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August 13, 1965 - Image 1

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41W4 3ZUA&


Very hot
but sunny

Seventy.-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXV, No. 68-S


CTi [TT' M VTe NTrrQ

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Johnson Gets Military Pay Bill

Los Angeles Again
Torn b Race Riot
LOS ANGELES (A")-Violence erupted in a' Negro suburb
last night as hundreds of police tried to control an estimated
milling rioters.
There was an unconfirmed report that a man was killed.

WASHINGTON ()P) - Congress
swiftly completed action on a $1-
billion military pay bill yesterday
and sent it to the President in
time for the added money to reach
servicemen's pockets next month.
"They need this money now and
if we don't pass this bill today. we
may not get it to them," Rep. L.
Mender Rivers (D-SC), chairman
of the House Armed Services Com-
mittee, told the House.
Although the $1 billion was

more than twice as much as the
administration had requested for
military pay increases, President
Lyndon B. Johnson is expected to
sign it into law.,
No Dissent
The big pay bill-which would
give 2.5 million servicemen their
third raise within two years-had
passed the Senate and House
without a dissenting vote.
The House completed congres-
sional action on it yesterday by
accepting, at River's urging, the
changes the Senate made in the
bill passed by the House July 20.
This sent the bill directly to the
White House without need of a
Senate-House conference to iron
out differences between the two
By skirting a conference, Rivers
suggested new rates would not get
caught in the adjournment squeeze
and could go into effect Sept. 1-
meaning another "$80 million plus
will go into the pockets of these
paupers in uniform."
Passage of the measure can be
counted as a victory for Rivers
and his committee against ad-
ministration opposition led by Sec-
retary of Defense Robert S. Mc-
Namara. They introduced the $1-
billion pay bill and won its unani-
mous acceptance by the House.
The administration had recom-
mended an increase of $447.5 mil-
Reversing the. pattern of recent
previous increases, the bill will
give the largest percentage in-
creases to officers and enlisted
men with less than two years
Enlisted Men
The bill will give enlisted per-
sonnel in this category an average
17.3 per cent raise in base pay and
officers 22 per cent.
It provides a 6 per cent increase
for officers with more than two
years' service and an 11 per cent
across-the-board boost to enlisted
men in the same category.
The measure also will add $10
to the $55-a-month special com-
bat pay for personnel in the Viet
Nam" war zone and it will give
retired military personnel about, a
4- per- cent- cost-of-living increase
in monthly pension.


It was the second straight night of mass, unrest, triggered late
Wednesday by a white- officer's arrest of a Negro on a drunken
driving charge . . . and the second time around was worse.
After a quiet day crowds gathered at sundown and quickly ran.
wildly out of control. Three hours later there were countless reports
of persons stoned and beaten, of cars overturned, fires started, shots
exchanged. Police complained they were pulled from cars and beaten;
attacked when, they tried to '----_- -----



Voice Plans
Support. of
SDS, Strike
Students at the University are
already planning, support for a
December student strike to pro-
test 'United States policies in Viet
The strike, sponsored. by Stu-
dents for a, Democratic Society,
is scheduled to take place some-
time in the first 10 days of De-
cember, according to Norman Mc-
Donald, a member of the SDS Viet
Nam Committee. The strike plan-
ners intend to hold alternative ac-
tivities, ;instead of classes, such
as sit-ins and protests at campus
mltes. training and research f a-
"The strike is definitely going
to happen," McDonald said. "The
SDS strike plan, has already re-
ceived support from sturdents in
France and Japan, as well as the
U.S.," he added.
Voice Plans.
At the University, Voice Poli-
tical Party is planning to support
the strike, according to Richard
Shortt, '66, president of Voice.
Shortt said that Voice was con-
,sidering a teach-in during the day
that students would skip their
SDS is also planning Viet Nam
Day ,a nationwide student protest
day, which would offer the "lo-
cal option" of civil disobedience.
Viet Nam Day is tentatively sched-
uled for the middle of October, he
said, and will be held at 30 to
40 locations across the country.
The "local option" of civil disobed-
pience is important, to the protest,
he said. At .Berkeley, students
have already planned to protest
at a nearby armory.
Support Protest
Voice is planning to support
the Viet Nam. Day protest, as well
as the strike., Shortt reported. He
said the group is considering such
actions as sit-ins at ROTC drills
or before the military armory in
Ann Arbor. But Voice had not yet
decided, he said, because civil dis-
obedience would lead to arrests,
and hie doubted if Voice could pay
the necessary fines.
Both SDS plans are reminiscent
of a proposed teacher strike - or
class moratorium, as it was calle-C
then--which was planned here
last March in a similar protest
against Viet Nam. That strike was
cancelled after widespread con-
demnation that it was "unfitting
and inappropriate" for teachers.
Wants UIN To
Discuss OAS
rebel government of Dominican

All raises apply only to base
pay and do not affect housing and
subsistence allowances.
In addition to the armed serv-
ices, the increases apply to the
nation's other uniformed organi-
zations, the Coast Guard, Coast
and Geodetic Survey and the Pub-
lic Health Service.
Here are some representative
samples of the effects of the mili-
tary pay raise:
-A recruit with less than four
months service would get his basic
pay raised to $88 a month from
-A private first class or seaman
with one year, to $118 from $99;
-A corporal or petty officer
third class with five years, to $233
from $210;
-A sergeant or petty officer
2nd class with 10 years, to $302
from $272.
-A major or lieutenant com-
mander with 19 years, $804 from
-A colonel or navy captain
with 24 years, to $1.,087 from
-A major general or rear ad-
miral (upper half), to $1,543 from

arrest wrongdoers.
Negroes complained that if the.
police weren't there, there would
be no occasion to riot.
The flow of trouble reports was
so heavy at police headquarters it
was virtually impossible to sort
Both police and firemen said
they were lured to certain places
by false alarms, then ambushed.
Even ambulances were bombarded.
A' police sergeant in charge of
directing patrol cars said five had
been shot at.
1500 Persons
In Wednesday's riot, 1,500 per-
sons caused widespread damage,
injuries and arrests in eight hours
of violence.
Last night's crowd was far
larger and just as unruly.
Police said they'd like to call
out the national guard, but were
unable to reach the lieutenant
governor. The governor is out of
the' state.
Last night, despite daylong ef-
forts by police, clergymen and so-
cial workers to head off new
violence, crowds began massing at
sunset in the same area-Watts,
southeast of downtown Los An-
geles, core of this city's Negro
At first, a few youths began
throwing rocks-fulfilling prom-
ises youngsters had made earlier
in the day to return.
Stay Away.
In the beginning, police stayed
away, hoping that by doing so
they would not draw fire from
the crowd. But as the m~ob swelled,
80 officers went in, then 135
sheriff's deputies were called in,
and later 240 more were called for.
No one seemed immune to pelt-
ing. Negroes in passing cars were
bombarded. Police cars were fa-
vorite targets. A radio newscar
Negro clergymen waded into the
masses,, imploring a halt to the#
violence. They were paid no heed.
had its windshield smashed.
There was no apparent motiva-
tion. It was another warm night
of the kind that invites outdoor
activity. But the best explanation
police could offer was general "re-
bellion against authority . .. any
Negroes who live in the area
said that many persons, especially
teenagers, have grievances against
policemen-and were taking ad-
vantage of the opportunity to ex-
press them.

Singapo re
Takes Steps
For Survival
SINGAPORE WA) - Newly inde-
pendent Singapore scattered peace
overtures in Southeast Asia yes-
terday in what one cabinet mem-
ber termed moves "to insure the
survival of our small island."
The major gesture came from
Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew,
who said he would go anywhere
to confer with Indonesian Presi-
dent Sukarno as soon as Indonesia
recognizes Singapore as an ide-
pendent state.
Sukarno has vowed to "crush
Malaysia," from which Singapore
broke away Monday.
In another peace move, Singa-
pore Foreign Minister S. Rajarat-
nam told newsmen his country
would seek nonalignment because
it is "the safest policy."
The foreign minister added that
Singapore will permit foreign mil-
itary bases to remain in Singapore
if his government is "satisfied that
they are necessary for the defense
of Malaysia."
Britain has about 50,000 troops
in Malaysia with vital bases con-
centrated in Singapore. Lee ex-
pressed belief yesterday Indonesia
would crush both Singapore and
Malaysia if the British leave.
Rajaratnam said: "Our foreign
policy is not designed to influence
world events, but purely to insure
the survival of our small island."
Sukarno's Drive
He continued that Singapore
will have to wait and see if it is
still included in Sukarno's drive
to defeat Malaysia. He, as Lee has,
insisted Indonesia must take the
first step and "there must be
Announcing that South Viet
Nam has joined the nations, in-
cluding the United States, which
have recognized the new govern-
ment, Rajartnam said Singapore
also would' like to establish diplo-
matic relations with the* Philip-
pines. The Philippines have a dis-
puted claim to the Malaysian
Borneo state of Sabah.

Greek Peace Talks Fail*
Thousands March in, Athens
ATHENS (R)-George Papandreou and King Constantine failed
last night to reach agreement in Greece's political crisis. Thousands
of the ousted premier's followers defied police and paraded through
the streets of Athens.
After a 90-minute conference with the king at the palace,
Papandreou said he made a "last effort" to persuade the king to
rename him premier or call new elections.
Later Constantine's current premier, George Athanasiadis Novas,
said the king turned down both of Papandreou's demands. Athanasia-
dis Novas said Papandreou refused to let any other member of hisf
Center Union Party become t

ISAIGON WA) - A surface to air
'missile, presumably Soviet -built,
downed a United States Navy Sky-
hawk yesterday in a region of
North Viet Nam outside the range
of known firing sites around
AD. U. S. G. Sharp, commander
of the, Pacific fleet, told newsmen
in Coronado, Calif., that it ap-
parently came from a mobile
launcher "that would be extreme-
ly difficult to find."
A U.S. spokesman said the pilot
of the plane was missing and pre-
"sumed dead.
Lift Siege
The new missile attack came as
large U.S. and Vietnamese ground
forces lifted the 70-day siege of
Duc Co in South Viet Nam's cen-
tral highlands.
The Vietnamese special forces
camp there came under light Viet
Cong mortar fire late last night,
but there was no word of damage
or casualties. So far as was known
rhere, there were -no Americans in
range of the 10 rounds of 81-mili-
meter mortar fire directed at the
Military officials said a district
headquarters at Dak To, 70 miles
north of Duc Co, also came under
mortar attack. There were no cas-
ualties and damage was reported
slight. There was a similar skirm-
ish at Phu Cat to the east of the
Pleiku-Duc Co area.
Aircraft landed supplies at Duc
Co and flew out dead and
Mekong Delta
Elsewhere the heaviest ground
attack seemed to center in the
Mekong Delta about 95 miles
southwest of Saigon. Big govern-,
ment and Viet Cong units were
engaged at that point, 15 miles
below Can Tho. Reports from the
field said the troops estimated
they killed 156 guerrillas and con-
firmed 90 of these of body count.
Government casualties were de-
scribed as light.
The Skyhawk fell 19 days after
a U.S. Air Force Phantom Jet
Fighter was shot down northwest'
of Hanoi -by what briefing officers
said appeared to be a surface to
air, missile.
The U.S. Air Force followed up
loss of the Phantom with a 46-
plane raid that pilots said de-
stroyed one missile site and dam-
aged another 40 miles northwest
of the Communist capital. Regular
pgroundf ire felled three of those

raiders and two others were de-,
stroyed in a collision on a flight
back to their home base.
Whether there would be similar
reprisal in the latest case was not
disclosed. Most of the 72 planes
announced as lost in the campaign+
against North Viet Nam have fall-;
en as a result of, fire from conven-
tional antiaircraft batteries and
machine guns.
The Shkyhawk, one in a forma-
tion of four such single-seated
light jet bombers, was hit about
50 miles so'uth-southwest of Hanoi.
That is about 10 miles beyond the
estimated reach of any' missiles+
on the launching pads of known
fixed sites the Russians have help-;
ed the North Vietnamese to set up.
The flying mates saw no para-
chute, the spokesman said, and
the pilot was presumed killed. The
Defense Department in Washing-
ton identified the pilot as Lt. (JG)

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Missie Dows U.S Plan


Donald H. Brown Jr., and listed
him simply as missing. The de-
partment withholds home address-
es of next of kin of personnel in
the missing category.
Safely Back
The spokesman said the three
other planes of the flight made it
safely back to the 7th Fleet Car-
rier Midway.
Radio Hanoi broadcast a decla-
ration that "the armed forces and
people of Ninh Binh province"
shot down the Skyhawk and dam-
aged several other planes. It said
nothing about4 a missile.
MaJ. Gen. Gilbert L. Meyers,
deputy commander of the U.S.
2nd Air Division, said two weeks
ago North Viet Nam might set up
missiles outside its seven known.
prepared buses. He said the build-
ing of a site with. earthworks is
for protection of the missiles from
air attack and is not necessary for
firing them.

President, Says .Americans
Will Pull Out if Viets Ask
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Lyndon B. Johnson added his voice
yesterday to an administration chorus that insists this country is
warring in Viet Nam only by request-and later in the day, admin-
istration officials acknowledged receipt of a second Viet Nam message
from Ghana President Kwame Nkrumah, but refused to reveal its
Clarifying United States involvement in the war-torn Southeast
Asian nation, Johnson said " the U.S. would never undertake the
sacrifice these efforts require if~

"Therefore, the conclusion is
that there has been no improve-
ment in the situation," said
Athanasiadis Novas.
Meanwhile, 12,000 students and
building workers marched th'rough
the streets of Athens shouting
pro-Papandreou slogans.
Police had been under orders to
prevent such marches, but they
stepped aside when the demon-
strators started to move away
from their assigned meeting
places. Bloody street battles early
in the crisis left one dead and
300 injured.
In Salonika there was a rare
I anti-Papandreou rally by 5,000
supporters of the rightist National
Radical Union (ERE) Party. They
With this issue The Daily
concludes summer publication.
Free fall preview editions will
be published August 24 and 27.
Regular fall publication will be-
gin Tuesday, August 30.
assembled in a downtown square
and cheered the king and urged
the return of former Premier Con-~
stantine Caramanlis.
Carainanlis, founder of ERE,
moved to Paris in self exile after
losing the Nov. 1963 elections to
The Salonika meeting-with
demonstrators shouting "long live
the king"-was in sharp contrast
to most of the rallies since the
Greek crisis opened 28 days ago.
Almost all of them have been pro-
Papandreou 'affairs with shouts
against the king and pleas for a

Plan To, Challenge Voting Law

By The Associated Press
Two Southern governors yester-
day announced their intention to
challenge the new voting rights
law in the courts.
Gov. Robert McNair said South
Carolina will go to the courts to
test the constitutionality of the
voting act, and Gov. George C.
Wallace of Alabama said he will
file suits in federal court to stop
or limit racial demonstrations in
Alabama as well as to challenge
the new voting rights law.
-Wallace told newsmen also that
he will "vigorously defend" the
Justice Department's suit against
Alabama's poll tax.
Wallace handed reporters a
statement saying he has employ-
ed attorneys to draw up the two
suits over demonstrations and vot-
ing rights and to defend the poll
Among them, he said, are John
Satterfield of Yazoo City, Miss., a
former president of the American
Bar Association; Reid Barnes of
Birmingham, attorney for the Jef-
ferson County and the Bessemer
City school boards, and Maury
Smith of Montgomery.
The governor said the complaints
in federal court will be filed soon.
If the court refuses to order
a halt to racial demonstrations or
to limit their scope, Wallace said
we will take further action at

and 19 deaths in February and
March over the same period of
1964," he said.
Wallace denounced the new fed-
eral voting rights law as "puni-
tive, unreasonable and destructive
of constitutionally guaranteed
freedoms. It is as bitter as any-
thing enacted by the Reconstruc-
tion Congress (in the years fol-
lowing the Civil War) ."
The federal law prohibits the
use of literacy tests in Alabama
an d other states where less than
5per cent of the voting-age Pop-
ulation was registered or voted in

the 1964 presidential election.
Wallace said that "the armed
services of our country will not
accept an individual unless he can
read and write. I say if a person
is literate enough to vote, he is
literate enough to fight for our
Under the federal voting rights
law federal registrars have been
sent into four Alabama counties to
register Negroes.
In the four counties - Dallas,
Hale, Lowndes and Marengo-they
registered 1,191 new voters in the
first two days.

its help were not wanted and re-
Lodge Statement
There had been no real ques-
tion about American involvement
hinging on the invitation of the
Saigon government until Henry
Cabot Lodge, new ambassador to
South Viet Nam, was reported
this week to have told reporters
that U.S. forces would remain
there even if asked to leave by the
Saigon authorities. Published re-
ports said Lodge made such a
statement in secret testimony be-
fore the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee on July 27.
The remark attributed to Lodge
created considerable stir because,
if correct, it would have marked a
sharp departure from long stand-
ing policy.
The occasion for Johnson's re-
statement of the old-and ap-
parently still - current--policy was
the swearing in of Lodge, the 1960
Republican candidate for Vice-
President, for a second tour as
ambassador to South Viet Nam.
Added Significance
Johnson's words took on added
significance because the premier
of South Viet Nam, Nguyen Cao
Ky,, sought recently at a Saigon
news conference to counter any
thought that the buildup of
American troops in his country
meant, the U.S. was taking over
the war from the Vietnamese.
The Nkrumah note was received
by the State Department and
passed on to the White House. A
first message from Nkrumah to
the chief executive was brought to
Washington last week by Alex

India Charges
Pakistan, Built
Kashmir Post
SPRINAGAR, Kashmnir W--)-The
Indian government claimed yes-
terday that Pakistan set up a
military headquarters last May
under command of a Pakistani ar-
my general to plot guerrilla war-
fare now raging in disputed Kash-
Newsmen were told that inter-
rogated prisoners said they began
training May 26 at the headquar-
ters" at Muree, Pakistan, under
Gen. Akhtar Hussain Malik, lden-
tiI~ed as commander of Paki-
stan's 12th Division.
India claims Pakistan sent up
to 1500 infiltrators into Kashmnir.
Casualties since the fighting
broke out in the night of Aug. 5
have mounted to 109 alleged Paki-.
stani infiltrators and 41 Indians
dead, according to ~an Indian gov-
ernment spokesman.
The Indians claimed 25 infil-
trators were killed in 24 hours
ending Thursday afternoon and
listed 29 Indian dead, including a,
late, report of 12 policemen killed
Tuesday when a vehicular patrol
was ambushed outside Sprinagar,
the Kashmir-Jammu summer cap-
A spokesman said fighting was
in its second day in the Chamb
area and continuing.
Fourteen prisoners were taken


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