TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAIl V 0 1 .JR R A1 l' l PAGE THREE~J i Labor Confederation Starts General Strike; Administration Wins Union Shop Opener WASHINGTON (A)-Administration forces showed themselves in firm command yesterday as they opened their drive in Congress to wipe out state laws that forbid union shop contracts. The House voted to confine debate to the labor-backed union shop issue, repelling Republican efforts to open the way for labor law amendments to place new restrictions on unions. The House voted also to limit debate to five hours. Test Vote The key test vote came in taking up a bill to repeal section 14b of Greek Regime SENATE DEMOCRATIC LEADERS divided yesterday on the appointment of former Mississippi Gov. James P. Coleman to the 5th United States Circuit Court of Appeals. Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (right) joined his Republican colleague Everett Dirksen and supported Coleman, but Sen. Philip Hamt went along with seven other liberals in a futile effort to block the appoint- ment. Senate Confirms Coleman's Dsputed Judgeship 76-8 WASHINGTON MP)-The Senate confirmed yesterday President Lyndon B. Johnson's nomination of former Mississippi Gov. James P. Coleman to the 5th United States Circuit Court Court of Appeals. The vote was 76 to 8. Opposed by civil rights groups, Coleman, 51, testified at hearings on his nomination that he had no prejudice that would keep him from fully obeying Supreme Court decisions and acts of Congress in the " civil rights field. Just before the vote, Sens. Jacob K. Javits (R- NY), Wayne Morse (D-Ore) and A cross Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) urged the Senate to reject the nomina- tion. Cam pus But civil rights supporters like Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY) and Sen. Joseph D. Tydings (D- TUESDAY, JULY 27 Md) took the floor to announce Noon-Prof. William Gamson of they would vote for confirmation. the sociology department will dis- So did Democratic Leader Mike cuss "purposes of the University: Mansfield (D-Mont) and his Re- the University and International publican counterpart, Sen. Everett Politics at the Michigan Union as M. Dirksen (R-Ill). part of the Office of Religious The Senate Judiciary Commit- Affairs sponsored noon book dis- tee, after two days of hearings by a subcommittee, voted 13-2 last 1:30 p.m.-The Audio-Visual week to recommend confirmation. Education Center will show the Javits and Hart cast the opposi- film "The Kremlin: Its History tion votes. and Art" in the Multipurpose Rm. Javits said that Coleman, gov- of the UGLI. ernor of Mississippi from 1956 to 7:30 p.m.-Prof. Jerrold Katz 1960, had "crowed" when running of the Massachusetts Institute of for another term in 1963 about Technology will speak on "Re- how he had kept a Negro from cent Issues in Semantic Theory" being enrolled in the University in Rackham Aud. of Mississippi. Even at the Senate subcommit- WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 tee's hearings, Javits said, Cole- 1:20 p.m. - The Audio-Visual man showed no change in what Education Center will show "Day Javits called his ingrained seg- of the Painter," "Calder's Circus" regationist views. He said the for- and "Interview" in the Multipur- mer governor just stated that "he pose Rm. of the UGLI. believes he can be a fair judge." Tested Government Orders Men Back to Jobs Call Work Stoppage Ineffective in Athens ATHENS ()-The leftist Gen- eral Confederation of Labor be- gan a 24-hour general strike yes- terday in a crucial test of strength with the royal-backed government. The government of Premier George Athanasiadis Novas brand- ed the walkout an illegal move aimed at anarchy. It ordered workers in key public utilities to keep working or face prosecution. The order appeared to have dealt a crippling blow to the ef- fectiveness of the walkout in the Athens-Piraeus area. Electricity, gas, water and telecommunication services continued without inter- ruption after the strike's mid- night start. Armed Protection The government offered armed protection to any workers or es- tablishments that wanted to defy the strike., All private employers received permission to fire those who did not report for work. The employ- ers were told they could dismiss 'such workers for breach of con- tract without paying the usual compensation. Y Strike leaders termed their ac- Stion a warning to the government against any attempt at imposing dictatorship following the July 15 ouster of Premier George Papan- dreou in a dispute over politics in the armed services. Conscription Athanasiadis Novas first said that workers would not be forced to remain on their jobs. As the 'strike deadline approached, how- ever, the order went out for con- scription in key industries. Security forces were ordered to 'stand by in case of rioting. Another member of Papan- Sdreou's Center Union party, Ste- phanos Stephanopoulos, came for- ward and announced he would be rwilling to serve as a compromise tchoice for Premier if the majority of the Center Unin deputies "wants him. Throw Support Most party deputies appeared >ready to throw their support be- hind Stephanopoulos, who served tPapandreou as deputy premier, in ithe hope he could come up with ra 'coalition government to stave off disaster. Even the Labor Confederation, which had set the strike shortly tafter Papandreou was ousted, was easing him into the background. The strike originally shaped up as a pro-Papandreou demonstra- tion. the Taft-Hartley Act, under which; union shop contracts. Such con- tracts require all employes to join the union. Under federal law, they are legal in all states which do not specifically outlaw them. Democratic leaders and labor spokesmen viewed the 248-171 pre- liminary vote as a strong indica- tion that the House will easily pass the repeal bill today or to- morrow. Democrats In the key test, 236 Democrats and 12 Republicans made up the majority and 126 Republicans and 45 Democrats were in the minority. "This is one-man gag-rule," charged Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford (R-Mich) as he sought futilely to open the debate to other Taft-Hartley amendments. These included proposals to prohibit the use of union dues for political pur- poses, forbid racial discrimination by unions and allow an individual to refuse to join a union on re- ligious grounds. The repeal bill, organized labor's chief goal in this Congress, is backed by President Lyndon B. Johnson who received all-out sup- port from labor in his election landslide last year. New Rule House Education and Labor Committee Chairman Adam Clay- ton Powell (D-NY) brought up the repeal bill by invoking a new rule forcing it out of the rules committee after 21 days. Only once before in history, in 1949 on an anti-poll tax bill, had such a procedure been used. House Democratic Leader Carl Albert (D-Okla) insisted the rule to limit debate to the single issue of repealing section 14b is normal procedure. Unique Ford agreed, but said Powell's control of the bill and the rule under which it was brought up made it a unique situation that would prevent opponents from having their say. House Democratic leaders con- ceded privately they will probably not get as many votes on final action as they did in the impor- tant preliminary test vote, but predicted passage by 40 votes. The AFL-CIO, reacting cau- tiously to the preliminary vote, said there will be no official com- ment until final action. 19 states now have laws forbiddingI REP. CARL ALBERT Senate Passes Bill on Housing WASHINGTON (/P)-The Senate passed yesterday by voice vote the compromise $7.5 billion omnibus housing bill containing the new program of rent subsidies to aid low-income families. The omnibus measure, provid- ing new money and authorizations for the major government housing programs for the next four years, was sent to the House which is expected to clear it to President Lyndon B. Johnson today. The principal new authoriza- tion in the bill is the controversial rent subsidy plan which its spon- sors hope will bring 375,000 new partment units for needy, ill- housed families in the next four years. As finally agreed to by Congress, it is a revised version of the pro- posal submitted by Johnson. The program in the bill will benefit only those eligible for pub- lic housing. Congressional spon- sors describe it as a less expensive alternate to public housing. DA NANG AMBUSH: MainsFo SAIGON ()-A group of Unit- pla ed States Marines smashed a Viet Phu Cong band that attempted to am- ed J bush them in the Da Nang area they yesterday and came out of the but skirmish without a single casual- effe ty, a U.S. spokesman announced. T The spokesman said the Ma- pect rines, evading the trap on patrol, let killed two, wounded one and cap- Am tured six of the guerrillas. ang] The action near Da Nang, an air center 380 miles northeast of Saigon, was one of a series of ground and air operations esti- mated to have left 78 Viet Cong dead. Most of this total, however, lacked confirmation by body count. Harassment Guerrillas had stepped up their harassment activities around Sai- gon over the weekend. The spokesman said the guerrillas ini- tiated six actions within 25 miles of the capital, including a mortar barrage against one government outpost. The spokesman said U.S. and Vietnamese planes flew more than 200 sorties against suspected Communist installations in the south in a 24-hour period of Sun- day and Monday. A sortie is the mission of a single plane. Air Squadrons Newsmen were told: -Air squadrons closely support- ed a government search-and-de- stroy operation about 30 miles south of Da Nang in Quang Tin province. Twenty-six Viet Cong were reported killed. -A forward artillery observer estimated 35 guerrillas died un- der an attack seven miles east of the Bien Hoa air base, itself 12 fa miles northeast of Saigon. a -A raid on a Viet Cong en- ac campment in the Mekong Delta - 80 miles southwest of Saigon left EL 15 guerrillas presumed dead. Maintain Attacks U.S. Navy and Air Force squad- rons maintained attacks on North Viet Nam in weather so cloudy as at times to preclude any assess- ment of the results. Targets rang- ed from the Dong Hoi barracks area, 35 miles north of the bor- der, to military installations at Edv Dien Bien Phu, 185 miles west- ri northwest of Hanoi. U.S. spokesmen said all the raid- ers returned. Radio Peking broad- nac cast a Hanoi dispatch declaring exc two were shot down. for Among raids in which specific damage was reported was a strike as by 10 Navy Skyhawks against the com Quang Soul barracks, about 80 the miles south of Hanoi. The pilots ther said they destroyed six buildings, com damaged four and set of several of t secondary explosions.secr Dien Bien Phui Twenty-one U.S. Air Force V the a co Cm j b a l l o _ lect vote WASHINGTON-President Lyn- over don B. Johnson has asked Under- M secretary of State George W. Ball are to look into the circumstances Hea which caused the Firestone Tire on t and Rubber Co. to drop plans to build a synthetic rubber plant for P Romania. 20 v Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark) lant had charged Sunday that Fire- Ifa stone called off the negotiations will because of "unusual competitive si pressures" and a "nuisance boy- F., cott campaign by an extremist po- pap litical organization" which he but identified as Young Americans for Hea Freedom. boo * * * ,mor MINNEAPOLIS - Govs. George T Romney of Michigan and Nelson Hea Rockefeller of New York joined in hav denouncing conservative splinter er, activity in the Republican Party. 10 I The two GOP leaders spoke out T1 at the National Governors Confer- ing ence which met here yesterday. ima it Viet Cong Attack *1 world News Roi By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind), chairman of a Senate judiciary subcommittee on constitutional amendments, yes- terday reiterated his willingness to support an amendment that would require both houses of a state leg- -1 .... ...1Ma1V:" .... ********** ..... . . JS. " 11:.:: . l"".":111T...":""" : :. :?? : ;. 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Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General. Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. ORGANIZATION NOTICES TUESDAY, JULY 27 Day Calendar Conference on Aging-"Aging and Mental Health": Rackham Lecture Hall, 9 a.m. Office of Religious Affairs Book Dis- cussion-William Gamson, Dept. of So- ciology, "Purposes of the University: The University and International Poli- tics": Michigan Union, 12 m. Audio-Visual Education Center Film Preview-"The Kremlin: Its History and Art": Multipurpose Room, Under- graduate Library, 1:30 p.m. Linguistic Institute Forum Lecture - Jerrold Katz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Recent Issues in Se- mantic Theory": Rackham Lecture Hall, 7:30 p.m. General Notices Lecture: Dean Allen Weller, College of Fine and Applied Art, University of Illinois, will speak on "Contemporary American Painting and Sculpture," 2 p.m., Wed., July 28, Architecture Aud. He will be showing slides from the Illi- nois Biennial Show. Doctoral Examination for Kyung Mo Huh, Economics; thesis: "The Devel- opment and Prospects of Japan's Trade in Asia," Tues., July 27, 1 Economics Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, R. M. Stern. Student I.D. Cards: Any new summer term students who plan to continue in the fall term and, did not receive a stu- dent I.D. card should make applica- tion for a card at Window A of the Registrar's Office. Any students who lost their cards or need a new one be- cause of name change should also make application at Window A. It is strongly recommended all cards be secured prior to the end of the summer term. A stu- dent I.D. card is required of all reg- istrants for the regular term. . Regents 'Meeting: Sept. 24. Communi- cations for consideration at this meet- ing must be in the President's hands no later than Sept. 10. Placement POSITION OPENINGS: Bureau of Governmental Research, New Orleans, La.-Research Associate, PhD or adv. grad work. Res. in metro. govtl in area of public finance & sta- tistical analysis. Also Research Analyst. MA plus adv. study. Knowledge of acctg. & statistics. Res. methodology desirable. State of Michigan-Various openings including 1. Elect. Engr. BS EE plus 1 yr. exper. or equiv. comb, trng. & exper. 2. Labor standards inspector. Degree, 1-2 yrs. exper. 3. Employment Test Tech. Degree, bkgd. in psych. testing, personnel mgmt., statistics or rel. plus 2 yrs. exper. Application dead- line Aug. 9. Mgmt. Consultants, Grand Rapids, Mich.-Jr. Exec. for industrial firm. BBA( major in mktg. pref. Some mgmt. trng. desirable. Supv. exper, helpful. Approximate age 30, married. Saginaw Malleable Iron Plant, Sagi naw, Mich.-Immed. openings for re- cent grads including 1. Prod. Supv., any degree. 2. Prod. Engr., ME or eMtal. 3. Plant Engr. IE, ME or EE. 4. Mainten- ance Supv. ME or EE. No exper. req. Industrial Relations Ctr., Univ. of Chicago-Research Associate. PhD or near in mgmt. or soc. scienses. Immed. opening in program admin. & dev. work. Work with mgmt. trng. & organization improvement. For further information, please call 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB. TEACHER PLACEMENT: Ecorse High School, Ecorse, Mich. - Has industrial arts positions open for fall-Welding, Machine Shop, Print- ing and Commercial Foods. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, Educ. Div., 3200 SAB, 764-7462. islature to be apportioned on a basis of substantial equality of population before a non-popula- tion plan could be submitted to the people for approval. But his proposal already has been rejected by Republican Lead- er Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill), chief sponsor of a constitutional amendment to let the people of each state decide whether one house of their legislature should be apportioned on factors other than population. NEW ORLEANS - A federal judge ordered the Justice Depart- ment yesterday to bring into court for possible contempt action two Bogalusa police officers whom he saw in films of racial turmoil. * * * JAKARTA, Indonesia - Newly appointed United States Ambassa- dor Marshall Green was greeted here yesterday by an anti-Ameri- can demonstration. WASHINGTON - Arthur J. Goldberg took office yesterday as United States ambassador to the United Nations, dedicating him- self to a quest to move "inch by agonizing inch" toward world peace. DIAL SHOWS AT 1:00 662-6264 3:00-5:00-7:00 & Use of This Column for Announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- tions only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. * * * B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, July 29, Hillel presents Prof. Arthur G. Han- sen and Dr. Eric R. Krystall in a dia- logue, "Tuskegee: The Deep South Speaks with Michigan" at 7:30 p.m., 1429 Hill St. * * * Michigan Christian Fellowship, Reg- ular meeting, topic: "Christ and Com- munism," speaker: Dr. Charles Miller, prof. of history, Calvin College, July 27, 7:30 p.m., Room 3D, Michigan Union. THE NEW Entum" Ox CARPENTER ROAD ENDS TONIGHT "THE ART OF LOVE" AND "WILD SEED" I DIAL 8-6416 ENDS TONIGHT Highest Rating - AYDahl" DAYS ". (PURLIE VICTORIOUS) I I TODAY 4th Luncheon Book Discussion 12:00 Noon-Michigan Union-Room 101-2-3 Topic: "PURPOSES OF THE UNIVERSITY: THE UNIVERSITY AND INTERNATIONAL POLITICS" STARTING TOMORROW Now the screen blazes with the story based on the blistering best-seller! JOSEPH E.. LEVIN E ".f MOM^ "RAWK DR. DR. ERIC R. KRYSTALL, of Center for Conflict Resolution, newly appointed Director, Social Science Research Project at Tuskegee II