. He is the author of "The Cold War and Its Origins," now in its fourth printing. The following essay was published in the July, 1965 Annals of the American Acade- my of Political and Social Sci- ences. Below is the second of two parts. By D. F. FLEMING "WITH THE THRUST toward a grand new order in Europe So Well under way," said de Borch- grave, "the question posed to Washington is where does it all leave the U. S.?" A part of the answer was found in a leading Belgian magazine which summed up the general drift neatly: "Why should coexistence be inapplicable in Southeast Asia? Why do Amer- icans refuse the advice of their allies? Do they really believe that they have already become masters of the world? This will cost them dearly some day." Indeed it already has. Don Cook, another competent observer in Europe, wrote to the Los Angeles Times on May 9 about all SEATO and NATO meetings, saying that they are now dominated "by a kind of anxious lobbying which winds up in an undignified and damaging head count as to who is still on the American side." We must, therefore, begin to reckon now with the unthinkable rapidly coming to pass-our best friends in the world turning their backs upon us and facing toward the East. We must foresee a rapid drawing together of Western and Eastern Europe, most probably in close association with the Soviet Union. It is not too soon, either, to think of the Soviet nuclear umbrella being extended over Western Europe, including Brit- ain, against us, protecting for one thing the growing French nuclear deterrent. IT IS A deeply disturbing thing to reflect that "America is be- coming irrelevant"to Europe. This is the fruit of our obsession about containing rapidly evolving Com- munist societies, flinging our re- sources prodigally around the world in an effort to wall them in and to prevent revolution from occurring anywhere in the "free world" until, in President de Gaulle's words, on April 27, we have become "a state that might think of itself, because of its power, to be invested with supreme and universal responsibilities." Also, as Washington's new de- termination to enforce a Pax Americana unfolds, we must ex- pect that the proliferation of nu- clear weapons, to which we have been so firmly opposed, will ex- pand. If no weak country can be safe from American intervention, then all middle sized countries will have to ponder the acquisition of nu- clear deterrents of their own.Even the little ones must try to get under the cover of some non- American nuclear umbrella. HOWEVER, it will be said that even though Asia and Europe turned their backs upon us we can still maintain control of the Western Hemisphere. Canada and Mexico will be defenseless, eco- nomically and otherwise, and Latin America can be held. Surely our power is sufficient for that. That seemed likely, too, until a revolt broke out in Santo Do- mingo on April 24, 1965. The rebels were composed of both mili- tary and civilian groups who wanted to bring back to power Dr. Juan Bosch, who was ousted by the military six months after the end m.ofithe thirty-one year nightmare of the tyranny of Tru- jillo. There was steam behind the new rebellion and many Ameri- cans were immediately in danger, especially from the civilians who had been armed. Accordingly, a U.S. Navy task force with 1500 Marines aboard arrived the 26th to protect and evacuate American citizens, 1100 of whom were re- moved the next day. SUCCEEDING WAVES of Amer- ican troops brought their strength up to 4200 by Thursday the 29th and this figure rose rapidly to 15,000, which was far beyond the number required to complete the evacuation of the remaining Americans. The purpose of the big intervention was obvious. As the New York Times put it on May 3, "President Johnson re- iterated that their sole mission was to protect and evacuate en- dangered Americans and other foreign nationals. Yet, every pri- vate briefing held for Congress- men and correspondents in Wash- ington emphasizes that the pri- mary aim. . . is to prevent 'another Cuba'." The Times added that "This is an understandable concern, but not one that should prompt a panicky display of power when- ever any hint of Communist in- filtration is reported." NEVERTHELESS, this is what had happened. Military intelli- gence had come up with the names of 58 alleged Communists involved U.S. Becomes ernment in the Western Hemis- phere." IN THESE all encompassing terms Mr. Johnson brought the Truman Doctrine to its ultimate proportions. From this day hence- forth no revolution is to be per- mitted anywhere within the reach of our power, unless it be a revolution engineered from the Right. But in a revolutionary age, any age, the great majority of revolu- tions come from the Left.. All these will promptly be crushed, since they might turn Red. This may be a small chance, but no chance can betaken. Some Com- munists will certainly be: in every revolution from the Left, and some endangered regime, or U.S. intelligence agency, can always be counted on with total confidence to sound the Red alarm. Then the might of the United States will drop from the skies and crash upon the beaches. This is the role which our lead- ers chose for us in the world after our total victories in World War -Associated Press PROTESTS ALL OVER THE WORLD, as the one shown above in Moscow, testify to the bad impression the United States has built abroad with its policies of strong-armed intervention. A Foi mon Market for the Western Hemisphere." A week later a dis- patch from Rio de Janeiro dis- closed that Chilean President Frei was proposing the "political unity of all Latin America, with the exception of Communist Cuba." (Los Angeles Times, April 21. Italics added.) NOW UNDER the impact of the Johnson Doctrine Latin America may move toward unity more rapidly than would have been thought possible before the Santo Domingo intervention. If such a union comes into being, also, it will be defensive against both our economic and military power. Once again our union with a sister continent is likely to be rejected, and a united Latin America would certainly erect its own nuclear umbrella. It is, therefore, much too late for Pax Americana to succeed. Pursuance of this fearful dream can only lead rapidly into Fortress America. Indeed, as the events since February 7 detailed above indicate, this process is already for along. With a wall of hatred against us in Asia and a wall of indifference toward us rising in Europe, we only required the hos- tility of Latin America to com- plete our self imposed encircle- ment in Fortress America. Now a second decision in Wash- ington, within three months, to use our huge military power sud- denly to frustrate revolution in small nations, half a world apart, has supplied the necessary cata- lyst. OUR MILITARY power is un- imaginable, but the idea of using it to regulate the conduct and determine the future of peoples around the world is self defeat- ing. And before Fortress America really closes around us we ought to think in deadly seriousness what it would be like to live in- side it. We may be sure that it would be a prison for all those who love individual liberty, for dissent would be repressed even more rig- orously than it is already in con- sensus U.S.A. We must antici- pate that the worst excesses of the McCarthy period would become the order of the day. We have enough resources to give ourselves a good living on an autarchic bas- is, but a much more restricted one. Profits would be far smaller and business would have to be controlled far more rigorously in a world in which the out-thrusts of our investments and much trade would cease. IT IS NOT TOO LATE to avert this tragic end to the American Dream, and to stop our efforts to have learned by this time that the law of social evolution is in- exorable and that it works to change even Communist societies, literally before our eyes. This law of change is the wave of the future, against which all of our dikes are built in vain. We may survive in Fortress America, surrounded by a great, sea wall of distrust here at home, but we can- not live and thrive in the world in opposition to it. On the other hand, it is not too late to turn back from the Pax Americana which it is beyond our power to establish. It, will take time to restore the thaw in our relations with the Soviet Union which had so greatly reduced world tensions. It will take much of the wisdom about which the President so often speaks, to end our hostile encirclement of the new China and to establish trade an riendyreations with he, as the U.S. Chamber of com- merce recently urged. It will not be easy to win back the confidence of the Latin Americans again, "Decades were spent in creat- ing a policy of nonintervention in the internal affairs of hemispheric nations," said the New York Times on May 4, "and time will be need- ed to heal the wounds." That is surely a strong understatement. NOR WILL ANY of these life- giving things be done unless many" powerful conservative interests make themselves heard in Wash- ington, before it is too late. The tress current rising of our intellectuals is magnificent, but in foreign af- fairs the President has allied him- self with the extreme rightist forc- es that he had overwhelmed at the polls in November, and who willo hldimtefrcghs now holdo hmbet, enforcing hi Pax Americana. Since the administration also disregards its own great liberal following, it is a time for our true conservatives, who still have great power, to make themselves heard. Twice since February 6 the ad- ministration has antagonized enormous numbers of people abroad, and each application of the American mailed fist acceler- ates rapidly the turning of the world against us. We simply cannot afford a third massive affront to the opinion of mankind. Yet the explosive de- fensive-offensive mentality now gripping Washington may produce it at any time. EVERY REAL conservative ought to be deeply disturbed also by the rapid decline of our government's credibility. On April 23 the New York Times declared that it had been one of the "casualties of the War in Viet Nam. Time after time high rank- ing representatives of _govern- met-in Washington and Saigon -have obscured, confused or dis- torted news from Viet Nam," said the editorial, adding that the blame "goes back to the Penta- gon, to the State Department and the White House.'' Then came Santo Domingo and on May 9 David Kraslow reported to the Los Angeles Times from the scene a representative com- ment that "You just can't believe what you're told any more." It was an ugly-situation. Some reporters had learned "by bitter experience' in Saigon that they could not ac- cept what American officials told them as the truth," Now it was "recurring in Santo Domingo." Thus "a most precious thing" was being destroyed, for a government that does not have credibility "rules not by consent but by force." WHEN WRITERS in the two largest and most influential news- papers in the United States agree that Washington's credibility is rapidly and progressively being destroyed, everyone should be able. to see that these adventures in Pax Americana are corrupting the foundations of our democracy here at home. How much longer can we permit this to continue? There is equally deep cause for alarm when Robert J. Donovan, head of the Los Angeles Times bu- reau in Washington, can describe, on May 9, "President Johnson's tornadic reaction" to the Domini- can revolt. We cannot afford cyclonic ac- tion in the White House, even against little states abroad; for even if catastrophe is avoided the turning of the' world's peoples against us cannot be. ONCE BEFORE the real con- servatives of the nation saved it, In 1954, when a few powerful of- ficials were pushing us into a preventive war with China, Presi- dent Eisenhower was warned by "a flood of communications that descended on the White' House from powerful institutions all over the country." This pressure of the genuine conservatives ended the push to- ward a world war' then. Today the twin dangers of a carefully escalated 'holocaust or the inex- orable closing in of Fortress Amer- ica are far greater, and time may be short. S tarn pede To the Editor: r[H E FOLLOWING is in re- sponse to the letter that ap- peared in The Daily of August 11. The pretensions of the plant department have been trampled, but clearly those of Mr. Orlin can flourish even without signs. One wonders how so vast a mind can encompass. the small dimensions of this matter. -Tom Knoop, Grad ' in the, rebellion and this was judged sufficient to justify a mas- sive intervention, despite Article 15 of the Charter of the Organiza- tion of American States which says: "No State or igroup of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason what- ever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State. The. foregoing principle prohibits not only armed force but also any other form of interference or at- tempted threat against the per- sonality of the State or against its political, economic and cultural elements." Article 17 says also: "The ter- ritory of a State is inviolable; it may not be the object, even tem- porarily, of military occupation or of other measures of force taken by another State, directly or indirectly, on any grounds whatever." This is the law and in ignoring it our leaders did not even bother to inform the OAS of their inter- vention, much less consult it. THE UNITED STATES not only violated completely the basic law governing our relations with Latin America but also the United Na- tions Charter which requires every signatory to report any al- leged measures of self defense "immediately" to the Security Council. When others brought the issue to that Council the delegate from Uruguay pointed out, on May 4, the violation of both Charters. He rejected the "despotism of the strongest," and denied the validity of the new "Johnson Doctrine.,, He referred to the ultimate af- firmation of the Pax Americana which President Johnson had made ond May 2, the day before. Declaring that Communist con- spirators had taken over the re- bellion, the President asserted that "The American nations ' cannot, must not and will not permit the establishment of another Com- munist government in this hemis- phere." The next day he declared, once more: "We don't intend to sit here in our rocking chair and let the Communists set up any gov- II: We would contain others;' we would forbid revolutions. So Presi- dent Johnson closed his address on May 2 about the Dominican intervention as follows: "We do not want to bury anyone, as I have said so many times before. But we do not intend to be buried." IN THESE WORDS Mr. John- son unconsciously announced the ginning of Fortress America. The oxd of containment and the be- master of the richest and might- iest power on earth felt our burial threatened by another revolt on a little Caribbean island. ' The Red tide was moving in upon us, but "we will not be bur- ied." "As long as I am President of this country we are going to. defend ourselves," Mr. Johnson declared in all solemnity. Ob- viously the great fear to which our leaders had yielded in the plenitude of our post war power is closing in on them. After nearly two decades of rushing to ten alarm fires they still keep breaking out, and our increasingly strenuous efforts to\ put out little fires continue to fan far bigger ones. THE MAY 3 headline over the Los Angeles Times reporter's dis- patch from Buenos Aires was ac- curate. "Angry Anti-U.S. Wave Sweeps Latin. America: All Types of Political Groups from North to South Join in Cry of 'Interven- tion'." Intervention by the United States, wrote George Natanson, is "a violently emotional issue." Re- ports from nearly all the Latin countries expressed the deeply rooted fear: "This could happen to us." The Chilean Foreign Min- istry announced its "profound alarm." The press of a dozen countries, which he named, united in con- demning the action of the United States. Washington's success in pres- suring the OAS to take over. the' Dominican operation, on May 6, at least formally, may blunt some of the poignantly revived fears of "The Colossus of the North." Yet this is the deepest fear in the Western Hemisphere. It has a century of intervention behind it, which the Latin Americans be- lieved had been ended by the Good Neighbor policy. Now suddenly the 19th Century is back again. ACTUALLY, of course, it is too late for the Johnson Doctrine. It may be enforced for a time around the Caribbean, and on the north- ern rim of South America, but in reality, as Eric Sevareid pointed out on May 6, the great countries of South America and several of the smaller ones are separated from us by vast areas of water, jungles and mountains. They are farther away than Europe and are peopled by large expanding popu- lations which live in increasingly revolutionary situations.. Natanson reported from Chile on May 2nd that the Chilean people are in a mood to break 1 'Taxi' Gets Somewhere Fast and Philosophical At the Campus Theatre "JN WAR, always kill people before you know them," says one of the characters of "Taxi to Tobruk." The theme may be no theme, but the movie is good. "Taxi" is the story of five men, four hundred miles of desert, and World War II, a French re-run with subtitles. It is neither wartime spectacle nor poetic allegory, but it combines the excitement of the one with the depth of the other to make a worthwhile and relevant film. The plot is simple and realistic: four Allied soldiers and a German prisoner trek from Tobruk to El Alamein. Between there is' danger, of course, but also the type of drama that can be believed and enjoyed without stretching either taste or imagination. UNFORTUNATELY, the desert suffers from drought and from a surfeit of stock characters. There is the cold-eved German. the nuu- 'In, Harm'sWa' A Lot of Cliches At the State Theatre CLICHES ARE somehow more excusable in war pictures than in their less bloody and more arty brethren. The clinetele expects plenty of fireworks, nurse-officer romances, tearful reports of casualties, the tough commander and his tough'talk. Only one cliche will be documented here. For the total syndrome, see "In Harm's Way," an Otto Preminger film. First, the cliche, one taken:. from a short speech by Kirk Douglas. Douglas is describing the variety of political opportunities in positions of command who are camp followers of the worst type, the boot lickers of higher politicians. Kirk, without batting an eye, uses the sailor's insults of insults to describe a particularly opportunistic rogue, played by Dana Andrews. Kirk, his teeth clenched, spews: "He's nothing but a straw-bottom