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The Negro as 'Protagonist' Exect
By GEORGE ABBOTT WHITE, we know it.' And he asks, 'Why the Negro; power not as a so- out to change not only the
haven't we had healthy inte- cial - political force, but as psyche, but the economic-edu-
"I do think Negroes'are bet- gration?' He is concerned with changer of the psyche. cational structures as well. Sil-- N
ter ;respected today because of the North in his book and fo- "What are the issues? Let berman lacks contact with
their adoption of a protagonist cuses on what he calls the mi- me consider three: his casual them. y
model,' not in spite of it, as gration into the urban North. analysis, his desired goal, his "Finally, of the two theories
others have suggested. This migration however differs conception of social change. of social change - roughly,
Mis. Pat Gurin of the In- from previous European immi- 'Silberman is a psychologist- 'equilibrium,' limited c h an g e ___._-
stitute for Social Research, giations. economist,: yet he says little, through a structure, a move ibD It
Tuskegee Project, a sreslying aThe difference for Silber- smednto be helw inosarmon DIRKSEN,._HUMPHREY1:
to one of many questions her man is'the 'slavery experience; ions of his solution. He sees sumed to be held in common
presentation of Charles E. Sil- a massive psychological en- the consequences as purely psy- and one 'eases' towards them
berman's "Crisis in Black and slavement of- personality that and avoids power in and the 'conflict theory,' one in
Whte" ase. h fna sek-ha roucdmtoaysNer c heooic ramHsany-which goals held differ and A
er of the highly-successful Of- rage, frustration, hatred (of sis is insightful as he sees that change is reached by equalsge
fice of Religious. Affairs Noon others and himself), and in- race adds a dimension to the dealing with equals and not
Book Discussion, Mrs. Gurin tense feelings of powerlessness, of a society that lib- subordinate or paternalistic re- By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTh
gave a concise and lucid review both physical and psychologi- erals often ignore. Skill and lationships - Silberman agrees SeciaJ To The Daily
of Silberman's major argu- cal.s. training don't seem enough and prth tsodelndhis
ments, then considered issues 'Silberman says the tradi- Silberman is quick to point out protagonist model' his. WASHINGTON-A high Senate
the book raised. tional immigrant solutions have the Negro's disadvantage. "Even the so-called 'moral- source yesterday disclosed that
been ineffectual. He points to ist' position in civil rights is Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill)
"There are many books on the Booker T. Washington Insufficient better if change comes from privately asked President Lyndon
the racial situation today, in m o d e I of self - advancement, "Yet his goal of 'integration' the power of Negroes, rather B. Johnson to remain neutral in
the past few years. Most are self-improvement, as one that is insufficient. Where he fails than the goodness of someone's the fight over his controversial
what I woudcall "publisher's has failed to confront this psy- is in not pushing the question heart. The Negro wants politi- constitutional amendment which
quickies, books designed to chological enslavement. Civil to its conclusion: Integration cal power to change-to change would overturn the Supreme Court?
sell, with little research or rights too, has found it want- into what kind of society? The himself, to halt economic, po- "one man-one vote" ruling of last.
thought. "Crisis in Black and ing and inverted the traditional major contribution of the civil litical, psychological discrimin- year.
White" is not a "quickie." label of 'Negro Problem.' But rights movement is this quali- ation-he doesn't need abstract The Senate meets today to vote
Goals Silberman feels they have over- tative element, yet Silberman 'goodness.' Even in interper- on the Dirksen apportionment
What is Silberman seeing as simplified the solution by mak- not only doesn't see it as revo- sonal human relationships, the amendment, one of the hottest
a goal? Not assimilation and ing it primarily a 'White Man's lutionary, but misses out on the quality of the relationships is questions it has faced this session.
not dissolution of an ethnic Problem,' important contributions to the better if it occurs between Dirksen had asked the President
group. He speaks of 'integra- "His solution is one of pow- /whole discussion, the Southern equals rather than giver-re- "not to get into the question"
tion into American society as er acquisition on the part of struggle is making. They are ceiver situations," she said sometime before Dirksen began a
S'....s'.,..,.'.'.'.' complicated sequence paria-
mentary maneuvers which finally
locked Senate Judiciary Commit-
kA IIeA *brought his proposal past a dead-
Ask Im m igration USSUIv v' tS sttee and up to the Senate floor, the VICE PR]
1source said.
e Sen. Jacot
latcher I
riting Politics
b K. Javits (R-NY) to
" ' y.,/ j
. _ _.
stem Change
WASHINGTON TP-A bill that would make far-reaching changes
in United States immigration laws was overwhelmingly (approved
yesterday by the House Judiciary Committee.
By a 26-4 margin, the committee voted to wipe out the 40-year-
old national origins quota system and set new standards of prefer-
ences that would benefit close relatives of U,S. citizens.
The effect of the bill would be to authorize total annual immi-
gration into the United States of about 340,000-50,000 more than
are presently coming in each year.
Rep. Michael A. Feighan D-Ohio), chairman of the subcommit-
tee that produced the bill after nearly two years of effort, hailed
- ----the bipartisan nature of its sup-
Votes Needed introduce a vote-weighting scheme
Dirksen must gain a two-thirds of his own-and to oppose any
vote of the Senate today for final other, including Dirksen's. This
passage of his amendment - 67Iput the Senate Judiciary Commit-
senators if all 100 are present tee into a deadlock on apportion-
LONDON 611) - W. Averell Harriman said yesterday he got thet
impression in talks in Moscow with Premier Alexei N. Kosygin that
the Russians looked to a .peaceful settlement in Viet Nam. But he
saw tough fighting ahead.
Harriman, who has just concluded a tour of European capitals
where he had talks with government leaders, told airport reporters
before flying home to Washington:
"I got the general impression that Moscow would like to see a
settlement. President Lyndon B. Johnson has said on many oc-
casions that he is willing to undertake discussions with any govern-
ment. But the Hanoi government continues to say they will not have
any part of it. Hanoi thinks it")>
can take over South Viet Nam by AW
force. y PADDINGjIER
In Bonn Mayor Willy Brandt'
of West Ber lin yesterday wel-
coedAmriandeemntino R ep ort A
stay in Viet Nam as strengthen-R
ing the guarantee for his divided
Liberal senators opposing him
say they have more than the 34
votes needed to block the pro-
posal, but are concerned that
Dirksen may change his wording
today to produce 'enough 'defec-
tion from liberal ranks to gain
Vice President Hubert Hum-
phrey was believed to have, among
other efforts, helped persuade
The vice president's activities
drew a blast from Dirksen in a
news conference yesterday.
Dirksen told reporters he had
complained to the President re-
cently that Humphrey was violat-
ing Johnson's public pledge not to
get involved in the apportionment
He said the President th
him the only thing he kne
Humphrey's efforts was w
had read in the papers
upon Dirksen said he aske
son, "Why don't you pick
phone and give him hell?"
He had no idea whet]
call went through, Dirks
the news conference, but.h
"I haven't seen Humphrey
in the past few days."
However, an important
close to the vice preside
claimed any intensive ef
his part against the bill, a
influential senators agree
"I think Ev gave the P
a little too much credi
source said yesterday. "Th
tion might be called how
ceed in politics without re
Humphrey's activities,*a
to aides, has been almos
sively limited to an oc
discussion with a waveri:
On the vote today, the
will first consider Javi
stitute for Dirksen's propo
then Dirksen's proposali
majority vote is needed t
the Javits' substitute.I
majority vote is required t
an obscure Senate re
which Dirksen brought u
cially for the purpose of r
it with the Illinois senato
But a two-thirds vote
necessary to pass theI
amendment itself.
Dirksen's amendment al
a state referendum on ap
ing one house of the sta
lature on factors other tha
lation and provides that
vote-weighting proposal,t
over a straight-population
a state referendum, wou
have to face a yes or no
the state every ten years
Javits' substitute also
vote-weighting, using fa
addition to population bu
racial rigging of districts,
for Supreme Court jurisdi
whether an apportionme
"bears a reasonable rela
to the needs of the sta
provides that every ten
referendum would always
a choice between the si
weighted vote plan and a
population plan.
Any changes Dirksen m
in his own amendment
pected to be along the l1
proposal by Sen. Birch B
Ind) that any vote-w
plan offered in a ref
should be submitted by a
tive apportioned strictly
basis of population. Dirks
self opposes Javits' substi
Dirksen said he is c
the Senate will vote d
substitute by Javits whic.
leave the courts a final s
f u t u r e legislative reap
men ts.
Th Illinois senator sai
a vote is taken and he lo
will not be the end of th
gle. He said he will offer
as a rider to some other
said he will not agree to
matter off until next yea.
SRaises South
Rights Action
By The Associated Press
Negroes were indicted yesterday
on first degree murder charges in
the gun slaying of a white youth.
The indictments came as more
civil rights workers arrived in
splite of a plea from Gov. Carl
Sanders to stop importing demon-
strators as the city became more
and more explosive.
The 23-man jury, which includ-
ed one Negro, took five hours and
45 minutes to reach its decision.
It heard several witnesses.
The governor meanwhile, told
Negro leaders: "I ask that leaders
of the so-called civil rights groups
display good will ancnot bring in
outsiders to stir up emotions and
perhaps cause more violence."
port and said he is confident it
will pass the House.
Enactment this year depends
on the Senate, where a subcom-
mittee is considering similar leg-
The late President John F. Ken-
nedy urged Congress to elimin-
ate the national origins quota sys-
tem in 1961, and President Lyn-
don B. Johnson renewed the plea
this year.
White House Press Secretary
Bill D. Moyers said the House
committee's action is regarded by
Johnson as monumental, "as one
of the most important break-
throughs in this administration."
Under the old system, nations
outside the Western Hemisphere
are assigned quotas reflecting the
makeup of the U.S. population in
1920. England, Germany and Ire-
land get the bulk of the 158,000
quota numbers made available
each year, and generally use less
than half of them. There are
no restrictions on immigration
from the Western Hemisphere.
The committee bill would call
for abolition of the national ori-{
o ame
Toda y
JSay Rumors
ien told
w about
what he Smith, Hubbard Seem
d John- To Be Leading Pack
up the Of 'U' Aspirants
her the
e added, University President Harlan,
around Hatcher will "very probably" name
the new vice-president for aca-
source demic affairs today, Vice-Presi-
nt dis- dent for University Relations Ml-
fort on chael Radock revealed yesterday,
nd some The appointment will probably
d. . be made at a special meeting at-
resident tended by the University's Aca- t
it," the demic Advisory Council, which is
ie situa- made up of the deans of the var-.
to suc- ious schools and colleges, the Sen-
ally try- ate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs, which is regarded
cording as the representative faculty
t exclu-. group most active in campus af-
casional =fairs, and University administra-
ng sen- tive officers. It will be held at 11
a.m. today in the Regents' room
Senate of theAdministration Bldg.
s' sub- .In the meantime campus spec-
sal, and ulation about who would become
tself. A the new vice-president was run-
o adopt ning rampant.
Another m Forerunners
Samend informedsources indicated last
solution night that the forerunners in the
p espe- vice-presidential sweepstakes were
eplacing Dean Allen Smith of the Law .
r's pro- School and Dean William Hub-
bard of the Medical School. Both
will be Hubbard and Smith are consider;
Dirksen ed by the sources as very ablj
administrators who enjoy consid
lows for erable stature in ,their fields.
portion- It was indicated by the sources
te legis- that an additional reason f'r
M popu- choosing Smith was his close
such a friendship with Hatcher and the
adopted likelihood that he would fit weU
plan in into the power structure of the
ad then University.
vote in On the other hand, Hubbard's
specialized asset is his acquaint-
allows ance with federal grants which
ctors in compose a large proportion of the
t forbids University budget. One source in-
provides dicated, however, that Hubbard'
ction on appointment might result in a
nt plan power clash between the officeof
tionship academic affairs and .the office of
te," and- business and finance over budget-
years a ary jurisdiction.
involve Other Forerunners
uccessful Among' the other men most
straight prominently mentioned in specu-
lation are Dean William Haber of
ay make the literary college, Vice-President
are ex- for Research Geoffrey Norman,
ine of a Grand Valley State College Presi-
ayh (D- dent James Zumberge, Graduate
eighting School Dean Stephen, Spurr, and
erendum Dental School Dean John Doerr.
legisla- Many other faculty members have
on the also been mentioned.
;en him- Some of the sources contacted
itute. complained about the rapidity
onfident with which Hatcher has decided
own the on the appointee. They pointed
h would out that the current vice-presi-
ay-so on dent for academic affairs, Roger
portion- W. Heyns, officially announced
his decision to leave Ann Arbor,
d that if for the chancellorship of the
ses, that Berkeley campus of the University
e strug- of California only a weekago.rsy
it again Furthermore they said, Hatcher
bill. He had been vacationing in his cot-
put the tage near Traverse City for a part
r. of this "extremely brief" period,
hat the and therefore they claimed there
be rati- was not time for adequate consul-
it passes tation.
is trying Other sources pointed out, how-
preserve ever, that he knew all the candi-
states a dates and the time pressures of
the upcoming budget, Heyn's de-
parture, and Hatcher's trip to
Japan necessitated a speedy
0) choice.
SFurthermore, they explained,
11 Hatcher had been in contact with
likely candidates for the post
leading before Heyns officially announced
yester- his decision.
making For example, Hatcher is said to
as Con- have talked with Haber about
t a ver- candidate recommendations sev-
me Min- eral days before Heyns resigned.
Although there is no official
ut," the provisions for faculty or student
London consultation on the appointment,
the art Hatcher has conferred w i t h
has no SACUA on the issue and has re-
en. Mr. ceived from them an evaluation
uto Safety Features
"President Johnson has said Some car mantfacturers will1
that an American withdrawal add six new safety features tof
from Viet Nam would mean to, their 1966 models, Prof. Donald
all its friends that its security Huelke of the Medical School said
guarantees were not to be taken last night.
seriously," he said. "You know, A new type of windshield which{
I'm not one of those people who;has a thicker piece of plastic
j(twice as thick as that used at
NOTICE present) between the two sheetst
Students are reminded that of glass which are fused together
requirements for deferments to form the windshield is one suchl
given in yesterday's Daily ar- innovation.
tidle are somewhat relaxed in This will prevent penetration tot
individual cases, particularly a greater degree, Huelke explain-
credit hour rules. ed, and in case of accident willt
University Selective Service cut down on facial laceration.
Counselor Thomas Clark is Padded Panel
available for information on in- A second feature is a padded in-
dividual questions at 764-1575. strument panel that will be made
standard in some of the 1966 car
, models. In the event the driver or
want the Americans to tell us r i hrown forward into
every day that they will stand by intuetrpanelowduintanacci
us. I have faith in the statements dent, Huelke explained, this will
of American presidents. cut down the seriousness of the
War Progress injury.;
N m A two speed window washer andI
er-bombers carried the main load wiper will also take care of prob-
of the war against the Viet Cong lems created by lack of vision.,
yesterday. Though unconfirmed A fourth point includes auto-,
by body count, a U.S. spokesman Imatic back-up lights which Huel-
bybdy Amount, and.S. soesan ke pointed out, will provide a good
said American and Vietnamese' visual signal to pedestrians and
planes were estimated to have other motorists that a car is going
killed 157 guerrillas. to back up.l
Padded sun-visors will also be
included, Huelke said. Often in
accidents a driver or rider is
thrown up into the sun visor
where injury can occur.
A final feature that will be-
come standard in the 1966 car
models is a safety belt system,
which will be installed in the rear
of the car as well as the front.
At present manufacturers are only
putting them in the front seats.
Commenting on the traffic safe-
ty hearings being held in Wash-
ington, Huelke commented that
they are valuable in that they take
the competition out of keeping the
cost of an automobile low by not
-installing safety devices.
It equalizes the situations' be-
cause all the car manufacturers
will have to install the same type
of safety devices.
Huelke and Dr. Paul Gista of
the Medical School are on call 24
hours a day to investigate auto-
mobile accidents involving fatali-
ties within Washtenaw County.
Based upon what they have
learned a recent study showed
that out of 136 victims 28 per cent
were killed by ejection from the
Pentagon Makes .Public
Newest Draft Quotas
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon announced yesterday how it
would implement President Lyndon B. Johnson's. new draft call-ups,
ordering call-ups of 27,000 for September and 33,600 for October.
- The quotas are the highest since the Korean War, when 80,000
were called some months.
The Navy will draft men in October for the first time since 1956.
Draft calls have been running 17,000 a month, the figure which
had been announced for August and September before Johnson
Controversy gins system on July 1, 1968. But
Americus Mayor T. Griffin starting at once the unused quota
Walker also asked for demonstra- numbers - which now are not
tors to cut down their action. transferable-would be pooled and
"It is sad that peace-loving applied to the backlog of immi-
citizens must be kept froi per- grants piled up in .many low
formii'g such iroutine' , chores as quota countries. In the place of
shopping because of a feeling of the quota, a ceiling of 170,000
fear, he declared. would be set.
Negro leaders, however, said---
there would be no let-up in
picketing and marches.
Other Action
There was rights action all over
the country yesterday:
In Allendale, S.C., civil rights
demonstrators held a rally at the
county courthouse and t h e n
marched to a church while about
40 state troopers and local police
kept watch. Among the marchers
were several arrested Monday
night during a voter registration4
demonstration and later released'
on bond.
At Miami, Fla., Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey told the
National Urban League that legal-
ized prejudice and discrimiiation
has been virtually eliminated in
America. But he said the plight ,_
of poverty-stricken Negroes re-
mains grim..
Meanwhile, in Washington, Roy-
Wilkins, NAACP executive secre-
.annoced last Wedinesdav they
be UiCrelas)Asked if he believes t
would be increased. amendment would everx
Breakdowns fied by the states, even if
All of the September quota is Congress, Dirksen said hei
for the Army. For October, a to give those who wish to1
quota of 29,000 is for the Army the sovereignty of the.s
and 4,600 for the Navy. wao oue
weapon to use.
The Marine Corps and Air Force - _ _ _
have placed no requests for draf-
tees during the two months. H eath-W W ls
A Selective Service spokesman
said no difficulty is expected in Tul A l
meeting the larger quotas. An- iitle ±iliy
swering a question, he said local,
draft boards have been directed LONDON P) - Two
to bring their files of married British newspapers agreed
men classified I-A up to date. day that Edward Heath,
They also have been reminded his parliamentary debuta
that they can ask schools about servative party leader, los
the grades and status of young bal duel with Laborite Prin
men with educational deferments. ister Harold Wilson.
Reviews of Status "He lost by a knockou
The spokesman said review of independent Times of
the draft status of single men is said. "When it comes to
done all the time but hasn't been of infighting, Mr. Wilson
done generally on married men peer. By the same tok
x x,
- QQ° 8