Seventy-Fif thbYear EDrrF AND MANAGED BY STDErr OF mrH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLucATIONS Why We 're Wr in Vet Nam . _ Where Opinions Are r. 420 MAYNARD ST., A ARO, MIc. Truth Willprevasil 44MYADS. xrAzoR rx NEWs PHONI!: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BADAMO Protestors Should Be Careful aWhen Usin Civil Dsobedience "THE PHILOSOPHY that a person may (IVIL RIGHTS disobedience arrests are -if his cause is labeled 'civil rights' or still the predictable mass retaliation 'states rights' - determine for himself of 'the society. But the protestors are not what law and court decisions are morally here objecting to the social structure as a right or wrong and either obey or refuse whole, and so civil rights disobedience to obey them according to his own deter- seems somehow patently unfair. mination, is a philosophy that is foreign The real problem, only implied in John- to our 'rule-of-law' theory of govern- son's statement, is that this incongruity ment." has its effect on the protestors them- Federal DistrictJudge Frank M. John- selves. Their only effective instrument son said that one week ago in ruling on does seem to be civil disobedience. But the cases of some 150 civil rights demon- the methods of civil disobedience, gener- strators arrested in Montgomery, Alaba- ally inconveniencing everyone, and the ma, last March. The statement is of usually complete retaliation the society course important legally for the effects emposes, from policemen to television it will have on the fate of civil rights coverage, tend to greatly extrapolate the demonstrators arrested in the South. But protestors' grievances and objectives. it is even more important ethically, rais- These extrapolated grievances natural- ing the question of the moral validity of ly lead to critical conclusions about the an important protest instrument, that of society and its legal mores; "the philoso- civil disobedience. phy that a person may . . . determine for In considering the u nhimself what laws.. . are morally right or ncosidgg.. question of thisw validity, the question of whether or not civil disobedience is an ethically accept- COUNTERARGUMENTS to criticisms of able means to an end, the question of to the use of civil disobedience usually what particular end the disobedience is arebased on the vague concept of the to be put cannot be escaped. For asjustifiability of "getting back" at society Gandhi, reputedly the originator of the for its discriminatory crimes. In fact this technique, pointed out, the means to the loose allegation seems to be little more end are the end itself in its initial stages. than semi-intellectual apologia for the END of the Indian disobedience use of powerful generalized means to at- THE ENDof the Inian iobeIdice ta a specific end. riots was the emancipation of India The point of all this is certainly not to from British rule. As such, the technique urge people to stop protesting-far from was developed to protest the entire na- it. It is rather to urge protestors to take ture of a society, the complete rejection a more rational approach to their task of it, and to this it was and is ideally than that which led to Johnson's state- suited. ment. Ethical problems seem to arise, how- Protestors employing civil disobedience, ever, when the technique of civil dis- no matter what the cause, must realize obedience is applied to situations which that they wield a powerful weapon, even do not entail the complete rejection of a if their only one, one which attacks far social system, as in the civil rights move- more than they might intend. And when ment. the society responds clumsily it is be- There no protest is being made against cause it is giving, measure for measure, the nation's basic governmental struc- what it is receiving. ture or key facets of its economy. Rather Above all it should be realized that the protest is selective, objecting to the none of this is reason for throwing up discrimination in government or in the one's hands and deciding that the final economy, arbiter of justice is the individual's be- But as suggested above, civil disobed- liefs. It should be the protestor's aim to lence is an unfortunately clumsy tool, alter the laws of society, not to do away not really suited to selective protest. It is with them altogether as Johnson's no surprise, for example, that the arrests charges evidently were advocating. in. the Berkeley riots were contemplated and looked on as a mark of distinction; IT IS DIFFICULT to say without sound- for at Berkeley our society was rejected ing defeatist, but it is a fact: even the as a package and unselectively and the most anarchic of us work within a sys- mass retaliation of the society could be tem. And the very act of protesting a expected. Disobedience was . the perfect system of laws makes it mandatory, not weapon. that they should be abolished, but that new ones should be imposed. Any other solution is to reject the value of society itself, and, advisable as that may sometimes seem, it is no solution to Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. the civil rightsproblem or to any other. Publlshed daily Tuesday thruugh Saturday morning. -LEONARD PRATT i .. s.. 7, ,t' ti44 te-A, rAL EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the testimony of Prof. Robert C. Howes at the public hearing on/ Viet Nam held last week in Detroit by Reps. Charles Diggs (D) and William Broomfield (R). Howes is a member of the history department at Oakland University, Rochester, Mich. HE HISTORIAN, in approach- ing a problem as difficult as the Vietnamese crisis of today, naturally looks to the past for evidence to guide him in the pres- ent. I do not pretend to be an "ex- pert" on Southeast Asia, nor do I pretend to have the final an- swer to the dilemma which faces the United States in Southeast Asia today; however, I would like to address myself to the prob- lem on the basis of my exper- iences in China during and after World War II, and on the basis of my studies of Chinese and Russian history and of the world Communist movement. I should like to discuss briefly the following topics: (1) the na- ture of the war in Viet Nam; (2) reasons for opposing this policy, and (3) possible alternative Amer- ican policies. WHAT IS THE NATURE of the war in Viet Nam? At least as early as the 1920's the Commu- nists (Russian and Asian alike) realized that the phenomenon known as the "war of national liberation" offered them tremen- dous possibilities in Asia. Now it is simply not accurate to write off such wars as "Com- munist plots" or "Communist-led insurrections." One needs only to call to mind the sorry history of Western imperialism in Asia in the 19th and 20th centuries to understand that these so-called "wars of national liberation" were just that. An example in point was the Chinese Communist take-over of the 1930's and 1940's. I think it is obvious that the Communist revolution was essentially an in- digenous affair. Of course the Chi- nese Communists acquired their ideology from abroad (so did the A m e r i c a n revolutionaries); of course there was a certain amount of Russian involvement in the Chinese revolution, although it appears to me that this involve- ment has been greatly exaggerat- ed. BUT IN THE FINAL analysis, the Chinese Communist revolu- tion was organized and carried through by a group of very able and dedicated Chinese, and it would have been impossible for any nation to change the course of this revolution without making a major commitment of military forces, in other words, without making war against China. Let us assume, for the sake of discussion, that the United States had been willing in the late 1940's to undertake a massive military intervention in China. It is doubt- ful, in my opinion, if-given the situation at the time-we could have pacified China with our mili- tary forces. But even if we had been able to pacify China and maintain Chiang Kai-shek in power, such an arrangement would have been a purely temporary one, and in the long run we would have been forced to bring about drastic re- forms in .the Chinese economic and political systems-perhaps re- forms similar to those pushed through by the American Occupa- tion in Japan after the war. In other words, it would have been impossible for us to really support Chiang Kai-shek. We would have been driven to rely upon either a drastically reformed Nationalist government or we would have had to institute a government of another type. THIS BRINGS US now closer to the Vietnamese situation. When the war ended in 1945, Ho Chi Minh and his followers were prob- ably the one most popular politi- cal force in Viet Nam. They had consistently opposed the worst features of French colonialism, they had consistently opposed the Japanese, and in 1945 they op- posed the return of the French colonialists. Had the United States, with its vast power and prestige in the Far East in 1945 chosen to sup- port the movement of Ho Chi Minh and his fellow Nationalists- Communists, as we had been do- ing in the last months of the war against Japan, there is little doubt in my mind but that a strong nationalistic (and Communist) re- gime would have been establish- ed in Viet Nam-a regime which, although it would certainly have been counted among the allies of the Sino-Soviet bloc, might have been inclined towards preserving a minimally good, friendly rela- tionship with the United States. I feel that the movement head- ed by Ho Chi Minh did have the support of large numbers of the Vietnamese people, who saw in it a nromise of indenndence and of which more Vietnamese could turn to than any other. BUT WE DID NOT choose to support Ho Chi Minh. The French attempted to reestablish their col- onial position in Indo-China, and it was only after years of bloody warfare that they were forced to withdraw and to subscribe to the Geneva agreements in 1954. And just why thesUnitedStates was unwilling to subscribe to this is difficult for me to say. I presume that we refused because we were so strongly committed to our post- war policy of the containment of Communism. I would like to make a few com- ments on this policy. Looking at the history of the last 20 years as objectively as one can, it seems to me that this policy worked quite well in Europe. It seems to me that it has worked less well in Asia. In Europe, to begin with, the line between east and west was quite clearly drawn as a result of the military outcome of the war. There were a few areas, of course, in which this line was rather hazy. One was in Greece, another was in Turkey, a third was in Berlin. The United States and its allies held firm here in the face of the threat of expand- ing Russian power, and obviously we were successful in these areas. IN THE FAR EAST the situa- tion was different. In China we were unable to stem the tide of Communism; in Korea, working with the United Nations, we were able, at considerable cost in lives and fortune, to stop the spread of Communist power. I think all would admit that this was not a satisfactory solu- tion to the problem in Korea, but probably- most would agree that it was necessary for the United States and the United Nations to challenge this rather bold and barefaced challenge to the author- ity of the United Nations. Now in Indo-China, in Viet Nam, it is clear to me that the situation was different-that is, it was different from the Korean situation. It was different in that the line set by the Geneva Con- ference in 1954 was not a line guaranteed by the United Na- tions; in a sense, it was a tem- porary line established for purely military purposes, it was a line north of which the Vietminh were expected to withdraw and south of which the opposing forces were expected to withdraw. I don't think it was ever intended that this would be a permanent divi- sion, but that is beside the point. NOW, OF COURSE, it is diffi- cult really for me to understand exactly what happened following the Geneva Conference. I think it is clear, however, that with the collapse of French power in the south (where the Americans were becoming increasingly involved after the beginning of the Korean action), there were the makings of a government which, with some ,hope of success, would be able to oppose the government of the north. The Geneva agreements had called for elections to be held in 1956. It is apparent that Ho Chi Minh and his followers as- sumed that they had won the war in 1954, because they felt that, if elections were held, they would be able to take over all the country. Now, of course, the South Viet- namese government was unwill- ing to participate in these elec- tions, and in this refusal it ap- parently enjoyed the support of the United States. HENCE, in view of the govern- ment in Saigon, the division of Viet Nam was, in a sense, a per- manent one. There was a South Vietnamese government and there was a North Vietnamese govern- ment; the South Vietnamese gov- ernment feared that, given elec- tions, it would lose power to the government of North Viet Nam, which, as I have stated earlier, probably enjoyed the support of the majority of the Vietnamese- although this is of course very dif- ficult to determine with any cer- tainty. There were, of course, adherents of Ho Chi Minh in South Viet Nam. Since these adherents were not prepared to accept the South Vietnamese government, they at- tempted by means of guerrilla ac- tivity, subversion, and terrorism to bring about the downfall of the government of South Viet Nam. This has led us to the present situation, because the Viet Cong were successful in taking over large areas of South Viet Nam. These, we are told, now amount to about 80 per cent of the area of South Viet Nam, leaving the government which we support in control of only about 20 per cent of the area of South Viet Nam. IT SEEMS TO ME, therefore, that this must have been a very dynamic group, a group which mn.. not nl mm~ian, afartivn the majority of the people of South Viet Nam-to say nothing of the people of North Viet Nam. It therefore seems to me that we face a situation which is in many ways analogous to that which we faced in China between 1945 and 1949. We have thrown in our lot with a government which apparently is unable to hold the support of the majority of Chinese. WE FIND ourselves aligned against a very dynamic, aggres- sive force which seemingly has the support of large numbers of Vietnamese. It seems to me that this is the basic error of our policy. We have refused to recognize the fact that the Communists have seized leadership of the "war of mitting acts of war without hav- ing declared war. We are com- mitting acts which are viewed by many people as atrocities, for we are using weapons which are in- effective against guerrilla soldiers but which are most effective in killing civilians. Furthermore, I feel that our policy is detrimental to the best interests of the United States because, given our overwhelming preoccupation with Viet Nam, we are tending to neglect other areas of our foreign policy which, in the long run, will be of much im- portance to our nation as is the outcome of the civil war in Viet Nam. In this connection one might mention our deteriorating rela- tions with France, the danger pos- ed by the Viet Nam situation to -Associated Press SOUTH VIETNAMESE troops administer a beating to a captured Viet Cong guerrilla. The U.S., in fighting a movement supported by more Vietnamese than support the government, has maneuvered itself into a dangerous position like the best way out. national liberation"; and if this is the case, we face an almost insoluble problem, because in or- der to oppose Communism we must also oppose nationalism. This is not the case in some other Asian countries: it is not the case in Japan, in the Philip- pines, or in India. But I think the best example we have, next to China, of Communist seizure of leadership in a nationalist movement, is in Viet Nam. There- fore, I find it most difficult to support the actions of our gov- erment in Viet Nam. I COULD PERHAPS have sup- ported them in the early days of the regime of Ngo Dinh Diem in South Viet Nam. It appeared as though his regime had a good chance of gaining the support of the population, that it would-be an aggressive reformist govern- ment. It seemed that quite possi- bly it might be a viable force in Viet Nam. But despite the effort we gave this regime, it was simply un- able to maintain itself in South Viet Nam, and it is obvious that it would have collapsed long ago had we not continued to prop it up. I feel that we should have been willing to face the fact that the government of South Viet Nam simply was not accepted = by the South Vietnamese, and we should have been prepared to modify our policy accordingly. Instead, we have with increas- ing effort on our part attempted to prop up this regime, using as our stated motive, as our cause, as our reason for this ac- tion, our fear of the expansion of Communism in South Viet Nam and accusing the North Vietna- mese-and finally, the Chinese Communists-of subversion. LOOKING at the situation now, in view of the assumptions I have made about it-and of course I may be wrong on some of these -I would like to make the fol- lowing observations. It seems to me that our present policy in Viet Nam is wrong for at least three reasons. " We are inflicting great in- jury upon the Vietnamese action. We are inflicting death and de- struction upon this people whom, I am sure all of us would agree, we have no reason to hate, no reason to kill, no reason to de- stroy. We are doing this in the name of anti-Communism, yt every bomb we drop, every sol- dier we send to Viet Nam, strengthens the cause of Commu- nism there, strengthens the ap- peal of the Communist ideology, strengthens the conviction of the Oriental-Vietnamese and Chinese .--that +he white man. Panriaill in Viet Nam-and the UN looks the maintenance of the detente with Russia, the apparent failure of the Alliance for Progress to live up to its early expectations, and our worsening relationships with Indonesia. In choosing to press the war in Viet Nam, and especially in the decision to bomb North Viet Nam, our government has set a prece- dent which I feel certain we would be most unhappy to see followed by° other countries, under other situations. An example in point was the French bombing of the Tunisian village of Sakiet-Sidi-Youssef in 1958. The United States certain- ly did not approve of this ac- tion on the part of the French, yet it might be argued that it was an action taken under greater provocation than that which has led us to institute almost daily bombings of North Viet Nam. Yet another argument which can be raised against our pres- ent policy in Viet Nam is the following: In choosing to follow the course we are now pursuing in Viet Nam, the United States is, in effect, putting the world on notice that it is prepared to in- tervene in any country in which there seems to be the possibility of a "Communist" take-over. What would our policy be to- ward Indonesia, for instance, if Sukarno were to die? The Com- munist Party of Indonesia might well be in a position to make a play for national power. Would we, in such a case, be prepared to invade Indonesia? We must, I be- lieve, realize sooner or later that we cannot determine the nature of all governments everywhere in the world. f I think that our policy in Viet Nam is wrong because it is morally indefensible. I do not think that we can in good con- science claim that we are de- fending the Vietnamese people against aggressors. When we say that we are fighting the Viet Cong we are saying that we are fight- ing the Vietnamese, for the. Viet Cong are the Vietnamese. The moral issue can be stated in another way .Do we have a fighting chance of defeating the Viet Cong, i.e., do we have a chance of defeating the Commu- nist-led nationalist movement in Viet Nam? If the answer to this question is yes, then one might argue that all the loss of life (American and Vietnamese) and all the wealth destroyed in doing so would be well spent, although I should not care to so argue. But this is my point: I seri- ously question that we can de- stroy the Viet Cong without un- dertaking military operations of such a magnitude that a world war (Tnitd States vs .China and right to demand that our govern- ment work out some alternative to a policy which I believe to be intolerable. But perhaps I should make some suggestions as to possible alternatives to our present policy. (I might add here that of course I do not know what our govern- ment is doing in the diplomatic field, I do not know what over- tures fordnegotiation, etc., are being made.) " We should make it more clear than it is now is that our ultimate goal is to withdraw from Viet Nam. Here the problem of "prestige" arises. A government's prestige rests as much on Its ability to use its power wisely and justly as it does on its possession of this power. The United States has the military power to destroy all of Viet Nam. Butthe question arises: What "might we lose if we exercised this power? It seems to me that in some circumstances a great power can maintain (or even increase) its prestige better by refraining judiciously from us- ing its power than by using its power uselessly.s # We should admit candidly to the world that during the past few months we have moved dangerous- ly close to a major war but that we refuse to be drawn into a major war. We should proclaim that we are prepared to do almost any- thing to avert a major war. This, it seems to me, would be a con- cession on the part of our govern- ment, an indication of our willing- ness to compromise on Viet Nam. And I believe that in the long run we will have to compromise or face a nuclear holocaust. # Having stated to the wvorld that we are very dissatisfied with the escalation in Viet Nam we might, with some hope of success, appeal to the United Nations for assistance. I am well aware of some of the serious problems which the United Nations faces today, yet it seems to me that the presence of the world body in Viet Nam might somehow decrease the tenseness and danger. which exist there.' perhaps it is not impossible to resurrect the Geneva Agreement of 1954. If a plebiscite under Unit- ed Nations supervision were held, it is probable that Ho Chi Min would be the victor, but in any case the United States would have extricated itself from an extreme- ly dangerous situation, we would have maintained our "prestige," and the fate of Viet Nam would have been decided in a manner much preferable to the manner in which it is now being solved. In defense of this line- of rea- soning, I believe that it should be pointed out that there are dif- ferent brands of Communism and that there is some evidence which indicates thatsHo Chi Minh's re- gime would prefer not to be tied too closely to Red China. More- over, I maintain that a unified Viet Nam under Ho Chi, Mnh would not lead inevitably to th fall of Thailand, Malaysia, Burma and India to Communism, for in these nations the Communists have not succeeded in gaining the lead- ership of a "war of national lib- eration." And this is the crux of the matter. We must do our best to support and encourage democratic or semi-democratic regimes in these nations; if we are successful in this endeavor I do not feel that a communist take-over in these nations is inevitable. THIS HISTORY of the Chinese Communist revolution suggests to me that in underdeveloped nations the Communists can be success- ful in gaining power if they seize the leadership of the "war of na- tional liberation." The Communists under Ho Chi Minh have been successful in seiz- ing and holding the leadership of the nationalist movement in Viet Nam. The United States can re- verse this fact only by undertak- ing military operations of such magnitude that either the Ameri- can people will find such military undertakings intolerable, or a world war will ensue before the people are aware of the gravity of the' situation and the magnitude of our involvement. We should be concerned with our "prestige" in the Vietnamese situation; but we have an excel- lent opportunity to strengthen our prestige, not by increasing our military commitment in Viet Nam, but by announcing to the world that we refuse to let the situation escalate into a world war and that we desire to turn the matter over to the United Nations. PERHAPS a plebiscite under United Nations supervision - a plebiscite in which Ho Chi Minh might well win-would be the most that we could expect as a result of turning the matter over to the United Nations. If this were the case, we should accept the fact that Ho Chi Minh had won in Viet Nam, and we should turn our major attention to strengthening the democratic or semi-democratic governments of thneanatinn in which th Tonm.