TO SUPPLEMENT TREATIES: Seventy-Fifth Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUNmrS Of THE UNIVERSrrT OF MICHIGAN UNDE& AUTHORrTY OF BOARD IN COwmROL Of STUE'NT PvBLIcATIONS * Nuclear-Free Zones Must BeA ..9 , _g _ :x Where Opinions Are Pree, 420 MAYNARD Sr., AN APJDOR, Mrai. Truth :Will Prevail' NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT HIPPLER The Repeal of Section 14B. A Dangerous Move NOW THAT THE REPEAL of Section 14B If many of the industries did go out of of the Taft-Hartley Act has cleared business the union would not only have the House by a slim margin, the advis- harmed the industry but its members by ability of the bill can once more be ques- throwing them out of work. The states tioned. would become even more industrially dry Rep. Weston Vivian (D-Mich) issued a and economically depressed. statement shortly after the vote, listing Even though the moral question has his reasons for voting for the repeal. He been thrown out as trivial by critics of said that the 19 states affected by the 14B it must be given consideration. Is bill had been pulling a large amount of it right to force a man to join any orga- industry from the state of Michigan. If nization against his will. If it is, then this was the only reason Vivian voted for the American ideal of individual freedom the bill and if his reason is representa- of choice and self determination is as tive of those of congressmer, then the dead as the saber-toothed tiger. bill was totally misrepresented. Although it has been said repeal of 14B AMERICAN UNIONISM always brings to does not require compulsory unionism, in mind the names of Iave Beck and effect, it does. In order to fulfill the un-Jimmy Hoffa. Union corruption is open- ions requirements a worker must pay ly widespread and undoubtedly even more dues to the union. Perhaps union dues widespread under cover. represent no more of a man's salary than The course of contemporary history in- social security payments, but the ques- sured the corruption of unions by the tion remains - does he get maximum popular and governmental sanctions value for his money? placed on them. In the beginning of the labor movement the men who came to the Basically, union dues serve two pur- fore as union leaders were simply un- poses: they pay the union staff members skedabore a laresmeasuo and support the labor lobby in Washing- skilled laborers with a large measure of ton and various state capitals W opportunism. They saw a rising tide and cashed in on it. This was not a bad thing as long as the THE FUNCTION of the union is to bet- Thswsntahdtiga oga h trtheUNCtion of the unonkersTohet-9 individual worker received some benefits. ter the position of the worker. The 19 is . siuto whr h n states affected by the bill represent some Now there is a situation where the un- of the most industrially dry areas in the skilled factory worker is receiving more country, from Alabama to Utah. If com- money and fringe benefits than many pulsory unionism was affected in these professional or semi-professional workers. istates, the unions would immediately The union itself, not the union mem- press for numerous additional benefits to bers but the core of paid union leaders display, in the first place, their newly and staff members, has gained influ- won power, and to an attempt to boost ence and economic control far out of pay scales to national union standards. proportion to their actual economic The industries in these states are for 'might. the most part small and marginal. Higher THE INDIVIDUAL member has no co- wages or a prolonged strike would in THE IDVnAm ember as hor manyinsancs kil tem.hesive economic unity and therefore many instances kill them, cannot effect change, except in the ca- pacity of an individual consumer. The union, on the other hand, has a sub- o ly $p 4 B illhon stantial amount of influence in the mas- sive industrial complex simply by threat of a strike. The union has, the power to THlE UNITED STATES is spending $50 paralyze the nation. billion this year on its military. Why,? No one group should have that power. To defend freedom and prevent tyranny. The United States would have to spend By retaining 14B, however, union pow- $4 billion to end the draft. er would have a real, even though small, -K. WINTER curb. No one faction should be allowed to obtain more power or influence than is P Atr1 Ftit iUI j due. An even balance between forces must be presents for national stability and JUDITH WARREN........................Co-Editor growth. ROBERT HIPPLER.......................Co-Editor EDWARD HERSTEIN................Sports EditorW JUDITH FIELDS ................Business Manager WHEN THE BILL to repeal Section 14B JEFFREY LEEDS....... ...... Supplement Manager comes before the Senate it must be NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Badamo, John Meredith, voted down to maintain and promote this Robert Moore, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein. balance of force. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich Published daily Tuesday thrugh Saturday morning -MICHAEL BADAMO , f- l - . 4 y4 t r M',C.u Y ., rt r , 1 a i,^' f 1 I t yr '!i": ' 'F='.. 1,.. 1z r r . r'a't' 7 . {, l. "Y } . .. i r 1 aS w t1f Y di y1 IT Ij; ye a O 7 a r .'rte . y r f y11 .t k r i ( J I l vf. ' t aSr , NJ 4 1 j1! ''" 1. " r r IV y 1 v g pp k r t dhrv .x r t ti t y j l ' 4 +~ ~} 1 1 r4 c > r ;e ti 1 r r "k I - r i'r 4 '+ )+ .. . .s , t i,.' t,. j"a y ry{v1'll I N f f1 4 { ' ( ;1?f 1}Sr7°i 'r / f;. ' {j F1 *Lr r7 ik. t;s 1 at ; }' ' i By LEONARD PRATT The Last of Three Articles VIRTUALLY THE only major American effort currently be- ing made to curtail the spread of nuclear weapons is the conferences at Geneva. This is certainly a necessary effort and should be continued. However, publicity on the conferences implying that they. are mankind's last hope for peace has given the erroneous impression that they are the only way to prevent nuclear prolifera- tion. In fact, this is incorrect. There are many alternatives left to American foreign policy to attain this vital goal, alternatives which may have to be employed event- ually, if, for example, a keyvna- tion were to refuse to sign a pro- liferation ban. First on the agenda of such American effortsashould be the immediate removal of the three blocs which United States foreign policy has placed in the way of an e f f e c t i v e antiproliferation treaty. Diplomatic recognition of Communist China, increased dip- lomatic efforts to urge antipro- liferation pledges on presently non-nuclear nations and abandon- ment of plans for allied or Atlan- tic nuclear forces would go a long way towardathe encouragement of a Geneva pact and the easing the world's nuclear strain in general. BUT IN ADDITION to these rather negative actions, dealing with the destruction of blocs that have already been created, there are several positive and realistic moves which America might make to encourage an end to nuclear proliferation. Of course there is no world- wide panacea. Actions must be suited to the particular case to ensure that they can deal with its individual peculiarities with or without the assistance of an anti- proliferation treaty. An area where pressures on currently non-nuclear nations to attain nuclear status are among the greatest in East Asia, extend- ing far enough west to include India and Pakistan. In most of these nations, with the notable exception of the area centering on North and South Viet Nam, U.S. government contacts are primar- ily diplomatic as opposed to mili- tary. It follows that efforts to en- courage an attitude of antipro- liferation should be primarily dip- lomatic in nature. A MAJOR MOTIVE to acquire nuclear weapons is undoubtedly provided by the urge toward seeking international status-the urge to increase one's influence in world affairs by belonging to the "nuclear club." This was certainly one of, if not the, key motives in France's and China's decisions to bid for nuclear status. For example, the Feb. 10, 1963 issue of "China Youth" noted, "A country which has fine delivery vehicles . . and a large quantity of nuclear bombs of great variety is a super-state, and only a super-state is qualified to lead the world and to control and direct those countries which do not havenuclear weapons or have only a small number of nuc- lear weapons without fine delivery vehicles." Thus the U.S. could advance the cause of antiproliferation signifi- cantly by a major diplomatic ef- fort stating the obvious fact, that the possession of some small num- bers of atom bombs does not sig- nificantly advance a country's prestige or influence. Of course, the fact that such an effort is underway should not be overem- phasized, unless the U.S. would risk invalidating its -effectiveness by making it seem that America overly fears proliferation. FORTUNATELY, the two na- tions whose nuclear bids have been so strongly influenced by this international status seeking are excellent examples of its fail- ure. France may have been more troublesome lately, but the root of the troublesomeness does not lie in her small atomic capacity. China's nuclear detonation can likewise be said to have had only a small effect on America's re- cent moves in East Asia. Examples and reason thus com- bine to make an excellent case for the discouragement of nuclear status seeking. It is a case which should not go unemployed. A strong security motive is also likely to be working on East Asia's non-nuclear nations. Overshadow- ed militarily in almost every sense by China, it must certainly be tempting to them to wish to equal her in the one area where they can at the moment - nuclear weapons. In addition a strong se- curity threat certainly must seem to loom over many of them who are not at least neutral to Chinese advances. THEREFORE A diplomatic ef- fort aimed toward these nations which specifically downplays the danger of Chinese nuclear threat would certainlybe in order. It is a fact that the Chinese nuclear detonations do not now present a threat to bordering nations; it is also a fact that they will not do so for several years at least. There is no reason why these facts should not be stressed diplomatically. Later, as the Chinese nuclear threat develops, it may certainly prove necessary to take more ac- tion of a defensive militaky nature to assure the security of these nations and thus prevent them from wishing to develop nuclear weapons. Such a thought must certainly have been in President Lyndon B. Johnson's mind when he declared, two days after the Chinese detonation, "the nations that do not seek national nuclear weapons can be sure that if they need our strong support against some threat of blackmail, they will have it." Nor would putting meat into such an empty declaration be too difficult a thing. The creation of air-defense pacts with nations that feel themselves particularly threatened - Malaysia or India, for example - has been proposed and seems to suit the situation's needs admirably. SUCH PACTS would provide for the stationing of U.S., British- perhaps even Russian-air forces, of a specifically defensive nature, in the threatened country. The investment by the protecting pow- ers need not be large, as it will be 10 years or so before Chinese delivery systems acquiredgreat sophistication. Danger of deepen- ing committments could be pre- vented by making the agreements strictly defensive and u n d e r United Nations supervision. A policy with usefulness outside East Asia has occasionally been proposed by the Chinese them- selves; that is the establishment of nuclear-weapons free zones in Asia in return for the establish- ment of such zones in, say, South America.. The United States would do well to consider the establishment of such zones as an important minor objective of its foreign policy. Their creation would cer- tainly be a difficult process, fought with disagreements about adequate inspection procedures, but it would certainly help in easing the strain on the smaller countries of East Asia. WHILE, BECAUSE of probable Chinese resistance to inspections, a nuclear-free zone may be of limited practicality in East Asia, the concept may be able to play a greater role in the world's other hot spot of nuclear development tension-the Middle East. In the Middle East the pres- sures encouraging nuclear develop- ment stem not so much from de- sires for prestige as from security demands created by the Arab- Israeli conflict. Diplomatic down- play of nuclear advantages may thus prove useless. Declaring a free zone in the area would provide both sides in the conflict with a much needed nuclear respite. It would assure the Arabs that superior Israeli technology would not suddenly rain death on their cities and people. A free zone would guar- antee the Israelis that there would be no surprise developments by Nasser's German experts. BY REMOVING the immediate nuclear danger from both powers, it would remove their desire and their ability to reciprocate in the creation of atom bombs. All would breathe easier for it. it is certainly easy enough for the U.S. government to insist that because it urgently desires a treaty at Geneva it is doing everything possible to prevent nuclear weap- ons proliferation. In reality this is far from the case. Even if a nuclear treaty is cre- ated, the policies outlined here or others like them must still be given a place in U.S. foreign policy. For example, what would happen if India didn't sign such a pact? Clearly it would be mean- ingless, for a key power in the presently non-nuclear camp would have refused to abide by it. THERE IS thus an obvious need for international mechanisms out- side the Geneva conference and any treaty they may produce. And the U.S. government, for all its "peace on earth" proclamations is doing little to create them. 010 isdigltl-ocet hm THREE DIRECTIONS: SNCC Practices' Purest Democracy By JACK NEWFIELD EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is reprinted from The Nation. MORE THAN five years have now passed since the Student NonviolentaCoordinating Commit- tee (SNCC) was formed during an Easter weekend conference on the campus of Shaw University in Raleigh, N.C. Since then, this battered broth- erhood of organizers, poets, hip- sters and visionaries2has grown up to have a staff of 200 full-time workers in the field, plus 250 full-time volunteers; an annual budget of $800,000 and an evolv- ing philosophy unburdened by obsolete blueprints for utopia from other generations or other countries. SNCCis simply the sum of its experiences inside the eye of the American dilemma. SNCC IS MORE a chaotic movement than a conventional civil rights organization; the best image for it is that of an amoeba with pseudopods reaching out in many directions. Compared the well - organized and disciplined S o u t h e r n Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), SNCC is a happening. Recoiling from the "cult of per- sonality" that surrounds Martin Luther King, the young anti- heroes of SNCC has adopted a ro- tating or egalitarian style of lead- ership that baffles the rest of the movement. Whenever there is a summit conference of civil rights leaders, Dr. King, James Farmer, Roy Wilk- ins and Whitney Young never know which of a dozen possible respresentatives of SNCC will show up. ASK A SNCC worker, "Who is the head of SNCC?" and he'll reply, "Man, we don't have any leaders" or "The people lead SNCC because they tell us, what to do. We don't tell them." The two most visible personali- ties in SNCC are Chairman John Lewis, introverted, the veteran of 39 arrests and an ordained min- ister; and 37-year-old Executive Secretary James Forman. While Lewis' title is largely ceremonial, Forman, with great organizational skills and the in- stincts of a Marine sargeant, has become the most powerful indi- vidual in SNCC. But his troops' passion for spontaneity, individ- ualism, and freedom is so marked that he is still far from being a "leader" in the conventional sense. ALTHOUGH HE has relin- guished all formal titles, 30-year- old Robert Parris is SNCC's other center of gravity. He seems to combine the qualities of the saint- ly revolutionist Kropotkin with the fav1 cnxn,101oi nhilncnnhna,. r a' c along with Yale history professor Stau'ghton Lynd, and pacifists Dave Dellinger and Eric Wein- berger, have opened up an office in Washington to organize "stu- dents, poor people and intellec- tuals" around the war on Viet Nam.} THIS MOBILIZATION is not conceived as the traditional and mechanical coalition of peace and civil rights "leaders," Rather, as Cox explains it: "We have to con- vince the country that civil rights workers get killed in the South because the government has a cer- tain attitude toward killing in Viet Nam. The concept thatr it is all right to kill an 'enemy' affects the morality of the country so that people can be murdered here." Parris adds: "Most liberals think of Mississippi as a cancer,' as a distortion of America. But we think Mississippi is an accu- rate reflection of America's values and morality. Why else can't the people who killed Andrew, James and Mickey be brought to justice, unless a majority of the commun- ity condones murder. Sheriff Rainey is not a freak; he reflects the majority. And what he did is related to the napalm bombings of 'objects' in Viet Nam." This group of SNCC workers and pacifists plans "continuous activity in Washington through the summer to end the war in Viet Nam." Massive civil disobed- ience is planned for Hiroshima Day, Aug. 6, and a march of "un- represented poor people" on Nag- asaki Day, Aug. 9. 0 -Associated Press SNCC WORKERS WERE among the leaders of massive demonstrations held this winter in racially tense Selma, Ala. Above, 500 marchers crowd the steps and sidewalk in front of the Selma City Hall in protest of the Alabama voting Northerners a n d Southerners; there are rambunctious teenagers and stooped adults in their 60s; there are gifted poets like Jane Stembridge, complex Negro intel- lectuals like Stokley Carmichael, white Southerners like Robert Zellner and former sharecroppers like Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer. BECAUSE OF this pluralism within a framework of individual- ism, only a few generalizations fit all of the animal called SNCC. It is nonviolent and profundly dem- ocratic. Its strength derives from grass-roots involvement with the very poor. Strongly anarchic in spirit (though not in program), SNCC instills in its workers skepticism of all bureaucracy and all cen- tralized authority - including its own. And SNCC preaches and practices participatory democracy -the concept that everyone should take part in all the decisions that affect his life. With this goes an almost mys- tical faith in the ability of "the little people"-the lumpen prole- tariat-to change their condition and govern themselves democrat- ically; a vision which seems to be the antitheses of Communist elit- ism and authoritarianism. TO WATCH A SNCC worker function in the rural South is to see democracy in its purest and rawest form. He doesn't manipu- late, control or direct discussions at mass meetings, Instead, he de- votes his attention to encouraging h o ae ar- - - - -_cor rin ___ . .. _ .,_ .. .. ., ..., __ ... .. _sw . Last May, Fred Meely, a 23- year-old veteran of the Mississippi campaigns, sat in the deserted SNCC store-front headquarters in Montgomery and talked about the difficulties of urban organizing: "ALL SUMMER we just might sit here and build a base in the community. It doesn't mean any- thing that we don't have an ac- tive program going yet. We're not concerned with time. We're just going to let the people in the community know we're here, be- come involved in their daily lives, and find out what it is they want us to do. "The cities are a whole new ex- perience for us. Size is something new to us. So is the problem of dealing with an existing Negro leadership that is conservative and corrupt like the ministers and lawyers here in Montgomery. This middle class doesn't exist in places like Greenwood or Holly Springs. "Another reason the cities are so. hard to crack is that Negroes here are much less open to the idea of nonviolence. And they are more apathetic. They have a whole different set of values from rural farmers. There is a hard core of hate and violence in every black man in this city. Dozens of Ne- groes get cut up in- fights every Saturday night. Even those people who come into the office looking for help are filled with hostility and looking for a fight." IN EXPLORING the cities, SNCC's strategv has been to give groes, despite their Johnny Mathis albums and green stamps as well as the white liberals. SNCC is also looking in a third direction-foreign policy. Although, plans are still tenta- tive, several of SNCC's veterans, including Bob Parris, Courtland Cox and Stokley Carmichael, BAWDY: 'Measure for Measure' 4 It's Worth Seeing At Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre SHAKESPEARE incorporated the whole spectrum of human emotion in his plays, from bawdiness to purity and "Measure for Measure" is no exception. With an accent on the former, this play, presented by the University Players, is an experience one should not pass up. Julietta is with child, and for this crime her fiance Claudio (Patrick McElroy) must die. Angelo, the deputy acting in the absence of the Duke, vows he will reprieve Claudio only if his sister Isabella yields her body to him. The Duke, disguised as a monk, discovers this and other aspects of the plot and invokes a happy ending (for most). The University Players, individually and as a whole, deliver splendid performances. Kathleen Thompson, as the chaste Isabella, conveys the purity of her characterization with every swan-like gesture and uneven vocal inflection. Both she and Kenneth Chomont (Angelo) sustain their portrayals unfaulteringly throughout the production. Chomont, clenching- his fists and gesturing grotesquely in the agony of his guilt, is terrific as he acts to the pagan drums that signify his passion. Lucio (Stephen Wyman), the comic gadfly, pesters everyone with his Mephistopholean voice and face. The Duke (Thomas Mann- ing) is the most poetic member, in word and manner, of the cast. I 0 wr