Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS OUTMODED PROPOSALS, STANDS: US. Blocks Nonproliferation ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of 'staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MOORE The Battlefield: Fame or Farce? kHO WINDS UP fighting a war, any war? Is it the expansive politician who makes romise after promise to everyone imag- table and commits the lives of his con- tituents-with or without their permis- ion? Is it the housewife in Sioux Falls, Iowa, 'ith two daughters and a cat who thinks hiat any sacrifice should be made in the ause of truth, justice, and her way? Is it the Detroit corporation lawyer who abbles in munitions stock and supports hie escalation of "freedom?" . Is it the college stident who cries bout "no price too high" and who wishes e could go if it only weren't for that old ack injury? Is it the general in his Pentagon office rho talks about the advisability of using uclear weapons in support of our troops n the field? Or is it even the war zone eneral in his command post a hundred riles from the nearest fighting, the one rho can sign a thousand death warrants t a stroke? S IT ANY OF THESE? If it is not then where does the re- ponsibility lie for the enactment of a olicy of force? In a case of mass killing ie executioner is as #nportant as the .dge especially when he is called upon o execute himself. Those who face the all too real possi- ility of induction intoathe armed forces gainst their will are never considered ;hen the time comes to make a decision. Certain. people are called upon to pro- ect others at the expense of their own ves and exhibit a total lack of desire o protect anyone's life but their own. [ODAY ANYONE who faces the possi- bility of actually going to war chooses ne of two attitudes. Many agree with he war in question in principle but pre- er to see the other guy go. 'Why can't hey call up the reserves?" they say. 'hese people are hypocrites; if they be. eve in the war then they should be the rst at the recruiting station. On the other hand others in similar ircumstances may either decide that all 'ars are evil and immoral or that the articular war in question is unjust. In ither case they advance a moral justi- UDITH WARREN.....................Co-Editor OBERT HIPPLER ...................... Co-Editor DWARD HERSTEIN.............Sports Editor UDITH FIELDS ................. Business Manager EFFREY LEEDS............ Supplement Manager IGHT EDITORS, Michael Badamo, John Meredith, Robert Moore. Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday thruugb Saturday morning. fication for avoiding in any way possi- ble conscription. Depending on his environmental con- ditioning at the time, the potential draftee generally submits to the course of action acceptable to his society. If he does not he risks not only social condem- nation but penal action. There have been no surveys taken of draft eligible men on their views concern- ing their life or death. If one were taken there would be perhaps an overwhelming unwillingness to die for something as worthless as Viet Nam appears to be. This is not considered important in higher circles. THIS RELUCTANCE becomes an ex- tremely important factor when these unwilling warriors find themselves in Viet Nam. It is true that military training does much to kill any tendency toward indi-; viclual thought and human independence. It does a fairly effective job of turning a man into a death machine. But it can never kill that machine's fear of destruc- tion. This fear of death makes the instilla- tion of patriotism and "esprit de corps"- the enemies of fear-a crucial factor. But what happens when the spirit cannot be instilled? What happens when the men fighting in Viet Nam see that the war will not help them or the ones they love? What happens when the glory, the excitement, the bravado of war is ex- posed for the sham it really is? The mass desertions in the South Viet- namese Army are a good example of what lack of a sense of justification can do to an army in the field. FOR THE UNITED STATES soldier in Viet Nam the proposition is not as sim- ple as taking off his uniform and disap- pearing into the woods. His home and family are thousands of miles away, not three rice paddies away. He cannot es- cape. Frustration grows. He picks fights with his fellow soldiers and small cracks appear in the solidarity of the fighting force. And as the cracks grow larger the effectiveness of the fighting force grows smaller. The enemy senses a weakness and presses harder. The cracks develop into gaping holes and the army, to the chagrin of all those who don't fight but push for a fight, be- comes impotent., THE WORDS of Abraham Lincoln can be applied to a dissatisfied army: "A nation divided against itself cannot stand." Take note. -MICHAEL BADAMO By LEONARD PRATT Second of Three Articles TUESDAY'S reopening of the Geneva disarmament confer- ences b r o u g h t a surprisingly stinging attack on the United States from the Soviet represent- ative, Semyon K. Tsarapkin. His statements highlight a fairly ob- vious fact that many would much rather ignore. That fact is that, in many cru- cial respects, positions taken by the U.S. government are by far the greatest stumbling blocks to any antiproliferation treaty. These positions have served to aggravate the East-West split be- fore and now threaten to prevent a giant step toward the closing of that, split. THE FIRST of these positions is well-known-the U.S. govern- ment's failure to recognize- and to establish diplomatic relations with Communist China. Sino - American relations have been needlessly strained over this matter. Even more important, the diplomatic hiatus has resulted at best in an extremely stilted sys- tem of communication between the two protagonists. Of course, each government periodically proclaims that it knows either as much as it needs or as it wishes to know concern- ing the other. Although this may have been true to an extent in the past, it has become less and less true as the two countries have become more and more enmeshed in one another's future. ALL OF which relates to a po- tential antiproliferation treaty by the simple fact that in 10 years such a treaty will be meaningless without China's signature. A treaty could be meaningful with- out, say, France's signature, for France is very unlikely to use her fledgling forces without assurance of Allied assistance; but it could never be meaningful without the -Associated Press PRIME MINISTER HAROLD WILSON of Britain opened (above) the annual spring meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization last May 11. U.S. proposals to share responsibility for its nuclear weapons with other NATO nations are regarded as the main roadblock to an East-West agreement on a Iks reason the U.S. government in- sists it discourages it: it gives some degree of control over America's bombs to non-nuclear countries. THE SHAME of it all is that Tsarapkin said the Soviet govern- ment would immediately accept a treaty If the two projects were scrapped; considering Russia's in- creasingly moderate diplomacy, this seems a very probable event. . After all, would not the U.S. re- gard an analogous Russian pro- gram involving her East European satellites to be proliferation? IN THE LIGHT of ' Russia's very realcomplaint, U.S. insist- ance on an allied nuclear force seems incredible indeed. Combined with the definite possibility of a treaty if only this position is for- gone, this unwitting roadblock be- comes quite indefensible. It certainly cannot be argued that an allied force is a necessity to keep the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on its feet. American rockets in Montana are capable of more than adequately def end- ing any point that NATO decides needs defending. In a practical light, then, American proposals for an allied nuclear force are little more than good diplomacy. But if this good diplomacy be- gins to be harmful to the best in- terests of the world at large, as it will certainly be if it obstructs an antiproliferation treaty, rea- son demands it be rejected. In fact, in at least three "other issues," American policy is bar- ring these agreements. There is no reason for any of these three situations to persist. If they are allowed to persist, successful, lasting nuclear treaties will be an impossibility. TOMORROW: 'What actions the U.S. should take to speed agreement on a nonprolifera- tion treaty, nonproliferation of atomic devices. adherence of an independent Chi- nese military giant. The key point is that the non- existence of diplomatic under- standing precludes Chinese ad- herence to a treaty to which America is a party. One simply does not sign a treaty with a government one does not recog- nize. This problem, though very real, is nonetheless several years dis- tant. There are others which are not so comfortably removed. FIRST AMONG such problems is the government's failure to pro- vide effective proof on an inter- national scale that it recognizes the altered nature of nuclear war. Atomic war has become less im- portant as purely the ultimate means of conflict between the world's opposing blocs. Rather, linked with this status is the possibility that smaller powers can now use nuclear weap- ons for their comparatively petty disagreements while drawing the larger states into conflict with them. Even if the larger powers were not drawn into such a war, the issue still remains that a chief of a small state could exterminate several million innocent people for almost any reason at all. SUCH POSSIBILITIES sketch the picture of a dirty type of war vastly different than much cur- rent American foreign policy evi- dently envisions. For example, if the dangers of nuclear war in the Middle East were properly realized, it would seem only reasonable for America to exert every effort to ease the new strains appearing there. Yet these efforts have failed to mate- rialize. B e f o r e an antiproliferation treaty can be a success in the crucial sense that it secures the pledge of presently non-nuclear powers to remain so, our govern-. ment must greatly increase its unilateral diplomatic efforts to prevent proliferation by such key nations as Israel and India. APPARENTLY the biggest block America has unintentionally thrown in the path of a success- ful treaty is its contemplation of- a Western allied nuclear fleet. Tsarapkin cited this plan, along with England's version of it, the plan for an Atlantic nuclear force, as Russia's only objections to an antiproliferation treaty. America, of course, views the two proposals as means to end proliferation in Europe. If West Germany and Italy are given par- tial responsibility for our weap- ons, so the doctrine runs, it will' effectively discourage them from thinking about building their own forces. Russia's view is just the oppo- site. The Soviets see the proposals as encouraging the proliferation of nuclear weapons for the same 4 'DOMESTIC PEACE CORPS' NEEDED: India- Can Disaster, Chaos Be Avoided? 0' By SHELDEN and ANDREY MENEFEE The New Republic INDIA'S COMMUNITY Develop- ment Program was launched 12 years ago as an expression of a people's faith in Mahatma Gan- dhi's prophecy: "When our vil- lages are fully developed . . . there will be village poets, village artists, village architerts, linguists and research workers. There will be nothing in life worth having which will not be had in the vil- lages. Today the villages of India are dung heaps. Tomorrow, they will be like little Gardens of Eden where dwell highly intelligent folk whom no one can deceive or ex- ploit." Though the program now reach- es nearly all of India's 556,000 vil- lages, it is bogging down, and if it fails the consequences could be famine, chaos and revolution. Community Development has a staff of 50,000 "village level work- ers" who are attached to 5,222 "blocks," each covering about 100 villages. Each block has a di- rector, two or more extension of- ficers, and several minor officials. There is a village level worker for every 10 villages or so. The pro- gram makes use of such tradi- tional institutions as the village panchayat (council) and village cooperative societies. IMPRESSIVE statistics are re- leased regularly from headquar- ters in New Delhi, and newspapers carry the reports: CD has distri- buted two million tons of im- proved seeds to villages, held 11 million agricultural demonstra- tions, trained five and a half mil- lion farm leaders in new produc- tion methods, made 71 million adults literate, and so forth. But the statistics are based on reports from village level workers and block officials and there is no machinery for checking them. 4 PRIME MINISTER SHASTRI They are often designed to im- press superior officials and do not reflect actual achievements. THE TRUTH is that disaster threatens India and CD seems powerless to prevent it. The twin factors of unchecked population growth and limited food ,produc- tion (India's production has stood at about 80 million tons for the last three years) are expected to meet head-on in about seven years. The great sprawling organiza- tion of Community Development has never really moved out of low gear, partly because it has failed to provide a substitute for Gan- dhi's innocent faith in the spin- ning wheel. Millions of rupees continue to be poured into obso- lete uneconomic "village indus- tries." Farmers cling to the home- made plow and irrigation by goat- skin bag. The ancient system of inheri- tance of property by division among male children has split village holdings into tiny plots; and fratricide is one of the com- monest and most brutal kinds of murder=in rural India. IF COMMUNITY Development were functioning properly, food production would be increasing through intelligent use of fertiliz- ers and machinery; family plan- ning would be the rule; illiteracy would be almost wiped out; sani- tation would have been introduced to all the villages long since. But adult literacy is still only five per cent in most of the small- er villages, and thousands of vil- lages lack even drinking-water wells. The village level worker is the foundation stone of CD. In theory, he lives in the central village of a 10-village hobli, or circle, and meets constantly with individual farmers and village panchayats; demonstrates n e w agricultural techniques; helps get schools started; brings word of the out- side world; and generally guides India's villagers out of the dark ages. The government gives him two years of training for this all- important task. But after nine years of exper- ience his pay is only about $27 a month, and most village level workers view their assignments as a way to get a little play with a minimum of effort. OFTEN A low - caste village level worker is snubbed by village headmen of higher caste. In one village we asked a brahmin if he would shake hands with a village level worker who was a Harjan (untouchable). He said yes, if the hand were offered, but he would have to go home immediately to bathe and do puja (prayers) to remove the pollution. This man was a university grad- uate and more relaxed in his ob- servance of Hindu taboos than - b r-Ta MRS. INDIRA GANDHI y , most villagers. In another place the villagers tried vainly to get loans from the block office to help them build seven wells. They had already dug three wells, but they wanted to grow two crops yearly instead of one and for this they needed ten wells. ONE OF them told us "It takes 100 to 150 rupees in bribes to push the papers through the block office. The village level worker expects 10 or 15 rupees for recom- mending the loan. "The clerk who must approve a loan expects to be paid, and the assistant registrar who approves the deed of land ownership wants extra money for the title papers. We cannot pay this money so we cannot get the papers moved across the desks." IF THE Community Develop- ment Program is to be rescued from becoming a giant boondog- gle, it will have to undergo drastic reorganization. Probably 10 or 20 per cent of the staff should sim- ply be fired, which would not be easy under civil service regula- tions. An Indian version of the Peace Corps, organized for service to India's villages, might touch a responsive chord among thou- sands of idealistic youngsters who have seen the American Peace Corps at work, and the trust and admiration the villagers give the young foreigners. But an obstacle is the Indian attitude to manual labor. A young Indian with a high school or col- lege diploma feels degraded by doing other than white-collar work. THE PRESTIGE of Prime Min- ister Shastri or Mrs. Indira Gandhi could, however, be invok- ed in an appeal like that made by the late President Kennedy be- fore his election. His Peace Corps proposal touched millions of Americans. Indian youth believes in democ- racy too, but this generation has not been asked to contribute to the building of the nation. The students are volatile, confused, leaderless. A generation ago their parents walked out of classes and marched in demonstrations to defy the British Raj. In a sad mockery of this heri- tage, students today close the doors of colleges and go out on strike for lower tuition fees and easier examination questions, or against the teaching of Hindi as a second language. VILLAGE India is stirring from the sleep of centuries, and is ready for vigorous leadership. If Community Development f ails these millions, its failure may mean the end of democracy in India. * 0 / TODAY AND TOMORROW: The President Opts for a Limited Asian Conflict By WALTER LIPPMANN HE DECISIONS taken by the President as the result of the review of the situation in Viet Nam are realistic. Also, as a result, the American position is strength- ened and improved. The crucial issue which he had to resolve was what this country should do since the South Viet- namese government has lost to the Viet Cong the control of vir- tually all the highways and most ference between, on the one hand, an unlimited and illimitable war that could escalate into total war, and, on the other hand, a limited war - the President calls it a "measured" war-which is clearly within American military power, demands no exorbitant sacrifice and keeps the struggle within the possibility of diplomatic negotia- tions. The President on Wednesday announced, if I understood him correctly, his choice between these troops needed would, according to the usual formula of 10 to 1 for guerrilla war, meanF nearly a million. THERE IS additional evidence from the official disclosures on Wednesday that the President has decided against a serious escala- tion of the war in North Viet Nam. He has been under pressure to send the bombers into the heart of North Viet Nam, into the area of Hanoi and Haiphong, where countryside to eliminate the Viet Cong from the villages, but rather to confine ourselves to conven- tional military action. ALONG WITH the decision to keep the war limited, the Presi- dent has launched a strong dip- lomatic campaign for a negotiated peace. He has in the past pro- posed or hinted at most, perhaps all, of the elements of his cam- paign. B:ut the cnmhination he descrih. and that we are prepared in South Viet Nam, or in all Viet Nam, to accept UN supervised elections. This is contrary to the position taken by Secretary of State J. F. Dulles 10 years ago, and the Presi- dent's willingness to return to "the purpose of the 1954 agree- ments" opens the door wide in principle to a negotiated settle- ment. Hanoi will probably still re- fuse to negotiate. For the Viet Cong and Hanoi are within sight k 1 _; .,a