SENATOR'S FILM: UNREALISTIC See Editorial Page al rP Srgan :Iaitbj DRIPPY High--82 Low--57 Chance of showers and high humidity Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 66-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1965 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES GREEK CRISIS 'GRAVE': Rejects King's Coalition Offer Trade Mayapto Join Two R Talks Continue; ATHENS (P)-King Constantine last night appeared in the gravest position yet in Greece's political crisis. His second effort to solve the problem failed amid mount- ing public impatience. The monarch's request of Steph- anos Stephanopoulos to try to form a government was rejected.t Stephanopoulos, a former vice pre- mier, told the king that his ac- ceptance of the mandate "would have meant an attempt to split the Center Union Party." The Center Union voted Mon- day against Stephanopoulos' ac- ceptance of the monarch's offer. It remained steadfast behind party leader George Papandreou, oust- ed as premier by the king July 15 in a quarrel over politics in the armed forces. A pro-Papandreou rally in Ath- ens after the party's vote, brought out 10,000 demonstrators and re- peated cries that the king should watch his step. Stephanopoulos, a Center Un- I -Associated Press PRESIDENT JOHNSON signs the Housing Bill yesterday in the White House Rose Garden, in a ceremony marked by the Presi- dent's promise of better housing for more people. Housing, Rent Law, Signed byJohnson WASHINGTON (MP)-President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a four- year, $7.5-billion omnibus Housing Bill yesterday and said it represents "the single most important breakthrough in the last 40 years" in housing. The measure includes a controversial new program of federal rent subsidies for people who cannot afford standard private housing. The measure authorizes an additional $2.9 billion for continuing the urban,renewal program of slum clearance and community develop- ment. ionist and former deputy premier under Papandreou,' had said all along he would not clash with Papandreou. The 25-year-old king once again was faced with Papandreou's de- mand either to bring him back as premier or call new elections. "I do not know what the king's next step will be," said Steph- anopoulos after they met for 80 minutes. Coalition Informed sources said the king probably would try to form a coali- tion from out of Parliament, but excluding Papandreou and the Communist-line United Democrat- ic Left Party. The sources said the king's po- litical advisers were putting more emphasis on the 26 Center Unionists who voted against the tide at the party caucus than on the 116 who voted for Steph- anopoulos to reject the mandate. The advisers were said to be encouraged by the possibility of those 26 aligning with the 99 dep- uties of the rightist National Rad- ical Union, the 21 deputies who made up the three-week-old George Athanasiadis Novas gov- ernment and the eight Progres- sive Party deputies. The Radical Union and Progressives are Pap- andreou foes. Majotity That would total 154, more than half the 300-member Parliament. If such a solution could be work- ed out, the sources explained, it would break Papandreou's hold on Parliament. The entire Center Un- ion has 170 deputies. Papandreou would be certain to fight any move by the king to bring about a coalition. Meanwhile the crisis was being felt in the Greek economy. Tour- ist agencies reported growing can- cellations. Foreign investment has come to an almost complete stand- still. Young supporters of Papandreou pledged to demonstrate every night until he is made premier of Greece again. Some 10,000 at an Athens thea- tre cried "Papandreou or elec- tions," then marched toward Par- liament. Some held placards say- ing "King Beware," "Out 'with the German Woman"-referring to German-born Queen Mother Fred- erika and "Plebiscite, Plebiscite." Consider New .AS Proposal SANTO DOMINGO (') - The opposing forces in the Dominican crisis yesterday were prepafing counter-proposals to the latest peace formula of the Organiza- tion of American States (OAS). Both the ruling civilian-military junta and the rebels indicated their differences with the OAS proposal for a provisional govern- ment were not insurmountable. The OAS political committee Monday offered a plan returning military personnel on both sides to their units, and providing a provisional government under Lawyer-Diplomat Hector Garcia Godoy, a general amnesty for all political prisoners, and elections within nine months. But the Dominican Communist Party charged that the latest OAS proposal did not include funda- mental points proposed by the rebels, including evacuation of all foreign troops. Asian Units KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (') -Malaysia and Singapore appear- ed ready yesterday to work in harmony if they can reconcile Singapore's desire for trade with Indonesia and Malaysia's fears of Indonesian aggression. Statements issued by leaders of the 'two governments following Singapore's sudden withdrawal from the federation stressed the theme of coexistence and cooper- ation. "We now separate on terms of friendship," said Malaysian Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman. He underscored points in the sep- aration agreement calling for joint action in major economic and de- fense matters. * Forced Break Singapore's Premier Lee Kuan, Yew accused Rahman of forcing the break, but he too stressed the need for working relations be- tween the two governments, par- tibularly in trade. Lee's deputy premier, Toh Chin, declared that the causeway link- ing Singapore with the Malayan mainland will "always be open to Malaysians." At the same time Lee said he hoped for diplomatic relations and trade with Indonesia. "We can't allow that to hap- pen," said Rahman. "We would take action." Indonesia was one of Singa- pore's chief trading partners un- til President Sukarno launched his military campaign to crush Ma- laysia. The political-racial differences See Related Story Page Three which led to the break also re- mained evident. "Singapore will never rejoin Ma- laysia in my lifetime," Lee told newsmen. Toh said: "It may well be that a 'Malaysian Malaysia' may not come about, but as long, as we continue to preach multiracial good will and tolerance, in the end the objective will be obtain- ed." Racial Strife Lee, spokesman for Singapore's predominantly Chinese population, claimed the Malay - dominated government in Kuala Lumpur was trying to perpetuate Malay su- premacy in Malaysia. Ultra-na- tionalist Malays feared he would unite his forces with the large Chinese population on the Ma- layan mainland and get control of the government. Lee said Rahman told him sep- aration was the only alternative to racial strife and rejected his plea for a looser federation. Government leaders of the Bor- neo states of Sarawak-and Sabah, the two remaining partners of Ma- laya in the federation, said there was no basis to reports that they would also pull out. However, op- position political parties in Sara- wak called for a plebiscite to de- termine whether the .people of North Borne want to remain in the federation. Malaysia now faces the task of winning international approval of the breakuli and countering the propaganda offensive Indonesia is likely to launch. The Indonesians already were claiming a victory over the federation, which Sukar- no has denounced as a British colonialist creation that must be crushed. k 1 $ {i }I i r r !) J 1 i 1 Saigon Force' Besieged at Due Co Post Soviet Journalists Blast U.S. Bombing SAIGON (A)-Battle-torn Viet Cong and government troops re- formed early yesterday for fresh onslaughts in the battle of Duc Co, rapidly becoming the war's bloodiest single engagement of the summer. U.S military spokesmen here said they had no reports of fur- ther contacts last night between government forces moving over- land to the relief of the camp and the strong Viet Cong units dug in along the way. The night also was reported quiet at the sand-bagged camp, where a small band of valiant American advisers and government troops have been1 New Units It also authorizes an expansion of the low-rent public housing program to provide for 240,000 additional units and new methods of Sobtaining theme Instead of being M al limited to new construction, local lvii ans edi Sauthotities could finance 100,000 of these units by purchase or lease Urban Cabinet of existing housing. Johnson said the bill is land- mark legislation because of its NS. Tnew ideas. "Foremost of these," he said, "is the program of assistance for WASHINGTON (IP) - Senate the construction and the rehabtl- Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield itation of housing for the elderly oft Montana, expressed optimism and for families of low incore- yesterday over chances of Senate the people who live in the most passage of legislation to create a wretched conditions in our slums cabinet Department of Housing and blighted neighborhoods." and Urban Development. Mansfield, after a conference Elderly wtnsienteryndonferohnon The bill provides for grants of with President Lyndon B. Johnson up to $1,500 to persons whose in- attended by other Senate Demo- comes are $3,000 a year or less. cratic leaders, said there is sub- The money is'to be used to fix up itantial opposition to the bill with- their properties so they can con- in both parties, but that he re- tinue to live in them. This is ex- gards chances for passage as pected to be particularly helpful "fairly good."to elderly people Mansfield reported Senate lead- te eople. ers went over the entire legislative The rent subsidy program pro- picture with Johnson and said the vides for payments which may President was "very satisfied" average around $45 a month to id teprogrss m"ernsthdfamilies whose incomes are low hou e o grthesadministration's enough to qualify them for public houses on the housing under present law. None program. of the subsidies could be paid to The White House session endedprvt ndrs. just about two hours before the private landlords. scheduled start of Senate debate on the plan to create an eleventh HUMPERDINCK'S cabinet department to deal with the ballooning problems of cities. a debate limitation expected to P la bring Senate approval today for the new post which was approved by the House on June 16 by a ! Biggest Viet BattleRages besieged for, more than two months. .However, major forces still were in the area and there was no in-, dication that the fight for Duc Co and the surrounding area was over. Scattered Action Other scattered action was re- ported last night in areas of the Mekong Delta south of Saigon, in Chuong Thien province and far- ther south in An Xuyen province on the tip of the Camau Penin- sula. Casualties among govern- ment forces were termed light. Earlier, U.S. planes pressed at- tacks both north and south of the border. The U.S. air attacks on North Viet Nam were greeted with more blasts from the Soviet Union as three Soviet correspondents told a Moscow television audience that American air raids on North Viet Nam cause widespread terror, dis- ruption of communications and damage to schools, hospitals and industries. "The raids were calculated to paralyze the economy, on said. They never stopped. They went on at night with the aid of flares." 'Hospitals Hit' "Hospitals and schools were hit," he said. Then a strip of film showing burning buildings appear- ed on the screen. These he iden- tified as a school and a hospital. The three correspondents are Yuri Yukhananov of Moscow radio and television, Vadim Kassis of Izvestia, and Alexander Ter- Grigoryan of .Komsomolskaya Pravda. Referring again to reported school bombings, one journalist said one map.had been taken from a plane shot down and on it were marked the coordinates of schools and hospitals. "That showed that the bombing was intentional," he said. Correspondents with world war experience remembered that pilot maps normally were marked to show known schools-and hospitals so they could be avoided. -Associated Press AIR DROPS like this one today have been the sole means of support since June 3 for the South Vietnamese outpost at Dus Co. This air drop, made Monday, carried food and ammunition to the besieged government troops.' Over 2,000 Slain yViet Con=Lodge WASHINGTON (I)-Viet Cong terror, including the murder of more than 2,000 officials and civilans, is causing more Vietnamese to flee to the safety of South Viet Nam government areas, Ambassa- dor Henry Cabot Lodge said yesterday. Lodge said the Viet Cong has slain more than 2,000 local officials and civilians in the past year and that at present 380,000 of more than 400,000 who fled unsafe places this year are still classified as refugees. The ambassador said South Viet Nam, the United States and various other countries are all-, contributing to the care and relo- cation of these people. D ietetics Important Lodge said that refugees have been an important element in in Viet Nam ever since the Geneva Tr i e1.1 accords of 1954. He pointed out that in 1954and q itchens 1955, more than a million refugees i left North Viet Nam for the South. Most of these refugees were By BE'SY CON of Catholic religious background and chose to live under the Three visiting home economics southern government of the Cath- majors have been watching your olic Ngo Dinh Diem rather than diets and dietitians as part of a under the northern Communist 10 week training program in col- government of Ho Chi Minh. legiate food service. In addition, Lodge said, since The girls, from Texas, Kansas then hundreds of thousands of and Missouri, are three of 15 stu- others have come down from iso- dents sponsored by the Associa- lated mountain villages to safer tion of College and University areas. Housing Offices. Five years ago Lodge, who plans to return to this national association establish- Saigon next week, said the prob- ed programs in six western and lem of refugees will be a major midwestern universities to further one on his return, acquaint students interested in Economic Aid dietitian careers, with the oppor- 'Our economic aid programs," tunities and duties of a residence he asserted, "including aid to hall dietitian. refugees, are, as President John- According to Miss Elizabeth son has been careful to stress, just Hyde, director of trainees visiting as important as our military aid the University, "The increase of to Viet Nam," he said. residence .halls brings with it an increase in the need for residence staff. Thesencareers are often overlooked and there are more job opportunities than there are £ J ' people to fill them." Grew~-No Home Ec e"Michigan does not have its own home economics department," she explained, "however, our fa- cilities and food service staff have been approved by the association as adequate training ground for the men and women interested in residence hall service. This is our fourth summer of participation." The trainees follow a thorough food cycle, beginning withi pur- chasing the food in Detroit, visit- ing the fruit and vegetable ter- minals, the butcheries, packing houses and poultry plants. They participate in activities held in the University's Central Food Service. Residence Halls Then, they move from here to the individual residence halls where they work in each depart- ment preparing salads, supervis- ing meal orders, menus, produc- tion and employment. At present, Leaders See Public Unity Over PolieV McCormack, Inonye Comment Favorably; Morse Blasts War By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President Lyn- don B. Johnson stressed again yesterday public unity behind the Vietnamese war and continued his briefings with congressmen that, two House members reported, were marked by "cautious optimism." Democratic Majority Leader Carl Albert of Oklahoma used this phrase in talking with reporters and Speaker John W. McCormack of Massachusetts agreed. McCormack also agreed with statements by Johnson Monday that there is no substantial divi- sion in the nation over Viet Nam policy, then commented: More United "In my opinion, for whatever value my opinion might have, the country is more united than it was before Pearl Harbor." A third of the House member- ship was briefed by the President and his top advisers yesterday morning. Another third was invit- ed to the White House last night and the remainder today. Senators were briefed in two groups Mon- day. McCormack called the briefing sessions "very helpful," not only for the conduct of government "but for the people of the United States." Basis for Optimism Asked the basis of the cautious optimism voiced by the House leaders, Presidential Press' Secre- tary 'Bill D. Moyers mentioned three points: A sense Of understanding be- tween the executive and legisla- tive branches; reports of increas- ed losses of the Communist Viet Cong over the weekend, and a "feeling of general support in the country." Moyers, hbwever, noted the President cautioned reporters Monday against saying he was. talking glowingly pn the situa- tion in Viet Nam. "He is not," Moyers asserted. Questions Moyers said a number of ques- tions were asked at the first brief- ing about war materiel used in Viet Nam. Reaction of senators who at- tended Monday's briefings ranged from caution throtigh enthusiasni. Severalsaid they heard nothing new. But Sen. Ernest Gruening (D- Alaska), who voted last year against the resolution giving the President wide authority to use armed forces in Viet Nam and has since been critical of U.S. policy there, said he was heartened by the briefing. He added, "I think the President is making a greater effort than ever before to try to bring the issue to the conference table." Few Pickets Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-Ha- wai) said if the people generally could have sat in, "there would be very few picketings and dem- onstrations." Johnson announced four more briefings this week to give all- members of the House of Repre- sentatives a chance to hear and, question the top executive officers concerned with the Viet Nam war. He said there will be a similar session Aug. 17 for representa- tives of business, labor and the professions. But Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) pinned an "Alice-in-Wonderland" label on the discussions with Con- gressional leaders by President Johnson and his top advisers. The Oregon Democrat has long been one of the most vocal critics of the U.S. position in Viet Nam. "It is a remarkable thing," Morse told the Senate, "to be able n on n oto the White House CLASSIC: yres To Give 'Hansel and P, T. IL4 is l? T!'l it 217-184 margin. Mansfield won acceptance of a! plan to limit debate on the bill and any amendments to one hour after the Senate meets today at noon. Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff (D- Conn), floor manager for the bill, claimed enough Senate votes to assure passage. Mortgages Ribicoff accepted an amend- ment by Sen. John Sparkman (D- Ala) which would assure a Fed- eral Housing Administrator in the new agency. The Federal Housing Administration, which handles the bulk of Federal insurance of home mortgages, is a part of the Hous- ing and Home Finance Agency which would be converted into a cabinet department by the bill. By KAY EMERIUK The Opera Department of the School of Music in conjunction with the University Players will present tonight the first of five per- formances of Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel." The opera follows the classical fairy tale of the brother and sister who have fanciful adventures after getting lost in the woods. Several characters, the Sandman, the Dewman, and the Angels have been added to the story to create an atmosphere of charm and delight. The children's parents add a note of reality and serve to balance the different realms. The production will feature Annafield Walker as Hansel, Nancy Hall as Gretel, Lee Davis as the Father, and Susy Morris and Noel Rogers as the Mother on .alternate nights. The Witch is played by John Bohrer, and the Sandman and Dewman by Elizabeth Olson. The opera is directed by Prof. Joseph Blatt and staged by Prof. Ralph Herbert, both of the music school. The stage sets were designed by Daniel Lomax, Grad, and the- choreography is by Mrs. Bernard Berofsky. Both Herbert and Blatt are long-time collaborators on the Uni- versity Opera productions. Herbert explained that although "Hansel }}.. ; tip::'.':.;: ": v