Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSiTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBUCATIONS THE TRUTH ABOUT VIET NAM: Coming-A New Peace Offensive' 0. Where Opinions Are Free '420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Troth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers 0. the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BADAMO Public Higher Education: Lansing's New Involvement THE REBUFF dealt the University Thursday before yesterday's approval of $60,000 in planning funds for a new classroom building is the most recent in a series of events pointing out the al- tered relationship between the University and the Legislature. About ten years too late, the Legisla- ture has discerned the revolutionary change going on in the state's higher education and it is trying to enter the picture to see that the revolution pro- gresses along acceptable lines. Its new involvement has lacked coordination and often blended naivete and partisan poli- tics with sincere concern for higher edu- cation, but its decisions have still had a substantial impact. The University, as the old leader now fighting to maintain the top spot in Michigan education, has quickly become the focus of attention in Lansing-and, when criticism has been forthcoming, the University has usually borne the brunt of it, a situation aggravated by a combination of coincidence and recent University policies. A FEW BRIEF EXAMPLES make this abundantly clear: O The Robinson amendment. Last Feb- ruary, Sen. Edward Robinson (D-Dear- born) proposed an amendment (since withdrawn) thatwould have limited the constitutional autonomy of state schools by increasing the authority of the State Board of Education. The proposal was introduced at the time of-and was very possibly inspired by-dissatisfaction with the University's plans to expand its Flint College branch. *The budget cut. In June the House Ways and Means Committee slashed $6.27 million from the University's 1965-6 state appropriation. The cutback was later re- stored on the House floor, but not be- fore a short, hard-fought battle between two factions of the Democratic Party. JUDITH WARREN......................Co-Editor ROBERT HIPPLER.....................Co-Editor EDWARD HERSTEIN................Sports Editor JUDITH FIELDS ...............Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS..............Supplement Manager NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Badamo, John Meredith, Robert Moore, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein. Subscription rates: $4 for IIIA and B ($4.50 by mail); $2 for IlA or B ($2.50 by mail). The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and couegiate Press Service. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of alt news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday thruugb Saturday morning. The reduction was in part a political move, but at least one Ways and Means Committee member-one of the same men currently involved in the audit of Uni- versity financial records-acted with the avowed intention of equalizing the ap- propriations of the University, Michigan State University and Wayne State Univer- sity. " Criticism of the recent University tuition increase. Along with a number of verbal blasts, the fee hike has led to an investigation of the University's finances. 0 Failure of the House Ways and Means Committee to approve planning funds for the University two days ago. In many ways this was an insignificant and some- what coincidental postponement of action on a routine request. However, while con- tending that he had not singled out the University for criticism and that he con- sidered the issue separate from the recent fee increase, one Ways and Means Com- mittee member conceded that dissatisfac- tion with the University influenced some other members. UNDERLYING Lansing's new interest in education is the changing character of the Legislature itself. Reapportion- ment and, perhaps, a shift in the Michi- gan's political climate, have replaced con- servative Republicans with young, lib- eral Democrats. The young Democrats tend to favor free tuition and seem to be most inter- ested in undergraduate education for in- state students-the students they hear most about from constituents. But, above all else, they are interested in higher education. The incidents listed above again serve as apt illustrations. Robinson is a freshman Democrat, as are all but one of the legislators who have gone on record against the University's tuition increase. Moreover, it was primar- ily young Democratic members of the Ways and Means Committee who split with the group's veteran leadership to question the University's planning appro- priation last Thursday and to cut the budget in June. THE NEW BREED in the Legislature has added spirit to that often lethargic body. Education's problems are urgent, and legislators are eager to act. However, while some of them are trying to quickly become well-informed, they probably will feel compelled to make decisions before they are adequately prepared-their in- terest and enthusiasm is combined with inexperience, and this is a dangerous combination. --JOHN MEREDITH By GEORGE ABBOTT WHITE THIS FALL will see throughout America a struggle of monu- mental importance for a present peace and a future for the entire earth. It will be grounded at the uni- versities and colleges and owe a massive debt to "the tactics and tone of the civil rights movement. It will be nothing less than a struggle to educate the American public in the meaning, form, and establishment-now-of peace. WE ARE TOLD that a major role of the President is that of educator. Yet from past and present per- formances, we must conclude that the "old schoolteacher" has failed both utterly and disastrously. Mr. Johnson has not only failed to teach the truth, but misinformed and taught untruths to America as well. Those that point to his recent words of "negotiation" and his "caution" in escalating the dirty war in Viet Nam must recognize that negotiation and caution aside, the war is growing, more and more Americans are to spill blood-- theirs and certainly others-in an empty gesture of national face- saving. THE man-in-the-street wants to know, yet trusts Mr. Johnson. He must be taught the things Mr. Johnson will not tell. He must understand that if Mr. Johnson really wanted peace, wanted to save American lives, save his program for the Great Society, save the son of that frail old woman who wrote to him-he would have laid the reeking corpse of Viet Nam on the table of the Security Council and demanded aid, not made the empty gesturing of a letter to U Thant. And he must learn that only if he too demands that kind of real effort towards peace can this na- tion and this world be saved. HOW HAS Mr. Johnson been a bad teacher that students and educators now must contradict him and so strongly? He has repeatedly glossed over past military mistakes, denied the dishonor of past "commitments" to American-made puppets, af- firmed the importance of empty "honor" to meaningful peace, mis- represented democracy with re- spectsto national revolutions, mis- represented the reality of the war in Viet Nam and denied the va- lidity of his critics, and lied to America about its true nature and ends. The New Teachers must point out past military mistakes-not to score academic points, but to in- form the John Doe who is unde- cided and trustful, that America's military chiefs are terribly dan- gerous and distrustful men; that they are not gods, do not possess "secret" information, and are as foolish and fallable and as com- mitted to their institutions and their prestige as anyone else. SANTAYANA said "those who forget the past are condemned to repeat its mistakes." The New Teachers must stress the horren- dous consequences of mistakes, of error in the coming months. They must expose the empty and dangerous words "honor" and "commitment" for the tools they are and prove how they have been used to manipulate America. Un- less these value-laden words are grounded in the concreta of the past, they are meaningless. Mr. Johnson has grounded them, but his critics must pound home again and again, that their grounding is in sand. WHAT WAS the "commitment" of Eisenhower but a deal with Dulles to pacify his hate for the word Communism? And who was that commitment made with but a brute, Diem? Certainly Diem brought order (the great god of the bourgeoise)-Mussolini made the trains run on time-but he neglected and denied the reality of his people's suffering. He ignored it because he was an aristocrat by nature and train- ing and our support simply en- abled his authoritarian threats to harden into dictatorial terrorism. And our commitment was to others who followed. HAVE WE NOT seen again and again that "commitment" means absolutely nothing in Viet Nam; nothing but the United States shaking hands with itself? Have we not seen demonstrated once and for all that the United States can topple any puppet it creates to bring "order," crush any "neu- tral" who thinks more about his country and its people than any abstract doctrine of democracy? We have, in short, committed ourselves to ourselves and to the deaths of thousands of Americans and Vietnamese alike. Mr Johnson helped to warp the lesson of democracy. To people about the world, democracy has become a dirty word, a label for American economic take-over sup- ported by its military. THE NEW TEACHERS must teach democracy as it is, a system of government responsible to people before things, concerned with people before things, a prob- lem-oriented grid for experience. Mr. Johnson has never shown democracy in action in Viet Nam because it is incompatible with the desires of the puppets we install. one cannot speak for land re- form, for self-determination, for freedom -to speak and criticize, when one owns a great deal of land or a great business. AMERICANS pride themselves on being pragmatic. They ask to see something function, they dis- trust things that shine but do not "work." The New Teachers must re- phrase Shakespeare's Falstaff "What is honor can it set an arm?" Mr. Johnson's words about national honor are to be dis- trusted and discounted. To date and for the future, they will bring nothing but horror and more horror. The most "honorable" thing to do would be ending the horror, now-then our "honor" would have meaning. FINALLY, Mr. Johnson's lessons about rebuilding and reform must be given concrete being. The New Teachers must ask: How can we hope to rebuild a country we have utterly destroyed, whose children we have turned to beggers, whose women we have made prostitutes, whose youth we have forced to fight a war they no longer believe in? John Doe wonders about his role as a fighting man in Viet Nam. He knows the Vietnamese-- North and South-hate the Ameri- cans. He knows the government in Saigon to be a farce. Yet his doubts must not be allowed to be in vain. IT IS NOT ENOUGH -to teach the truth. It is not enough to expose the bungling, the self- interest, the self-perpetuating lies. The New Teachers must go be- yond, they must offer and then make the American public de- mand, meaningful solutions now. They must teach a peace that will work. It is not simply a new lesson in linguistics. Mr. Johnson has given too many of these. And America is far too close to the edge to quibble about words. The New Teachers must instill a demand for peace now, they must teach peace as an absolute necessity now. Their lesson must be so strong, so convincing, so right, that the American people will no longer accept Mr. Johnson's words and false tears, but demand ac- tion, demand line-drawing. MR. JOHNSON seems to have done some of it already. Although our puppet-Ky-shouts about freeing the North, Mr. Johnson: defines our position as a holding action. One can almost hear the mili- tary groan, holding the' reins so tightly. If there is no other way, if the military complex and the State Department will concede no further, the people must insist, at the very least, on a line. Whether it is the line of the false division-the 17th Parallel- or a line in space-no further bombing in the North, the line must be drawn in fact. IT IS GOING to be immensely difficult to teach these lessons. The New Teachers are and will continue to face the rankest of smears. War-fever must be part of hu- man nature, but they must not let it go unchallenged. They must teach that the time for war and wars is past, that the very weap- ons of our' security demand the end of any war. They must con- front and destroy War-Fever. And they must remind their critics that peace is a value in this age that transcends national and ethnic boundaries. FROM THE SMEARS of "Com- munist," "draft-dodger," "coward," their critics will move to the subtle. They will question the right of a sociologist to deny a general; of a historian to deny an official of the State Depart- ment. This too must be confronted and destroyed. The New Teachers must agree that first, data, information, conversation, can be collected by anyone. And second they must say that truth is never absolute, that the second task-the inter- pretation of data-is nothing less than the democratic right of any man who thinks seriously and widely. For in truth, there is no more United States. China, Russia, France. In truth, there is only a tiny green globe that is the pro- perty of all men. THE NEW TEACHERS will not assume a savior-role of "expert." But they will commit themselves to the establishment of peace in the concrete. A sign hangs over the lone building which survived: one of our atomic bombs in Japan. It say, "This error will not be re- peated." The New Teachers will not let it be repeated, for words, for promises, for no shining, glittering ideal or principle. They will not compromise the future of their children. 0 A 4 SURVIVAL IS IN THE BALANCE: Can the U.S. GlobalRampage Be Stopped? By BERTRAND RUSSELL In The Minority of One THE WORLD is confronted with a great danger, the danger of subjection to the United States. This danger has been growing for some years, but it is now coming out into the open. President Johnson has announc- ed that his government will not tolerate a new Communist gov- ernment anywhere on the surface of the globe, and he has shown that he counts anybody a Com- munist who opposes any part of United States policy. This policy will lead to disaster if it succeeds, and to still greater disaster if it is tried and fails. LET US DEAL first with the latest and most flagrant of U.S. misdeeds, namely, the interven- tion in Santo Domingo. The history of this island, ever since it became free from Spain, has been changeable, but we need not go back further than the col- lapse of Trujillo, who was mur- dered in 1961. He was a corrupt tyrant with whom the U.S. gov- ernment easily preserved amity. After his death, the policy of the new authority was to establish a democratic government by popu- lar election. The leader of this policy was Juan Bosch, -a mod- erate liberal. IN THE general election which occurred in December, 1962 he ob- tained a large majority, but was ousted from power by a coup in September, 1963. Johnson (but not Kennedy) recognized the gov- ernment which came into power after Bosch's defeat. This government, like all the other opponents of Bosch, favored a corrupt dictatorship completely subservient to the United States. There was a revolt against it and in favor of Bosch in April, 1965, and it is to suppress this revolt that U.S. troops have been sent to Santo Domingo. THE ARGUMENT used in favor of sending U.S. troops is that the U.S. will not tolerate, in the West- ern hemisphere, any government whose principles it dislikes. Nominally, the U.S. favors de- mocratically elected governments, but, in fact, as in the case of Bosch, it objects to them because they favor economic independ- ence. The present U.S. enmity to the followers of Bosch, who is still admired by a large majority in the Dominican Republic, is due to the fact that the U.S. govern- ment objects to economic inde- pendence of any portion of Latin America. THIS CANNOT, of course, be avowed, and, therefore, various pretexts have to be invented to account for the presence of U.S. troops. They were sent, we were told, to safeguard aliens in Santo Do- mingo apd to ensure their safe evacuation. The number of aliens thus res- cued in the first few days was 4,067, and to effect this rescue 19,363 U.S. troops were thought necessary. THE PLAIN FACT is that the U.S. government is determined that the governments of all Latin American countries should be mili- tary tyrannies guided by the eco- nomic interests of U.S. business. Any .objection to this policy is labeled "Communist." Cuba, for the moment, has to be permitted to exist, but the U.S. government has made it clear that it awaits only a favorable moment to re- store a subservient government on that island. Meanwhile, the U.S. has hoped to use its Organization of Ameri- can States to put a gloss of in- ternational cooperation on its ac- tion in the Dominican Republic. But Article 17 of the OAS Treaty states categorically that the ter- ritory of a state "may not be .the object, even temporarily, of mili- tary occupation . . . by another state, directly or indirectly, under any grounds whatsoever." IN THE Dominican Republic, the United States, assuming its moral right to control the West- ern hemisphere, has acted to pre- serve its sphere of influence. In Viet Nam; the U.S. is waging a massive war on the boundaries of China. China, because it is a Communist country, is not per- mitted to have a sphere of in-. fluence-that would be aggression. There is one law for the United States and another for the -rest of the world. Both laws are made in Washington. WHEN THE Vietnamese finally overthrew their French colonial masters in 1954, settlement was achieved at Geneva. The terms of the agreement made there were entirely admir- able. Viet Nam was to be neutral and independent. All foreign troops and bases were to be ex- cluded. The country, temporarily di- vided, was to be reunited and re- main neutral, and the Vietnamese were to be permitted free elections for the first time. ALTHOUGH these agreements had the full support of the Viet- namese, the Chinese, the Russians, the French and many others, the U.S. refused to sign them. Dulles, laboring under the de- lusion that neutralism was im- moral, set out to systematically destroy the Geneva agreements. He quickly created the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEA- TO) to consolidate the U.S. sphere of influence in that area, and without a shred of justification in- tervened in Viet Nam. It was the U.S. alone that pre- vented free elections in Viet Nam, and it has continued to prevent them to this day. Elections are only permitted if the results are favorable to the U.S. government; and, as President Eisenhower rec- ognized at the time, at least 80 per cent of the votes would have gone to the nationalhero, Ho Chi Minh. FROM THAT TIME the U.S. became more and more deeply involved in the affairs of South Viet Nam until it was clear to the whole world that it was directing and financing a full-scale war of atrocity against the people, whose only crime was that they desired independence, free elections, and no military alliance with any na- tion, east or west. Washington's argument was simple, if fallacious. We hold, it declared, that the Vietnamese hate Communism. Therefore we shall murder some of them to make their hatred of Communism more evident. Consequently, they will love us. Viet Nam became a proving ground for every new weapon. Napalm was showered down from the skies to roast people alive. Chemical weapons, called "de- foliants," were used extensively on scores of villages. Peasants had their heads blown off by new bullets or their bodies chopped up by steel splinters. Eight million Vietnamese were herded into concentration camps called "strategic hamlets" and a further half million were con- scripted to keep down American casualties. This army, in the name of the Free World, managed to disembowel 3,000 of their fellow countrymen by cutting out their livers while they were alive. WHEN IT BECAME apparent to the U.S. that even two million dollars a day could buy enough friends, and the war in the South was being lost, the bombing in the north was started. North Viet Nam appears un- likely to give way in the face of this naked aggression. It is highly probable, therefore, that unless the U.S. changes its policy China will be drawn in. China has un- dertaken to protect North Viet Nam if necessary, and the U.S. is ready to bomb China if neces- sary. Further, the Soviet Union has undertaken to go to war in defense of China, if China is at- tacked by the U.S. It follows that the persistence of America in its present 'policy leads to World War III. WORLD WAR III, if not nu- clear, will lead to undecided guer- rilla warfare. How long America will be content with such warfare cannot be estimated. It may be a year, or five years, or ten years, but sooner or later, America will get tired of this un- decisive and will resort to nuclear weapons. This will mean the end of civilization, if not of man. For this reason it is of supreme importance that ways should be found of stopping America before it is too late. - 1; Q +. 4 }, ' .z V 4 ;t' 1 2. S a f- y, "i, f {5 ' vss. 0 'p 'ADULTS ARE INSECURE REBELS': What High Schoolers Think About Our War in Asia The major lines of United States Foreign Policy are simple and easily understandable. I am pretty certain the majority of high school seniors could de- scribe them accurately. -Secretary of State Dean Rusk Newsweek, May 17, 1965 By ROGER RAPOPORT T HE CURRENT WAR in Viet Nam has made many young are trying to vent their hostilities on their parents." ONE National Merit Scholarship winner at Mumford High School in Detroit was asked why he thought two drunken infantrymen climbed into B-57 jets at Da Nang and tried to go off and bomb Hanoi. "Well," she explained, "it ap- pears that adults are rebelling against the dual role society ex- graduates from respectable upper- middle class backgrounds." "WHAT THE ADULTS really want is attention," claims a boy from the Bronx High School of Science in New York. "They want to be noticed. You know they are so old and everything and they are tired of being ignored by the young people." "I mean you take that General Ky, the premier of South Viet bomb some insignificant coun- try that could not possibly repre- sent any threat to the peace and security of the nation?" The Scarsdale girl was asked what she thought of Dean Rusk's foreign policy. "DEAN RUSK'S Foreign Policy! Standing up for every two bit dictator who says he doesn't like Communists; that's no policy." "When you read about all this School in Michigan says, "The truth is that the adults are ac- tually in terror of the adult world. They feel inadequate to be a part of it." ACCORDING to a student from Shaker Heights High School in Ohio, "Adults have it so easy these days that there is no challenge, nothing to get excited about any more. So they have to channel their excess emotions somehow." 1