'U' SHOULD ASK MORE MONEY See Editorial Page Yl r e Ink i zrn 4IaitA CLOUDY Ilight--81 Lour-60 Little change in temperature; light winds Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 55-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1965 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES I I I 4) p MEETING'S AFTERMATH: May Name Work on'U' Audit Begins Griffiths to f By JOHN MEREDITH Officials fromatheslegislative auditor's office are visiting Ann Arbor this week to select portions of the University financial sys- tem for a more concentrated study at a later date'. The auditors' visit follows a meeting last Saturday at which University officials discussed state support for higher education ana the University's recent tuition in- crease with several Lansing legis- lators. Leading participants said after the meeting that it helped clear up misunderstandings between the University and the Legislature and was a step toward improving fu- ture communications. Participants The meeting was attended by the Regents, top University ad- ministrators, members of the House Committee on Colleges and Universities, representatives of the State Board of Education and members of the subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Com- mittee which instigated the com- ing examination of the Universi- ty's finances. University President H a r 1 a n Hatcher noted that the meeting was the first such gathering re- quested by a legislative group- a fact which he called encourag- ing-because of concern that stu- dent fees are too high. In response to the legislators' request for an explanation of the recent fee hike, University offi- cials presented a verbal ration- ale, supplemented by charts and graphs, to demonstrate the need for the additional $1.7 million in revenue which will be brought in by the higher tuition rates. Procedure While most of the legislators seemed relatively satisfied that the fee hike probably was justi- fied, several conflicts emerged over procedural issues. Taking note of these, Rep. Mar- vin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) called attention to the need for defin- ing the roles of the Legislature, the State Board and the Regents in determining such matters as tuition rates. In this line, both Reps. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit) and Homer Ar- nett (R-Kalamazoo) objected to the fact that the House Ways and Means Committee was not in- formed of the possibility of rais- ing student fees when it was con- sidering the University's appropri- ation a month ago. Faxon pointed out that, in attempting to evalu- ate the University's need in re- lationship to its expected reve- nue, knowledge of plans to in- crease revenue through higher tuition would have been a valuable asset. Past Practice However, President Hatcher re- plied that "in the past we have always made our decision after legislative appropriations have been determined," and that the University needs a definite state support figure so that it can de- termine if more revenue is nec- essary to meet expenditures in the coming year. Rep. George F. Montgomery (D- Detroit) questioned President Hatcher about why, if the Uni- versity was short of funds, it did not appear before the Ways and Means Committee to explain that AWAIT RECOMMENDA T the $51.2 million appropriation, then passed only by the Senate, would be inadequate. President Hatcher replied that some members of the House group had attended the earlier Senate hearings at which the University presented its case ,and that at that time Ways and Means Com- mittee Chairman Einar Earlandsen (D-Escanaba) had informed Uni- versity officials that they need not repeat their presentation for the House. Esch noted that a procedural problem within the Legislature affected was partly responsible for confusion on this point. He said that, customarily, members of one house often attend the other's hearings on an appropriations issue, but that this year there' apparently was some confusion. Viet Policy: Talks G Ot WASHINGTON (W) - President Lyndon B. Johnson met again yesterday with his top advisers on Viet Nam and made plans to con- fer with Republican and Demo- cratic leaders before deciding how to reshape the United States role in the war. White House Press Secretary Bill D. Moyers said Johnson's con- sultations with the congressional leaders could come today or Wednesday. That would be about a week since the President began his lengthy series of White House discussions. There was no indication when Johnson might be ready to an- nounce any final conclusions. The major question is how much more manpower and material the U.S. must pour into the fighting and maintain for backup strength. Johnson met with his advisers for three hours yesterday and Moyers said he asked afterward for more information to supple- ment reports he received over the weekend, some of them dealing with manpower and equipment needs. Moyers said the group discussed "v a r i o u s diplomatic initiatives that this government has taken in the past month and examined in some detail the proposal made by the President in San Francisco. In that statement, he called upon the United Nations to use its in- fluence to "bring to the table those who seem determined to make war." Moyers said Johnson "considers that to be a bold and far reach- ing proposal, which the group discussed in relation to Ambassa- dor Arthur J. Goldberg assuming his duties at the UN. 'IONS: MARIO SAVIO Savio .aled In Berkele y 1 Court Action BERKELEY, Calif. (P) - Mario Savio, former leader of the Uni- versity of California Free Speech Movement, was sentenced yester- day to two concurrent 120-day jail terms. The sentence was handed down by Municipal Judge Rupert Crit- tenden after Savio refused a total of 90 days in jail with two years probation. Savio said he preferred to serve 120 days in jail on charges of tres- passing and resisting arrest rather than accept probation terms that would have prohibited him from participating in any unlawful demonstrations during probation. Bride Sentenced Savio's bride, the former Suz- anne Goldberg, also turned down probation and took concurrent 45- sday sentences for trespassing and resisting arrest. "All the sentences were too harsh," Savio said after his sen- tencing. "Revolution is a positive duty when power is in the hands of the morally and intellectually bankrupt. "I welcomed the chance to re- ject probation because probation imposes orders on how men should act," Savio said. Others Others of the 773 arrested were sentenced by Crittenden, includ- ing Matthew Hallinan, who got 30 days total on the two counts. He is a son of San Francisco law- yer Vincent Hallinan, once Pro- gressive Party vice presidential candidate. Before passing sentences yester- day, Crittenden told defense at- *torneys he would hand stiffer terms to anyone refusing proba- tion. Crittenden found X55 of the de- fendants guilty June 23 after a 10-week trial without jury. Evi- dence in that trial was used by the judge to convict others until the total found guilty reached 653. Tuesday Session He sentenced 91 last Tuesday, but broke off the session after some turned down probation. Most were given 10-day suspended jail sentences, $150 fines and one year probation' Court Post Special To The Daily WASHINGTON-President Lyn- don B. Johnson will seriously con- sider appointing Rep. Martha W. Griffiths (D-Mich) to the Su- preme Court post .recently vacated by Arthur L. Goldberg, two sep- arate and reliable sources here re- ported yesterday. Rep. Billie Farnum (D-Mich) yesterday sent a letter to John- son recommending Mrs. Griffith's appointment. The reasons for ser- iously considerating her are these, the sources reported: -She is a woman. President Johnson is said to be seeking an- other "out of the way" choice, a choice as unlikely as was that of Goldberg himself for the post of permanent ambassador to the UN. If Mrs. Griffiths were appointed, she would be the first female Supreme Court justice in history. -The previous favorite for the nomination, Johnson's close friend and associate, Abe Fortas, is now considered out of the running. Talking to reporters recently, Johnson indicated that the ap- pointment would not go to those mentioned most prominently in the press. He mentioned no names. Fortas' name, however, had been the only one prominently discuss- ed up to that point.' -Mrs. Griffiths has a long rec- ord in the Congress and previous experience as a recorder and judge. She received her law degree from the University Law School, and was a member of the state Legislature from 1949-52. She served as recorder and Judge of Recorder's Court in Detroit in 1953. In 1954 she was elected to the 84th Congress from Detroit's 17th District and has served there since. She currently has assign- ments to the powerful House Ways and Means Committee and the Joint Economic Committee of Con- gress. In addition, Mrs. Griffiths and her. family has 'a long history- and considerable support - in Michigan Democratic politics. Her husband, Hicks C. Griffiths, was the law partner of G. Mennen Williams before he became gov- ernor in 1948. She and her husband, along with August Scholle, Neil Staebler and Williams were at the core of the movement after World War II which is considered to have brought the Michigan Democratic Party into its recent prominence. The coming appointment to the Supreme Court will be the third since President Dwight D. Eisen- hower left office in 1961. The first two were those of Goldberg and Byron R. White, both of whom were appointed by President John F. Kennedy. Goldberg was appointed to the UN post to replace Adlai E. Stev- enson, who died July 14 in Lon- don. He had served in his post since 1961, when he was appointed by President Kennedy. Goldberg was quite reluctant to take the post, referring to his three years on the Supreme Court as the "three best years" of his life. The name of Fortas was the only one prominently mentioned as a possibility for the nomina- tion before Mrs. Griffiths name came up. Some have speculated that Johnson could appoint Sen. Richard Russell (D-Ga) to the post, but most feel that the ap- pointment of the conservative Russell would be politically too dangerous. 'U'Academ1c V-P Leaves October 1 Cites 'Challenge' of New Job as Key In Choice; Others Note Conflict Here By KENNETH WINTER University Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns will leave the University Oct. 1 to become chancellor of the University of California's Berkeley campus. Heyns, in announcing his decision yesterday, said it "turned out to be one of the most difficult tasks of my career. "I have many regrets about leaving this wonderful institu- tion," Heyns said. "The expressions of support from the en- tire University community have -been deeply moving and will be a source of pride to me all my life. With all those who | || know the situation, I share confidence in the future of the ROGER W. HEYNS, vice-president for academic affairs, has University." accepted the post of chancellor of the Berkeley campus of the 'Imposing Challenge' University of California. Heyns will begin his duties Oct. 1. He stressed the "imposing chal- lenge" of the Berkeley job as the ' COURIER' : major determinant in his choice. Some faculty observers here, how- ever, have said privately, that iipsome of Heyns' upper-administra- tion colleagues have been cool to- ward him recently - especially ' Co ers outh rn I suessince the California offer became Sknown-and that these conflicts may have played a role in the ydecision. Both Heyns and Univer- By MICHAEL BADAMO sity President Harlan Hatcher de- The Southern Courier is designed as the only unbiased news- dined to comment on this issue. paper which deals with civil rights in any way in the entire South, California President Clark Kerr according to its founder, Peter Cummings. called Heyns "distinguished and The paper, which is a weekly tabloid, prints news which is solely able" and lauded especially his about civil rights in the South. It is not connected with any one of aptitude for good "personal rela- the numerous civil rights groups but it maintains close ties with all tins with students and faculty. the major organizations, Cummings said. trations whiched upnthdemon- It was formed at the beginning of the summer starting off with pus last winter, Kerr said Heyns over $30,000 in contributions mostly from Northern liberals. Home is "not a disciplinarian pure and ____ ----{#>offices are in Atlanta, Ga., with simple. He will not rule with a with reporters scattered through- heavy hand." out Alabama. Successor? Alabama Focus The question of Heyns' succes- Because Alabama has become sor in the academic vice-presi- the major focus for the civil rights dency here is presently wide open. H opei s movement the Courier has con- Observers see no obvious heir. centrated most of its correspond- Hatcher said last night "we will ends in that state in such cities as be wrestling with that soon," but GENEVA (M)-William C. Foster, Birmingham, Selma, M o b i le, would say nothing about how, head of the United States Arms Montgomery and Bogalusa, The when or by whom the position Control and Disarmament Agen- Courier also has a mobile unit will be filled. (The formal vice- cy, said last night he was dis- called the "mad car" which moves presidential appointment proced- appointed with the Sovietatti- from hot spot to hot spot and gen- ure involves presidential recom- tude on the eve of the 17-nation erally remains outside Alabama. mendation and regental approval. disarmament conference. He added M ft There is no official provision for that it "did not appear to encour- Many of the Courier staff mem- faculty or student participation, age the progress we hope for." bers were formerly on the staff of facultysomte nstpriationte the Harvard Crimson, and Editor though some consultation often The chief of the U.S. delega- Michael Lottman is presently on takes place. ) tion told newsmen on arrival from leave of absence from the Chicago Confidence was widely voiced Paris that despite remarks made Daily News. that, as Dean William Haber of C.... . .. .. .. .1,. _ .^ .. . _ . _ _ _ .__LL.. 1 t..... ...« ...71..... .... :1 414 . " PROF. JAMES MORGAN City Council Postpones Reading High-Rise Limits By DAVID DUBOFF Ann Arbor City Council decided at its regular meeting last night to postpone first reading of high rise apartment limitation recom- mendations until after informal public hearings are held. Presented to the Council last week by the Joint Committee on Central Business District High Rise Development and Parking, the recommendations propose an 18-story limit on buildings, create new restricted zoning districts, and require off-street parking facilities for high rise apartments. Solutions to specific problems will be discussed at a meeting to- night of the City Planning Commission, which is studying the recom- mendations, representatives of the Commission told the Council. The Council agreed that the primary question was why certain value judgments were made by the committee, such as the location of new zones and the 18-story lim- itation on buildings. Mayor Wendell Hulcher raised the question of the University's position on height limitation. It was agreed that a letter be sent inviting the University to partici- pate in the informal meeting. Sunday by chief Soviet negotia- tor Semyon K. Tsarapkin the U.S. will press for agreement. Tsarapkin said there is no hope of agreement on a treaty to halt the spread of nuclear weapons so long as the West insists on build- ing up a multilateral nuclear force -including West Germany. Foster said the U.S. will not be making any new proposals. "We have made a number of general proposals in the past and we invariably develop them fur- ther when we come to Geneva," he said. Tsarapkin said the Soviet Un- ion would not be bringing any, new proposals before the confer- ence. Asked if the Viet Nam war, and particularly the latest incident when a U.S. bomber was shot down apparently b ya Russian- made ground-to-air missile would affect the talks, Foster replied: "It certainly didn't help any." He avoided saying whether the U.S. is fully behind a British pro- posal involving a draft treaty to halt the spread of nuclear weap- ons' Ranging in age from 19 to 24, the staff of the Courier are most- ly northern studentsror recently graduated students from various colleges and universities from the East. The present staff of 18 will be expanded as the paper grows. Circulation The circulation of the Courier is around 19,000 and is distributed almost entirely in Alabama. Ex- cept for a small number of elite Southern liberals the Alabama readership is almost entirely Negro. In order to attract a larger white readership and in response to some critics, the Courier will in the future present a changed format and slant which will in- clude a wider audience. Cummings, originator of the Courier and an associate editor, summed up the goals of the paper: "The purpose is to put out an accurate and informative paper." He went on to say that publica- tion would continue on a year round basis and that there was news in abundance suitable for publication. He noted that a num- ber of presently enrolled students would be returning to school in the fall and leave the paper short handed. The Courier is presently attempting to attract other people interested in the civil rights move- ment and with some knowledge of journalism to write for the paper. Cummings said that reaction from white Southerners was "sur- prisingly favorable." Nasser.Denies Bomb T Tlrotit the literary college put it, "the University has ample resources and personnel to fill the position." Lavish Praise Reaction to Heyns' decision in- cluded lavish praise for his work here and regret that he will leave. "We are keenly disappointed," Regent Eugene B. Power declared. "He has filled a very major posi- tion in the University and filled it with distinction. In our loss, Cali- fornia gains, and perhaps their need is the greater." President Hatcher declared: "I congratulate the University of Cal- ifornia on being able to woo such a distinguished person. Roger Heyns is one of Michigan's finest products-and we're sorry to have to export him." 'Deep Regret' Haber expressed "deep regret at this decision, which was highly personal and which we sought to influence unsuccessfully." Haber, one of the first of many faculty spokesmen to call for a concerted effort to keep Heyns here, added that "I think every sort of effort that was necessary was brought to bear." Faculty support for Heyns last week led to various proposals that he be given greater authority and! or promoted to some newly creat- ed position between the President and the other vice-presidents. But President Hatcher said Friday that Heyns wanted no such reorganiza- tion to take place in his behalf. Indications Friday night that the Regents themselves might ini- tiate a last-minute move proved groundless; a Friday night dinner at Regent Power's home, attended by Heyns and two other regents,I was "just a social gathering and a# mI-. ,-.nn -,+ ,~n rpla "TnTv~c nz G ain . - State Stands To Receive $20 Million By BARBARA SEYFRIED Two factors will determine whether the state of Michigan will benefit from a higher education bill now being considered in Con- gress. If the bill is passed, Michigan stands to receive $20 million in higher education funds. However, if the bill is not passed, the state will receive the $10 million it cur- rently receives. The first factor is whether the bill passes the House and Senate intact. Intact According to John McKevitt, assistant to the vice-president in charge of business and finance, the second factor is whether the Congress appropriates the amount of money which the bill calls for. The bill only sets a ceiling on how much money can be appropriated, it does not appropriate the funds themselves, he explained. The bill which provides finan- cial aid to students and to colleges, will have an indirect effect on the University as far as aid for construction goes, McKevitt ex- plained. The bill, aimed mainly at help- ing programs already in operation is slanted toward helping colleges still developing, he said. While the direct impact of the bill, McKevitt explained, will be in providing the University with funds for library training pro- grams, extension service and con- tinuing education program, bene- fits will accrue to the student needing financial aid. Financial Aid According to Walter Rea, direc- tor of financial aids, the bill will provide a source of funds upon which the University may draw for student aid. He added, however, that unless fast action is taken, the bill would not have any effect on finances for the 1965-66 'year. He viewed the bill as an example ::. I I